[ES!!] Flowers of the Wasteland

Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ep 1 - Ep 2 - Translation Notes
Remains of a Dream 1
Note: This story is set in spring, before Aira joined the Basketball Club.
Season: Spring
Location: CosPro Office

The last week of May, a few days after Conquest…1
Hey, hey, Yuuta-kun! Regarding our next job, what do you think about the plan that the Vice Prez proposed?
A radio program with you and me as the main MCs! Provisional title: “The Aoi Twin Talk” — doesn’t that sound super interesting?
Hmmm, does it?
I don’t mind if that’s what you wanna do, Hinata-ku— Aniki. But haven’t you kinda been too on board with the Vice Prez’s ideas lately?
Thanks to that, we’ve been accepting work willy nilly, and we ended up doing an intense whirlwind of a tour, too — that was a real shock…
I also wanna make sure our steps synchronize, you know? But I’d prefer it if we accepted work more systematically~?
Mmm, but the Vice Prez went through all the trouble of giving us this job; we're newcomers to CosPro, so we should really appreciate that.
Remember how the Vice Prez said, “At Yumenosaki Academy, you got a lot of work where you were just the opening act, so I’ll give you lots of different kinds of jobs from now on,” and stuff?
If we improve our portfolio, 2wink’s worth is gonna rise… You agreed with that, didnt’ cha, Yuuta-kun?
I did, but… You accept jobs without thinking them through enough way too often, Aniki.
You say this is for our sake and stuff, but you want us to work as radio MCs. How many people can even distinguish us from our voices?
People already have trouble telling us apart based on how we look, so the results will probably be even more disastrous when it comes to how we sound~?
What you’re saying is reasonable, Yuuta-kun. But I think there’s value in trying because no one will be able to do it ♪
No, no, don’t you think radio work is seriously out of the question?
I’m telling you, it’s in the question! Geez, you’ve been going through your rebellious phase lately, huh~?
You’re just too docile, aren’t you, Aniki~? Put yourself in my shoes — I’ve gotta keep up with you, you know?
…You two from 2wink.
…You appear to be rather unsettled. Did something happen?
Ah, Ran-senpai. Sorry for being all noisy in the office. We’re just having our normal meeting, so don’t worry about it, ‘kay? Salute~☆
We’re just having something of a brotherly quarrel, so there’s nothing to worry about! Salute~☆
…Is that so. Then it’s fine, but. Are you imitating Ibara?
Ahaha. We’re not really imitating him. We kinda just picked up his habit, maybe ‘cause he’s been greeting us pretty often lately. If I had to give it a name, it would be… yeah! The CosPro Hello!
We don’t really feel super at home here in CosPro, so we at least wanna have this little ritual ♪
…Mirroring. A psychological technique, I believe.
…By imitating someone’s mannerisms, one is able to easily foster a feeling of amity within them. Could it be that you two are trying to get along better with Ibara by mirroring him?
…In any case, I believe that developing a relationship is a good thing to do.
A-Ahaha… We’ve never really thought about it that deeply?
Aniki, it’s leaking into your expression, it’s leaking.
It’s not, it’s not! See, I look just the same as I always do, right?
Wah, it’s a face that looks just like mine! You really are my Aniki!
…Okay, that’s enough twin jokes.
By the way, Ran-senpai, are you not with the other members of Eden today?
I feel like you do things together pretty often. You didn’t actually have a falling out during Conquest, right?
…Fufu. Of course not.
…I simply have plans to meet Anzu-san here.
Anzu-san? That’s rare~ Eden’s essentially getting produced by the Vice Prez, so it feels like you two don’t really interact that much.
And the Producer’s Association was established, so it’s even harder to request stuff from her now.
But this is Anzu-san we’re talking about; she would probably accept anything we ask of her anyway.
…Yeah. I feel quite bad for doing this to her when she’s so busy, but this is something I wanted to request of her no matter what.
…Those who are spoken of do appear — it seems that she has arrived.
…On that note, see you later. Hinata-kun, Yuuta-kun.
He left so gallantly. Even when he’s just walking, Ran-senpai kinda has this amazing aura to him.
As expected of the Vice Prez’s treasure. But I wonder what he meant when he was talking about something he could only request of Anzu-san?
Mmm, yeah. Normally he leaves pretty much everything to the Vice Prez, so if it’s something that he could only request of Anzu-san, then —
Ah, don’t tell me he really did have a falling out during Conquest, so now he’s trying to leave CosPro? If he’s transferring agencies, there’s no way he could ask the Vice Prez!
Could he be going to check out the other agencies with Anzu-san…?!
You’re probably overthinking this. Like, the ones who fought at Conquest were Adam and Eve.
If anyone’s moving, wouldn’t it make more sense that Eve does?
Alllright, I’ve understood what you’re trying to say, Yuuta-kun. Let’s bet on who’s gonna move, then!
The one who loses has to imitate the winner and work as them for a week!
No, no, no gambling! We’d both lose out if we did that sort of punishment game, anyway!
Hmm, it’s not good to stick your neck into other people’s business, but if this really is a serious problem, we’d be in a dangerous position. Ran-senpai’s pretty much the face of CosPro, after all.
I’m his roommate, so I can try subtly asking him stuff later?
Yup, yup, I agree! Since this is an important matter that’s related to our contract!
If this turns out to be the worst case scenario, we’ve gotta seize our chance, okay~? Our strength is having that kinda nimbleness, after all ♪
Remains of a Dream 2
Location: School Gate

