[ES!!] Dear ‘Me’, Before I Became a Ninja
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Shinobu tries to figure out the perfect personalized outfit for himself…
This story is connected to the card [Light Beaming from the Darkness] Shinobu Sengoku.
Story Release Date: September 10, 2020
Chapter 1
Season: Summer
Location: Floating Garden

(Shu-tatatata… I’ve made it~♪)
(It seems like Anzu-dono’s not here yet. There’s still some time before we have to meet, so I will wait for her on the bench.)
(It’s my turn to get a personalized outfit at last. I’m so happy, I can’t stop grinning~)
(A one and only special outfit made just for me… Mhm, sounds amazing!)
(I’m really looking forward to seeing how it will turn out!)
Ah, it’s Anzu-dono! Heeey, Anzu-dono~☆ I’m over here~ (waves)
Come, come, sit next to me! …Oh, no, I also just got here.
The weather today is really nice, I should have brought my lunchbox with me. It would have felt like a picnic since we’re in the Floating Gar—
Ah, forgive me. I strayed off topic.
We are going to talk about my personalized outfit, right? I assure you that I did not forget!
However, I do not know how the procedure works. If it’s alright, would you please teach me~?
…Wow, you even prepared a design idea notebook for me?
Okay! I will take a look right away. Let’s see…♪
10 minutes later…
Hmm~, all of these design ideas can be summed up with one word: brilliant!
To think you had this much data on ninjas… Are you perhaps a ninja lover as well, Anzu-dono?
You are not, but you did prepare all of this for my sake? Even though you’re so busy… I’m extremely grateful!
Mhm, I agree. I also think the ninja motifs are great. You sure understand me well~♪
I cannot wait for the finished product. I’m excited to see what kind of ninja attire it will turn out to be♪
…Huh? You want my opinion…?
I would not know what to add to this, though. All of your design suggestions were very detailed and perfect already, so—
It isn’t perfect since you have yet to implement my request into the design, you say? I see… Hmmm~…
I wish for the outfit to be like a ninja, so I do not have any other desires beyond that… Hmmm, it is hard to give you an immediate answer.
…You want me to carefully think about it with the rough sketch you plan to make?
Understood! It’ll be easier for me to visualize what I want if I have a drawing, so that would be very helpful.
I’m looking forward to the rough sketch~ Well then, Anzu-dono, I shall leave it to you!
Location: Staff Cafeteria

Hours later…
Hmhmhm~♪ My own~ personalized outfit~♪ Hmhmhm~♪
You sound like you’re in a good mood, huh~? Hope you don’t mind me sittin’ here.
Be my guest~♪ Are you also having a late lunch, Tetora-kun?
Yep. I just got here a second ago since my job starts in the evening.
Anyway, are you next in line to get a personalized outfit?
Ehhh!? How did you know!? I have not told anyone yet…
You said it yourself… Or more like, you were humming a song, y’know? Going all, “my own~ personalized outfit~♪”.
R-really? I did not realize I was doing that… Uuu, so embarrassing~
Ahaha, you’re just that happy ‘bout it, so it makes sense. It’s your very own outfit, after all!
There’s a ton of idols in here, so it doesn’t really hit home when the topic of “personalized outfits” comes up, but…
Now that you, a member of Ryuseitai, have been chosen as the next idol, it’s finally hittin’ me that this really is happening. I’m excited for the day I’m chosen to be up next! ☆
Speaking of, what’s yours gonna be like? I’m guessing somethin’ ninja-like?
Yes! Actually—
Oh! I got a message from Anzu-dono on HoldHands. Excuse me for a moment, Tetora-kun.
‘Kay. Don’t mind me, I’ll just be chowing down.
(She sent over the finished rough sketch already… Even though we only just talked about it this very morning.)
(It’s a splendid ninja attire design that suits me well. I feel like this is good enough, and there’s no point in me pondering anymore about it.)
(However, Anzu-dono sought out my opinion. I wonder if it will trouble her instead if I say nothing at all…?)
…Shinobu-kun, what’s wrong? Your face is all puckered, like the time you ate somethin’ sour, y’know?
The truth is, I received a rough sketch of my personalized outfit from Anzu-dono, and it looks like this—
Ohhh~ The design isn’t just ninja-themed, it’s even showing off what makes you you. You can really tell this is one of Anzu-Anego’s designs!
What makes me, me?
Yup! You may be small in size, but your relentless mentality is why you’re so manly and cool.
This outfit really highlights your fortitude to never give in no matter what happens.
And that fortitude reminds me of the time you jumped through a ring of fire; that was so awesome!
Heheh, you’re going to make me blush~ You pay close attention to me, don’t you? ♪
(It is not just Tetora-kun, but Anzu-dono as well… Here, I have many comrades who pay close attention to me and accept me for who I am.)
(Every day is a blessing — I want to tell that to my ‘past self’1, who was all alone…)
(I want to tell him that it’s okay to keep loving what you love. Because people who will accept that about you are definitely out there in the world.)
(Because a place where you can voice that love of yours so loudly is out there, too.)
(I am now proof of that. Because I refused to abandon my dreams, this Sengoku Shinobu is able to stand here right now.)
(If I can convey that to the people who are like my past self by wearing this ninja attire—)
…Ah, that’s it!
Chapter 2
Location: Dormitory Library

