[ES!!] Dream Days and Hero
[Heart Adorned with Color] Chiaki Morisawa
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Outfit name: “Color your heart”. A personalized outfit made for Chiaki. A design visualizing a passionately hot, straight-forward heart. |
It's finally Chiaki's turn to appear in the Feature Live. In order to show a charm that fans don't know of, he ponders once more over how he thinks and feels during live shows.
Story Release Date: November 10, 2023
Chapter 1
Translator's Note: The story title "Dream days" is referring to Yumenosaki Academy, as Yumenosaki means "(the school where) dreams bloom".
Season: Winter
Location: Studio

Ooh! You’re here, Anzu!
So what’s the occasion? Do you have a favor to ask?
…You’d like to discuss my Feature Live? So it’s finally my turn, huh!?
I was really looking forward to mine the moment I heard Kanata and the other members will perform their Feature Live!
You’d like to speak to me about all sorts of things, like what sort of performance I’d want, or what I’d like to show to my fans?
I’m more than glad to discuss that! Let’s work hard together on this, Anzu! Let’s make this the best Feature Live together~♪
First things first, I’ve been thinking of making the stage overflow with my passionate, burning hear—…Mm?
We’ll need to make a pamphlet for the Feature Live?
Don’t worry, I’ve heard about that too. If I recall correctly, the pamphlet will have a candid shot of the idol, right?
…I see. So the photo’s purpose is to show a charm that fans haven’t seen before from their favorite idol?
But hmm, a charm my fans haven’t seen, huh…
On my days off, I go to hero shows, watch tokusatsu… Basically anything to do with heroes, really.
A lot of people are already aware of my love for heroes. I don’t think that’d be anything new to them.
What’s wrong, Anzu? You look panicked… Ah, I don’t have to overthink it too much?
Ahh, so you accidentally worried the other Ryuseitai members when talking about the candid shot, and you don’t want to repeat that?
I looked like I was about to get worried over it too, so you wanted to clarify that for my sake… You really are kind as always, Anzu.
I understand your reasoning. But there’s nothing to fret over, Anzu.
I completely understand your feelings of wanting to show a charm my fans haven’t seen before.
I feel the same. This is a wonderful opportunity to express a different side from my usual to my fans, so I’d love to do so.
Plus, it’s a project that you came up with, Anzu. And I trust you! So I can’t just let myself run away from the fear of failing!
That being said, I’d like some time to think it over. …You don’t mind?
Thank you, Anzu! I assure you that I’ll bring over ideas that will meet your expectations!
Location: Seisoukan Dorm Common Room

(…I said all of that, but… Mm, a side of me unrelated to heroes, huh… That’s a pretty tricky theme, now that I think about it.)
(I re-watched a few of my favorite tokusatsu shows to get some sort of reference, but…)
(In the end, I just got absorbed in the shows until it became this hour…)
(The tokusatsu heroes have moments where they aren’t being heroes in the episode. And the way they are during those times can vary.)
(Like blending with the people, and rushing to save anyone in trouble. Mm, as reference, that’s somehow both helpful and sort of not…)
(Even during my school days in Yumenosaki, my days were filled to the brim with my hero interests.)
(…No, wait. I was also part of the Basketball Club! That doesn’t have any direct relation to heroes, so maybe it can count as a “day off from work” for me?)
(Plus, it’s because of those days I spent with my comrades in school, that I’m now able to thrive as an idol.)
(In that sense, I think it’s worth it to have a candid shot that showcases my precious days in Yumenosaki.)
(…Wait, no. I’ve already graduated from Yumenosaki.)
(I do sometimes visit the Basketball Club as an alumni, but I don’t think I should frequent my visits when I’m a graduate.)
(After all… My days in the club — My days in Yumenosaki Academy are already over.)
(…I’ll think up another candid shot I could do. I have to, for the sake of such a special live show.)
(The Feature Live, huh… It’s going to be a stage just for me. It’s a special occasion to perform live all on my own, so I’d love to see all my fans who’ve come to watch me with smiles on their faces.)
(Mm? Is this what they mean by “your thoughts during a live show”?)
(Hahaha, what odd timing to realize that! Alright then, let’s keep thinking up more ideas for a candid shot…☆)
Ah, Moricchi. Great timing.
Oh, Hakaze? Did you need something from me?
Mhm, I wanted to return this. I just finished watching it in the theater room.
This is… Oh yeah, I lent you a tokusatsu DVD the other day, didn’t I?
I assume this means that you watched it until the very end. How was it? Personally, I loved the final battle!
Ahaha, now I really get why you talk so passionately about these shows.
The final battle with the big bad boss — The scene where the heroes stand up against such a formidable enemy for the sake of protecting everyone…
It’s not like me to get so emotional, but it got to me a little.
Right!? I knew you’d understand!
