VS★GOURMET – Mitsuru Mini Talk: Reminded Of Its Taste

Ne~chan, should I put this box here?
Whew. You were gonna try carrying a box this heavy all on your own first… Ne~chan, don't overdo it so much, okay?
I'm a third year by now! So I want you to rely on me more~♪
Hehe! I've been working out lots lately~♪
So you can leave any heavy stuff to me! I can just consider it as a workout!
If there's anything else you need help with, you can let me know anytime! ☆
You're welcome! This is nothing, so you can always leave it to me~♪
Heh. I gained quite a bit of muscle lately. Look, you can get a feel of my biceps!
Don'tcha think that I've built some muscle? I'll keep at it with my workout training!

So about this box… It was super heavy, what's even in it?
"Fake food"…? Since it's food, is it edible?
Show me an example, Ne~chan!
Ah, it's the stuff you see in restaurants! I've seen it before too!
Woah~ It's almost like the real thing! How do they make these?
This Napotilan pasta even has a fork on it!
Ah, this is that "food sample" thing! I've seen them before!
It's used in magazine photoshoots? That makes sense, 'cuz you'd just feel hungry if you used real food.
Huh? It's to preserve it at a good-looking state? I never considered that!

Look, look, they even have sample of bread~♪
It looks so fluffy, but it's rock hard…! It's kind of a weird feeling!
Looking at this makes me crave bread. Ne~chan, how about we go to a bakery together?
Mhm! We'll go there in a dash, dash~☆
I'll guide you, so you can just follow me, Ne~chan! I'll show you to a bakery I recommend!
Ahaha, I'm so excited~♪ Bread, bread, breaaad~♪
How about the bakery in the neighboring town? I heard on TV that the shio pan bread there is "one-of-a-kind"!
It's a little far from here, but you've got some time, right?
Let's have an outing like we're going on a picnic~♪