[ES!] Tetora Nagumo – Management Story


With Midori

Location: Near the Gym

Midori-kun, sorry to ask this outta nowhere, but… I'm Ryusei Black, right?

Huh…? W-What even…? Wow, that really is out of nowhere…

Well, I was thinking… I'm Ryusei Black, so my outfits are black, too, right?

So I was like, why not I make my belt black, too?

"Belt"…? Do you mean your karate belt? I dunno how that works, but aren't only incredible people allowed to wear one…?

And that someone has to have cleared an insane trial… Like, taking a beating from strong waterfalls deep in the mountains, or defeating the Four Heavenly Kings… right…?

Where the heck did you get that idea from? You just pass the promotion exam to become a black-belt.

Thing is, though, it's not easy beating it. I've gotta train harder and harder…

Wait, how could I forget— That's exactly what fires you up about it! Sorry 'bout what I said earlier! I shouldn't have made it sound so easy!

Huh? Why're you apologizing to me…? Actually, why'd you even talk to me about it…?

OOOHHH!! This Nagumo Tetora's gonna do his absolute best~! ☆ It may take some time, but I'll be a black-belt before I get as old as Taishou, you'll see~!

W-Why's he suddenly getting fired up… Um, Nagumo-kun? I'm gonna head over to my club, 'kay…?