VS★GOURMET – Chiaki Mini Talk: Undecided Menu

Heeey, Anzu! Are you going to have lunch now?
If you’re alright with it, how about you share a table with me! ☆
You see! I actually got extra salary for helping out with something. So food’s on me; feel free to order anything!
Yeah. I was actually hoping I could get to have a chat with someone.
You can consider being my conversation partner as payment. You’ve got some time now, right?
You’re free until the evening? Then let’s go search for a seat at once! ♪
I’m always indebted to you, y’know? Didn’t you bring refreshments to where I had work the other day?
I was hoping to repay you for that. So there’s no need to hold back!
Fufu, then let’s sit here. Now we just need to order something!

There’s hamburger steak meal, curry rice… Mm~ it’s hard to decide what to eat…!
Kanata said we’ll go eat seafood tonight, so… Maybe I’ll go for a classic deep fried meal?
What will you go with, Anzu? Tell me when you’ve decided, and I’ll put in both of our orders through my Holdhands account!
There’s an abundance of choices in the staff cafeteria’s menu, and its tastiness is on par with famous restaurants, so I completely understand how you feel…!
You still have time, so feel free to ponder however much you like…☆
While you decide, I’ll think about what I’ll have for dessert!
Ohh, how healthy! Maybe I’ll go with that, too.
…Huh? There’s eggplants in it?
Ahh! If you hadn’t told me that, I would’ve ended up ordering without realizing! Eggplants are the one thing I physically can’t handle!

—Thanks for the wonderful meal!
So after this, I’m thinking of having a dance practice session.
There’s something about it I’ve been struggling with a little… Could I ask you to take a look at it?
Ooh, I appreciate it!
I’ve been challenging myself to do pretty advanced choreography lately.
I feel that with your advice, I’ll be able to improve and grow all the more…☆
Fuhaha, how reassuring! I expect nothing less from you, Anzu!
Oh yeah, you’ve been working independently this year, right?
If so, then how about us Ryuseitai also request work from you more and more…!