…We’ve arrived, Anzu-san.
…Taking the train here was a very novel experience. I normally just use a CosPro courtesy car.
…Fufu, my disguise also worked well. It was quite interesting; I felt as if I was on a secret infiltration mission ♪
…“Do you feel nostalgic, coming back to Yumenosaki,” you ask?
…Yes. When I’m back here, I feel like I can remember everything as if it were yesterday.
…I do not know whether you are aware of this or not, but in the past, this place was a battlefield.
…We, as members of fine, reformed the corrupted Yumenosaki Academy.
…The four of us — Hiyori-kun, myself and Tsumugi-kun, with Eichi-kun acting as our leader from the shadows — realized a great cause.
…Many people were victimized by our actions, but Yumenosaki Academy was able to regain its legitimacy as an idol training school.
…However, just before our objective was achieved, we left fine. Our contract was fulfilled — just like that, we ran away from facing the onus of our war crimes.
…In every age, it is the winners who write history. Even if we were to have remained in fine, we most likely would have been able to maintain our position and continue controlling history.
…At least, Eichi-kun would have been able to. But we didn’t.
…In the end, Hiyori-kun and I transferred schools.
…Regrets? No, I don’t have any.
…I left and was subsequently able to become happy.
…However. Perhaps I was guided back here once more precisely because I feel that way.
…Back to this school I once attended — to Yumenosaki Academy.
Location: Gymnasium

Here, here! Pass it here!
Hey hey, gimme the ball! Sally~, I wanna play more ☆
Alright, alright, I’m passing~☆
Oooh, atta boy Sally~! There’s not a single pass you can’t do, Archmage of the Court!
…Hold up, you didn’t pass to me?
Y-You’re passing it to me…? Ummm…
I might be able to make the shot from here… Here goes…☆
Oooh, so close. Almost tipped in, huh~?
Nice try, Takamine ♪
Heeey, Sally~! I could’ve made it if you passed it to me! C’mon, I’m right here, pick me more!
Uuu, sorry I missed it…
There’s nothing to apologize for, Takamine. Subaru’s just a ball hog.
Anyway, it’s hard to pass if you ask for it, you know~? In a real game, you’d be boxed out.
Heheh! Wouldn’t stop me, I’d just slip through their defense like the star player I am! I wanna shine even more during basketball…☆
Put me in, Coach!
Come on~, you know basketball’s pretty much a team sport, right? Try and understand that every now and then.
Well, it’s not like we’re aiming to go to Nationals or anything like that, so I guess it’s fine for you to just play around.
But we won’t win any games if we leave it all on your hands, Subaru. Though, we did have Morisawa-senpai with us last year, so our positions were split just perfectly back then…
This year, I’m gonna have to make Takamine come out of his shell and get more aggressive with his plays so he can become a regular. I’ve got great hopes in him thanks to his height.
There’s only so much a one man team can do. Even you know that, don’t you, Subaru?
Yeah, it’s bow wowzers!
It’s one man team, not a one dog team! …Yeah, why did I even try to reply to that.

