[ES!] Midori Takamine – Management Story
With Chiaki
Location: Entrance
Sigh… I thought I’d have today off since there are no unit activities, but now I found out that there’s club practice instead…
I could tolerate it if this was planned beforehand, but being told about it only now makes it so much worse…
I don’t even feel like doing anything… What do I do… Should I just take the day off…?
Hold it, Takamine! You shouldn’t skip! I overheard what you said just now, and as your club captain I’m obliged to advise you to do otherwise!
Urghh… The most bothersome guy just had to hear me talking to myself… This is so depressing, I wanna die…
If you have no motivation, then you just need to find some! I’ll do whatever it takes to pump motivation back into you!
Don’t just blabber anything out of your mouth… If I could just “find some,” then I wouldn’t be suffering this much…
There’s plenty of ways to feel motivated, y’know? Like, getting yourself hyped up with adrenaline…
Adrenaline…? How would I go about doing that…?
One way would be to put yourself in a life-threatening situation, but we can’t conduct anything dangerous, so…
An easier, faster way would be to work out! And so, without further ado, let’s head to the gym and play basketball!
…? I can’t keep up with you… Aren’t you just saying something extremely dumb…?
Ahh, I can’t take it anymore… Everything is such a damn pain… Can someone please talk some sense into this guy…
With Kanata
Casual suicide and drowning mention.
Location: Fountain
I’m so depressed… I wanna die… I’m depressed enough to try and drown myself in this fountain…
puka, puka…♪ oh, midori…? hello~ have you also come to [bathe]?
Woah— Something came out the water…! Um, Shinkai-senpai? What’re you doing in there?
fufufu, i am [bathing], of course~ it feels so [nice] to be soaked in water…♪
Uhh, okay… It’s too weird for me to actually understand, though.
Um, I shouldn’t be interrupting you, so… I’m gonna leave…
wait a moment, midori. you are my [one] hundredth [guest], so.
as [celebration], i would like to give you this [macropinna] plush [toy]~♪
Gwah!? Please don’t shove something in my face out of nowhere… I was this close to actually suffocating to death…
And what do you mean by one hundredth…? Were there that many depressed people like me…?
i am sorry. i have only been counting the people who have come to the fountain while i am [bathing]… i do not know if they were [depressed].
never mind that. here you go~ please give them lots of love…♪
Eh, I guess I’ll take it… Hm? Wait, this looks similar to my favorite mascot character…
Thank you, Shinkai-senpai! I’m feeling so much better now!
With Hajime
Location: Shopping District
Sigh… Welcome…
Hehe, Takamine-kun, hello~♪
Ah, Shino-kun… You came to shop here again…♪
Yes~! Your home’s vegetables are very delicious. But I feel a bit bad that you sell them so cheap for me.
Don't worry, the ones out of shape have lost value, that’s all.
We can’t really sell them anymore, so you’re actually helping us out a lot…
Oh no no, it’s fine. They’re still just as delicious. Hehe, my family really enjoyed the tomatoes you gave me the other day, too~♪ They said they were sweet and tasty~
Ah, we have some nice stuff for sale today, too… Also, as thanks for being our regular customer, I’ll give you some cucumbers as extra, okay…?
Waaah, are you sure that’s okay? Thank you very much! This is such a lifesaver~♪
Hehe… Please come again to Takamine’s Greengrocer…♪
With Tetora
Location: Gym
Sigh… Playing basketball is so depressing, I wanna die…
Midori-kun, do it properly! C’mon, you’ve got the ball now, so take the shot!
Ehhh… I’m too far from the goal to do that…
But it’s also a pain to try and dribble past everyone until I’m closer… I’m just gonna pass it to you, so you do the rest…
Like I just said! Do it properly! All we’ve been doing so far is passing the ball back and forth to each other; it’s not real practice!
Mrrm… I’ve been kinda wondering for a while, but… Do you dislike basketball?
I don’t dislike it, but I don’t love it, either…
Why do I have to play basketball in my club and during class, too… Sigh… I wanna die…
Jeez, you gotta stop saying that all the time!
But, to be fair, if you aren’t interested in something, you’re not gonna like it no matter how much you do it, so… Let’s do some passing drills over there, instead.
Huh? You sure…? I’d honestly rather just huddle myself deep into a corner, though…?
Yeah, uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Try to hold on 'til class is over and practice with me a li'l, please.
Ahaha…… You look like the one who’s trying to hold on, though… You probably wanted to practice together with everyone, huh…
Thank you. I get to take it easy now, so… you’re really helping me out…♪
With Shinobu
Location: Library
(Phew… It's so relaxing in the library…)
(It's so quiet in here, it makes me feel at peace… I just love how I can sit here and do nothing but stare into space…♪)
Oh, Midori-kun? Are you here to borrow a book, too?
Woah, Sengoku-kun…? Sorry, I was so out of it that I didn't notice you came in here.
Yeah, I felt like borrowing a book to kill time… 'Cause I way prefer reading at home than moving my body…♪
Me too~! I'm an indoor ninja, after all~♪
What genres do you usually read, Midori-kun?
I don't have any specific one I like… I tend to read books I feel like I could relate to, I guess…?
What about you, Sengoku-kun…?
I'm fascinated by animal biology, so I plan to borrow a book all about frogs~♪
Ahh, you did mention that you own pet frogs…
Mmm… Frog-themed mascots are cute, but I don't think I'd vibe with the real thing…
I could see the small ones being cute, but there's no way I can handle the big ones… I'd be too terrified to touch them…
Hehe, it simply takes time getting used to~! You'll find that the bigger ones are just as cute~♪
Look at this photo, Midori-kun! These two here are Momocchi and Thunder~♪ Aren't they adorable?
Huh? Um, I guess…?
I'll show you pictures of my favorite mascots, too. I know for a fact that you'll feel soothed by how adorable they are…♪
With Yuta
Location: Hallway
Oh? Midori-kun! You sound like you're in a good mood~ Did something nice happen to you?
Mm…? Aoi-kun…? Mhm, the transfer student made me a mascot…♪
Mascot…? Ahh, the one on your bag?
Huh… So you like this kind of stuff?
Mhm… Looking at mascots soothes my soul… But most of all, they give me a reason to live…♪
I don't really get what you mean by the latter, but I can see how they can be soothing. I feel at ease just looking at it.
Hm… Would the transfer student make me one too if I asked?
Yeah, I'm sure she'd gladly make you one…
She's told me that it's the perfect way to practice her sewing, and that I could request new ones anytime…
Ah—If you ever ask her to make you one, could you show it to me, too…?
All her hand-made mascots are super cute, so I'd love to look at them for comfort…♪
Ahaha, sure. It's pretty rare to see you so eager to talk, Midori-kun!
That just shows how much you love mascots~ Mhm, mhm! It sure is wonderful to have things you love~♪
True… I always get back my will to live whenever I see mascots, no matter how depressed I get…
So maybe it really is nice to have something you love…♪
Midori's Other Management Story Appearances
With Tetora | With Hinata | With Shinobu | With Subaru | With Mao | With Chiaki |
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