VS★GOURMET – Raika Mini Talk: Peculiar Recipe

Umm, Anzu-oneesan. You look sad; what’s wrong…?
…It’s about the food I made!? Ehhh, is there some problem with it…!?
I tried to make it as best as I could, while rememberin’ all the food I’ve eaten so far…
So I added rice to the pot, then poured a lot of tap water…
Then I boiled it well until the rice turned to a mush. The more water ya add, the more portion it’s got, so… And then, um, erm…
Seasoning? But I believe the taste of the rice will be slightly enjoyable to eat as is…?
Ehihi, I grinded and mixed my favorite foods~♪
There were a lot of vegetables, so I went with onions and spinach… I put ingredients that are nutritional in the grindin’ bowl.
I only used one type of vegetable for the one I ate before, so this one should definitely be much tastier…♪

That all bein’ said… The "scramble for ingredients" had a lot of pressure in it, didn’t it…
All the idols were so eager… I truly felt the pressure.
If Ritsu-sama hadn’t held my hand… I would’ve definitely been sucked into the crowd.
Ehihi. Ritsu-sama’s such a kind person…♪
It’s not just him, everyone I met today… They were all so kind to me to such an incredible level.
That’s why I’ll try to find somethin’ I can do for everyone’s sake, as well. It’s an idol’s duty to take action for the sake of others, correct?
Thanks to that, I was also able to obtain ingredients…♪
Ritsu-sama bought so many ingredients I’ve never seen before! It was stuff I couldn’t figure out how you’d even use.
I also want to try Ritsu-sama’s food…♪

Onee-san, are ya goin’ to other restaurants after this?
You’re not sure where to go next? I know how ya feel…!
There were so many tasty-lookin’ meals in the kitchen, and I can smell all kinds of different food even when queuin’ up…♪
Yes! I’ll do my best!
…Um, Onee-san. You don’t seem to have finished the food; are you sure you want me to take away the plate?
…You have a stomachache? Uheeh, please get well soon!
If I have time as well, I’d love to try out all the food here~♪
But, but! Managin’ my restaurant comes first, correct?
I feel like I could lose to the tasty smell any moment, but… I’ll be sure to get through the first day!