Isara-senpai, sorry for saying this right after you said you had hopes in me, but… this practice game’s tired me out — Could I take a rest…?
I much prefer doing small tasks and stuff, so I’d rather watch you guys play…
Hm… Maybe I put too much on your shoulders, then. For now, since you’re exhausted from playing, why don’t we take a little break?
Okay~. Alright everyone, attention please! You heard what the captain said, take a ten! ☆
Ahaha. It feels kinda weird to manage the club since we don’t really get the chance to come often, but I’m real glad that everyone listens anyway~♪
For real~. But as it stands, we really can’t show up much.
Something about how you guys used up a ton of money in BIGBANG, and now have to work hard to compensate for it…?2
Ahaha, yeah, you could say we’re really drowning in debt. And Sally~’s got Student Council work pouring in too, y’see?
Yeah. Thankfully we had a day off to show up today, but in the meanwhile I’ve been leaving it up to the other basketball club members for the most part. I've gotta do something about that.
There’s not enough time in a day, huh? Sally~, can’t you just use magic to put more hours in the day?
You’re definitely putting too much faith into magic, there. Even fiction doesn’t go that far with it, you know?
Um, Isara-senpai. Your phone’s been ringing for a while now, y’know…?
Oh? I was so busy talking, I didn’t even notice. Thanks~♪
I wonder who it is… Is it about a job?
Oh, it’s Anzu. What’s up?
Mm? Where am I right now? Today’s my day off, so I’m in the Gym with the club.
You’re heading here now, so I can keep playing?
Ahh, gotcha. Then I’ll keep practicing with the team in the meantime. See ya soon~♪
What, what? Did Anzu call about work?
Well~… It seems like we’ve got someone interested in the Basketball Club, according to Anzu.
I wonder who it is~. Maybe she found a promising first year or something?
Whaa~? We’re getting a new member…? Ugh, please no… I’m too awkward and shy with people to handle another member…
What kinda guy is he gonna be…? I really hope he’s not scary…
Remains of a Dream 3

Uhh, I’m not seeing wrong, am I? What’s Nagisa-san doing here?
Look, Anzu’s here too! So Nagisa-san’s the one who wanted to see us in action!
Heeey, Nagisa-san! Welcome to Yumenosaki Academy~☆
…Ah, Subaru-kun. Pardon my interruption.
…It’s been a while since I’ve visited my alma mater, but it hasn’t changed at all. Although it appears to be a bit more orderly.
That’s riiight, you’re an alumni of Yumenosaki… In that case, I should be saying “Welcome back” instead, right?
…Yeah. Either is fine — thank you for the welcome.
When I heard someone was coming to see the club with Anzu, I never would’ve thought it’d be Nagisa-san. What’d you come here for?
That oughta be obvious, right~? Nagisa-san wants to play basketball!
There’s no way that’s right. It’s gotta be for a different reason, right?
Look, think realistically. Nagisa-san came back with Anzu to the school he once attended. Don’t you think there’s definitely something else to that?
Nagisa-san doesn’t seem like the kinda person who’d be interested in club activities and stuff like that. He might just wanna try dabbling in basketball a little ‘cause he got a job related to it — something like that.
…No. I simply wanted to play basketball.
Told you so~♪ Aaand to the person who got that answer right, ten points!
Since when was this a quiz show…?
Nice one, Takamin!
But like, it is weird that Nagisa-san wants to play basketball.
Why basketball, though? I thought you weren’t interested in anything except idols…
You called me a flashlight that mistook himself for a star back then too. ♪
…Are you perhaps still holding a grudge because of what I said to you in the past?
Ahaha ♪ I’m just joking, don’t worry about it. ♪
I just wanted to see if I could check how you feel about that perspective. I mean, I dunno, it really is strange to see that you wanna play basketball, y’know?
…I am not good at reading the subtleties in what people say.
…As you all know, I do not wish to be involved with this secular world.
…However, there is meaning to my visit. I would be happy if you could accept that without asking about my circumstances.
Hmm… Then it’s a matter of probable liability in case you’re injured on court, and I definitely don’t have a waiver on hand that you can sign…
But since you came to Yumenosaki expressly, there’s no way I could send you away empty handed either…
It might be a good experience for the basketball team to go against a Top Idol, anyway. That alright with all of you?
I wholeheartedly welcome the challenge! Let’s get right to it after he does his pre-stretches, like pronto!
…I’ve already made my preparations, so we may begin. What should we do first?
Let’s do 1v1! Me against you, Nagisa-san! ☆
Hey now, don’t just start without us like that~. I get that you wanna play with him, but c’mon~.
Sigh, seems like those guys seriously can’t wait a sec. I’d better get everyone ready fast.
Alright, gather ‘round! I’ve got something I wanna say!
Ran Nagisa-san came here today to experience a bit of basketball for his own personal reasons! Seems like he’s a first-timer, so let’s go easy on him!
No problem~☆ Lemme be the one to take gooood care of Nagisa-san!
Alright, alright. I’ll leave him to you.
Hurray! Lookin’ forward to teaching you, Nagisa-san!
…Thank you. Best regards, Subaru-kun.
Alrighty, let’s get started right away! First off, let’s take this ball from the center court and get closer to shoot it.
…Like this?
Stop, stop! You can’t just walk it over there, okay? That’s traveling!
If you hold the ball for more than three steps you’ll get a penalty, so you gotta dribble it!
I’ll show you what I mean, so watch and learn. You take the ball and bounce it against the court, and it’s gotta hit your hand for it to count as a “dribble”. You keep that up as you move!
…Could you show me what to do next?
Let’s see, what else…
Once you’ve dribbled, you can pass to a teammate or take a shot at the goal up there.
Sally~, Takamin! I wanna show Nagisa-san what I mean, so do you mind giving me a hand?
Sure! It’s a little sudden, but I'm always ready to go.
I-I gotta help, too…?
Don’t wanna… I’m bad at making plays.
Everything’s just another experience! ♪
But y’know, Takamin, if you’re gonna be a big baby about it, then I’m just gonna hafta coach you veeery closely~.
Ughhh… You’re so overbearing, it’s reminding me of Morisawa-senpai…
Fine… I don’t want Akehoshi-senpai anywhere near me, so I’ll do what I gotta do.
Alright, that’s the spirit! Let’s go offense right off the bat! Is everyone good to go?
You bet!
G-Go ahead…
Alright, and… Start! Sally~!
Nice pass, Subaru!
Then I’ll return it back to him… Psyche! Takamine, heads up!
U-Umm… Then I slip through the defense and— Akehoshi-senpai!
Totally awesome~! And without missin’ a beat, dunk it…☆
Nice one, Subaru!
What a clean goal.
So how about it, Nagisa-san? This is the kinda sport basketball is. ☆
…Yeah. I believe I’ve more or less grasped it.
…Well, then. I’ll try it immediately. Is this a dribble?
Huh? That move just now… What? He’s already overtaken me?!

