School Festival 4 – Chapter 7–11
Chapter Index
Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9 - Ch 10 - Ch 11
Chapter 7
Location: Running Grounds

The running grounds is also clear!
Heheh, walkie-talkies are so convenient~♪ This is fun, it’s kind of like we’re in an undercover investigation…☆

Yo, yo. Lady, why don’t ya come over with me a li’l?
Mm—!? W-What’s wrong, Nagumo? I’m not a lady, and your face is kind of scaring me…
Huuuh? Quit your yappin’ and come with me already. Just drop everythin’ you’re doin’ and flirt with me, alright?
F-F-F-Flirt!? Nagumo, what happened with you!? Did you accidentally eat something weird!?
Uh, no, I didn’t. I’m just rehearsing for my role.
Honestly, I don’t really feel like I’m grasping it yet… Just what is a cool delinquent…
Ah, that’s what it was… I'm happy to see you working this hard for your role, but I prefer the usual you.
Oh, I know! Taichou, you’ve known Taishou for a long time, right? Could you tell me what he was like back then? Please!
B-Back then…? Why would you want to know that all of a sudden?
Mmm… I think it’s better if you ask him, not me.
He’ll just avoid the question, though~
Well, whatever. I’m sure Taishou as a delinquent was as super duper cool as he is right now!

‘Kay, I glare like this, and… Hey, hey! What d’you think you’re lookin’ at!? This ain’t here for show~!
Guuuh~!! That was just like a delinquent! Studying all those mangas with delinquents really came in handy~♪
A-A scream…!? Taichou, I think there’s trouble afoot!
Yeah, I think I heard it from that side! We have to hurry, quick!
S-Stop! Don’t come any closer, pervert~!
I’m not a pervert, I’m your stepmother.
Fufufu! It may have arrived late, but Cinderella had her own rebellious stage, after all~ How wonderful! Tonight we’ll be having red bean rice to celebrate…☆

I told you not to come any closer—!! It’s grooooooss~!!
It’s human nature to chase after anything that runs away! Ahahahahaha!! ☆
You’re making no sense! That’s only you, isn’t it!?
…Hm? Tetora?
Oh, what… It’s just you, Tomoya-kun.
W-Why are you so disappointed!? Oh c’mon~ That’s kinda rude, don’t you think?
Ah, yeah… Sorry.
Huh? You’re in a girl’s outfit?
Yeah, we have our club’s play soon. What about you? What’re you doing here?
We’re patrolling around the area. We heard a scream and rushed over, but it’s just the usual thing with you, so there doesn’t seem to be any problems.
No, no! There’s plenty of problems here, y’know!?
It’s almost time for the Drama Club’s play, huh… Ah, Kiryu was going to be in it too, wasn’t he? Nagumo, I’m sure you want to go see him, so you’re free to do so.
I badly wanna, but Taishou told me to prioritize my work, so~ I’m gonna hold it in!
Guuh~! I would’ve loved to see his awesome figure at least once, though!
Oh, then I could ask him for a picture while we’re in the dressing room.
Really!? You’re such a nice guy, Tomoya-kun~♪
Don’t sweat it, we’re friends.
…Alright, it’s about time I go. See ya, Tetora. Good luck on your side~♪
Back at ya! I can’t watch the play, but I’m cheering for you!
Chapter 8
Location: Running Grounds (Food Truck)

Heeey, Midori-kun! Shinkai-senpai!
Woah— What’s with this queue!? It’s only this area that’s crowded — What’s going on!?
I’m not sure, but it’s going to be hard for only the two of them to deal with this many customers. We have to go and help them!
Excuse me! Please, let us pass through!
Thank you very much…☆ Are you alright, Takamine? You look exhausted. Go and take a rest on that chair!

