WILDLAND – Kanata Mini Talk: fish [paintings]

whew, what a big, big catch…♪
anzu-san, hello~ what a [coincidence] meeting you here~
ah, i was not at the [aquarium] before this. i had just come back from an [art museum], actually.
mm~ true, i think i go to the [aquarium] much more than an [art museum], don’t i?
but even i enjoy admiring the [arts] every once in a while.
fufu, it sounds a little [cool] if i say it like that, right~?
this is a [collection] of [pictures] i bought at the [art museum]~
all the [paintings] in the [art museum] are in this [book].
in other words, i can [enjoy] the [art museum] even after i return home…♪

a while ago, we ryuseitai [worked with] someone for a job, and they were the one who told me about this [exhibition] happening today.
it is an [exhibition] with [fish paintings] from all over the world~
even though it was an [art museum], it felt as though i was in an [aquarium]…♪
fufu, you look like you finally get why i was there now.
all the [paintings] were charming in their own way, and i could feel the love for [fish] in each of them.
it makes me want to draw something once i get home. i wonder what sort of [fish painting] i should go with…?
yes, of course.
it was the [painting] of a [large sharkie] swimming happily with [small fishies].
there was [merchandise] for it too, so i bought some [postcards]. i will give one to you, anzu-san.

i would like to go to the art museum again while they are [having] this particular exhibition.
since it is only around for a limited time, i will invite someone to come with me next time around.
maybe kaoru would be interested to join. would you like to as well, anzu-san?
wah, i am so glad. then it is settled, right~?
but anzu-san, i did not expect you to be interested in [fish paintings].
ah, you try your best to look at various things for the sake of work, too? good girl, good girl~♪
there might be other people interested, so you will see who else might want to [join]?
then i will leave it to you~ it would be a lot more fun to go with everyone instead of just enjoying it all by myself, after all.
would chiaki and souma come, too? fufu, i am already so [excited] to find out.