Wedding March! – Red Diamond
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9 - Ch 10 - Ch 11 - Ch 12 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: Golden Pavilion

Time passes until November. In the morning…
…Ah, Morisawa-senpai. The staff gave me an update~
They’re still doing the final check-up around the place, but we’ll start filming as soon as they’re done.
Thank you! Sorry that I made you go all the way to ask them, Sazanami.
It’s all good~ I’m used to running errands for other people ‘cause of Ohii-san. Besides, I was the one who offered to do it, anyway~♪
Now that that’s settled… The Golden Pavilion’s real neat, huh~?
I’m not smart enough to pick the right words here, but… I guess this is what you’d call “elegant”~?
And we get to enjoy the scenery all for ourselves right as it opens, so it feels all even more special~
Mhm! So much has happened just to get here, but I’m so glad to know we were able to make it to this day. It’s truly touching…! ☆
Ahaha, it’s too early to celebrate~ We haven’t even filmed our introductions yet, y’know~? I get what you mean, though.
It took a real long time to get to this point, didn’t it~ Tenshouin-senpai himself was pretty shocked like, “I didn’t expect you to suggest a variety show of all things”.
Haha, he was even surprised that we managed to find four other idols to accompany us. I was worried at first over how our schedules would align, but…
Thanks to the P-Association’s assistance, we were able to ensure that both the filming and its public release will happen in autumn.
I was surprised to hear “P-Association” pop up in the conversation, but I’m real glad they’re helping us out with this project.
Without Anzu-san’s comments, we would’ve never noticed that our project was turning out to just be a regular ol’ travel program.
Mhm! We kept having meetings together until we finally came up with a project that would satisfy everyone involved—
So I’m sure it’ll be a success! Rather, we’ll absolutely make certain that it becomes a success!
…Ah, that’s where the two of you are.
Oh, Fushimi! Where’s everyone else?
They are still having their make-up done. I believe they will be finished soon.
Ah, alright! We’re already such a large group, so I didn’t expect to have you onboard too, Fushimi! It feels reassuring! ☆
Yes, I’m here under Eichi-sama’s orders to act as an emergency contact.
While I do plan to participate in the filming, I will be taking a step back from everyone, so please pay no mind to me.
No, don’t be that way — we’re all equals here!
You’re part of the team, so you’re free to take as many steps forward as you like!
Hm… The six of you are the ones who will be in the spotlight this time, so I would rather not stand out…
However, it is true that I may unintentionally worry our fans if they were to see me separated from everyone.
Therefore, I will be sure to display myself in moderation.
That’s the spirit! I expect great things from you, Fushimi!
…You truly are noisy, Morisawa. Have you considered staying quiet for once, at least before our work begins?
I’m sorry to have kept you all waiting, everyone. The staff members seem to have finished the preparations, so I believe it’s time for the briefing.
It’s finally time…! I don’t intend on pushing Ryuseitai’s way of doing things onto you all, but—
All for one, one for all! Let’s join hands and make this project a success! ☆
Chapter 2