M-Morisawa-senpai…? And Nagumo-kun came back, too…
Y-You saved me… I almost lost all hope in this world and was ready to die…
I’m glad we made it in time, then! But I don’t see Shinkai-senpai anywhere… Where’d he go?
That’s what I wanna know… He disappeared before I knew it, so I’ve been tending the truck all by myself… I feel like I’m dying inside…
I worked this hard, so there’s no problem with me heading straight to my death, right…? ♪
You can’t give up now! If you’re a man, then you gotta show all your guts and pump yourself back up!
i am back~♪

Kanata! Just where were you?
mm~ i was [rehydrating] myself. i am now [full] of energy~♪
…oh? midori, you look exhausted. it is all because i left you alone with the [truck]… i am very sorry.
Oh jeez, I told you to avoid going off on your own…
Well, you seem to have learned your lesson now, so I won’t say anything else. Just be careful next time!
Taichou-dono! Shinkai-dono has fulfilled his heroic task wonderfully!
Transfer student-dono and I saw it ourselves! Ahh, but she had something to do, so she is not here right now.
He magnificently dropped a chop on someone who was trying to play around with her~ Heh! ♪
That so!? I see, he’s also growing to become a member of Ryuseitai, one step at a time! Hahaha!! ☆
Right! Now that Kanata and Sengoku are here, everybody listen up while we're serving our customers!
Nagumo, Sengoku, and I will tend the truck, so Kanata and Takamine should head out and patrol.
And so! You two go now! Leave this place to us!
midori~ will you be okay? i will work hard in [patrol work] to make up for the time i left you alone.
Um, no… Who knows what’ll happen if I leave that to you…
Let’s go change for now… Not that I really wanna, since it’d just make me stand out…
Ah, wait! Do you know everything that you’re supposed to do from here on?
We won’t have enough time to discuss anything about our hero show, so this is the perfect chance to ask me anything you’re not sure of.
Good luck on your skit, you three! Sengoku and I will be watching over you together!
That’s all from me. Right then, it’s time to fulfill our duties…☆
Chapter 9
Location: Running Grounds

(Sigh… I’m finally done with tending the truck, but now I’ve gotta deal with all this hero show and skit stuff… Ughhh, this is soooo depressiiiing…)
(W-What!? Shinkai-senpai’s gone again…!)
(Ehhh… Morisawa-senpai just told him off, why’s he still doing this…!?)
(H-He shouldn’t be that far… hopefully!)
(Ahh man, why do I have to deal with all of this…!)
Location: Running Grounds (Food Truck)

Welcome! What would you like?
Okay, one cotton candy! Please wait one moment…☆
Taichou-dono is handling this wonderfully… Does he have experience in serving customers?
Who knows~ Oh, did you prepare the juices for our customer, by the way?
Ah— Yes. Melon juice and grapefruit juice, correct?
Yup! Here you go, enjoy your drinks~♪
Ah! Welcome! Two cotton candy, pineapple juice and orange juice for you, right?
We have a new order. Sengoku-kun, please prepare the cotton candy!

Understood! Heh, I can prepare the food, while you handle serving the customers. I am truly thankful that you’re being considerate towards me, since I’m shy with strangers.
It wasn’t intentional, though… I’m bad at handling stuff, so~ I’m sure I’d just disappoint the customers with badly-made cotton candy.
No, no! It’s my first time making cotton candy as well! How about you try making one yourself, Tetora-kun?
You may just make one even better than I do!
…You’re right. I shouldn’t give up before I even try! That’s not manly!
Nagumo Tetora will take on this challenge!
Uhhh, so I rotate the stick…?
Ahh—! Some got on my hand! Ack— It’s all sticky now~!
Tetora-kun, you have enough cotton candy near the bottom, so you should add more on the top!
T-The top? L-Like this…?
Well done! I had only realized this after I messed up once, but you can wrap the cotton candy around the top side of the stick if you aim it downwards.
When there’s too much cotton candy on the bottom, you aim the stick downwards, and then vice versa. Making cotton candy is essentially repeating these two steps.
You just have to repeat this until there is no more cotton candy, and it will finally be complete! Mhm! This is a pretty cotton candy~♪
R-Really…? I guess even I can make something~ Heheh! ♪
You guys look like you’re having fun! Mhm mhm, it’s beautiful to see you two getting along so wonderfully…☆
Taichou-dono! Look, look! It is the very first cotton candy Tetora-kun made~♪
Ooh, it’s perfect! Great job, Nagumo!
Oh—! The customers are starting to wonder what is taking us so long. I shall prepare the juice at once!
Heheh, an adorable customer is here. Where are your mommy and daddy?
Ohh, the lady waving her hand is your mommy, and the one beside her is your daddy? I see, I see! You told them to wait there, since you can make an order all by yourself?
So this is your very first time doing an errand! That’s wonderful! I’m so impressed!
Okay, so cotton candy and apple juice is enough? Right then, give me a moment.

