Wedding March! – Chiaki Mini Talk: If I Was In Kyoto…

Oh! Anzu! You're at StarPro today, huh?
…Hm? You have a meeting soon, so you have to go to CosPro next?
You're as busy as ever! If you still have time, how about resting here for a bit?
Mhm, I even have cookies I got from Kanata a moment ago. There are a lot of them left, so eat as much as you like!
He's planning to sell this in the Aoumi Aquarium soon. I tried one myself, and it was really tasty~♪
Oh yeah, if you're alright with canned juice, there's one here! I went to buy one for myself from the vending machine, and got lucky with the roulette, so now I have two~♪
I was hoping I could give the second one to someone, so you can have it!
Hmm? Why are you opening your laptop…?
Work doesn't count as resting! You have to rest when it's time to…!

Oh yeah, you're joining us for the filming at Kyoto, right?
I don't think we'll be there for very long, but since it's a wonderful opportunity to see the city, let's make sure to enjoy Kyoto! ☆
Is there anything you'd like to see or try in the city?
Oh, last year's school trip was Kyoto?
I hope there are other places you can visit this time around!
Oh yeah, the city is famous for that, isn't it? I'm sure there are plenty of Japanese sweets shops, so we should be able to try out matcha during our break.
We need to look up all the shops to check out while we still can!
You're interested in maiko, huh? I'm sure there's a place to experience what it's like as a maiko. How about you try going to one?
…Hm? You don't want to become one, you just want to learn about them? That sounds more like an interview than touring!

Whenever I go to a different region, I can't help but look for their designated hero.
Regional heroes are allies of justice who protect the people of their region!
I'd love to learn about all sorts of things from the hero of Kyoto! ♪
Ohh, thank you, Anzu! If you ever spot him, contact me right away! I'll come rushing no matter what!
Heheh! I'm even more excited for the Kyoto trip now! ☆
Oh, you're interested in the regional hero, too!? That makes me really happy!
Alright, if we ever have time, let's go searching for him. I'm sure we'll find him if we both work together!
I'd like to know what he typically does around the place, why he became a hero of this region, what his ambitions are as a hero, and so much more… I wouldn't even know which question to begin with!
Alright, I don't want to take up all his time, so I'll compile all the questions I'd like to ask him!