Sigh… Why do I gotta babysit when I’m in Kyoto…
We are here specifically to do that “babysitting”. Just to let you know, it’s completely alright to go home if you’d rather not do it. I can be the host on my own.
No way, with this many people? There’s no way you can manage it all on your own, Akiyan. Don’t ya agree, Anzu?
Please don’t coerce Anzu-san into agreeing with you. And I suggest that you avoid spoiling Jin, Anzu-san.
…I can see the group now. Once they’re done with the briefing, it’s time to begin filming.
Anzu-san, we’re entrusting you with all the behind-the-scenes arrangements.
Ten minutes later — They begin recording the upcoming online stream…
“Ermm, so, to everyone watching this stream… Heya, I’m Sagami Jin.”
“Hello, I’m Kunugi Akiomi. We will be your hosts for this show. It’s a pleasure to be here.”
“Now then, I believe there was already an explanation at the studio, but this show is not simply just about a short trip.”
“The first half of the first day will be the ‘sightseeing segment,’ where we will show the audience what you’re doing at the tourist attractions. The second half of the day will feature the ‘game segment,’ involving competitions.”
“For the game segment, you will compete in pairs.”
“The pairs will be decided based on a lottery, so we will have different pairs for each day.”
“Furthermore, you are allowed to make a ‘call’ once a day, to ask an acquaintance for help.”
“The only rule is that it must be an ES idol. Otherwise, you’re free to speak to them about anything. Please make use of it whenever you need it.”
“The idol with the most points by the end will receive a reward.”
“The prize is domestic travel tickets for your whole unit. Please do your utmost best in the show.”
…♪ (smiles while nodding)
Mm? I didn’t hear you say “yay,” Itsuki! It’s part of the script to say it, y’know?
Hmph! It isn’t in my character to do that.
What are you making that face for? I’m not your parent, and I’ve no interest in taking part in this foolish charade.
“Haha, looks like we can skip past loosening your nerves, huh? Okay then, it’s time to decide on your pairs.”
(raises hand) Sagami-sensei, sir! We can’t make pairs out of seven people!
“Ahaha, great job on showing how to properly make a comment. It’s as Morisawa said — One person’s gonna be left without a partner.”
“That’s why we’ll have a guest idol show up only for the game segment. I hope you’re all excited to see who it is.”
“Right then, time to draw the lottery~”
A few minutes later…
Mine is blank… Ah, that means I’ll be paired with the guest idol, huh.
Hmm, I wonder who it’ll be…? I hope it’s someone I’m on good terms with.
…My partner appears to be Shu-san.
I’ve heard a great deal about you. Natsume-san sometimes mentions you during our Gardenia activities.
From that boy…? How on earth did I end up being mentioned…? He wasn’t telling any untruths, was he?
I haven’t spoken to you much before, so I wouldn’t be able to confirm what is and isn’t factual, but…
I’m given the impression that you are someone special to him. He always looks so happy when talking about you.
I would love to take this opportunity to get to know you more. Let’s do our best together, Shu-san.
I see that I’m partnered with Ran-sama. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
…Mhm. The pleasure is all mine.
…This is my first time on a field trip, so I’m really excited.
(Mm~… Nagi-senpai’s partner is Fushimi-san, huh…)
(I’ve got no clue why, but I do know Ibara has some hostility with him, so… I dunno what to expect once he finds out…)
(Oh well. I can’t be assed to think ‘bout it right now, and them’s the rules, so nothing I can do ‘bout it anyway…)
We were a pair for the PV, and a pair again here, huh~ I’m glad to work with you, Morisawa-senpai~♪
Mhm! While we may be rivals competing for points, we’re on the same team today!
Let’s join forces and get those points! ☆
“Yuuki-kun is still awaiting his ‘guest idol’ partner, but I can see that the ‘Morisawa & Sazanami Pair,’ ‘Kazehaya & Itsuki Pair,’ and ‘Ran & Fushimi Pair’ have all finished greeting each other. Very well then—”
Hold it right there!
Calling us by our family names is too cheap. We need to come up with a pair name to strengthen our solidarity!
What would you like our name to be, Sazanami?
Hmm, I’m fine with anything. Feel free to choose whatever you like, Senpai.
Okay then! We’re going to be the “Effort! Friendship! Victory! Fiery☆Hero Pair”! ☆
“Hold on, that’s way too long… Can’t you make it something that won’t be exhausting to say?”
Hrmph… Alright, then I’ll make it “Fiery☆Pair”!
What shall we make ours, Shu-san?
I’d prefer to keep it as “Kazehaya & Itsuki Pair”. It’s only for today, anyway.
Understood. Then we will stay as is.
Ran-sama, what shall we choose?
…I’d like “Grapevine Pair”. It’s the fruit of the season, and grapes have a dreamy quality to them.
Dreamy quality…?
…Kaoru-kun told me about it.1 I didn’t fully understand, but…
…He said “life is more fun when you believe in those dreams”.
Ohh… I don’t quite understand either, but you’d like us to be “Grapevine Pair,” yes? Very well then.
What shall you choose, Yuuki-sama?
Hmm… I’m going to decide on a pair name after I meet up with my partner.
I wouldn’t want to choose something that doesn’t suit our image, after all.
“It appears everyone has chosen a pair name for themselves. Right then—”
“It’s time to begin the sightseeing segment at the Golden Pavilion.”
Chapter 3
A while later…
…The Golden Pavilion is blinding, so I typically prefer the Silver Pavilion, but…
The actual sight of it is beautiful. Footage alone is truly incapable of capturing the scent and atmosphere of the place.
This experience alone makes visiting here worthwhile.
…Why are you inclining your head?
Well, I started to wonder — Why does the first floor of the Golden Pavilion not have a gold-leaf coating?
There are various theories, but it’s said that the Golden Pavilion was built with the purpose of showing off those in positions of authority at the time.
The evidence for this is the phoenix on the roof — which is said to present itself when the emperor appears — and the architectural style that you pointed out.
It is also said that each floor is divided into distinct styles to show the power hierarchy. The phoenix and the third floor are for the most powerful people; the second floor is for the samurai…
And the lowest floor — the first floor — is for the aristocrats. The lack of the gold-leaf coating on the lowest floor is an indication of the first two storeys superiority over the nobles.
You’re very knowledgeable about it, aren’t you? Are you fond of this kind of architecture?
It’s simply part of my study. The fine arts are a combination of many components.
However, I am no expert, and what I explained is only one of the common theories. If you wish to learn more, do your own research.
You’re right, that I will do. Thank you very much for explaining it to me, Shu-san.
…Oh? Chiaki-san and Jun-san are here.
What are you two doing?
Ah, Tatsumi-senpai. We were just chatting while looking at the carps in the pond.
Yep! I was talking about how last year, Ryuseitai performed a live show to find a caretaker for a carp.2
You performed a live show rather than making a poster to search for a new owner…?
Ahaha, even Tatsumi-senpai thought the same, huh~ That’s what I said, too~♪
My juniors in Ryuseitai thought up the idea after a lot of brainstorming. With a live show, they’d be able to spread the news to a lot of people faster.
They were hoping they could save the carp after having been abandoned without a home.
…Well? Were you able to find someone to take custody of it?
Yeah. Apparently, there’s a pond in the temple of Hasumi’s home. That’s where they got to keep it safe.
Of course, if they had simply talked to Hasumi about it, they wouldn’t have needed to hold a live show, but… seeing the kids’ hard work rewarded with my own two eyes meant a lot to me.
So I consider it a really special memory.
Fufu, thank you for sharing such a beautiful story.
Speaking of carps… A local told me about this earlier, but there apparently is a waterfall with a stone that looks like a carp. What do you say we go a little further to see it?
That sounds intriguing! Let’s go check it out!
“It looks like the Fiery☆Pair and Kazehaya & Itsuki Pair are going to the waterfall.”
“The Grapevine Pair and Yuuki-kun… appear to be strolling a little far from the Golden Pavilion.”
…? Such a charming design for this entrance’s curtains. What sort of establishment is this?
Erm… It looks like it’s a place to experience tea etiquette.
…Tea etiquette?
Ah, maybe it’d be clearer if I had said “tea ceremony”…? It’s part of Japan’s traditional culture to make tea in a specific manner.
It’s not just about drinking the tea, but also a way to discipline yourself to polish your spirituality and manners and such.
…How intriguing. You can learn how to maintain manners and spirituality through tea.
How about we try it out while we’ve got the chance?
…We didn’t book beforehand. Would it still be alright?
The signboard says walk-in entries are fine too, so it should be okay.
Allow me to confirm that with the establishment. Please wait here.
…Okay. I’ll be waiting.
…Oh, he’s back. What’d they say, Fushimi-kun?
They said they have an empty spot, so we would be able to make it if we were to head over there straight away.
We still have time before we have to meet up with everyone. How about we spend our time there?
Mhm, I like that idea~♪
“Those three are off to try out a tea ceremony, huh~ What an elegant thing to do for a bunch of youngsters.”
“You will sound like an old man if you say ‘youngsters,’ you know?”
“The short trip has only just begun. Please do enjoy watching the idols entertain themselves.”
Chapter 4
Location: Near the Togetsukyo Bridge in Arashiyama

