School Festival 4 – Chapter 1–6
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: AV Room

The next day — After school…
Alright, glad to see you’re all here!
It’s time to discuss our thoughts for the school festival! Don’t hold back! Tell me any and all of your opinions…! ☆
Oh, you’re allowing opinions…? Then I say we don’t join the festival…
Well done, Takamine! Glad to hear your opinion first!
But I’ve already handed in the papers to the Student Council! We’re going to do a food truck, no matter what!
Huh? Not a food stall?
Yeah, there were way more food stalls than I thought. What do you guys want for the food? C’mon, c’mon~ Let me hear all your thoughts…♪
Ehhh… So you’re just gonna ignore my thought…
You’re the one who was like, “When it comes to festivals, you think food stalls!”, then decided on everything on your own… and now we’re all gonna be dragged into it… How about you think about how we feel…
My bad! I’ll make sure to do things after I’ve talked to you guys about it, so forgive me this once!
puka, puka…♪ what is important is the [present], not the [past]. chiaki has learned his [lesson], so let it flow away with the [water]~
chiaki, i would like [fish] for the truck. sashimiii…♪
Sashimi, huh… Hmm, raw food is probably a no for food safety reasons. Though I could ask the Student Council about it…
Taichou, Taichou! If raw food’s out, then we could just grill all'a it! Leave the grilling to me!!
Sorry to ruin your excitement, but absolutely not. We’ll only have a fire on our hands if you start grilling. You should never, ever deal with fire, okay? Promise me that…!
You’re exaggerating~ Right, guys?
Weeell… After seeing Taichou-dono like that, it’s a little hard to comment……
Ermm, Taichou-dono. Our options will go down if we take grilling off the list.
Um, first off. Can any of you even cook?
I-I have not done it much, but I shall do my best!
i am very [good] at preparing [fish]~♪
I haven’t cooked much, either! But it’s okay! We can do it if we practice! ☆
Ahhh, dammit! So you really didn’t think this through…!
Morisawa-senpai, let’s at least drop the food truck idea… It’ll only be a disaster like this…
Don’t give up, Takamine! We just need it to be food we can make, right? Right, right! Our options have gone down by a lot!
Hmm, how 'bout cotton candy? We wouldn’t need to use fire, and we can make it without knowing how to cook, right?
Oh, cotton candy!? That’s a great idea! Alright, let’s do that! ☆
Heheh, it’s a staple to do cotton candy for a stall~ Ah, but we’re doing a food truck instead, so maybe we should’ve gone for somethin’ more fancy?
I’m fine with this. With cotton candy, we could ask for bags with our faces printed on them, and advertise our unit!
Don’t… I’ll tear every bag apart if you do that…
Don’t glare at me like that, you’re scaring me!
Alright, so now that we’ve settled on cotton candy… Our customers might starting feeling thirsty after something so sweet, so maybe we could sell juice, too.
Ahh, I would be glad to have that~ I am in complete agreement. ♪
i am also fine with it~ make sure to have [mineral water] in the menu…♪
Alright, then we’ll do cotton candy and juice. Heheh, I’m feeling more excited now that we’ve cleared up the details~♪
Um, Taichou? Do you have a sec?
Taishou asked me 'bout something… If we have time for it, could we also do some patrolling around school?
You were asked, too? Mikejima-san told me the same thing.
It’s a favor to him, so… If they’re in a fix, I think we should help them out.
Oh, really? Then I can tell Taishou the good news~!
If we’re also going to do patrolling, then we’ll need to assign roles. Let’s discuss how we’ll do that next…♪
Chapter 2
Ermm, we have five people, so… Are we splitting up into a team with three people, and the other one with two?
Yeah. Oh, we may as well get people to know our unit while we patrol! Yeah, let’s do that!
If any of you come up with an idea, then tell us all about it…!
You’re dragging us into something annoying again… Who cares about that… Can’t we just patrol normally…
You should care! There are all kinds of visitors coming — We can’t let this perfect chance slide!
For example… Hmm, we could wear a happi1 with “Ryuseitai” and our names written on it, or carry around signboards… How about it? It’ll attract attention for sure!
Please don’t say stupid stuff like that… People from my neighborhood are gonna come to the festival — I’ll lose all will to live if they see me like that…
Ermm… I thought it was a good idea, though…
Taichou-dono, Taichou-dono! How about doing some sort of skit in the midst of our patrol work?
Something like us saving someone surrounded by delinquents.
I saw a scene like that in the tokusatsu show you told me to watch, so it got stuck in my head.
Oh, that’s a great idea! You’re a good boy for doing your tokusatsu research!! (pat pat pat) ♪
Wawa— Please don’t pat my head~!
It’ll make us stand out either way… Nothing’s changed…
A skit… Then how 'bout we do a hero show after?
Oohh!! What a bold idea! I like it! Yeah, we should do a hero show! Let me pat you too, Nagumo…☆
Ughh, no thanks. And don’t hug me, either.
but a [hero show] would require setting up a [stage], wouldn’t it?
Yep. We probably won’t be able to get the usual stage, but we could turn the staircase by the school building into a simple stage.
We’ll advertise our hero show while we patrol. Mhm, this way we can make ourselves known!
Ughhh… Now it got worse…
Now, now! We become stronger with every hardship! That’s what being a hero’s all about…! ☆
We’re idols, not heroes… Wait no, being an idol is annoying too… Ughhh, everything about this is a big no… I just wanna die…
You can’t die! Good things will happen to you if you live on. For me, meeting everyone is one of those good things~♪
You’re so bright that I can’t look directly at you…
We need to decide on the roles for the skit, then. We’ll put aside the hero role for now — Who’ll be the delinquent, and who’ll be the victim?
The delinquent role is the bad guy here, so I’ll do it if no one wants it.
Umm… Could I do it?
What’s wrong, Nagumo!? Aren’t you always saying how you want to become a man among men!?
Why would you want to be a delinquent…!?
Nah, there’s no real reason to it, it’s just… I thought it’d be kinda fun.
O-oh… Well, I’m glad to know you’re interested…
And anyway, it’s not like I suddenly lost sight of my “man among men” dream~
Chapter 3
Alright. I thought we'd have the most trouble with this, but we've quickly settled the delinquent role, so what's left are the heroes and the victim!
We'll decide the heroes last. Who'll be the victim? Anyone here wants to do it?
Standing out is a bit too embarrassing for me, so…
mm… so no one wants to do it… how about i [take] it?
yaaay! mr. [delinquent] is here~♪ would you like to eat [fish]?
[irritation] comes from [calcium deficiency], you see. you should eat lots of [fish]~♪
T-There is no sense of danger… I cannot comprehend why you are recommending him fish.
Then how about if Morisawa-senpai does it…? Though that has its own problems…
Hmm, he would simply try to deal with the danger by himself… We need someone similar to a frail girl, or something…
Girl…? So like, the transfer student…?
Yes, I suppose so. Though I do not know if she is “frail”…
Wh— Ow ow ow!?
Huh!? Transfer student-dono? W-When did you come behind me…? Please stop poking my head like that~!
A-Are you angry at me? I give, I give! Please forgive me~!
Sniff… I suffered such misfortune…
Though… Transfer student-dono, do you have something to do here?
Oh, so you were walking by the AV room when you heard a lot of noise, and came in to check what was going on? Mhm, I see! You came at the perfect moment!
You see, we’re planning this and that for the school festival, and have also decided to do a hero show.
We were just discussing how we’d like you to do the victim role for us.
Akehoshi has told me about it, so I’m already aware that you’re busy preparing Trickstar’s programme for the festival, but… If you could just help us a tinsy bit, then…
Hm? “Yes, I’d like to help if you need it”? Thank you, transfer student!
We’ve got ourselves someone for the victim role! It’s time for the role everyone’s been waiting for — The heroes! Heheh, I’m excited to see who’ll get to be this one~♪
Location: At the Fountain

