WILDLAND – Shinobu Mini Talk: Challenge to Draw a Comic

I’ll replace this panel with a new drawing… like this?
Ooh! Now that looks a lot more like it! You have my gratitude, Anzu-dono!
By making a poster with a yonkoma comic strip, there will surely be more students who’ll find interest in the Ninja Association! ♪
The reason for that is all thanks to you, Anzu-dono.
While I do enjoy reading manga, I’m completely unfamiliar with drawing one.
I’m so glad I had someone to give me just the advice I needed!
You believe so too, Anzu-dono?
I don’t necessarily want special attention over this, but in the end, wanting to share the things that you do with others is just another part of human nature.
With this comic, I’m sure that will become a reality…♪

It was actually Isara-dono’s idea to try adding a comic strip in the poster.
After receiving such an incredible idea, I felt like I had to make use of it, but… Just drawing a yonkoma comic alone is a painstaking task, huh~?
I have even more respect for all the professional manga artists out there now.
Ahh, if I asked someone who draws manga how its like, I might be able to learn even more indeed.
That being said, I don’t believe there’s anyone I know like that…
You’ll introduce me to someone, Anzu-dono? That would be a great help! ♪
They certainly are! They think up everything on their own, from the story to the art itself.
It’s something they wouldn’t be able to accomplish unless they’re someone with a lot of passion and skill.
For someone skillful, Mayoi-dono also fits the bill… Perhaps he would surprisingly be able to draw one?

You’re suggesting that I upload the comic strip I drew on social media…?
No, no. It’s merely an amateur’s work, and it’s too embarrassing to upload it~
But I did go through all ths effort, so I’ll start by sending it to everyone in Ryuseitai first. Here goes!
Ah, Midori-kun responded.
“It looks like a yuruchara, so cute”… Huh, I was going for a cool-looking ninja, though…
But I’d rather hear that than someone not liking it, so I’m happy. I’ll thank Midori-kun for the compliment!
Ah, everyone responded. I’m delighted to see so many positive reactions~♪
Shinkai-dono in particular enjoyed it quite a lot, it seems. “The fish on the right edge is lovely”…
This was supposed to be a shuriken, but… Now that he mentions it, it does sort of look like a fish too, doesn’t it?