[ES!!] The Promise To Train
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Tetora wants to train before the Ryuseitai meeting starts, only to find Kanata in the meeting room too…
This story is connected to the card [Intertwined Spare Time] Tetora Nagumo.
Story Release Date: October 25, 2023
Season: Autumn
Location: Meeting Room

—Wait, I’m the only one here, so there’s no point in greetings… I arrived way earlier than our appointed meeting time.
hello, tetora. you are very [early] today, aren’t you?
Woah!? You were here, Shinkai-senpai!? You came out from under the desk all of a sudden and surprised me!
fufufu, i am sorry. i also arrived here too early, so i had a lot of [free time] to spare.
it is the same for tetora, yes? you are here [one hour] earlier than the meeting time.
is there something you wanted to do?
Nah, it’s nothing special.
I was just thinking of using this spare time to train a li’l.
What ‘bout you, Shinkai-senpai? Why’d you show up so early? If you’ve got too much time to spare, I feel like you could’ve come much later instead.
i had work to do at the [aquarium] since the morning. i finished it early, so that is why i arrived here early as well.
considering how long it takes to come from the [aquarium] to this [building], i thought i would actually be late instead.
Ohh, so that’s why. So you had work to do at the aquarium? What did you have to do?
I’m guessing it’s feeding the fish and cleaning the water tanks?
no, the other [staff] members do that. though, i would like to do it, too.
but if i were to do those tasks, i would end up becoming the fishies’ [food].
H-Huhh!? What do you mean by that!?
the [water tanks] are very [deep], after all~… i cannot swim, so i would simply drown and become one with the [seaweeds].
seaweed, seaweed…♪ they are the sour and tasty fruits of the sea, yes~?
H-Hah… I guess? Um…? How’d this conversation suddenly become ‘bout seaweed?
tetora, do you dislike seaweed?
No, I don’t dislike it or anythin’… It’s just, uh—…
(Woah, it’s been a while since I’ve been alone with Shinkai-senpai, so I almost forgot… Talking with him always feels like we’re on two different pages.)
(We work together a lot in Ryuseitai, but we’re not really left alone together all that often.)
(Whenever it’s time to meet up, the five of us gather pretty quickly, so I don’t actually end up being alone with him for that long…)
that aside, tetora… weren’t you going to [train]? if you do not hurry, it will be [time] for the meeting.
Huh? Ahh, ‘course I will! I was still thinking ‘bout what sorta training to do, that’s all.
fufu, i am also [interested] to know what sort of [training] tetora will do.
what sort of [training] do you usually do?
Hm~… Well, I usually go to the gym and do bench presses, or work out on the treadmill~
Whenever I can’t go to the gym, I go for a long run outside, or do Zen meditation for spiritual growth.
oh~ you work so hard, tetora. that is truly wonderful, great job~♪
Erm, please don’t pat my head all of a sudden. I’d rather you do that sorta thing to Shinobu-kun.
Plus, this kinda stuff ain’t really worthy of praise; it’s just part of my daily routine — to the point that I don’t feel comfortable unless I do it.
hmph… he ran away. i wanted to do “good boy, good boy” to [tetora]… oh well.
okay then, how about i [train] with you instead, tetora~♪
Eh? You wanna train together, Shinkai-senpai? You keep bringing up things outta nowhere, huh?
the truth is, there is a certain kind of [training] i have been wanting to try for a long time now.
Oh? I didn’t know you’re interested in training your body, Shinkai-senpai. It’s kinda surprising.
i would like to [improve] myself as a [hero] in ryuseitai as well, you see.
Makes sense. So what’s the training you wanna try? I might be able to help you.
fufu, that sounds wonderful. i would love to do [waterfall meditation] with tetora~♪
Ahh, I see… Waterfall meditation, hm? …Huh?
W-Waterfall meditation…!?
yes. you can [train] while also [soaking] in [water]. it is exactly what we call [two birds with one stone].
No, no! Waterfall meditation isn’t that simple, y’know!?
souma did it just fine, so that means we would be fine as well~1
Kanzaki-senpai already did it before!?
…I guess it’s not too hard to imagine Kanzaki-senpai doing harsh training like waterfall meditation or secluding himself in the mountains…
But if we’re gonna do waterfall meditation, where on earth would we even do it? There’s no way we could go right this second and seclude ourselves in a mountain…
there is no need to go to a [mountain]; we could simply do it in the school’s [fountain], yes?
we can splish, splash, and puka, puka. because it always has such lovely water flowing through it~♪
Well, I’ll give ya one thing; sitting under the fountain’s water jets without a care for how the students look at us would prolly help build our mental strength… But I also feel like we’d lose somethin’ very crucial.
…? i have not lost anything, though?
I’m pretty sure that’s only how you feel, Shinkai-senpai. If I were to do it, I’d just look suspicious to everyone.
…so tetora does not want to do [waterfall meditation] after all…?
Uu… Please don’t get disheartened all of a sudden…
I never said I didn’t wanna do it. Waterfall meditation is a pretty honorable training of its own.
It’s just that doin’ it right now, when the weather is this close to being winter-levels, would just lead us to catching a cold, so I’d really rather we don’t.
you are right about that… i do not want you to catch a [cold], either.
since this is not the right [weather] for it, i suppose we cannot do anything about it~ i will give up the idea for now.
but if it were in [spring] or [summer] instead, would you want to do [waterfall meditation] with me?
‘Course, I’d love to! Training under huge waterfalls is exactly the image of a man amongst men!
then let’s invite the rest of ryuseitai with us, and do [waterfall meditation] together. it is a [promise], tetora.
Ossu! I’m lookin’ forward to it!
fufu, i am so excited for the day when we all gather at the school [fountain] again~♪
…Huh? Don’t tell me you’ve already decided that we’ll do it in the water fountain…!?
Tetora Feature Scout Stories
Translation Notes
- ↑ Referring to Repayment Festival.