Supervillain – Supersized Villain (Chapter 1–8)


Chapter Index

Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Translation Notes

Chapter 1

Content Warning

The following chapters contain descriptions of violence, and mentions of bullying.

Later in the day. In Okinawa, within the forested area, where Crimson Production resides…

—Hmm… I knew it, so it really was that all along.

It isn’t that Nagumo and Sengoku weren’t getting into contact with us. It wasn’t because of their own personal reasons.

It’s just that they couldn’t contact us, even if they wanted to…

It seems like there’s some kind of signal jam around the Crimson Production headquarters.

That’s why no phone calls make it through from inside or near the building.

My initial guess was that Nagumo and Sengoku had their phones confiscated and then destroyed, but… It seems like it’s a lot more dangerous than I had originally anticipated.

A signal-jamming generator, of all things… At this point, you may as well tell me we’re in a tokusatsu or sci-fi story. It’s even capable of finding great use as a military weapon.

Speaking of which, Sengoku mentioned that the headquarters building looks like a military facility…

That wasn’t even an exaggeration. His intuition was spot on.

And now that I know that Nagumo and Sengoku have fallen into the pockets of dangerous people, who’re handling such a weapon without a care in the world… This makes me all the more worried.

This is no longer a problem I can solve on my own…

I have to hurry back to Tenshouin and — no, actually, I need to report this to ES as a whole, and ask them to take care of it.

Oh! Before I do that, I should contact my comrades, since they’re working separately from me. I need to let them know what’s going on and have them retreat.

Hmm… Alright, moving this far away from the headquarters building seems to be enough to get a signal. There’s only one bar on my phone, but it’s better than nothing.

Hello, Kanata? Takamine’s with you, right?

Yeah, it looks worse than we expected. I’m planning to get out of here immediately, so you guys pack your bags and get to the airport as soon as possi—

—You talk to yourself a lot, “Taichou”.

The cameras aren’t even rolling, you know. Are you in the habit of being unnecessarily cautious because the “audience” won’t understand what you’re thinking unless you say it out loud?


Heya, Taichou.

I knew you’d come. I was right to lay down a trap.

It’s only natural you’d show up. There’s no way you’d be so heartless as to leave all the work to me and Sengoku-kun.

If we don’t report, contact, or consult you, you’ll grow anxious and come to check on us yourself, right?

You’ve always been exactly like an overprotective parent.

Nagumo… I’m so glad to see you’re doing alright.


At the very least, I’m glad to confirm that you’re safe. How’s Sengoku? He isn’t hurt, is he?

Do you even know what’s going on here?

You’re trespassing on private property. I have the authority to detain and interrogate you.

I’m now in a position similar to an executive staff member of Crimson Production for a number of reasons. I may be a part-time employee, but I’m registered as an official staff member.

And neither ES nor Ryuseitai prohibits us from having side jobs, right?

Yeah, of course not. I see, so you got yourself a job. Mhm, that’s something to be happy about.

I’m more like a part-timer. But well, there are many people in the world who want to work, but can’t get a job, so…

I’m grateful enough to have someone hire and pay me, no matter how exploitative the corporation is.

…Ah, but I shouldn’t say anything bad about the company. It’ll affect my assessment. You never know who’s listening.

Anyway, I don’t have time to waste on idle chit-chat, so… I’m sorry to say this, but I’m going to have to restrain you.

That’s my job now as an employee in Crimson Production.

Don’t try to resist or escape at all costs.

If you do, I’ll have to hurt you.

I technically do owe you a debt of gratitude for picking me up and raising me. I respect you, and have compassion for you, as we’ve been close comrades for a long time.

That’s why, I’d rather avoid resorting to hurting you.

Chapter 2


I doubt you noticed, but — as of this moment, Crimson Production’s combatants are lurking in the bushes around here.

Haha. Combatants, huh? Are we in a tokusatsu?1

You’re the one saying that? That’s just what I call them, really. They’re basically fighters who’re willing to do the dirty work of spilling blood.

In tokusatsu shows, combatants are small fry that can be KO’d with a single punch — but I assume you at least know that in a real life situation, you should never go against them, right?

They have no resistance to violence. If anything, they train day and night just to hone their physical strength.

I’m sure you’re aware that an ordinary person like you, without any superpowers, can’t win against them in a fight.

Well, I’m not much of a fighter to begin with, so I wouldn’t really be able to win in a fistfight if I were up against an adult.