The same day…
The color of autumn is thriving here too, isn’t it?
…Yes. It looks just like a red diamond.
Red diamond?
…It’s a type of diamond. There are various other kinds of red jewels, such as ruby, garnet, spinel…
…But this is likely going to be our only opportunity to witness this scenery as the three of us.
…So I believe that the red diamond suits this scenery the most, as it is the rarest of all diamonds.
…? What’s wrong with that boat over there? Is it laying still due to the slow current of the river?
That’s a houseboat.3 The reason why it looks slow is because it’s moved by poking the bottom of the river with a bamboo pole.
…You know a lot, don’t you?
Ahaha, I got curious as well, so I did some quick research on my phone~♪
According to the Kyoto guide site, it was a common way for aristocrats to spend their time in the olden days.
…Hm. Perhaps I’d be able to know how it was for the people back then through that boat.
…I’d love to ride on it, but it doesn’t seem possible with that queue.
…Unfortunately so. I looked through the reservations online, and it seems to be fully booked.
I apologize for being unable to help.
…Not at all. Thank you for checking for my sake. Tourism is rather high during this time of year, so I’m sure we would have had to book days in advance.
…It’s unfortunate that we can’t try one this time, but I’ll reserve my curiosity for the next opportunity.
…I hope I can come here again with my unit members. I’ll have to work hard on the game segment to make that a reality.
Meanwhile, elsewhere…
…I’m so sorry. With such a lovely view of autumn before us, I couldn’t help but gaze silently in awe.
You’re taking multiple photos, so it’s no surprise that you were quiet. What sort of photos did you take?
Would you like to see for yourself? Here you go.
…Hm. All of them are photographs of the scenery. Do you like taking photos of this composition?
Yes, I always take photos like this during my travels. Whenever I have the urge to preserve a spectacle, I naturally end up with photos like this.
I see that for you, it’s… photographs focusing on something specific, such as a shop’s ornaments, autumn leaves, and the like — is that correct?
How interesting. We’re both looking at the same thing, but end up with vastly different photos.
That would be because I took these as reference photos for my future creations.
However… I should take photos of the scenery, as well. Your photographs reminded me of Kagehira.
Reminded you of Mika-san…?
He sometimes sends me photographs whenever I’m living overseas, perhaps out of concern.
The photos tend to be of anything he’s doing, be it his circle activities, or an outing with a friend, and so on — all the while rambling about such topics.
It’s about time I also send something to him, at least every once in a while.
…However, while I know this isn’t something I should say as another tourist here…
I do wish this crowd could fade away somehow. They keep appearing in the photographs no matter what angle I take them in.
Hmm… If I remember correctly, our inn wasn’t that far away from here…
Shu-san, how about the two of us visit this area tomorrow in the early morning?
Early morning…?
You see, I spoke to my unit members the other day about my trip to Kyoto.
While we were all excited by the thought of visiting the place together someday, Mayoi-san can’t quite handle crowds very well…
He expressed that he’ll do his best to endure it, but we would never want to force him.
Thus, we decided that we would visit the famous tourist spots early in the morning, and after that, explore the more obscure, quiet areas of the city.
This region is filled with its own history, so there surely lies many unknown charms to it. And places with little to no people in it feels like a fun adventure of its own, don’t you think?
I see. That isn’t such a bad idea, actually. Very well then, we’ll visit this area tomorrow morning.
I believe we’ll be able to relax and explore in peace, as long as the cameras aren’t on us.
Meanwhile, elsewhere…
The autumn leaves are real pretty~
Mhm! They really are pretty!
Umm… Sorry, I’m terrible with words, so the only thing I have to say is how pretty it is…
Me too! It’s fine if we can’t think of anything else to say! The beauty of nature is experienced through the soul, after all! ☆
That’s true. Ahaha~
Anyway, is it just me, or…
Are there four rowboats heading our way at full speed?
Mm? The guy standing in an imposing manner on the first boat seems familiar to me…
Is that… Otogari?
Chapter 5
“—As you may have noticed, the guest idol of the first day is Otogari-kun from UNDEAD!”
Hello, I’m Otogari Adonis. My partner is—
Me! Let’s do our best together, Otogari-kun.
You really surprised me with that imposing stance, Otogari-kun. You’ve got a knack for grand appearances!
I had intended to look like a dependable ally, but maybe it looked odd…?
Not at all, you looked super cool. The whole place was in awe watching you.
Really? I’m glad to hear that.
Oogami was meant to come here at first, but he had an urgent matter to deal with. That’s why I’ve come in his stead.
He told me to make a “piercing impression” on everyone for his sake as well, so I asked the staff members for their help.
It was a little embarrassing, but I’m happy to know that it made me stand out.
“Now that Otogari-kun has joined hands with his partner, we can begin the game segment—”
“But before that, would you like to think up a pair name, Yuuki-kun? Or will you stay as ‘Yuuki & Otogari Pair’?”
I’d like to think of something for this special occasion. Hmm, let’s see here…
Let’s make it our favorite food. I personally love snacks, and Otogari-kun loves…
Ahaha, I knew you’d say that~♪
Snacks, meat… meat, snacks…
Mm~… How about “Meat-snack Pair”?
Mm? The heck is that…?
I just came up with it on the spot; it doesn’t really have a meaning. But doesn’t a meaty snack sound kind of tasty?
Yes, it immediately made me think of barbecue-flavored chips. “Meat-snack Pair”… Mhm, I like it.
I’m so glad~ Kunugi-sensei, please call us “Meat-snack Pair”! ♪
“Understood. Right then, let’s carry on.”
“Today’s game will be… ‘Arashiyama Boat Quiz Rally’!”
“The participants will be divided into pairs and move along the river in rowboats, crossing by relay stations at the riverbank until they reach the goal.”
“At each relay station, you must answer the quiz correctly to advance to the next station.”
“The quiz’s clue is hidden on the riverbank where the relay station is located. If you don’t know the answer, you can get off the boat and look for the clue.”
“You will earn four points, three points, two points, or one point depending on the order in which you reached the goal.”
“This is a game that tests both intelligence and physical strength. Even those who aren’t confident in their physical strength have a good chance to win. Break a leg out there~”
“Now, may each pair choose their preferred rowboat. We will begin as soon as everyone is settled in their positions.”
After a while, during the middle stage of the Arashiyama Boat Quiz Rally…
“We’re nearing the final stage of the Arashiyama Boat Quiz Rally.”
“The Meat-snack Pair is taking the lead!”
Otogari-kun, you’re the only one rowing the boat… Are you okay? Are you sure you aren’t tired?
I’m alright. Leave the rowing to me, while you focus on the quiz, Yuuki.
“It looks like Otogari’s physical strength and Yuuki’s intelligence are perfectly complementing each other.”
“Following closely behind is the Grapevine Pair!”
…I’ve figured out the trick to rowing efficiently. I think we’ll be able to catch up to them.
Indeed. Let’s keep up this pace and advance onwards.
You did an excellent job with the previous stopover’s quiz. Even the staff were surprised that you managed such a difficult question.
…I studied the history of Kyoto as much as I could before we came here.
…I put it into practice where I least expected it to. You never know when knowledge can be useful to you.
…But the opportunity to utilize it will come eventually.
…I got to learn a lot about Kyoto’s traditional culture, after all. I once again feel the importance of learning.
“We can see the Kazehaya & Itsuki Pair behind the Grapevine Pair.”
“They seem to be enjoying their time on the boat as they complete the quiz rally.”
Shu-san, please look over that side. There’s a deer.
Hm? …Ah, you’re right. It’s walking around in such a carefree manner.
The view from the boat is spectacular, isn’t it? The colorful autumn leaves reflected on the river’s surface nearly resemble paintings on the water.
I agree. While the competition is important, it would be a shame to miss out on appreciating the scenery.
And by rowing slowly, we allow the viewers to enjoy the view with us. Let’s savor this enjoyable moment at our own pace.
“Their strategy is to enjoy sightseeing while being aware of the footage the show will air. How absolutely wonderful.”
“Even then, they are still in third place. It truly makes you wonder what on earth the Fiery☆Pair is doing right now…”
“…No, seriously though, I can’t spot the Fiery☆Pair at all…? Cameraman, could you please show them on the screen?”
“Ohh! There they are.”
“Mm? Why’re they giving a kid a ride on their boat…?”
—Ah, I think I found someone that matches the description.
There’s two people waving their hands to us; I’m guessing those are the kid’s parents?
Looks like it! The little kid’s finally smiling! ☆
This is great news! You’ll get to be with your mom and dad soon!
Let’s wave our hands back to show that all is well! Heeey~♪ (waves hand)
Haha. You were really outta luck today~ Getting so engrossed in picking up pebbles by the river that you ended up missing your chance to get on the ferry.
But getting lost in a tourist area is no joking matter, y’know~ Make sure to stay by your mom and dad’s sides from now on, ‘kay?
…You’d like to give us the pebbles you picked up?
Mhm, I like the smooth texture! Thank you, I’ll keep it safe with me!
(whispering) We’re just ignoring the quiz rally, huh… We’re gonna be in last place at this rate, or worse, disqualified…
But I’d be fine with that. It’d have left a real bad taste in my mouth if we left this little kid all on their own.
Yeah! We still have another game segment tomorrow, and one quiz rally won’t be enough to decide the winner.
There’s no need to rush. Let’s just be proud of ourselves for protecting this kid’s smile…☆
Chapter 6
A while later…
“Well done, everyone.”
“Now that the Arashiyama Boat Quiz Rally is over, we will send the guest idol Otogari-kun home, and then head towards the inn you will be staying at. However, before that—”
“We will host the surprise event: ‘Confession Under the Autumn Leaves’.”
Confession Under the Autumn Leaves…? I don’t recall seeing that in the script…?
I think that’s why it’s called a surprise event, since they didn’t tell us about it beforehand~
“Yep, exactly. You’re quick to figure it out.”
“For the sake of our show’s sponsor, the bridal company, we’d like to squeeze a little sweet event in between~♪”
“The rules are simple: Each of you will take turns to stand in this filming spot, and make a confession of love towards the camera.”
“We’ll have a vote after the show is over, and the idol who wins first place will receive a grand prize from the show~♪”
“To clarify, the ‘Confession Under the Autumn Leaves’ event is separate from the points you gained in the game segment. Everyone is a rival here, including your partner.”
“You only have thirty seconds. Please do ensure to seize the hearts of everyone watching through a short, love-filled confession.”
“Alright then, whoever’s ready can go ahead and stand behind the camera~♪”
Hm… I cannot simply come up with something on the spot.
It seems everyone needs a bit more time to think about theirs. Very well, if you’ll allow me, I will go first.
You already thought something up, Tatsumi-senpai!? That’s incredible…
Fufu, looking at the autumn leaves sprung something to mind.
…It’s this camera, yes? All right, then.