…I’ll pull a feint. And, like that, I’ll slam dunk ♪
Whoa, that’s amazin’! Looks like the fruits of my labor showed themselves right away…☆
H-Hold on a second, Akehoshi-senpai! Don’t you think something’s clearly off here!?
T-There’s no way that a real amateur would play like that…!?
Ahaha… Maybe Nagisa-san’s got a knack for basketball?
Nah, can’t be. If that were true, it’d really knock me down~.
Remains of a Dream 4
An hour later…
Alright, we’ll end shooting practice around here. Let’s take a short break.
(…Phew. It’s been so long since I actually acted as Captain, I almost forgot what to do. There’s way too many things I gotta do as one… but looks I’ll be making it through somehow.)
(Now, let’s see. What’s goin’ on at the other side of the court?)
(Nagisa-san picked up things extremely quickly, so Subaru and Takamine are playing against him 2 on 1 right now.)
…Here I go.
Takamin, Nagisa-san’s going on the offensive! Don’t let him slip through!
Hah, huff… I-I can’t go on anymore…
Oooh, that all you got? Then we’ve got no choice, let’s put a stop to him together by combining!
Yeah! Lemme up on your shoulders, big guy! Then we’ll become an impenetrable iron wall…☆
Whoa?! It went in!
Ugh, Takamiiin, you’ve gotta actually block his shot and then pass it to me!
Uhh, I’m pretty sure it’s you who has to block it, though…?
I’ve been a benchwarmer for years — why would you try and get me to do the blocking…?
If you’re just gonna start ragging on me, then why don’t you direct that frustration on the game itself or something, please…
So how about we beat Nagisa-san and get some confidence in you instead~! ‘Cause idols like us grow best through battle, y’know? ♪
Hey, you’re asking for the impossible from him, Subaru.
Seriously, the moment I take my eyes off you, you’re doing some weird combo thing~. Just who do you think’d have to deal with the fallout if someone gets injured?
Mm~, it’ll be fine! We’re not slamming into each other, and we aren’t getting as heated up as we usually do during a real match, you know?
Don’tcha think so, Nagisa-sa—…Mm? What’re you squatting for?
Did you hurt yourself somehow? Are you okay? Can you stand?
…Subaru-kun. What exactly is this line?
Ooh, that’s the three-point line! If you score from there or outside it, then you’ll get a lotta points!
…So I should shoot from here, I suppose.
Whoa, it went in! Awesomesauce~♪
You’ve gotten seriously good in just a day! Why not start playing basketball seriously from here on?
You could totally go pro if you keep it up like this! We could go to the Nationals together!
…No. I am an idol.
Ahaha, I was just joking! Things would go crazy around here if we just snatched you off the path of being an idol, right? I think it’s the same way for me, probably.
…Fufu. You are that person’s son, after all.
Mmm~, I wasn’t really sure how this’d turn out, but I guess I was worried about nothing at all, huh?
By the way, you said you visited the Basketball Club because you had some business to take care of, right? Did you get what you came for?
…Yeah. More or less.
…I wanted to learn about Yumenosaki Academy’s current condition. That mission of mine has been completed. Thank you.
Current condition…? Oh yeah, you used to be in this school, right?
Ooooh, I get it. It’s that “alumni comes back to check on their old school” kinda feel, huh.
That’s why you asked Anzu, who’s going here right now, to bring you over.
Huh, so that’s why… And then she contacted me, since I’m the Student Council President.
If I remember right, Nagisa-san was a member of fine in the past.
So I guess now that he’s gotten over that time, he got curious about Yumenosaki Academy’s state of affairs.
Huh? What’s up, Anzu? That’s not all?
…Yeah. That’s correct. There is one more thing I must do.
…I left behind a lost article in the Record Room.
…That is why I would like the current Student Council President’s permission to enter it.
Oh, okay. Then I’m goin’ too! Since it’s rare for you to visit, Nagisa-san, I oughta show you some proper hospitality!
Hold on, don’t just go off on your own without permission, Subaru!
Sigh. Well, it’s not like we’ve got anything to hide anyway, so go ahead.
Ohhh yeah, Sally~, you always get the gist of it! ♪
You’re way too over the moon… Yeesh, you can’t treat Student Council stuff the same way you treat Trickstar stuff.
Mm~… Still, if you really wanna do it that much, I guess I’ll let you be the one to escort him.
It’d be bad if something happened while someone from CosPro was in the school, after all, and I’ve still gotta manage the Basketball Club.
You two’re both geniuses in your own rights, so you’ll probably have an easy time talking to each other. I’ll leave it in your hands, Subaru.
Sweet~☆ Consider it done! Let’s go, Anzu, Nagisa-san!
So what’re you looking for anyway, Nagisa-san? You’re always reading, so is it a book you treasure or something~?
Or maybe it’s something to do with idols… An old outfit of fine’s maybe?
…There is no need to rush. You’ll soon understand.
…To me, it is something of a memento.
Remains of a Dream 5
Location: Records Room