I did have the basics of self-defense drilled into me by Kiryu in our Circle, though.

He does teach me a bit of martial arts that are more for playing pretend, but…

When it comes to actual real life situations, all he ever tells me is, “If you ever encounter an assaulter, you should yell for help or run away immediately.”

Did he ever also tell you, “If they’re armed, you should surrender without any question and hand over whatever they want without provoking them.” — hm?

Because that’s exactly the position you’re in right now, Taichou.

You aren’t strong enough to oppose our attacks. You have no choice but to stay put and obey our command.

The situation is overwhelmingly in our favor. I’d rather not waste energy grappling with you, so I’d much appreciate it if you’d do as I say and let us take you in quietly.

…And if I don’t comply?

…? Were you always this stupid…?

If you don’t, this is what’s gonna happen.

(Sound of a punch)


… … …………

Haha. Taken aback, are you, Taichou? I’m sure you’ve experienced a lot of flashy battles in tokusatsu, but is this seriously the very first time you’ve actually been punched or something?

Or, what? Did you really think I wouldn’t actually hit you?

Either way, you’re always so naïve!

You need to wake up already! You should at least know the difference between reality and fantasy!

We aren’t in a tokusatsu show here!

I’m so sick and tired of being subjected to your hobbies!

Nagumo… Guh— (cough, cough)

Ahh, sorry. I punched you in the chest — are you in pain from a bruised lung?

If you stop being able to breathe properly, you won’t be able to get oxygen to your body, making it harder to move. You won’t even be able to call for help because you’re in too much pain to scream. Efficient, isn’t it?

If you still choose to resist, then I’ll have no choice but to strangle you until you lose consciousness.

…I only have one thing to say, Nagumo.

Whoa, you can still talk, huh? You’ve got guts, I’ll give you that. I didn’t hold back at all with that punch.

So? What is it? Is it time to hear the sore loser say his last words?

Or are you going to lecture me now? “Stop with all these cruel acts! You’re supposed to be a good boy!”

Hahaha. That would be so funny.

No, even I’m aware that it’s pointless to give you a wholehearted lecture.

Now that you’ve been tainted with evil.


But, yes, I’d like to be a “sore loser,” as you put it.

Fine by me. I can’t wait to see the sort of cursing a goody two-shoes boy like you can come up with.

I’m sorry, Nagumo.

…? Why are you apologizing?

Haha. We’ve had this same exchange before, haven’t we?

But unlike how it was then, this time around was no accident. I hit you with full ill-intent.

Though, I was still a hero back then, and right now, I’m a villain to the very core.

Yeah, you surprisingly suit that role as well, Nagumo.

I may have been destroying your potential for the sake of my dreams all this time.

That’s what you want to apologize for? I wasn’t dragged here by the collar either, and you didn’t force me to do anything. This is a path I chose on my own, m’kay?

But you didn’t like being here originally, right? Back when you first joined Ryuseitai.

Yeah, but all those feelings disappeared half-way. I did everything because I enjoyed it.

I even thought that the heroes you admired matched the ideal that I should aspire to be.

The ideal man among men, that I’ve been striving to become since I was a little kid.

Ah, I see. How about now?

Is there still a hero at the end of the path you’re walking?

I don’t know. …I’m not sure anymore.

—Excuse me for changing the subject, but… I used to get bullied often in the past.


I’ve never told you guys much about it because I was so ashamed, but—

Ryuseitai used to be a horrible unit back then.2

Even compared to the present Ryuseitai, at its current abysmal state?

Yeah, even compared to that. No one took their activities or lessons seriously, and yet they would always put on airs by misusing the reputation of being in “Yumenosaki’s oldest idol unit”.

They gained profits and fame just by leeching off of that reputation. That was how the Ryuseitai members of the past would continuously play around and squander what they had gained.

They indulged in their pleasures without ever bothering to do anything troublesome or difficult.

It’s ridiculous to study, take lessons, and work wholeheartedly. It’s foolish and wrong to spend your precious youth, that you can only experience once, on tiring tasks.

It’s right to laugh and behave foolishly, throw away irritating obligations, skip classes, and play around all day.

That was the form of justice that Ryuseitai believed in, once upon a time.


I was the villain who defied the justice of that Ryuseitai.

I just couldn’t read the room… I kept calling over everyone who was unwilling to do their best and kept trying to tell them to straighten up… so they saw me as an absolute pain.