“…Every time you smile, my heart flutters like the autumn leaves before us.”
“I love you dearly. May we continue to make wonderful memories together.”
Location: Inn’s Hot Spring

Later that evening…
Fhew~ Soaking in the open-air bath after dinner is real nice. The cool breeze feels good on the hot skin…♪
And the cameras aren’t on us anymore, so we can finally relax a li’l~
Indeed we can. There will be more filming to do before we sleep, so we cannot stay here for too long… But for now, let’s soothe our bodies so that we may have a good night’s sleep.

…Chiaki-kun, what have you been doing for the past minute?
Ah, Ran! I’m making water guns.
…Water guns?
So first, you clasp your hands together, then make a gap with your thumbs, and then dip your hands in the water.
Then try squeezing out the water inside your palms—
…I see. I’ll give it a try.
Mm, you aren’t doing it with enough force… You have to slap your palms together like you would when clapping!
…I managed it.
Alright, you’re doing great! Keep at it!
…Fufu, I’d like to shoot it out farther.
Guh—! Who just played a prank on me!?
…I hadn’t intended to do that to you. I’m sorry.
It was me, Itsuki! I was making water guns, and accidentally shot it too far. I’m sorry.
Morisawa… It’s disgraceful to act this way when there are people younger than you here. Show some self-control.
Mhm, thanks for the advice!
…But it was I who made the mistake. Why did you cover for me?
You didn’t do anything wrong, Ran. It was my fault for not informing you how to be more attentive of your surroundings when making water guns.
I feel bad that Itsuki had to go through that, but we learned a good lesson from it. Let’s enjoy making water guns without causing trouble for others~♪
…Alright, let’s.
…I think it will be too early to sleep once we’re done here. Is there something people do during a field trip before they go to bed? Or do they simply just go to sleep…?
Aira-san informed me that talking about your romantic crush and pillow fighting are a staple during field trips.
…Romantic crush…
…Jun, what is a “romantic crush”?
Wha!? You’re asking me!?
…In terms of words, I do know what “romantic” means, but what is “crush”?
It’s the person you’re in love with, basically.4 I dunno why it’s something you talk about on a field trip, though…
Isn’t that kinda out-of-bounds for us…? I mean, we don’t have any experience in it, and either way, we’re all idols.
…That’s true. I don’t have as much experience with various people as Hiyori-kun does, for example.
…Perhaps discussing romantic tales is out of the question, but we should be able to carry out a pillow fight.
We will have to ask the staff members and the inn management first, but it would surely make for an exciting watch for the viewers.

I like that idea! ♪ Let’s ask Anzu-chan as soon as we’re done soaking in the hot spring.
Just to make sure; do you know what pillow fights are, Nagisa-san?
…I assume by the name, you compete with pillows…? I don’t quite understand why you would do that, though.
Why, you ask…? Strangely enough, I never thought about it when I first heard of it.
But now that you mention it, I’m curious to know why, too.
People need no reason to play games, y’know! It’s simply just because the pillow is right there before them! ☆
Mm, that doesn’t really feel like a reason…?
Fuhaha! ☆ To be honest with you, I don’t have a clue why, either.
But don’t worry about it! There are plenty of things in the world that have no actual reason why they’re the way they are.
Let’s just enjoy the beauty of pillow fighting together!
Hmph! I find it questionable how you simply try to power through your reasoning with mere fervor.

Fufu, but Nagisa-san seems satisfied with it, so all is well, no?
Perhaps… In the end, it is nothing but a game for children. But I suppose it’s fine for those who are interested to do as they like.
…Wait, hold on a moment — you don’t mean to say that I will also be participating…!?
Chapter 7
Location: Inn’s Room

An hour or so later…
“We’re sorry to have kept you all waiting. It is almost time to show the results of the first day. But before that—”
“We will be having a mini segment: the pillow-fighting competition!”
“The rules are as follows: Typically you have a pillow fight with two teams, but we will have four teams fighting each other at the same time.”
“Each pair has their own territory, and once the game begins, they will have five pillows within their territory.”
“Each round will last two minutes. You can either throw pillows into your opponent’s territory, or you can interfere with them by throwing pillows directly at them.”
“After a round is over, the pair with the least amount of pillows in their territory will receive one point. After four rounds, those points will be added up to the pair’s score.”
“Furthermore, every pair can utilize one futon during the game.”
“Yuuki-kun is the one who thought up the rules of the game. The rules allow for some complex strategies, so please do enjoy yourselves.”
Ohh! I was just thinking about how incredibly elaborate the rules were — So Yuuki came up with them, huh?

Yep! I know nobody asked me to, but I thought it’d make things more fun…♪
“There will be thirty seconds to rest between each round. Do be sure to utilize that time for coming up with new strategies.”
“Oh, and now that Otogari’s gone back home, I’m gonna pair up with Yuuki.”
“(whispering) …Unfortunately.”
“No complaining. I will be taking care of the lengthy explanations, so please help around for this, at least.”
“Right then, please relocate yourselves to your designated territory!”
I’m glad the rules are easy to understand~ Plus, these types of matches are made for me.
I’m itching to put my skills to use~ Let’s make sure we win, Morisawa-senpai!
Mhm! Let’s observe our surroundings while ensuring all pillows are out of our territory!
“Is each pair ready to start?”
“Right then, the first round begins… now!”