Here’s the Record Room, Nagisa-san!
…Subaru-kun. And Anzu-san. Thank you for leading me here.
No problemo! I don’t really use this room that much myself, but it’s got a ton of idol-related things in it.
So what’re you looking for anyway, Nagisa-san? Gonna tell us anytime soon?
…Before I tell you that, allow me to ask you a question. Are you the type to reflect on the past?
What’s with this all of a sudden, some kinda psych test?
We~ll, I don’t really like to think about the past or the future, I guess.
What I mean is that they’re not the “now”. Living each day to the fullest is the best ☆
…Then, is it fine to disregard your past?
Huh~? What the hell, Nagisa-san, are you tryin’ to trick me into saying something?
Of course the past’s important. Everything that happened back then is what makes me me now.
But if I keep looking back at the past too much, then I won’t be able to make the most of the days I have right now. I won’t be able to grasp the future I want – that’s what I think, anyway.
…That’s right. It is just as you say.
…History repeats itself. That is why we humans record events in books.
…Of course, such history is merely what the winners have decided it to be.
…A great number of victims were created as the result of our revolution.
…That is most likely why Hiyori-kun did not wish to come to Yumenosaki Academy with me.
…He is kind, so he feels responsibility for his past actions.
…He could have believed that he was taught fake doctrines, that he was deceived — he could have made such excuses, but he didn’t.
Mm? What do you mean?
…Fufu. You are just like me; you are an optimist.
Whoa, Nagisa-san? Why’re you petting my head all of a sudden~?
Did I say something praiseworthy or what?
…The truth is, the reason I came here is also because of what happened in the past.
…Having undergone Conquest recently, Adam and Eve experienced internal discord.
…That was the scenario we were given, and we executed a performance that could even be called an instantaneous disbanding.
Ohh yeah, the bigwigs at CosPro just played it up like that or something, right?
Then it was a fixed match from the start, huh? Like how wrestling is.
…Both of the things you said are correct. We actually did conduct ourselves so as to convince the audience that it was such a show.
…In any case. There were repercussions for Conquest, and it was decided that the members of Eden will produce a feature television program.
…We will describe the sequence of events that led to the formation of our unit to a certain extent, as well.
…Of course, discussion of my father and the revolution that occurred in Yumenosaki will be omitted, even though the program is meant to be acted out as the telling of a youthful story.
So that’s why you wanted to come to the Record Room.
If you’re gonna talk about how Eden got together, then there’s no way you can’t talk about the old fine – you and Ohii~san used to be part of it, after all.
…Yeah. It looked like Hiyori-kun didn’t want to remember such things, so I came to retrieve things in his place.
…Because the activity records of the old fine should still be here.
A memento, huh. Is it really gonna be that easy to find, though…? If it’s about that, then I feel like Eichi-senpai or someone might've hidden it somewhere ‘cause it’d be bad if anyone found it.
Anzu’s looked through two years worth of documents too, and she hasn’t found anything either.
…If you want to hide a tree, you should hide it in a forest. This is Eichi-kun we are speaking of; he would most likely venture to leave them in the Record Room.
…Documents are gathered here semi-automatically. It should be a logical choice to leave them in such a place.
…Worrying about a special hiding spot would become a burden. Considering him, he’d surely have thought something along those lines.
Yeah, the revolution that old fine began was, like, necessary in Eichi-senpai’s eyes, after all. I guess he wouldn't wanna act like it was something that never happened then, right?
I wonder if it’s tucked away in some corner of this Record Room. Maybe it’s in one of these old cardboard boxes?
Mm~. There’s a lotta stuff in here. Nagisa-san, Anzu, mind givin' me a hand?
Since we don’t get to do this often, how about we have a little fun? The first person to find what we’re lookin’ for gets a soda~. That sorta thing!
…Yes, you’re right. By giving someone recompense for their accomplishments, their ambition will further rise. I believe this is a psychological approach that shows a good understanding of animals’ reward systems.
…We humans have spun the tale of history by finding purpose in our deeds and regulating our actions.
…The actions we execute in our lives are surely affirmed by such emotions that are present within each and every one of us.