I’ll give you the cotton candy first. It’s sweet and tasty? Oh! You have a bit on your cheek. Be careful while you eat it, okay?
Mhm, mhm~ You’re a good kid…♪ Can you hold the apple juice? Mhm, carry it carefully so it doesn’t spill. Bye byee~ Let’s meet again! ☆
Kids really like you, don’t they? They’re always swarming around you during a hero show.
Yeah, I love kids! I was this close to hugging the kid just now, but I held it in!
Uh, yeah, it’s a good thing you did.
Right, Taichou. It’s 'bout time for the skit, so can I leave the rest to you two?
Yeah, there aren’t as many customers now, so we’ll be fine.
Nagumo, I know you didn’t ask for my help, but… Just because you’re acting out a delinquent role, doesn’t mean you have to try and become one.
Just be yourself. That would make me feel more at ease.
Ahaha, you don’t seem like you understand what I’m trying to say. Well, for now, just do it the way you want to.
Gotcha! Right then, Taichou, Sengoku-kun! I’ll see you later!
Chapter 10
Location: Running Grounds

excuse meee~ i would like some [fish], please~♪
huh? you do not have [fish]?
then i would like [something] that is like [fish]…♪
ohh, there is a [food stall] selling [taiyaki] over there, i see~ [tai] are tasty, so i like it.
thank you for the [information]~
oh no, i bumped into you… i am sorry, are you [okay]?
Sora’s fine! Sora was just not paying attention!
Huh? Sea Onii~san?
HaHa~♪ Hello! Sora greets his seniors when he meets them~♪
hello~♪ did you not come with nacchan today?
Sora was with Shisho only a second ago, but then he got separated from him~
It was wrong of Sora to not pay attention!
Sora was feeling ill from the crowd, so when he tried to go somewhere without as much color, he got lost.
i see~ there is no need to worry, yellow kid. i will take you to where nacchan is at~
it is part of my [patrolling] job to [protect] lost [children], and find their [parents].
HiHi~♪ Thank you! Sora shows his gratitude to anyone who is kind to him~♪
Wawa—? Sora hears a growling sound~ This is… the color of an empty stomach!
oh, you figured me out~…
HuHu~? Sea Onii~san, are you hungry? Sora learned from Senpai that people can’t fight when they’re hungry!
What would you like? Sora will buy it for you if you tell him~
ufufu, thank you. you are [kind], just like nacchan~
do not worry, i was thinking of buying [taiyaki] just now~ excuse meee, i would like two [taiyaki]~♪
huh? there is [red bean] paste flavor and [cream] flavor? hm~ i think i will take one [red bean] paste.
which one do you think is good for the other taiyaki?
HeHe~? Sora is the one who has to decide?
yes~ i am going to give you one as a [present], so please choose a flavor~♪
HoHo~♪ Thank you! Sora shows his gratitude to anyone who treats him nicely! Okay, Sora will take the cream one!
Let’s have half of each! Getting to taste both flavors will make Sora so happy~♪
fufu, that is a great idea~♪
ow, hot— it is [fresh] from the oven, so i have to [cool] it down before eating it, don’t i… i will [burn] otherwise.
Are you bad with hot food, Sea Onii~san?
yes, i am~ it is a shame i cannot eat immediately, even though i am [starving].
Ah— Sea Onii~san! There’s a colorful and pretty dolphin!
uwaah, it is [candy] in the shape of a [dolphin]~ this will not be hot, so i can eat it straight away~♪
excuse meee~ i would like two of this [dolphin candy]~♪
here you go, yellow kid. it would not be [right] if i eat one by myself.
it will make us both much [happier] to [share] delicious food and fun things with each other~♪
Sora agrees! Sora got separated from Shisho and Senpai, but Sora is happy to have met with Sea Oniisan♪
(lick, lick)…♪ mm~ it gave me a [tingly] feeling.
Really? Sora’s tastes sour~ Maybe it’s lemon flavor?
hmm… the [yellow] area must be [lemon] flavor, huh~ the [blue] area is probably [soda] flavor?
ufufu, we get to enjoy all kinds of [flavors], then~ i am glad we bought this.
the [taiyaki] should have cooled down by now, too. this [fish] is enough for me.
i am much more [happy] like this~♪
Chapter 11

