VS★GOURMET – Raika Mini Talk: Blessings of Food

Ehihi. Onee-san, treatin’ me to food… I’m such a fortunate person…♪
Do ya always bless idols with food, Onee-san?
Then am I special…? Uhyaa, I’ll keep it a secret to everyone!
But, but! I’ve also slowly started to do idol work. Next time, it’ll be my turn to repay Onee-san.
Please think about what you’d like to eat from now, if that’s alright…♪
Huh? Did I say somethin’ odd in any way?
Mrm~… I’m tryin’ to match my way of speakin’ to everyone else, but… It’s quite difficult.
Is there perhaps some sort of textbook for this…?

Speakin’ of which, there isn’t just food I’ve never seen before here, but drinks too…!
May I order this “craft cola”?
I can’t imagine what sort of drink it is through the name alone, but… I’ll try it out as a challenge!
Ehihi. I’m excited to see what it tastes like…♪
What will ya have, Onee-san?
“Lemon squash”? Heh-heeh~, I’m so curious about that one too!
Mm~? By unique, do ya mean it’s salty despite bein’ a drink or somethin’…?
Not like that? That’s a relief, then…!
If it’s tasty, then I’m thinkin’ of tellin’ Nice-sama about it too…♪

Anzu-oneesan, ya produce idols, yes?
Uu, may you please teach me the fundamentals of dancin’…?
There is so much I don’t understand, even when I go to a lesson practice for it. I beg of ya, please help me…!
The terminology is so difficult… I’m strugglin’ to memorize what each word means.
It’s the first time I hear about stuff like “formation” and “unison”.1
…You’ll teach me one by one? Ehihi, ya really are a goddess, Onee-san~♪
I keep gettin’ scolded, so… But, but! I’m willin’ to try!
—What is this? A list of vocabulary Onee-san made…?
Is it really okay to have this!? I shall do my very best to memorize the words with this list!
Translation Notes
- ↑ These words are in katakana, i.e. foreign words, hence why Raika struggles to memorize them.