Hmm. As I expected; nobody is around when it is this late at night.
I won’t be in anyone’s way if I do it here. After all, it’d be inexcusable to scatter things around in the room and make a mess this late.
Heave-ho… Alright then, it’s time to open this wicker box2 of memories~♪
Nihihi. These photos and handmade picture scrolls really bring me back. I did not have a master or any ninja companions, so I had to learn everything through imitation at first.
I would constantly practice throwing origami shuriken at the tree every day, even though they can’t pierce into anything at all…
And the very first item I bought with my own money is this shuriken toy — the thing that started everything.
Mm—! I can feel a presence…!
Fades to black for a moment…
(Phew, that was close. To think that someone would come here during this time of the night…)
(Ah, wait! I ended up hiding myself with the Camouflage Jutsu out of habit…! Even though I have nothing to feel guilty about…!)
Goodness’ sake… Neglecting to return a book is so ill-mannered. And it just had to be under my name, too…
(This voice sounds like Suou-kun. Hmm, I see — it seems like he’s here to return a book.)
(I feel awkward staying hidden, but this does not seem to be the right mood for a conversation, so I’ll stay still and wait until he leaves.)
(…Wahhh!? Oh no, I left my box on the floor! If he discovers it, he’ll immediately find it suspicious. I must quickly retrieve it—)
(Slowly reach out your hand… Little by little…)
Oh? There’s a strange box here—
Eeep! A hand came out of the bookshelf— Don’t tell me it’s a ghost…!?
Ahh~! It is not a ghost, it’s me!
S-Shinobu-kun? What are you doing here…?
That wicker box is filled with my treasured items, and just as I was reminiscing about the memories of my past…
I was surprised by your approaching presence and hid myself out of habit. I apologize for startling you~
Oh, so that’s what this box was. This origami shuriken that fell down — is this one of your treasured items, as well?
That’s right. It’s the first shuriken I ever made! Thank you for picking it up for me, Suou-kun.
You’re welcome. You’ve always had dexterous hands, I see.
Back in those days, I had no choice but to make them myself~ So most of the things in this box are handmade~♪
Marvelous! There are so many ninja-related items in here… I can tell that you truly do not give up when it comes to the values you have, as well as where you individuality is concerned — How splendid. ♪
Me? Splendid?
Yes, very much so. People always keep their interests and ambitions deep within their heart.
However, not everyone can make their dream come true. It is not uncommon for people to give up halfway.
Yet you were able to continue staying the way you wished to be. Your level of persistence is not of the ordinary.
For me, being a ninja is not painful. But I’m very happy to hear such praises.
However, I’m still not fully-fledged yet. I will continue to work hard at my training as a ninja~!
Fufu, that’s the spirit~♪
Ahh, but please do refrain from startling people like you did earlier.
Location: StarPro Office

The next day…
Anzu-dono, I apologize for asking you to come here so suddenly. But I have something that I really want to give you…
Since you’re making my personalized outfit for me, I want you to accept this!

This plastic shuriken clearly looks like a toy and has scratches all over, but it is also the very first item I bought with my own pocket money — it is my dearest treasure.
This simple toy is proof of how that tiny first-step I took in the past has helped to make me the ninja I am now.
I’m still inexperienced, so this might be an aspiration beyond my capabilities right now—
But I want to become a heroic ninja — one that can be the “light of hope” to people who have things they love, yet who are afraid of turning that love into a dream they can hold.
That’s why I want to add a large shuriken like this one to the design you made, Anzu-dono! So that all of those people can easily spot it!
So everyone can see how I daringly chase after my own dreams—!
…Ehehe. I knew you would say that. I’m counting on you, Anzu-dono~♪
Thank you for always watching over me. Because you and my comrades are here for me, I am able to truly live my life…♪
Shinobu Feature Scout Stories
Ryuseitai 5* Feature Scout Stories
Translation Notes
Originally, the story title was katsute no boku e (かつての『ぼく』へ), lit. “To who I once was”. However, to convey the significance of the pronoun used, we chose to translate it like this. Explanation is in the translation note below:
- ↑ He refers to his past self with boku instead of sessha, the first-person pronoun Shinobu usually uses. boku is a common first-person pronoun for boys, but sessha is a first-person pronoun specifically known to be used by ninjas. Please check the translation notes for more information!
- ↑ Tsudzura (葛籠): A traditional Japanese lacquer wicker basket made with bamboo and lined with Japanese washi paper. It comes with a lid and is shaped like a box.