Ran-sama. As per our strategy, you may entrust the frontline defense to me.
Please stay in the back and analyze each pair’s movements.
…Okay. I’ll leave it to you, then. Good luck.
…May I use my “call” right now? The rules say that you can’t make one after the results are announced.
Yes, feel free to do so.
…Thank you.
Phone ringing
…Hello, Hiyori-kun?
…Ah, so you’re aware of the show’s designated “call”. Yes, I’m abiding by the rules.
…No, I don’t have anything I’d like to ask in particular. However—
…I simply wished to let you know that I’m enjoying myself right now.
…Alright, I’ll see you another time.
…Good night. I hope you have a sweet dream, too.
…Yuzuru-kun, I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
Um… Ran-sama? If I’m not mistaken, you made a phone call about something completely unrelated to the game…?
…I did. I wanted to try using my call for the day, as well as say good night to Hiyori-kun.
I-I see… I would appreciate it if you could at least save that sort of thing for later.
While I’m aware that I was the one who chose to be the frontline defense, we are still in the middle of a match.
…From what I can tell, you haven’t been struggling at all, Yuzuru-kun.
…Even now, you’re evading every pillow coming your way. I feel like we could win even if I were to go to sleep.
…But it isn’t every day that we are on the same team, so it would just be sad to sleep through the game.
…It’s impressive that you were able to hold your ground on your own. I will now start going on the offense.
Eh? But we have yet to analyze their attacks…
…Don’t worry. I observed each pair’s movements while I was on the phone. I’ve fully analyzed the situation.
…It’s time to strike back.

Before Round Two…
…What a hyperactive game — I ended up retaliating in return. Fortunately, we managed to win the first round…
Although, I don’t know if I was simply imagining things, but the Grapevine Pair suddenly gained momentum right at the last second…
Indeed they did. We managed to evade their attacks in time, but it was a very close call.
…Shu-san, how about we go with this strategy?
Before Round Three…
The Kazehaya & Itsuki Pair are making really good use of the futon…
Yeah… Our pillows keep bouncing off and losing momentum.
Man, isn’t the futon just cheating? Of course we’ll barely put up a fight if they stretch the thing out in front of them.
I came up with the rules on the spot, so I guess it was bound to have a loophole to it…
But I’m sure we can come up with a counterattack…! Let’s try and figure it out while fighting.
Before the last round…
…It seems that the Kazehaya & Itsuki Pair lit a fire in Makoto-kun’s team. They’ve changed strategies.
One team is akin to military commanders, and the other to intellectual generals. How interesting; it’s as if their personalities have taken form.
…How shall we approach the final round?
Hmm… How about we fight as we like?
…As we like…?
You see, my first experience having a pillow fight was on my school trip last year. It was the very first time I had allowed myself to enjoy myself, laughing endlessly… It truly was fun.5
I could not forget how much fun it was even once I had laid down on my futon to rest — to the point that I had overslept the following day.
That is why I wish for the both of us to simply enjoy ourselves for the last round. Let us follow what our hearts say.
…Then I’ll follow my heart, and aim for victory.
…It’s Ibara’s influence on me, you see. I quite enjoy battle fighting…♪
After the last round…
Whew, it’s over… Great job, Sazanami!
…Yeah, you too, Morisawa-senpai.
Mm? You’re laying down — Did it tire you out?
Nah, I just wanna take in the moment for a bit.

…I’ve never, ever had a pillow fight before in my whole life.
I’ve seen it in manga before, so I did know about it, but…
I had no idea it was this much fun. Haha, I had a real blast…♪
Chapter 8
“—The pillow-fighting competition is over.”
“It’s finally time to announce what everyone has been waiting for — the results of the first day! After calculating the points thus far—”
“The team in first place is the Grapevine Pair, with five points. Congratulations!”
“Second place goes to Yuuki, with four points. Sorry, I think your old man here might’ve held you back…”
“In third place is the Kazehaya & Itsuki Pair, with three points, and in fourth place is the Fiery☆Pair, with two.”
“Your points will carry over to the next day, and tomorrow you will be paired with someone new. You will still have many opportunities to turn the tides to your favor, so don’t give up just yet.”
“I hope our dear viewers enjoyed the first day of the event. Please look forward to finding out what awaits our idols tomorrow.”
“We’ll stop filming here for today. We’re gonna leave you guys to your own devices now, but be sure to sleep early tonight, ‘kay?”
“Alright then, g’night~”

After the filming…
…Nagi-senpai, do you feel like you can sleep?
…Why do you ask?
‘Cause I thought you might not be used to sleeping ‘round a bunch of people like I am.
…I’m alright, but I may stay up for a bit longer.
…I feel wide-awake after moving around so much.
While we may have turned off the lights, it does feel a little too early to sleep. How about we chat amongst each other from our futons?
…Then, how about we talk about our “romantic crush”?
Ehh…? Just how badly do you wanna talk about crushes…?
…We were able to have a pillow fight. So I was wondering if it’s possible we could experience the other staple of field trips.
…There are no cameras on us anymore, so we don’t have to restrain ourselves anymore, correct?
Well, the real problem is the actual topic itself… I don’t have any experience with that sorta thing, so I don’t really have anything to share.
Alright then, let’s switch it to a different topic! Let’s talk about the hero we admire the most! ☆
…Morisawa, do not force yourself into their conversation. Learn to read the room.
Fufu, I don’t mind at all. By the way, which hero do you admire the most, Shu-san?
Hm… Assuming it’s fine to interpret that as the “person I admire,” I very much admire the notable artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci.
Just like those prestigious creators, I, too, wish to create art that will continue to be cherished even after my death.
I know for sure that you can achieve that, Itsuki!
Your words truly hold no weight… How about you, Kazehaya?
Me? Well, I suppose it’s a little different from admiration, but I would say “God”.
…Fufufu. It’s a “God” joke. ♪
Nagi-senpai, that sorta joke is too advanced for people to get, so I’d say it’s best to keep it between us unit members~♪
(I can’t really see well in the dark, but… I bet Tatsumi-senpai was really taken aback by that… I think it’s best if I just switch topics somehow…)
Yuuki-saaan~ You awake?
Ah, yeah, I am. I didn’t know if it was okay for me to join in, so I was just listening to everyone.
Aight, so I’ll just get right to it — Who do you admire?
Hmm… I’d say pro gamers~
Becoming a pro gamer isn’t something you can become just because you want to. Only a handful of people with natural flair and enough hard work can pass through the narrow gate of success…
They make a living just through their skills, and pave their path all on their own. I think it’s amazing… What about you, Fushimi-kun?
Me? Hmm…
Just like Kazehaya-sama, I would say it is a little different from admiration… However, my parents are my role models.
…Ah, parents.
…I, too, admire my father.
The two of you are very fond of your family, I see. What about you, Jun-san?
Me…? Well, my parents are outta the question…
I’d say Tatsumi-senpai… Ohii-san… Nagi-senpai, too… Mmm~…
I can’t choose just one person, so is it alright if I just say “idols”?
Aight, we’re down to the last person~! We’d love to hear your answer, Morisawa-senpai.
He he he… The hero I admire…
Fwoosh—! Are the heroes! ☆
The hero you admire… are the heroes…
…A “hero” joke, perhaps?
It’s the usual nonsense from him. Morisawa simplifies his expressions far too much.
It’d take a long time to explain myself, that’s why! There are more than four hundred tokusatsu heroes, y’know! It’s impossible to narrow it down to only one.
Alright, you know what — I’ll tell you all about the history of heroes, as a bedtime story! ☆
Fufu, I may end up dreaming about heroes, then.
Good grief… I can only hope I won’t have a nightmare.
Chapter 9
Location: Kiyomizu Temple

