WILDLAND – Chiaki Mini Talk: Playing With Cats

Anzu, look over here! There’s an adorable cat.
It doesn’t run away even when I get close to it, and it sits still and lets me pet it!
Like this, there, there… (pat, pat) ♪ What a good kitty.
Yeah. It isn’t afraid of people at all — if anything, it looks so happy with all the petting.
My tired mind feels healed from all the exhausting work…♪
Considering its behavior, maybe this cat is being taken care of as a pet somewhere?
Mhm, it’s so tiny and just adorable!
Also, when I pet it like this, the cat seems to look as though its smiling. Look…♪
Fufu, isn’t it so cute?

Anzu, you may not believe me when I say this, but this cat can speak human language.
Just before you came, it was trying its best to talk to me… Mm?
…Like now, didn’t it just talk!? Did you hear it, Anzu?
Yeah. There’s no doubt about it; it definitely said “Good morning”!
Since you also heard it, then it must mean I didn’t mishear.
Can it say any other words too, I wonder…?
No way, you can’t tell me that! Here, listen more closely!
That’s strange. I definitely heard it say “Good morning” just a moment ago…

…Anzu, have you noticed? It seems like there’s another cat that’s a little farther from here, and it’s staring at us.
Is it curious about what’s going on here? But it might be too nervous to get closer…
Alright then, that means we should go and greet it ourselves! Let’s go, Anzu!
Ah—…! It ran away because of my voice just now.
I accidentally scared it away, just like you said would happen, Anzu… That was awful of me.
Will I get to see it if I come by this pathway again…? If I ever do, I want to apologize for what I did today.
Mm, you’re right; we have to take careful action, or we’ll just frighten it.
Mm~ This somehow feels similar to the feeling I get when I strike up a conversation with Takamine.
Er, actually, he’ll just get angry with me if I group him with a cat. Anzu, please keep what I just said a secret!