That’s how I became the target of bullying. Whenever I came face to face with everyone in Ryuseitai, who were supposed to be my comrades, they would only poke fun and laugh at me.

I became someone against justice, who deserved to be kicked and cursed at — in other words, an evil monster.

That was why I was forced to do all their tedious jobs and homework, day in and day out.

Among many things they forced me to do, one of them was cleaning the pool in the middle of the night, all on my own.

It was agonizing… It was hell itself.

Of course, there are a lot of people in the world who are much worse off than I was.

There were even people like that in the very same school. I may have been bullied, but it was nothing compared to what the Five Eccentrics were subjected to.

That’s why I couldn’t complain to anyone. I just couldn’t let myself whine — about how hard it was, about how much I couldn’t stand it anymore — as if I was some sort of wuss.


Chapter 3

That’s why I tried to get through the days by always pretending to be an idiot who didn’t think or feel anything. I just smiled and laughed, convincing myself that I was happy.

And then, on that starry night — I met Kanata, who had lived a much more pitiful life than I, and had never been treated as a human being—

That mask of mine, of a crudely drawn smile, was completely smashed to pieces by Kiryu and Akehoshi—

And like a miracle, I “transformed” into the hero I had always yearned to be, even if only for a mere moment.

And with the help of the kind-hearted villains, Akatsuki, who went along with my farce… I was able to build up the Ryuseitai of today.

The Ryuseitai that I dreamed of.

…What the hell have you been on about?

Do you think I’m going to take pity and go easy on you just because you revealed your shameful past?

Yeah, I wonder why I’m saying all of this… Mhm, you’re right, this has nothing to do with anything.

But it’s something I should have told you before, and it felt like the opportunity to mention it presented itself.

In fact, I apologize for taking so long to tell you. I’m sorry.

Mm… It’s very different from what I’ve heard from Shinkai-senpai. From his point of view, Taichou was a super cool hero from the beginning to the end.

I had no idea about how you were “before transformation”.

The reason he never told you about it is likely all my fault.

Ryuseitai is indeed the oldest idol unit in Yumenosaki Academy. It’s a veteran powerhouse with history and tradition.

But the ideal Ryuseitai that everyone loves and the agency wants is something that I forcibly created in my generation.

A dream that a bullied, cowardly tokusatsu nerd dreamed of, that just so happened to become a reality.

But a dream is nothing but a dream. You have to wake up someday.

No, in fact… I should have properly ended my dream when I had passed the leadership position to you.

I should have given my story a proper ending and handed over my place to the next lead star, the hero of the new era.

Just like the tokusatsu heroes I love so much.

That’s why, I’m so sorry, Nagumo. This whole year’s messy development is all my fault — It’s all because I never properly settled these things.

Why the hell do you keep apologizing!? It pisses me off!

“What went wrong?” “Why have we turned out this way?”

We’ve gone through this so many times by now, over and over and over again.

Yet… we never managed to come to a conclusion. There’s no point in dredging up the past. Maybe we could at least brace ourselves to avoid repeating the same mistakes, but…

It’s unproductive, and in reality, just pointless. No amount of regret will change our situation.

That’s why I—


What’s wrong, Nagumo? Is there trouble?

A messenger is here… He says there are trespassers breaking into the headquarters building of Crimson Production as we speak.

Hold on… No, don’t tell me the reason you’ve been blabbering on endlessly was to—

Mhm, I wanted to apologize for that too. Sorry, sorry.

I’ve said this many times already, but I used to be a victim of bullying. That’s why I’m pretty sensitive when it comes to malicious intent.

We live in a world in which the weak are meat; the strong do eat. Weak meat like me had to be extremely vigilant to avoid being eaten. I wouldn’t have survived otherwise.

That’s why I was already aware that you were approaching and surrounding me, even before you spoke to me.

I intentionally spoke aloud for that reason, and lied to you as if Kanata and Takamine were on standby somewhere else.

I was intentionally misinforming you guys.

Ugh, I was wondering why you were all alone when you’re such a pushover—

—This guy’s a decoy! There are other guys from Ryuseitai breaking in! Don’t let them get away! Capture them all!

Fuhaha! It’s too late to panic now.

There’s no signal in this area. None of you can use your phones either, so the only way to communicate is to send a messenger.

Your colleagues over in the headquarters building won’t be able to respond fast enough to the crisis.