Next day, in the morning…
Ooh, this is the famous waterfall, huh… Mm, it’s sorta, like…
It doesn’t really look like a waterfall, does it?
Yeah, that’s exactly it. And we saw a huge one just yesterday, so I can’t help but think that…
There are three streams, and each one has a different benefit, yeah?
Starting from the right, it’s longevity, then a fortunate love life, and then success in studies… Obviously, I’d go with—
Yep, thought you’d agree~ After all, for us idols, our body is our livelihood.
The very idea of living a long life is nice, as well. I’d like to remain as an idol that is loved by others forever.
Alright, it’s about time to start filming. Let’s head back to the others once we drink from the waterfall.6
Ten minutes later, in the Kiyomizu Temple premises…
“—Good morning, your host Kunugi is speaking. We have reserved the Kiyomizu Temple for the second day’s filming.”
“Unlike the first day, we will begin with the game segment. Right then, it’s time to draw the lottery for your pairs.”
A few minutes later…
“—Alright. I see everyone’s introduced themselves to their partner and thought up a pair name, so we’ll announce our teams of the day.”
“First we have the ‘Wind Pair,’ Ran and Kazehaya.”
We came up with the name when we realized we share something in common between our names.
…“Kazehaya” means “swift wind,” and “Nagi” means “calm wind”. I don’t know what wind we will discover with the two combined, but…
…I hope our experience will be as fun as yesterday.
“Next up is the ‘Classmates Pair,’ Yuuki and Fushimi.”
Good morning. I was paired with the guest idol yesterday, but…
For today, I’m partnered with Fushimi-kun. We’re actually in the same class in school!
Fufu. Yuuki-sama and I were also on the same school trip last year.
I will do my best to make use of that experience in order to achieve victory…♪
“Next… We have Morisawa-kun and Sazanami-kun, who coincidentally ended up being a pair again: ‘True☆Fiery☆Pair’.”
Good moooorniiiing! I’m Morisawa Chiaki!
Ooh, you’ve got loadsa energy… Good morning, I’m Sazanami Jun.
The two of us are completely different people today! For we have been reborn as the “True☆Fiery☆Pair”!
We’re gonna do our best to get first place, so please cheer for us~
…Which means the guest idol shall be partnering with me.
I do hope that it’s someone who suits me and my love for the arts, however…
“Yeah, you’ll be fine. Probably. I dunno.”
“Alright then, let’s call him over. Today’s guest idol is…”
Yuuu~kuuun~! Your Onii-chan is here to see you~♪
Whoa— Izumi-san!?
Let’s hold hands and work hard side-by-side, together! ♪
I’d do anything for you, Yuu-kun — Even if it’s jumping out of the Kiyomizu premises over and over again~!
No, no, that’s dangerous… And I’m not your partner, anyway.
Your partner would be me, Sena.
Hah… Excuse me!? It was written in the project plan that I’d get paired with Yuu-kun if I joined, so what gives!?
I came all the way here from Florence specifically for those few hours I could have with Yuu-kun, y’know!?
“We appreciate you coming over, but I’m pretty sure it only said you could get paired with him, not that you will.”
Who cares about the details!?
Why am I paired with “Shu” and not “Yuu”-kun!? Sure, the names may sound similar, but Itsuki and Yuu-kun are like night and day, okay!?
…Is there a receipt? I’d like to make a return on the guest idol.
“You are not allowed to do that. Please bear with it.”
Sigh… Unfortunately, it looks like first place will be out of reach for me.
Excuse me? Why’re you giving up already? I mean, yeah, it’s unfortunate that I didn’t get to be paired with Yuu-kun, but—
I’d never risk performing below par. I’m going to take this match seriously. That’s why—
Make sure to watch me closely, Yu~u~kun…♪
Ahaha… Sensei, please carry on with the explanation~
“All right then. For the second day, you will take on the ‘Ema Hunt Challenge’.”
“I’ll explain the rules. In this game, you will try to find picture plaques of ema7 hidden within Kiyomizu Temple.”
“You will first start by drawing a fortune slip. Please find the ema by relying on the clue written on your slip.”
“Since this is a fortune-based lottery, the difficulty of the clue will vary depending on your fortune. You cannot redraw your slip, so choose carefully.”
“Points will be awarded to the pair who finds the most plaques of ema within the time limit. Please try to find as many ema as possible.”
“Right then, the Ema Hunt Challenge begins… now!”
A while later…
We’ve found four plaques of ema. Fufu, we’re doing extremely well.
Time to draw a new fortune slip… All right, let me read it. Our fortune is the middle blessing. Our clue is—
“Hide and seek on the rabbits back”. Rabbit… I do feel like I saw one earlier…?
…That would be the Jishu-Jinja Shrine.8 There was a rabbit statue there.
…I remember it because it was unusually standing on only two feet. Let’s go there.
Chapter 10
Location: Kyoto City Shopping District

At noon, during the sightseeing segment: Kyoto City shopping district…
…I really was trying my hardest, but I still ended up losing…
Both Morisawa-senpai and I are in last place, and that means both of us are gonna be forced into doing tomorrow’s “final redemption to turn the tables” event…
Which basically means a punishment game for us, doesn’t it…? Sigh, just the thought of it bums me out…
Don’t worry! I have a strategy I’ve been saving for the end. I’ll do something about all of this, so keep your chin up and smile!
Mm? Strategy?
Yeah, you can look forward to seeing it tomorrow! Come on now, let’s join the others and enjoy the place! ☆

