WILDLAND – Midori Mini Talk: Peculiar Illustration

Haah, this loose-looking energy is just perfect…
Ah, Anzu-san! Could you take a look at this?
Isn’t it so cute? It’s a new drawing from Master Artist Fushimi…♪
You’re on the mark, but you’re looking at it from the opposite angle. This is the correct way to look at it.
The more I look at it, the more there is to appreciate about it… It’s such a soothing drawing to look at, don’t you think?
Ahh~ This must be what you call a “God-given talent”. This is the one time I want to express my gratitude to God…♪
It isn’t, but maybe you could think of it that way depending on how you look at it…?
Every time I look at it from a different angle, it shows me a different expression. This must mean it’s one of illustration masterpieces, right?
Anzu-san, thank you for giving me such a beautiful realization about it~♪

When I was looking through the storybook of Alice in Wonderland at the resting room, Master Artist Fushimi happened to pass by and greet me.
At that moment, I felt like seeing Master Artist Fushimi’s depiction of Alice in Wonderland…
So I asked him out of the blue, and he agreed to draw me something if I promised to keep it short. I’m so happy…♪
Ah, good to know you’re even looking at the corners…♪ This is the Cheshire Cat.
Its grinning face looks so loose and adorable, it’s the best…
Oh, I know. I’ll take a photo of it and set it as my phone’s wallpaper. It’ll fill me with happiness every time I open my phone…♪
Look at this part more closely. Do you see the watch?
Yes, it’s the white rabbit. It looks so unique with its surprisingly long ears.
If it actually existed in real life, I’d gladly adore it every day with hugs… Maybe I’ll have a manufacturer make one…?

I need to prepare the perfect picture frame to put this drawing in.
Maybe I’ll go check out a shop and buy one while on my way home. Was there an art supplies store nearby…?
Huh? There’s a spare frame in the ES warehouse? But wouldn’t it be wrong of me to have it…?
It was taking up space in the warehouse, so they were planning to collect everything and dispose of it, huh…
If it’s just going to get thrown away, then punishment won’t fall on me for taking it, right…?
Alright then, may I have it later? Once I do, I’ll be sure to fit this drawing in perfectly.
Huh, well if you say it so confidently, then it must be true…?
A picture frame that suits this drawing perfectly, huh… I wonder what it looks like? I hope it has some cute decorations…♪
Since you might go through all this effort for me, may I see it first? If I like it, I’d be glad to take it.