[ES!!] 2023 Midori Takamine Birthday
Birthday Quote

You drew yuruchara as a birthday present for me!? Thank you so much! I'll make it my heirloom…♪
Birthday Moment
Moment Event

(Whew… The party's finally over~…)
(I'm so glad nothing bad happened. Everyone looked like they enjoyed themselves, too…)
Ah, hello, Anzu-san. Thank you for your hard work. Did you finish putting away everything from the birthday party?
You came here for a small break…? It sounds harder than expected…
I know I'm late to say this, but I'll lend a hand too. I'd like to repay you, so please let me help out.
Heheh, thank you very much.
It can be a little embarrassing, but it feels nice to have your birthday celebrated, doesn't it? ♪
Um, this is good timing for you, since you were just looking for me…?
Did you have something to tell me? You could've just let me know on HoldHands, though…?
Ahh, but I guess I may not see it on time if it's an urgent matter, huh…
Hmm… So you'd like some time to talk to me by tonight?
Okay, sure. I don't have anything to do, so I don't mind sparing time for you.
You'd like some time from me? But it might take a while?
I don't plan to meet up with anyone, so that's fine by me.
Ermm, I recall there being bags to throw cans over here…
Huh, Shinobu-kun? Why're you here…?
Ooh, Midori-kun, Anzu-dono! I was assisting in cleaning up the party, but I ran out of garbage bags, so I'm here to look for some!
Yeah, that sounds good. We're going to have a birthday party for Shinkai-senpai in the same place, so we need to make it spotless for tomorrow.
Indeed! It was so much fun today, I cannot wait for Shinkai-dono's party tomorrow! ♪
Ah, I'll carry them. Like I said before, I'll help out with the clean-up.
Thank you, Midori-kun! With you around, we will be done in no time~♪
Birthday Night, Part One

Um, I'm back. I threw away the garbage bags, so I think we're done cleaning up… right?
It looks so clean now. Feels refreshing getting that all done~♪
Thank you for all your hard work with this party, Anzu-san.
Thank you for helping out, too.
Don't sweat it. I'm already used to manual labor from helping out my family's business, so you can always leave it to me.
Please call for me if you need me to carry anything for Shinkai-senpai's party tomorrow.
Umm, what is it? You'd like me to see the photos you took…?
Oh yeah, you were taking photos of us during the party, weren't you?
Ahh, this is from when we were eating the cake together.
It looks so nice with everyone smiling.
Yeah. The cake was really tasty, too…♪
It was so tasty that Tetora-kun almost choked from stuffing his mouth full of it. Heheh, I kinda panicked for a moment then.
Thank you for taking photos of us.
I look kinda lifeless though, so it's a little embarrassing…
But it's nice to have these photos as memories, isn't it?
I'll send them to you later.
Thank you. I'll look at them during my breaktimes at work.
Huh? You took a lot? I guess I'll be taking a while to look through them all.
Birthday Night, Part Two
Oh yeah, Anzu-san. You said you had something for me…
Huh? Ah, so the thing you wanted to give me was this box…?
Woah, it's a fancy brooch…! Are you sure I can have this…?
Of course.
Thank you so much. Woahh… The more I look at it, the more amazing it is…
I love the color green, so I'm happy that the heart gemstone in the middle is green…♪

Um, I'd feel bad if I just put it back in the box, so I clipped it on instead.
What do you think…? It's a pretty cute design, so it probably looks imbalanced on someone as big as me…
Mm… It's kinda bothering me how odd it looks…
It doesn't look odd at all.
Huh, really…? Well, to be fair, I do wear stuff more sparkly than this during live shows and photoshoots.
But hearing it from you makes me relieved…♪
Oh yeah, I just realized something… I didn't say "I'm so depressed" even once today.
There were a few moments I almost felt depressed, but it all went away once I started talking to everyone.
I had a lot of fun all day today…♪
It's all thanks to everyone, huh?
That's true… I'm sure my past self would be surprised to see me having fun talking in the center of everyone.
Since I didn't get depressed at all today, it's fine to see that as a sign that I'm growing, right…? It may be a small improvement, but I'm still happy~♪
Birthday Phone Call
H-Hello…? I accidentally called your phone number while looking at today's photos… But I wanted to say my thanks anyway, so this is perfect timing…
Thank you so much for celebrating my birthday this year, too…♪
Birthday Cake

Click here for the office interactions that appear when a specified character gifts a present to Midori.
※ On the day of the idol's birthday, the birthday cake is available to purchase in the office.