But also, I couldn’t help but feel a little sad after watching the finale.
Ahh, I really know what you mean…
When watching the finale, all that’s on my mind is believing in the heroes’ victory and cheering for them…
But once the final battle is over, I suddenly feel as though I’m parting ways with the heroes, like waking up from a dream.
Not to mention, since it’s a tokusatsu show, it’s tricky to make a sequel of the show, like popular variety shows do.
Yeah, that’s true. …But it isn’t all that bad when things come to an end. It’s really exciting to hear them mention how the final battle is coming soon, for one thing.
And also, once one tokusatsu show ends, the next show will begin, and that means meeting the new heroes.
The heart of justice never stops beating, even after the show changes to a new one. The heroes take over that will and continue to fight on a new stage.
Once you’ve watched all sorts of different stories, you start to notice the unique traits of each of them, and it just makes it all the more fun! ♪
Ahaha, that’s so like you, Moricchi.
But these heroes’ storyline has come to an end, right? There’s no sequel, is there?
That isn’t entirely true. Something commonly found in tokusatsu is past heroes making an appearance in movies and TV shows.
The heroes from this show have once appeared in a movie before. I’ll bring over the DVD if you’d like to see it!
Ohh? Then maybe I’ll borrow it for a bit.
But watching that movie will truly mean the end, huh~ I feel like I’ll have to make sure to enjoy it properly.
…Oh yeah, Moricchi. You looked pretty happy a second ago; did something happen?
Mm? Ahh, Anzu spoke to me about my Feature Live.
Huh? So you’re next, Moricchi?
Aw, that’s real nice~ My turn hasn’t come yet. I feel like everyone’s getting theirs before me, so it’s making me feel restless.
Since it’s the Feature Live, does that mean you’ve already taken a candid shot?
No, I’m still pondering over that part… A candid shot of me would be anything related to heroes or tokusatsu, as you’d expect…
But my fans are already well aware that I love heroes… So I’d like to show a different side of me if possible.
A candid shot of Moricchi, huh…
Then how about a photo of you during your Circle activities?
Circle activities aren’t related to our idol side, so it would count, wouldn’t it?
(I see… I was only thinking of club activities, so I completely forgot about Circles…)
You’re right! With that, I might be able to take a candid shot of myself that doesn’t have to do with heroes!
Thank you, Hakaze! I’ll contact my Circle members straight away~♪
Chapter 2
Location: Shopping Mall

Ah, Anzu! Yahoo, yahoo~☆
You’re here already! Did I make you wait?
Mm? You’re wondering why I’m here? You didn’t hear from Chi~chan-senpai?
It’s ‘cause of Chi~chan-senpai’s candid shot. There’s gonna be a photoshoot of his activities over at Sports Survivors and SHIN, right?
The day to gather for Circle activities has been decided, but it’s gonna happen waaay later.
So Chi~chan-senpai said that he’s planning to prepare himself with any sort of equipment he could use for the next time Sports Survivors meet up~
And I just so happened to be free today, so I came over!
You’re here to take photos of him shopping, right? Then let’s do our best today~♪
Mm? Where’s Chi~chan-senpai?
Don’t worry! He spotted a little boy who was lost on his way here.
He’s currently taking the kid to the lost child center.
But since we can’t keep you waiting either, Anzu, he told me to wait at the meeting spot ahead of him.
I could’ve told you about all of this by messaging you, but on the other hand, I get to be all alone with you for a bit, so this is just perfect~♪
Now then, let’s take our time going to the lost child center—
—Heeey! Anzu, Akehoshi! Sorry to keep you two waiting! (waves)
Wah, you’re way too early, Chi~chan-senpai! You could’ve taken your sweet time taking that kid to the center, y’know…
His parents were there for him as soon as I reached the center, you see!
Mm? What’s wrong, Anzu? …“You’re the same as always”?
Yeah, ‘cause you’re helping people out even on your day off. It’s so like you to refuse to neglect anyone in trouble the moment you spot them, Chi~chan-senpai.
Of course! There’s no day off for the ally of justice, after all~♪
…Although, there isn’t anything new to acting like my usual self on my day off.
I’ll show a new side to Anzu today, different from my hero self. I’m entrusting you with the photoshoots! ☆
Time passes…
Mm~ I think you’ve got everything you need for the next time we have Circle activities…?
Yep! There were so many more options than I imagined, which was fun.
I’m glad I got to buy the target board I wanted, too. I was really curious to try it after seeing it in a variety show. I can’t wait for our next Circle day~♪
Mm? Anzu, why did you stop walking?
Ah, this shop is selling basketball equipment.
Oh, you were reminded how we’re both in the Basketball Club? So that’s why you got curious to see.
…“Are you playing basketball lately”?
No, I haven’t been playing it for a while.