A few days later — After school…
Midori-kuuun! Over here, c’mon~!
Shinkai-senpai said it’s okay to practice near the fountain, so we’re goin’ all out today~!
Uhh, the fountain isn’t his domain or anything, so I don't think his approval even matters…?
I know, but… He’s always bathing in it, so I thought I should get his permission first.
Why does he do that, anyway? The first time I saw him doing it, I thought he was someone suspicious. I was this close to reporting him to someone.
Ughh… Don’t ask me… Why not ask him instead…
I did, but it got me nowhere… He really is a mysterious one, huh?
Well, whatever, it’s time we start practicing. Transfer student-san isn’t here yet, so you do both the victim and hero role for now!
Don’t just ask me for the impossible… Also, you called her over too…?
Ossu, I did! I asked her if she wanted to join us when I saw her on my way here, and she said yes!
So we may end up doing it together if she finishes her work in time!
Heheh! I’m so grateful that you’re also joining practice, Midori-kun~♪
I didn't have anything to do at home… And being bored means I’ll end up thinking about pointless things, which would only depress me… so I thought I should do something to help me relax, that’s all…
Ughhh… Why do I gotta do the hero role…
I’m sooooo depressed… I wanna dieeeeeeee…
You’re getting depressed either way…
You won in rock paper scissors, that’s why. Can’t do anything 'bout that.
Taichou totally looked like he wanted to do it, but he still said, “I lost, so of course I’d give the role to you!”
He didn’t back down from his words, even when you told him you didn’t want it… Kept saying it’s the winner’s right to have the role… It’s kinda surprising that he’d be stubborn 'bout these things.
Hm, since you and Shinkai-senpai got the role… Maybe I should’ve asked him to join practice, too.
How about we don’t practice at all…? You’re really into this for some reason, but… It’s kiiinda weird…
I mean, have you ever been this serious about this sort of stuff before…?
Um— Well! My role’s the delinquent, yeah? So I’m not used to it! I gotta pump myself up~!
Hmm… Eh, whatever… Maybe you can work hard for both of us, since I’ve got zero motivation for this…
Ah— Transfer student-san! Midori-kun, she’s here!
Transfer student-san…♪ I’m so glad you’re here… Nagumo-kun pushed on me two roles at once, so I was this close to running away…
'Kay then! It’s time to get ourselves pumped~!
Chapter 4

