Tropical – Shinobu Mini Talk: Yuruchara Training

Ooh—…! Ha—…! Shutatatata…☆
Mm~ I cannot do it as well as Kero-sama does after all…
Ah—! Anzu-dono!? Were you watching me all this time!?
That means you were here since the start…
It is embarrassing when someone watches me train, so I would prefer it if you greet me as soon as you see me.
Mm, so you heard me say that… I suppose I have no choice but to inform you…
Ah— It is completely alright that you heard me! I simply just wanted to act dramatic for the sake of it!
Indeed I am, although not my usual ninja training this time.
I am training to move as swiftly and cleanly as Kero-sama…! In other words, I am training to become Kero-sama!

Kero-sama1 is a frog-based yuruchara. Midori-kun told me all about it.
It looks adorable, but it has high physical capability, and can even walk on two legs!
It can play basketball, baseball, ski, snowboard… Even scuba-diving is a piece of cake! It's insanely strong~!
Good point, it isn't that soft despite being a yuruchara…
I believe that is why Midori-kun's opinion of it is so harsh, as he says that "it feels as though they didn't try enough to make it yuruchara-like".
I have only watched videos of Kero-sama playing sports so far, so I would love to watch it do it live!
If Kero-sama ever appears in an event, I will inform you about it, Anzu-dono!
Huh? Kero-sama and I are similar? The way it's cute but also nimble on its feet…?
Ehehe, that makes me super happy to hear. Thank you~♪

Kero-sama is active on social media as well, and usually posts videos of it doing sports.
…I just sent you Kero-sama's social media account on HoldHands, so please do watch it when you have the time!
There are so many yurucharas out there… The world of yuruchara is truly deep!
Mhm, I've come to understand how Midori-kun feels a little.
However, it cannot surpass how magnificent ninjas are…♪ Nothing can beat ninjas for me!
Uu… It's just like you to make a comment like that, Anzu-dono…
However, you're right… With so many yurucharas around, there surely is just as many that do not see the light of day… They likely share quite a lot in common with idols.
Perhaps you could ask Midori-kun to give you a yuruchara study session.
Ah, but whenever the topic is about yuruchara, Midori-kun tends to get ahead of himself, so I will be sure to have someone with you that can stop him before he goes too far.
Translation Notes
- ↑ The sound a frog makes in Japanese is kero.