And I’m sure that, now that Kanata and Takamine broke into the building, they’ve already made contact with Sengoku and rescued him from his confinement.

I don’t know what sort of situation Sengoku is in right now, but he is the only one who would never betray Ryuseitai. Even now, he’s bound to be on our side.

They’ll have joined forces with Sengoku, and since he’s good at gathering information, they’ll continue to investigate the building.

Since it’s your headquarters, that means that there’s a possibility of finding information that could destroy your footing, such as evidence of illegal acts.

If we can secure it and escape safely, it’ll be our victory.

Crimson Production would collapse and go bankrupt. And you, as an employee of this corporation, would be able to wash your hands from all the evil.

…And here I thought you were nothing but an idiot…

So what? Sure, we’ve taken your bait, and now security at the headquarters is a little thin. And sure, maybe you’ll be able to at least get in touch with Sengoku-kun, or search the building.

But that doesn’t change your situation.

You’re surrounded by a group of people who aren’t afraid to use violence, and you’ve clearly provoked them — by declaring war.

Are you a dumbass, or what? Did you not consider we could just kill you for making us snap? Just how much of a pacifistic idiot are you?

Don’t look down on your older brother so much, Nagumo.

Our generation has survived the Yumenosaki War Era, days that you’ve never experienced. A war that was fought, full of deceit.

“Pacifistic idiot”? Just who do you think you’re speaking to, junior?


I wouldn’t ever barge into a dangerous place like this without any precautions or preparation in the first place.

Regardless, even if I do get killed or otherwise disappear, Tenshouin will make his move. I made sure those arrangements were set in place before we left.

Tenshouin is someone I can ask for that sort of favor, because he’s my friend.

And if the supreme Tenshouin Zaibatsu comes into play here, the fate of Crimson Production would soon be in dire state.

That’s when you’ll truly be doomed. They’ll absolutely investigate all of you thoroughly, count up all your sins, and crush you.


I’ll say it a hundred times more. This time, it’s my victory — our victory, Nagumo.

Your biggest mistake was to choose the path of evil. And though typically, there are no words to say to the loser—

I choose to deliberately tell you, my immature and foolish junior, my favorite phrase:

—Justice will always prevail.

Chapter 4

Nearly an hour later. Inside Crimson Production’s agency office…

I’m so sorry, Morisawa-senpai.

our plan was a [complete failure].

We were all captured easily…

You guys…!


Hey, Taichou, what were you just telling me oh-so-proudly earlier? “It’s our victory”? “Justice will always prevail”?

So I wouldn’t be wrong to assume that this means that Crimson Production is on the side of justice, would I?

Guhhh… This is so frustrating. There’s nothing I can even say to counter that…

Just seeing Morisawa-senpai this frustrated brings me joy somehow.

W-Why, Takamine!? Why are you happy!? I don’t recall ever raising you to be such a mean-spirited boy, who would laugh at other people’s demise!

I don’t recall being raised by you, either.

But I mean, who wouldn’t laugh at this situation?

—Hey, um, so… I don’t really get what’s going on here, but how much of this was an act, in the end…?


It is all right, Tetora-kun. I have been locked up here ever since I was captured—

But because you tied me up so loosely, I was able to discreetly free myself by utilizing Ninpou: Rope-removal Jutsu.

I took advantage of any opportunity that I wasn’t being watched to thoroughly observe the office. I investigated all the positions and angles of the surveillance cameras, as well as sound recording devices, until I had a perfect grasp of their effect range.

As long as we speak quietly in the corner of this room, there is no possibility that anyone else can hear what we are saying.

However, since the surveillance cameras will catch a glimpse of us, it would be better for you to continue looking like a scary villain, if possible.

You will need to maintain a villainous demeanor in your posture and manner of speaking, as well.

After all, while you may have been able to clear the area by telling everyone that you’ll be the one to interrogate us, we do not know when the Crimson Production staff will come back.

Okay. I’ve gotten used to speaking in this tone now, anyway. I used to talk like this when I was young, and it’s starting to come back to me.

Ahh, I didn’t know you used to talk normally when you were young. Makes sense, though.

Yeah, I was trained thoroughly to speak in a different way when I started learning karate, or well, it’s just that it became so natural to start saying “Ossu” and the like.

In Shinkai-senpai’s case, it feels as though he may have been this way for a long time — but “Shinobu-kun” didn’t always speak like a ninja either, did he?

Mhm… Ehehe, Tetora-kun with a normal tone of voice has a slightly different and dangerous charm to it. I think it’s lovely!