Yo, yo. Lady, why don’t ya come over with me a li’l?
Huh? “Where are we going”? Uhh… To the school store, I guess?
Oh, you will? Alright then, let’s go~! ♪
Umm… There’s no opportunity for the hero to show up…
Hm, actually, that’s just perfect…♪
And they all lived happily ever after~♪
…Wait! No, no! What’s the point of a hero show when there’s no hero!?
You too, transfer student-san! You gotta start doin’ the scene where you shake me off, y’know!?
Ehhh… You're the one who went along with what she said…
I-I just, y’know, accidentally got pulled in… Look, it doesn’t matter! We’re starting over again!
Yo, yo. Lady, why don’t ya come over with me a li’l?
Whaaa—!? W-Why’re you grabbing my hand!? Please stop! I dunno how to deal with physical contact with girls~!
Huh? Ahh, this is supposed to be a forceful scene where I grab your arm, but since I didn’t do that, you did it yourself…?
Uuu… I’m so pathetic. I know I gotta be shameless with this, but I can’t do it! I’m too embarrassed~!
Maybe I gotta forget the part where you’re a girl… But, but… you are one, so…
Ughh… Nothing’s making sense to me anymore. Which only means one thing— Midori-kun, you gotta show me how it’s done!
Uh, I dunno what the heck you mean by that…
Well, y’see~ You’ve got a pretty intimidating aura even when you’re just standing still with a blank look.
So you should try saying the delinquent line, too! You’ll totally be just like one!
Ahh, but you’re super handsome, so… I think a girl would gladly follow you instead…?
I’m not made for this, though… I’m too timid… And you’re not timid yourself, but you don’t really feel delinquent-ish, Nagumo-kun…
It’s just an act, anyway… I don’t think we need to be that serious about it…
No way, I can’t just do this casually! I won’t become a man among men like that!
Umm… Was this part of your “man among men” training or something…?
Midori-kun? What’s wrong, why’re you trembling…?
Umm, there’s someone scary coming over here… S-Sorry, Nagumo-kun, but I just remembered I have something to do… Bye!
Huh!? Midori-kun!? Um, he just dashed away…?
Yo, Tetsu. Nice seein’ you here too, li’l miss.
Ah! Taishou~! You came at the right moment! There’s somethin’ I wanna ask you~!
Oh? That came outta nowhere… But sure, why not. I wanna pay back the favor, so ask me anything.
Huh!? Pay me back!? I don’t remember doing anything for you, though…?
You took the patrolling job, didn’t ya? Hasumi’s also really grateful.
No, no, there’s no need for that…! Taichou got the same request from Mikejima-senpai — that’s why it was accepted so easily!
Doesn’t matter, we’re still really thankful. Thanks, Tetsu.
T-Taishou… I’m so happy! Just hearing you say that gets me pumped up to work harder at my delinquent role~!
Delinquent role…? Oh yeah, what were you two doing together?
Oh y’see, we’re gonna do a skit in the middle of our patrolling. I was practicing for it just now!
Um, Taishou! What do I gotta do to become a cool delinquent!?
A cool delinquent…? I don’t get it, but… I really can’t advise you on anything 'bout acting.
My bad… I said you could ask me anything, but I still failed to help you out.
There’s never a time you’ve done that! And anyway, I should be learning the ways of a cool delinquent, not asking, right?
I’ll work really hard, and learn as much as I can to become a cool delinquent! So, Taishou! Please look forward to seeing it…! ☆
What’s up, li’l miss? They’ve decided on my role for the Cinderella play?
Are you serious!? Who’re you gonna be…!?
The Second Prince…? Was there even someone like that in Cinderella…?
Oh, right, you did mention there’d be added roles… You must’ve been talking 'bout this one.
But me, as a prince…? You’re not messin’ around with me, right?
Taishou as a prince, huh~ You’re super cool, so you’ll be able to perfect the prince role~!
I told you already, I’ve never acted before… Oh well, what’s done is done. I’ll do the role.
Tetsu, li’l miss. I’ve got practice to do with the Drama Club members, so I’ll be off.
We’ve both gotten roles we’re not used to, but let’s work as best as we can, yeah?
Chapter 5
Location: Running Grounds

