Sweet Halloween – Midori Produce Course: Halloween Costume

Huh…? Is that Anzu-san over there…?
Ahh, it really was Anzu-san… I haven't been seeing you around lately, so this kinda feels like old times…
Long time no see, Anzu-san…♪
Yeah, but as soon as I heard that we'll be sleeping over at school, it became kind of a pain…
If only I could sleep through the entire thing…
But oh well, I'll do my best. Because I just know Anzu-san will draw me another mascot character…♪
Ahh… I had nothing to do, so I practiced free throws…
'Cause there was a ball here… Mm? I'm enjoying my youth?
Uu, please don't… Associating every little thing to "youth" reminds me of a certain somebody, and I don't like it…

What is it? Ahh, you want to know if we decided on a costume…?
We haven't decided on anything yet… We literally just started, if anything…
But if this were the usual, Morisawa-senpai would've gladly told us lots of ideas… More specifically, he would've pushed his opinions on us…
I was about to say "mascot character," but… That doesn't really have anything to do with Halloween, does it…
Mm, you could just make a mascot character related to Halloween…?
Does that mean you'll make a new character for me, Anzu-san!? Uwaah, this is perfect…♪
Mm~ I'm not really sure, but… Morisawa-senpai has been acting kinda strange lately…
Tetora-kun and Sengoku-kun say that's the usual for him, but…
Sooomething about it doesn't feel right to me, if you get me…? Well, whatever, I guess…

Anzu-san…? Are you okay? You're wobbling about…
Ahh, you came here to give us our practice outfits…
Please pass them over, I'll carry them. Well, I guess you're already almost here…
No, I'm the one who should say that… Thank you for letting me carry these for you…
I've got an unreasonable amount of height and strength, so I have to make use of it sometimes…
Or else I'll start thinking, "Huh…? Why do I even exist…?"
My belongings…? Ahh, we're going to be sleeping over starting today, so I brought everything I need from home…
"Is it a lot to carry"…? It wasn't really heavy at all, actually…
There's a mascot cushion inside, so maybe that's why it looks so bulky…♪