School Festival 4 – Prologue
Location: Dojo

Ossu! Nagumo Tetora, comin' in!
(Ooh, he hasn't noticed me at all. I think he's concentrating on something — maybe I should let him be for now…)
…Hm? Oh — it's you, Tetsu. Sorry 'bout that. How long have you been here?
Ahaha, only a second. You’ve got awesome concentration skills, Taishou~!
Nah… I'm just so outta it that I didn't realize you were here.
Uumyu… Is there something bothering you again?
Mm… It's more like I'm worried 'bout something.
Akatsuki's gonna help the Drama Club during the school festival, right? But I didn't expect we’d be helpin' them as actors.
I was just readin' through the script, and—
Uu~ I'm so sorry, Taishou!
…? Why're you apologizing?
I'm the one who suggested you to help the Drama Club… and now my idea’s backfired on you!
I'm really, really sorry for putting stress on you!
Don't keep apologizin’. This is my own problem. I'm thankful for your suggestion… It's savin’ our butts right now.
Now that we’re doin’ it, I wanna get it right, but I've never acted before. If it were somethin’ like a delinquent role, though… I could've done it without even needing to “act” it out.
Oohh… You’d be super duper cool as a delinquent! I wanna see that~!
Oh yeah, I heard that you used to be a rebel in the past. Is that true?
Hm? Yeah, in the past… Anyways, Tetsu. Did you guys decide on what to do for the festival?
Ossu! We went for a food stall!
We're still not sure how exactly we'll do one… But Taichou told us to meet up in the AV room tomorrow, so I guess we'll be deciding on it then.
That so? I'll come by the stall if I've got the time.
Oh yes, please do! You're always welcome~!
I also wanna see you performing! I'll totally find the time to see you!
I'm glad, but I'd rather you didn't. I don't wanna disappoint you with bad acting.
I'd never be disappointed with any version of you~
Haha, thanks.
Hrm… A food stall, huh… Maybe it'd be too much on top of that…
Hmm? What's too much?
See, apparently there's not enough people to patrol the school during the festival.
I kinda overheard Hasumi talking 'bout it… I thought I could help out a little, but — I'll be too busy with the performance, so I doubt I'll have any time to patrol.
That’s when I thought maybe you guys could help out instead.
Ryuseitai's 'bout being allies of justice, so a duty to maintain public order would suit you all perfectly, yeah?
But, well… This isn't your problem to deal with. Hopefully they'll find people for the job, so forget what I just said.
No, no! I'll ask Taichou in the meeting tomorrow!
We may find the time to patrol while we do our food stall… Also, I wanna make it happen since it's a favor to you!
Thanks, Tetsu. Yeah, could you ask Morisawa 'bout it?
Will do! And if he says it’s impossible, then I'll do whatever it takes to make him say it isn't! Even if I gotta get on my knees and beg!
Mmm… I know it's dumb to say this right after asking for a favor, but you don't gotta if you really can't, alright?
Right then, time to start practice. You came here for that too, right?
You sure you're all good for the performance act?
Yeah, they haven't even decided on the roles, so… It's only gonna stiffen me up more if I keep reading the script. I'm starting to feel like movin' my body, anyway.
Wooo! I'm so happy! 'Kay, I'll go change my clothes then! ☆