…Hello, Ibara? Are you in the middle of work?
…I’d like to ask you something. What sort of souvenir would you wish for me to get you?
…I don’t want a generic answer. I’d like to know what you personally want me to buy.
…It’s a gift, after all. I’d love to get you something that would make you happy.
…Okay, I’ll go with that. Good luck at work, okay?
What did Ibara-san ask for in the end?
…He said he’d like something that you can only buy in Kyoto. I believe he simply chose an answer that would satisfy me, but…
…I’m happy that he took the time to think about it.
…Thank you for letting me use my call.
My pleasure. I hope you can find a suitable souvenir.
…Me too. Something you can only buy here… Maybe a handicraft?
…Ah, they have fox masks here.
…There we go. ♪ What do you think? Does it remind you of Kyoto?
It really suits you. They appear to be hand-painted.
…So it’s a one-of-a-kind. It’s also light and easy to carry… I think I’ll go with this.
…I’ll buy one not only for Ibara, but for all of us in the unit. I’d like to give one to Hiyori-kun and Jun, as well.
Oh, a fox mask! You look so cool~♪
The foxes reminded me of the thousand torii gates, a famous shrine in Kyoto.9 And since you’ve got such a mystical feel to you, Nagisa-san, I feel like you’d fit right in with the view of the shrine.
Hm… I’m sure the torii gates are especially beautiful in autumn. If only we had a little more time, then maybe we could have visited them as well.
Hmm… I believe visiting hours are open twenty-four-seven, so how about we visit it at night?
At night…? Not in the morning?
Yes. I don’t think we will have a pillow fight tonight, and it is a little far from our inn. The best time to visit would be at night, when we have the most time to spare.
Sounds fun~ It’s a famous shrine and all, so we’d love to join you guys, too.
Mm, visiting a shrine at night…?
Mm? Morisawa-senpai, are you bad with scary stuff…?
N-No, not at all. The only things I’m bad with are eggplants and ghosts!
Then you wouldn’t be alright with this either, would you?
I would rather you not force yourself… However, there is no need to be afraid. There is a gate that wards off any evil spirits from the shrine.
M-Mm, I see. That’s a relief to hear, then. Plus, I wouldn’t be visiting alone, anyway.
It isn’t scary if we all go together! Fuhahahaha…! ☆
Chapter 11
Location: Tokusatsu Set Location

Next day, the final day of the Kyoto field trip…
—Yes, thank you very much for your cooperation!
Oh! I see you’ve all arrived. Heeey~!
Good morning. I wasn’t aware there was a place like this, not too far out of Kyoto.
This is the private property of a film studio in Kyoto. Whenever they film a huge-scale production, they build a large open set here.
Wow, their set-up is super professional, everything looks so real… Did you arrange all of this, Morisawa-senpai?
Yep! I’m extremely knowledgeable about tokusatsu, so I made various suggestions to them beforehand.
…? What do tokusatsu and the punishment game have to do with each other…?
This isn’t a punishment game, y’know? This is a game in which only the last two ranked players, Sazanami and I, are allowed to participate! And it’s called: the “Obstacle Course Contest: Vowing Your Life”!
It’s the redemption event for a final chance to turn the tables, where one player has to overcome all obstacles and rescue his partner to score one hundred thousand points! ☆
Whaa… One hundred thousand points is a little too much, don’tcha think…?
Won’t that upset the other players who worked real hard to reach first place…?
Absolutely. All of our efforts the past two days would come to nothing.
…What is it, little girl? You believe that our viewers are more interested in seeing various sides of us idols, rather than the sight of us competing ruthlessly?
You should have mentioned that before the show started then. It’s far too late now.
Now, now… Had we known that the last place would have this opportunity, none of us would have taken the competition seriously.
Regardless, they will only receive one hundred thousand points if they succeed, correct?
Exactly, Itsuki! It entirely depends on one’s skills to win!
Or are you going to tell me that you would have preferred to lose before even trying?
Lose before even trying…? As if!
Hmph. If you end up losing after going through all these intricate arrangements, it will truly be an embarrassment.
You best work as hard as you can.
Mhm! I’ll make sure to rescue Sazanami and turn the tables to our favor!
So I really am gonna be the one to get rescued, huh… Is that what you meant when you said that you’ll do something about this?
Yeah! Take it easy now, for you’ve got nothing to worry about anymore!
OOOOOHH!! I’m bursting with energy! ☆ It’s time for my stretching exercises!
Then I’ll… Mm? Nagi-senpai is gesturing at me — I think he wants to talk.
…What’s up? Is there something you need from me?
…Jun, may we tie you with rope?
Ran-sama, that’s too direct to be clear, so allow me to explain it to him.
As explained before, the person who will be rescued — In this case, Sazanami-sama — will be tied up to this pillar here.
May you please sit here and turn your arms to the back?
Ohhh, that’s what you meant… Sure, here ya go.
Thank you very much. I will be sure to tie you up loosely, but do let me know if it hurts at any point.
…You’re very dexterous.
I’m a butler, after all. ♪
Do butlers have to know how to tie stuff up, too…?
Fufu. Butlers must always be prepared to handle any and all matters.
Sazanami-sama, can you feel a gap between your right wrist and the rope?
Loosening this part will allow you to easily untie the rope. I have made sure to tie you up in a safe manner, but please use it in case of emergency.
Gotcha. I’ll only untie it if I really have to.
Flashback over. Back to the present…
“—Player Morisawa has cleared the hundred meter race with ease!”
“He’s reached the first barrier! It’s time to tackle the ‘Mountain When You’re Sick’ — In other words, rock climbing!”
“Ohh, look at him go~! He’s climbing up the wall like nothing!”
“He cleared through the obstacle perfectly! Absolutely remarkable! ☆”
“Next up, the second barrier: ‘Basketball When You’re Sound’! He has to score a three-point goal twice in a row!”
…As you’d expect from his very own proposals, they’re all obstacle courses he’s proficient at.
It would have been impossible for me to do this. Did he simply come up with obstacle courses that would only be advantageous to him?
According to Morisawa-kun, he was planning to adjust the first two barriers to the idol’s capabilities.
Indeed. Even if you were the one to take on this challenge, Itsuki-kun, it would have been obstacles you’re proficient at.
Morisawa prepared unique obstacles for each and every idol, even though only one set of them was gonna be used. He just added more work to himself by doing all that, but…
It just goes to show how thoughtful he is. He knows that it wouldn’t make anyone happy to see idols suffer, especially not their fans.
Well, the first two barriers aside, the real challenge is the one after—
“He did ittt~! He scored a three-point goal twice!”
“The last barrier is the ‘Quiz of Mutual Support’! He has to answer one question about the player Sazanami, who’s been held captive!”
“While the two haven’t interacted much, they were fortunately paired together twice in a row, so they should have gotten closer by now. He’s surely able to answer this question without any difficulty!”
“Alright, here it is! ‘What is Player Sazanami’s favorite food?’”
His favorite… food…!?
We’ve never once talked about that before…!
“You’ll lose five seconds of your time if you answer incorrectly. Please answer carefully!”
…Oh, I know!
Location: Seisoukan Dorm Courtyard

Ah, Takamine-kun.
Hello, it’s been a while since you joined us~♪
Yeah, ‘cause I took a break from Gardenia activities last week… Hm? Where’s Kazehaya-senpai?
Ah, he’s—
Phone rings
Hold on, Morisawa-senpai’s calling me. Hello…?
W-What the… All I hear is heavy breathing… Could you not play creepy pranks on me…?
…Mm, what? …Sazanami-senpai’s favorite food? Where’d this come from…?
I know we’re in the same circle, but there’s no way I’d know… Do you know what it is, Shino-kun?
Um… I’m sorry, but I don’t.
Don’t worry about it… I just figured I’d ask… Mm~…
(I wanna make things even between us after he gave me that capsule toy, so… Sazami-senpai’s favorite food, huh…)
(…Ah, maybe—)