…Even though, considering the scale of history, we may merely be tiny, brief, single-volumed stories.
Remains of a Dream 6
A few minutes later…
Hmm~. Doesn’t seem like we’ll be striking gold anytime soon in these documents either. Maybe it’s ‘cause everyone worked suuuper hard last year, but there sure are a lot of DreamFes proposals here, huh?
Whoa, take a look at this…
How nostalgic ♪ Isn’t this the S2 we planned together, Anzu?
We started training for the SS right before we could do a DreamFes in the school though, so in the end the proposal fell through.
We talked about if we could maybe do something in autumn instead, right?
Speaking of, we did a live with Adam around that time last year, didn’t we? The Autumn Live, right?3
But since our battle at the SS, we haven’t really had much to do with each other, huh?
I wanna have another live sometime with you, Nagisa-san! I had looooots of fun back then ♪
…Yeah. I want to, as well.
…After all, I'm connected to you, Subaru-kun. And the scandal involving your father occurred during SS, so that wasn’t a good time to do so.
…I have a feeling the continuation is being postponed.
…Your father often taught me, too.
…Just like how you taught me basketball today.
…As well as the reason why idols exist.
Talk about a blast from the past~. That’s something I learned during the finals of the SS– Man, it’s been half a year since then.
Fufu. I think you mentioned before that Dad’s performances live on within you.
…I wonder. I am not your father’s successor.
…However, he was an idol who built up an age.
…I believe he lives on within not only me, but so many other idols.
Ahaha. If that’s true, then I’m happy…♪
But I still can't really, fully believe this is happening.
Like, how am I actually getting to talk about Dad like this when he just… vanished?
Ah, uh– S-Sorry, I think I’ve got something in my eye!
…Are you alright?
Peachy keen, don’t worry! I just got unbearably happy, that’s all!
I never thought I’d get that excited talking about my Dad though, like, I dunno…?
…Subaru-kun, relax.
Eh?! Um?! Why’re you huggin’ me?!
…Because I thought your father would do the same.
Y-Yeah, I’m sure, but this is more embarrassing than a normal hug!
…Sorry. It appears that I have failed to keep an appropriate distance.
…However, I also empathize with you.
…He disappeared so abruptly. Under normal circumstances, your father would have continued to be broadcasted on television or on the radio, but he received disparagement for crimes he didn’t commit and was erased instead.
…The light of a star that had brightened its surroundings vanished and was lost so suddenly.
…My father also tried not to leave any traces of himself on the front stage as he lived. He was in charge of the darkness of the entertainment industry, so there are barely any remaining records of him.
…I initially thought that you and I were the exact opposites of each other. However, as people with similar circumstances and who have chosen similar paths, we are able to understand one another.
That’s really something else, huh?
I dunno, like, talking about my dad is always such a gloomy and dark topic, so I’d always try avoiding it.
I tried telling myself not to cling to the past, and yet…
For some reason, I felt like it’d be fine to talk to you about it, Nagisa-san.
…That’s right.
…Humans are creatures that are incapable of completely understanding each other. That is precisely why I believe being able to walk side by side and empathize with one another is a miracle.
…Come here, O twin soul of mine.
Ahaha. It’s way too embarrassing to be called that, you knooow?
Thanks, Nagisa-san.
…Huh? What’s up, Anzu?
You found the documents about the old fine that we were looking for? Ahh, so it was in the very back of the boxes… What was it doing lying back there?
…Thank you. It truly was the right decision to ask this of you, Anzu-san.
…You were even so kind as to search while we were talking, I see.
Sorry, Anzu. We just got too into it, I guess?
So, so? What’s the memento?
Oooh, it’s a picture of the four of you from the old fine smiling together. When did you guys do this?
…Fufu. When we first banded together, Tsumugi-kun said we should take a photo to commemorate.
Ahaha, of course it was Blue-senpai who did!
…Yeah. That is one of his strengths.
…He knew the importance of whittling down and preserving the moments of the past.
…Remaining stagnant in the past may not be desirable.
…But going into mourning and learning from what has happened are necessary functions.
…Humans are not such rational creatures that we are able to discard those abilities and still continue progressing.
…By coming to terms with your past, you are finally able to walk forward.
…Yeah, it’s a good picture ♪
Epilogue 1
Location: In front of the fountain at Yumenosaki Academy