Excuse me, I need to get through! Please move aside!
(Ugh, it’s so crowded…)
(I’ll just get pushed back if I force myself through the crowd, but some people won’t move aside even when I ask them to… This is tough…)
(Oh yeah, the Drama Club’s performance must have ended by now.)
(I heard some people talking 'bout how cool the Second Prince was. Just what I’d expect from Taishou! I bet he performed his prince role superbly…!)
(I gotta work hard too! I gotta perform my delinquent role perfectly, so he’ll praise me for a great job!)
(Ah, well, it’s not that I took this role to be praised…)
(It’s just— I wanna go down the same path Taishou took, I guess. I feel like I could get one step closer to being a man among men if I do this…!)
puka, puka…♪
(Hm? That’s Shinkai-senpai over there, right? He must be in the middle of patrol work. I should go thank him for his hard work.)

ah— tetora. hello~ would you like some [candy], too?
You’re eating while patrolling…? You’re way too free, Shinkai-senpai~
HaHa~♪ Hello! Sora greets anyone he knows! ♪
Oh, Harukawa-kun! ‘Sup~☆
Uhh… Kinda weird to see you two together. What happened?
You see~ Sora got separated from Shisho and Senpai. He was lost, so Sea Onii~san has been taking care of him~
Ohh, I see! Great work, Shinkai-senpai…☆
you too, [tetora]. are you hungry? you can have some [taiyaki] if you like~♪
Huh— Is that okay with you?
of course it is~ we will all become even [happier] if we [share] tasty food with you.
T-Then I’ll have some! (munch, much)…♪
ufufu. you look very [happy]~
the bigger the happiness [circle] becomes, the closer we get to the [whole world] being filled with [happiness].
Ahaha, that’s just how a hero would think! Please show that same kinda heroic feel in the skit we’re having later!
…? later? are we doing something?
Umm, you’re jokin’, right?
We’re planning to do a skit where I’m a delinquent who chats up with the transfer student, and then you and Midori-kun will come over and save her, remember?
ahh~… that’s right. midori and i are the heroes, yes?
that kind of feels [strange]. when i think of “hero”, i think of chiaki.
I can’t deny that. Also, I’ve been wondering for a while now, but… Where’s Midori-kun?
Hey— Move, move! Ah— Kanata-kun! Perfect timing!
kaoru~? why do you look so flustered?
Well, see… There’s some delinquent guys who managed to get into our school somehow…
They came over to our cafe, too. They were bothering the girls, so we asked them to leave.
But I heard something similar happened someplace else, too…
I’ve been trying to find someone from the Student Council so I could report the issue. You’re patrolling, right? Can you contact any of the members?
why yes, i can~ with this [walkie-talkie], i can—
hm? ah, that’s right, i left that with midori, didn’t i…
I also had mine with me, but I left it behind when I was done with my patrol work~!
Are you serious… so I really do have to go all the way and report this by myself? Ahh, I didn’t sign up for all this running and sweat~!
kaoru ran off. still, it sounds like [something] troublesome is brewing, doesn’t it~?
Uumyu… I have a bad feeling 'bout this. I hope nothing bad happens…
For now, let’s rush over to where we promised to meet Midori-kun and the transfer student!