VS★GOURMET – Mitsuru Mini Talk: Restless Night

Ah, Ne~chan. You've got work this late at night?
I was just about to head home. It got late by the time I finished practicing…
Thinking about tomorrow makes me kinda restless. I can't get myself to stay still.
Mhm. I'm half-excited, half-nervous…!
I got called by Ni~chan earlier to have a strategy meeting, and in the end I decided the only choice I have is to do my best in my own way.
I just gotta challenge myself as a member of Ra*bits!
Yup, the audition's gonna start!
Just thinking about that makes me wanna run out immediately…! But I'll keep that feeling for tomorrow.
That's why I gotta eat dinner early and sleep as much as possible!

Ne~chan, what sorta work were you doing?
…It's a secret? Ah, is it like, the "must remain confidential" kind?
I also get a lotta things at work that I have to keep a secret. I can't even tell my family, so it kinda makes me restless.
Mhm! It's a crucial promise to make when having a job!
If info leaked to the public before the announcement, everyone would just feel let down after all the preparation they've done.
The same can be said about our fans, too. So I'll keep my mouth zipped at all times~♪
They know I'm participating in the audition! I've also done loads of filming, and they saw that too~♪
I got a lotta support from everyone at school too, so I wanna do my best.
And also, I wanna be thought of as an amazing senior by my juniors…☆

Heave-ho. Okay, I'll have to go now, but do you still have work at ES, Ne~chan?
—This was the last of it? That's great to hear!
Then let's go home together, Ne~chan~♪
Nope, I was practicing, so not yet~… I was thinking of stopping by a convenience store before going home.
If I buy onigiri at the convenience store now, I'll get a yuruchara sticker, the thing Midori-chan loves most~♪
He said he wanted to collect them all, so I'm helping him out.
You're feeling hungry too, Ne~chan? I was thinking of eating something before heading home, too.
I think Shiina-senpai might still be at Cinnamon at this hour?
Let's drop by the cafe together~♪ I'm sure he'd make us some real good food!