Man, it’s been way too long since I got to have fun with the club~! Every part of my body hurts. ♪
I’m really glad I got to play basketball with you, as well. Don’t ya feel the same, Takamine? ♪
I’m so depressed…
Urghh, I never once expected the club to be so exhausting with you around, of all people…
I couldn’t help it, y’know~. The juniors kept saying they wanna work hard and push their limits, so the right thing to do would be to keep up with them. ♪
You really didn’t have to follow Morisawa-senpai’s footsteps when it comes to that…
Wha~? I’m gonna tell him to come over if you keep saying stuff like that, y’know~?
He’s been real busy with work lately, but I bet Morisawa-senpai wants to come back and visit Yumenosaki sometime. Subaru and I can’t come by as often as we’d like, so maybe I’ll ask him to come and see the club. ♪
Eep— No, that’s the worst idea ever…! That guy's graduated already, but he still torments me…
I had a nightmare about him just the other day, y’know…!? I even sweated through my blanket in my sleep… I really don’t want him to show up anywhere outside of work…
I’m just joking. Well, I really haven’t been able to visit the club that often, but at least play basketball with us sometime, will ya?

You’re soooo slow. How long’re you gonna make me wait?
Oh, hey. Were you waiting for us, Subaru?
Sorta. It’s pretty rare that we get to go to the club together, so it’d be pretty lonely if we just went our own ways home, don’tcha think?
Also, Anzu and Nagisa-san said they wanted to go home with us too.
Right, Nagisa-san?

Ran-senpai seems to be asleep…?
…I’m awake.
Are you really, though~? Aren’t you tired enough to doze off?
…I was simply nodding off a little.
Mmm? How’s that any different from what I said?
…What an interesting view.
…The dreams that we idols see when awake may be no different to the dreams we see when we are asleep. Essentially, they are the same.
…Idols can also be defined as ideals — the perfect embodiment of a concept — after all.
That’s right! We’re in the middle of living our dreams! We’re dreaming whether awake or asleep…☆
But for some reason, you kinda have a soft air about you right now, Nagisa-san.
Before, you always seemed to be thinking too hard about what original sin was and stuff like that, like you were feeling suffocated by something.
…Is that so?
Ah–. Is it because you had a good dream or something? It’s got you suuuper pumped, hasn’t it~?
Mm~, I don’t think that Nagisa-san of all people would have that kinda post-dream energy, though.
Maybe he got infected by Akehoshi-senpai or Isara-senpai’s overbearing attitude during our club practice…
Ughhh… I seriously can't stand that kinda infectious enthusiasm…
I wanna be a senior like Ran-senpai, ‘cause he isn’t overbearing…
Ahaha, you’re being really cheeky for a junior~! In that case, I'll just be extra obnoxious and show you exactly what you shouldn't do, you li'l brat~♪
No thank you! I’ll resign if you do…!!
Then I’ll just sign you right back up! You can’t escape the Basketball Club, Takamin…♪
Whaa… Please don’t do that without considering how I feel…
…Fufu. Things are very lively when I’m with you all; I never get bored.
Ahaha, it’s always like this. ♪ Subaru’s keyed up on the regular, and Hokuto always tells him off for it…♪
Yup yup! It’s like there’s a festival every day!
…I see.
…I’m glad. You are all able to smile cheerfully now.
…I had thought that the flowers that bloomed on the battlefield would all wither.
…But new flowers appeared once more from the depths of the Earth.
Ummm…? What do you mean?
…It means that my past was saved by the actions and smiles of Trickstar, I think.
…The battle that we waged, which wounded so many, wasn’t in vain.
Battle…? You’re not talking about the revolution Trickstar did last year, right…?4
…That’s right, to you, the revolution was simply Trickstar itself.
Ahh, just some old stuff. Nothing you need to know about~♪
There are now idols who can smile brightly, without worrying about anything or having anyone get in their way. And that’s proof that the battle for that cause has come to an end.
That’s right! It’d just worry you if you learned what happened back then, Takamin, so that’s about all you need to know about it, okay~?
Whaaa… But now I feel like I’m being left out, and I don’t like that…
And Morisawa-senpai’s always been pretty secretive about the stuff that’s actually important… Is it because I’m not trustworthy…?
Mmm~, I doubt anyone really likes talking about the past, that’s all…
But, well, this is as good a chance as any. If you really wanna hear it, Takamine, then why don’t we tell you on the way back?
I only know bits of it myself, but Nagisa-san here’s a living piece of history. ♪
…I wonder if that is true. I am only able to narrate history from my personal perspective, if that is alright with you.
Then it’s decided! Let’s head to a family restaurant right now!
That means you too, Nagisa-san, ‘cause I wanna keep on talking to you. And people in different units don’t usually get the chance to get to know each other, right?
…Thank you.
…By virtue of you all existing, my dream self will surely be able to realise that everything wasn’t in vain.
Huh? I knew it, you did dream of something!
Well well? What was it? Tell me~?
…You see, that is…
…Fufufu. A secret. ♪
Epilogue 2