Day of the school festival…
Ah— Taichou-dono! Good morning~♪
Ehehe, I thought I was the first one to arrive, but you always come much earlier!
Yep! This is the school festival we’ve all been waiting for, so I woke up as early as I could!
Oh? You two’re here already, huh? Oh well, good morning! ☆
Good morning! …Hm? Nagumo, you came over with Takamine, huh?
Ahh, I met him on the way here, so we came together.
good mooorning~…♪
K-Kanata!? You always arrive on the last minute, and sometimes you’re completely late — Yet you came really early today, huh!?
huh? was i? hmm~ i thought i would not make it on time, so i hurried over here…
That isn’t a problem at all! Anyhow, we’re all here now, so let’s head over to the food truck.
Woohoo~! Can’t wait~♪ This is my first time getting in one, so I’m really excited!
Now then, the truck’s this way. Everyone, follow me…☆
Location: Running Grounds (Food Truck)

You guys are looking great!
No no, wait… You suddenly told us to wear this so we did, but… when did you even get these?
We’re going to help patrol around the school festival, right? So we got these outfits as reward. And we even have outfits for our truck!
Oooh. So you didn’t ask Taishou for the outfits this time, right?
Yeah, he’s busy with a bunch of stuff, after all. I couldn’t bear to ask him.
Same with the transfer student… I was really unsure of what to do at first, so this really saved us!

(sniff, sniff)… i smell [fish]~♪ excuse me while i go buy some~♪
Wait, wait! Don’t go off on your own until breaktime, please!

Midori-kun~? You’ve been quiet this whole time. It’s pretty scary when you’re quiet and not doing your usual “I’m so depressed, I wanna die” thing, y’know?
Ah no, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get away from all this…
Ahh dammit, I wish this school festival didn’t even exist…!!
Midori-kun, Midori-kun! We’re getting customers soon enough, so you can’t show that kind of face, okay~?
Everyone would just run away!
Yeah, looks like we got a few customers while we were busy changing. Sengoku, Nagumo and I will patrol around the area, so I’ll leave the food truck tending to Kanata and Takamine.
Right, and we’re off! We’ll protect Yumenosaki Academy’s peace…♪
(Ughhh, they all left… And now I’m all alone with Shinkai-senpai…)
(Mmm… I don’t get anything he does…)
(He’s been humming some “splish-splash yip-yay~♪” song, so I seriously don’t have a single clue about what he’s thinking…)
(I’m already not that great at communication, and now you’re telling me to tend a stall with a weird senior? That’s just too much for me…)
Huh? Ahh, are you a customer…? Um, welcome…
Shinkai-senpai, I’ll make the cotton candy, so… You should prepare the orange juice…
here you go~ nice, cold [water]~♪
You’re confusing the customer… Let’s change spots, Shinkai-senpai…
fufufu, [white] cotton [candy] is pretty, isn’t it~? but i like [blue] the most. it is the color of the [ocean], after all~♪
here you go~ a bright [blue] cotton [candy], just like the [ocean]~♪
Shinkai-senpai, quit ignoring the orders…
Huh? This cotton candy is prettier…? Uh… Well, if you say so… Umm, thank you very much…
(W-we managed to do it somehow… But are we really going to be okay like this…?)
Sigh… I wanna go home…
midori~ i see you are [sighing]. please take a look at this child, and [cheer] up.
Huh? What’s this?
It looks so cute and strangely mascot character-like…♪
it is a stuffed toy of a [scotoplanes]~ i could give it to you if you like it.
A-Are you sure…? It’s so cute — Isn’t it precious to you?
ufufu. you say that, but you are hugging it tightly, you know~…♪
There’s no way I wouldn’t hug this…☆ Ahh, it’s so soothing…♪
Thank you, Shinkai-senpai. You really are kind—!?
(H-He’s gone! Whaa— Where did he go…? What do I do, what do I do…! A customer’s here…!!)
W-Welcome… Cotton candy and melon juice, right…?
And that customer wants cotton candy and grape juice… Huh? Apple juice, too…?
(I-I can’t…! There’s no way I can do this on my own…!)
(S-Shinkai-senpai, come back…! Ahhh jeez, it doesn’t even have to be him—Someone just come here~!)
Chapter 6
Location: Garden Terrace