…Ohh, I see! Thank you, Takamine!
“What’s this!? Player Morisawa has just used his ‘call’!”
“This is completely unexpected, but it isn’t against the rules, so he’s absolutely free to make use of it!”
Sazanami’s favorite food is…
Chapter 12
“Player Morisawa has decided on his answer: ‘Broccoli’! Player Sazanami, is this correct?”
My favorite food is…
…is… strawberries.
“Oh no… It’s incorrect! Five seconds have been shaved off the time limit!”
“The gate has been opened! Player Morisawa is running straight through it~!”
“Can he slice the cake and save Player Sazanami in time!? Run, run fast, Player Morisawa!”
OOOOOHHH!!! I’m on my way, Sazanamiiiii!!!!
He’s running so fast that there’s a cloud of dust behind him. I do hope he can make it…
…He might not. Not unless he keeps up the pace until the very end.
…However, there is a limit to one’s stamina. With such a long distance to cover, he’s likely to lose speed at this rate.
“Fifty meters to go! …Thirty! …Fifteen!”
OOOOHHH!! Cake Slice of PASSION!!!!
The screen shakes with the sound of an explosion
“Woah, that explosion’s way bigger than expected…! Are Players Morisawa and Sazanami alright!?”
…Um, are they really going to be okay…? The explosion should’ve come from the cake, but…
Mmm~ I can’t see anything because of the smoke…
Screen fades to another area…
(cough, cough)…
Are you alright, Sazanami? Are you injured anywhere?
Morisawa-senpai… Yeah, I’m alright.
Okay, that’s good. The smoke spread everywhere… Let’s wait it out here.
Sure… The cake cream’s all over me; I feel so sticky…
It exploded, so that means we failed, huh~… I’m sorry…
Mm, you didn’t do anything wrong.
You don’t have to cover for me. It’s the truth.
If you just had those five seconds — If I had just said that I like broccoli, you would’ve made it. But I…
…I didn’t wanna betray anyone.
Yeah, ‘cause you worked so hard to make this show a success all throughout our trip, Morisawa-senpai. And I didn’t wanna betray my fans either, since they know I love strawberries.
I didn’t wanna confuse all the fans who support me, who even manage to remember what I like. I didn’t wanna lie just to win.
I’d rather be covered with cream than betray all of you. I’m used to being covered with dirt, anyway.
…I was prepared for any outcome, but… I didn’t think about what I’d do if you also suffered with me.
Ahh, man… You should’ve just ignored me and ran for cover, y’know…♪
…I refuse. I’d never leave you behind.
Didn’t I say that I’d rescue you no matter what?
Sadly, we couldn’t achieve victory, but I feel satisfied with the outcome because of you.
Thank you for trusting me, Sazanami.
The smoke has finally cleared up. I can see the two of them.
…That was quite a large explosion. So was the “Obstacle Course Contest: Vowing Your Life” a success? Or a failure?
Mm… What do we do in this situation, Sensei?
…We’ve checked the camera footage. Morisawa-kun’s knife touched the cake.
But it could still be either-or at this point, so I guess it’s on us to decide.
Is it not fine to consider this a success? Look, the two of them are heading towards us.
Despite being covered in dust and cream, they’re smiling, are they not?
Indeed. Life is not simply fun moments; it is full of trial and error, as well.
The two of them supporting one another despite everything is just as befitting for the conclusion of this show, no?
They are perfectly suitable as the winners here…♪
Location: Wedding March! Stage

After the recording ended, in the studio of the online show…
—And so, the ones who conquered the game segment are—
The True☆Fiery☆Pair, with one hundred thousand and three points. Congratulations. ♪
Fuhahaha! ☆ Thank you!
Is it really okay to celebrate this…? I mean, I’m definitely happy to get first place with Morisawa-senpai, since we worked together on this since day one, but still…
…It’s completely alright. Look at our viewers’ comments on the screen.
…They’re all talking non-stop about the cake-cutting scene. It’s quite obvious who were the stars of the show.
Now then, they’ve prepared the studio set, so it’s time to perform the live show segment.
Dear viewers, please do enjoy our song with us. ♪
(Walking through the torii gates in the middle of the night was nerve-wracking, but it was a lot of fun.)
(And Anzu-chan was able to enjoy herself without thinking about work, so it was worth it.)
(The shrine is famous for being a spiritual hot spot, so I’d love to go there with everyone in Mystery Researchers next time.)
(I went through all the trouble of taking photographs for him, yet the moment he met me, he had the nerve to greet me by saying, “Nothing beats the real thing”…)
(Well, I suppose I cannot completely disagree with that. No matter how beautiful a photo is, it can never replace the true, authentic version.)
(That is why… Kagehira, the next time I visit Kyoto, it will be with you. Let us enjoy such genuine arts together.)
(After a year since my last pillow fight, I was able to experience one again — and it was as pleasant as ever.)
(Now that I sleep in the same room as the young master, I would love to show him the beauty of pillow fighting…)
(However, I will instead await the day that he learns about it from his friends, and tells me tales of his adventures…♪)

(The last three days went by in a flash.)
(There were a lot of things I learned from the city and its brimming history. It was even more fun than I had expected.)
(Hiiro-san, Aira-san, Mayoi-san… I would like all of you to see such wonderful sceneries with me. I hope that we can visit the city together someday.)

(…I’m so glad Hiyori-kun and Ibara liked their souvenirs.)
(…The fox masks were hand-painted and different from one another, so I searched endlessly for masks that resembled each of them.)
(…Difficult as it was, I had a lot of fun choosing the perfect mask for all of my dear, precious companions.)

(Nothing about this project is what you’d expect for a bridal company… There’s not a hint of a romantic or sweet air to it.)
(But I’d like to believe this was the best way to go about it. After all, it became a huge hit, and it’ll definitely stick in everyone’s minds.)
(Besides, it’s not every day you get to do whatever you like for a project. And best of all, it sounds like our viewers enjoyed it all throughout.)
(This was a success… No, a huge success — Right, Morisawa-senpai? ♪)

(While the project did end up becoming a full-on variety show… we were still able to set the mood of a wedding by starting the show with the PV that was originally rejected.)
(I’m so glad we didn’t have to abandon that PV in the end. Even if the video is nothing out of the ordinary, it was still a production made with a lot of heart and soul in it.)
(We were all able to make wonderful memories, and deepen our bonds with one another.)
(We turned the tables in our favor! With a huge explosion! And a grand victory! And so comes the happy ending with everyone smiling…♪)
Translation Notes
- ↑ Referring to Fruitful OCTOBER, Chapter 2. Please check this masterlist for a translation.
- ↑ Referring to Toryumon.
- ↑ A yakatabune specifically.
- ↑ Originally, Nagisa asks what koibana means, to which Jun responds that it’s a short version of “stories of romance”. Koi being romantic love, and bana is shortened from hanashi, which means story. I made it “romantic crush” to give a similar feeling in English.
- ↑ Referring to School Trip.
- ↑ The Otowa waterfall has three streams, and visitors can drink the water from one of them for its benefit.
- ↑ This is what an ema looks like.
- ↑ This is the shrine and its statue in question.
- ↑ Makoto’s referring to this specific shrine.