Autumn, the past…
(…Where is this?)
(…How odd. My surroundings should be dark. Perhaps I slept until dawn broke.)
(…No. This disconnected feeling — could I be within a dream?)
(…If that is so, it is an incredibly realistic one. Is my dream showing me Yumenosaki Academy?)
…Hm? Someone’s heading this way?

…Cough, cough.
I’m truly in dire straits. My physical condition has been poor ever since the live we had the other day.
I wonder if they’re no longer in Yumenosaki Academy… This may be our final parting, so I had it on my mind — what a shame.
No, this may be for the best. I used them as mercenaries. For the sake of the revolution, I invested my funds in them and made them fight.
For the sake of my ideals, I turned Yumenosaki Academy into a blood-stained battlefield — a place with an indelibly dark history. There will surely be repercussions for that.
A battlefield… No, perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that I turned it into a wasteland.
The plump, domesticated animals — the idols of Yumenosaki — needed to lose weight. And yet, they were still coddled.
The educational institute of spoilt idols who had lost their market value was in such a wretched state that I couldn’t even bear to look at it.
— That’s why I made them recover their ferality, the instincts they once had.
Natural selection must occur in order for life to progress. I don’t believe that is inherently bad.
I couldn’t get them to empathize with me, though.
Even so, I’d be so happy if a miracle occurred and we could walk together once more — if they could understand that my ideals also had righteousness to them.
And yet the person most aware of the fact that such a dream is nothing more than a futile wish is none other than me, myself.
…Goodbye. Hiyori-kun, Nagisa-kun.
…It’s the Eichi-kun of the past. Is he an inhabitant of my dreams, as well?
…At that time, Eichi-kun was exhausted.
…He was so overwhelmed, he shouldn’t have been able to even spare us a thought.
…Perhaps this scenery before me is the dream I wanted to see.
…I understand now. This place, this scene is —
…The events that took place a few days after I left fine.
…I was in despair about everything and had just submitted the documents necessary to take a leave of absence from Yumenosaki Academy. It was the day of parting.
…At that time, I recall sitting in front of the fountain.
…I’ll go. To see the me of the past.

…I don’t know. I’ve gotten tired. Of even breathing.
…A place where idols. Could be happy.
…That was what. I was supposed to be seeking. And yet.
…You wanted to make this. Into a battlefield. Didn’t you, Eichi-kun?
…I also. Killed them with my own two hands. The innocent. Pure. Idols.
…What about that was “just”?
…I know that humans aren’t just. In the first place.
…But even so. I tried to be good. I truly did.

…Poor me.
…But you see, Nagisa. Nagisa Ran.
…The tracks that you left led to the person I am today.
…You are more innocent, purer, than I am now. The battle that you fought to simply try and seek love was not in vain.
…During that time, you were in so much pain you could barely breathe.
…But rest assured.
…Your wounds were able to heal.
…You are now able to regain happiness. You, who had lost everything back then.
…And now, Yumenosaki Academy is full of joy as well.
…Flowers bloomed in the battlefield.
…Beautiful, vibrant flowers that make everyone who gaze upon them smile.
…Yes, such wonderful flowers are blooming.
…You worked hard, didn’t you? It’s alright, you don’t need to suffer anymore.