Garden Terrace, all clear. I shall proceed onwards to the next area!
(Ehehe, we received walkie-talkies from the Student Council — it makes everything feel so much more professional~♪)
(It’s much better for me to patrol alone rather than with everyone else, as I excel at collecting intelligence. I’m glad I suggested the idea to Taichou-dono!)
(Fufufu~ This is how I will show my true abilities~♪)
(Ah! That looks like transfer student-dono! Alright! Time to say hello~♪)

Yoohoo yoohoo, transfer student-chan! What’s up~? Why’re you here?
I’m currently trying to pull in customers to our cafe, see.
Hm? Then I should go to a place where people are around, instead of being here?
Well y’see~ That area’s been left for doggie, so~
I purposely stepped away from that area, and now I got to meet you… I’m so lucky~♪
(Hmm, someone did it before I could. That person is acting strangely friendly with her…)
(It feels as if transfer student-dono is not sure what to do with him, either. Should I go in there and help her?)
Hey, hey, transfer student-chan. You remember our promise, right?
Mhm mhm, I’m glad to hear that~ I’ll make sure to escort you to the cafe, so look forward to it, ‘kay? ♪
(Ahh—! She is not one to show any emotion, and yet she is making a perplexed face right now…!)
(I-I must save her! But but, I feel anxious doing it alone~! I-I shall contact the others for the time being!)
Ow—!? That was such a soft way to say it, but you genuinely went and chopped me hard, Kanata-kun…!!
ufufu, [naughty children must] be punished~ you should not trouble [transfer student]-san, okay?
“Naughty children”? I’m your age, y’know~? And I’m not doing that, anyway.
We were just having a nice chat. Right, transfer student-chan?
hmm. she is clearly saying otherwise, though?
Whaa~? Sorry, sorry. I wasn’t trying to do that, really.
Ah, and now you’re hiding behind Kanata-kun…
I won’t pester you anymore, so come on over to my side~ Come on~♪
ahaha… she is shaking her head and completely [refusing]. it seems you are hated.
Wha— No, I’m not! Why’d you go and say something I’ve been worrying about, huh!?
you were worried about that? i am sorry, i did not notice.
It’s fine, I guess. Anyway, why’re you here? Didn’t you say you guys were doing a food truck?
Ahh, but you also said something about patrolling, right? What a load of work that must be~ If it were me, I’d have skipped it to go and flirt with girls.
you really love [girls], don’t you, kaoru. but that still does not mean you should flirt with [girls] that clearly do not like it.
Alright, alright. All I gotta do is not bother transfer student-chan anymore, right?
ufufu, let me praise you. good boy, good boy…♪
kaoru, i think i [need] to leave for now.
i left my spot to [rehydrate], but that also means i left midori alone to [tend] the truck.
Guess I’ll leave too, then~ I’ve also left most of the work to Sakuma-san, so~. We may be having our cafe indoors, but it’s noon right now, so it must be rough on him.
Transfer student-chan, see you later~ I await your return, my princess~♪
now then, it is time i head back to midori.
U-Uuuu~ Transfer student-dono~…
huh? shinobu? since when were you here~?
I was here this whole time…
I noticed transfer student-dono was feeling awkward around that person, but I was too anxious to do anything…
It went alright thanks to you, Shinkai-dono, but… I deeply apologize for failing to save you, transfer student-dono!
Y-You forgive me? Ehehe, you are truly kind~♪
Shinkai-dono, I shall return with you. It’s probably time for us to switch places, anyway.
it is that [time] already~? transfer student-san, we will be off now.
please do enjoy the [school festival]. puka, puka…♪