The last time I showed up to the club as an alumni, I passed over my basketball shoes to Shiratori.
I haven’t gotten the opportunity to buy new ones… So I haven’t been visiting the Basketball Club since then.
Ahh~ You’re talking about that day we all turned down the offer to take your shoes, huh?
Yeah… I sort of saw it coming that Akehoshi and Takamine would decline, but even Isara forced a smile without looking me in the eye…
The one and only person who accepted the offer was Shiratori. His eyes were sparkling when I passed my shoes over.
With how happy he looked, I’m sure it means that he loves basketball that much! ♪
Mm? You look as though you have mixed feelings, Anzu…?
Chi~chan-senpai, you appear in sports variety shows often, so why not buy new basketball shoes now while you have the chance?
…Hm. You’re right, Akehoshi, that might be a good idea.
Alright then, since this is such a special occasion, maybe I could buy shoes matching with you~♪
Uwah~ It’s been a while since I’ve seen you be overbearing… How about you focus on finding shoes that fit you well, rather than trying to match with me?
That’s true, since I can’t let myself get injured with the wrong shoes. …Alright, I suppose I’ll just have to give up on matching shoes with you…
Ooh, this one looks great!
Excuse me; may I try these on?
(Humming) Hmhm~♪ It’s been a while since I last wore basketball shoes. This is kind of exciting!
Let me tie my shoelaces, and… Mhm! My shoe size hasn’t changed much. It fits me perfectly!
It doesn’t feel tight at all, and I think it’s even easier to move than my previous shoes. They’re perfect! ☆
What do you think, Anzu? Do you think these shoes suit me? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
“The red color suits you”? Right, right!? The red color really does pump me up!
Alright, I’m going with this! —Or well, I’d like to say that, but there’s quite the variety here. Let me try a few more.
—Yeah, I’m going with this one after all. Plus, Anzu said it suits me.
Yeah, why not, they’re pretty good! Now you can come over and play in the Basketball Club again!
Mm, that’s true. …If that’s what you say, Akehoshi, then I’ll be sure to show up again.
Mm? What do you mean? You can come hang out whenever you want, regardless of what I say.
No, I’ve already graduated from Yumenosaki. Even if I’m an alumni now, I always thought it’s best if I avoid frequenting the Basketball Club.
Mm~… Well, it’s true that it might be really noisy and suffocating if Chi~chan-senpai came over every day…
But if you wanna come over, why not do so? Nobody would ever think you shouldn’t come just ‘cause you’re a graduate.
Mm, I wonder…
I’m sure it’s fine! Anzu’s nodding in agreement, too! She looks like she’s saying that it’s not like you, Chi~chan-senpai.
Ah! Y’know what, how about taking photos of you hanging out at the Basketball Club for the pamphlet? It’d be perfect!
Maybe it’s not so rare to see you play sports, but isn’t it a pretty rare sight to see Chi~chan-senpai teach his juniors as an alumni?
Like, if I said it in a way you would, it’s like when past heroes appear in a tokusatsu movie and stuff!
I’m sure the juniors would also feel like it’s a great opportunity to be taught by an alumni.
…Knowing you, you’re probably trying to be considerate of us over at the club, but…
Even if you’ve graduated, nothing’ll change the fact that you were a student of Yumenosaki.
…The truth is, I was thinking of taking a photo of myself playing in the Basketball Club as an alumni for the pamphlet.
But as I said earlier, I’ve already graduated. I thought it wasn’t necessary for me to specifically show a candid shot of me in Yumenosaki.
Even though it’s as you say, Akehoshi… Even if I’ve graduated, it doesn’t change the fact that I was a student of the school.
You could’ve talked to Anzu about that, then. But well, I guess it’s just like you to bottle things up.
But if you suddenly distance yourself from us, it’s gonna feel lonely, y’know~
…I’m almost a graduate too. So c’mon, let’s play basketball in school at least one more time, while I’m still a student! ☆
…You’re right. Thank you, Akehoshi. I feel like I’m always saved by you~♪
Woah, don’t hug me! And don’t just sit there and watch, Anzu, help me out here~!
Anzu! On top of the photos at my Circle, could you also take photos of me hanging out at the Basketball Club as an alumni?
My days in Yumenosaki Academy are irreplaceable to me.1 It’s because I went through those days that I can work so hard as an idol right now.
I’d love for my fans to know a little more about that precious place for me… The days that adorned my heart with color.
…Yeah, thank you. I’m even more excited for my Feature Live thanks to you two.
I’m going to make sure to deliver the best performance to my fans, in a way that my current self is perfectly capable of~♪
Click here for Chiaki’s FS2 card and outfit details!
Chiaki Feature Scout Stories
Ryuseitai 5* Feature Scout Stories
Translation Notes
- ↑ As mentioned at the start, the story title refers to the “dream” (yume) in yumenosaki.