Ehh~… I dunno what it is, but I don’t really vibe with this Tetora-kun… He’s got that shallow energy of someone who I’d never be able to understand, and neither would he to me.

I mean, if we weren’t in the same unit, I doubt we’d have ever spoken to each other in the first place, you feel me?

Yeah, I know what you mean… Fate’s really a strange thing, isn’t it?

…um. i do not think i fully [understand].

so, in the end, what does this mean?

That’s a pretty vague question, huh? But I know what you’re trying to ask.

To put it very briefly: I’m basically an undercover agent sent by ES.

He’s a ninja, a ninja! ♪

Well, more specifically, I’m a spy. Now that ES is dead-set on a nationwide domination, there has naturally been an emergence of resistance groups throughout the country since SS — the “anti-ES organizations,” so to speak. ES finds them to be an eyesore.

They consider them a hindrance, like this agency we have here, Crimson Production.

That’s why they’re trying to destroy them. Preferably by exposing their corruption and criticizing their acts in front of the public, by fair means.

So when Anti-Stars, my juniors from the former Ryuseitai, asked for my help, I was selected as the person in charge.

And then I was dispatched to Okinawa, under the guise of consulting with Anti-Stars, since they had been incorporated into Crimson Production.

That was the sort of pretext I was working under.

In other words, that’s just the surface. Behind the scenes, though, I was actually asked by ES to spy on Crimson Production, an anti-ES organization.

Chapter 5

My initial assumption that Tetora-kun betrayed ES after being tainted by anti-ES organizations was entirely wrong.

The truth was actually the exact opposite; you were always on the side of justice. And as part of ES, you had sneaked into Crimson Production, which has been regarded as an evil organization… Correct?

Yep, yep. In order to achieve that, I made myself look and act like an extreme ES-hating guy, changed my character to seem more like a delinquent, and even pierced my ear. It was super painful.

Then I gained the trust of this agency and got hired by them, and the rest was history.

I managed to stay undetected because my fellow former members of Ryuseitai, the Anti-Stars, were already a living example that switching sides was possible. They’ve been steeped in anti-ES ideology, after all.

And in reality, I have a lot of mixed feelings towards ES. Some of it is resentment, to be honest.

I’ve been pushed around a lot by ES and the agency’s selfishness, for one thing.

That’s why acting like an ES hater came naturally to me.

In fact, I spilled so many of my hidden complaints that I almost tricked myself into thinking they were my true feelings all along.

I almost became infected with the same thoughts as the anti-ES groups. Honestly, cursing people, saying how much you hate them, criticizing them… It’s all pretty fun to do.

It’s a refreshing feeling.

I can sort of see why some people get addicted to it.

But if I ever end up getting obsessed with all that hatred, that’s when I’ll really start to despise myself.

There are a lot of things I don’t like about ES and our agency, but that doesn’t mean I think they’re all hateful, evil beings to be trampled on.

There have been just as many things that have happened to me at ES that made me feel happy or grateful. And there are also a lot of people I love there.



Haha. Maybe I tried to sound a little too cool there.

But the reality of it all isn’t as cool as I make it sound… As I began my secret investigation, I grew to understand just how horrifying Crimson Production actually was.

I thought to myself, “This really is an evil that must be defeated, regardless of ES’s wishes.”

On top of that, the Anti-Stars — my former comrades from Ryuseitai-N who believed in me and followed after me — somehow found their way into Crimson Production.

If things continue as they are, those kids will be charged with crimes and be put on trial as members of an evil organization.

I can’t allow that to happen at any cost. I refuse to overlook it.

Umm… Is Crimson Production seriously that bad of an agency…?

Well, I think it’s pretty clear considering they have fighters ready for anything that requires violence, but — The reason for that is, in reality, Crimson Production is basically like an organized crime enterprise.

Yakuza is what you’d call them, if this were a few years back. I think nowadays they’re called, uh, what was it… illegal groups…?3

Illegal acts and corruption are commonplace here. They’re a dangerous organization that commits actual crimes, not just some violations here and there.

Are you for real…? So people like that exist outside of the fictional world, huh…

Yeah… The world we perceive is miniscule — and outside of it, behind the scenes, lies an unbelievable reality. I became aware of that far too well during my time working here.

I realized that I was nothing more than a naïve brat who didn’t have a clue about anything…

I wish I could go back to the old days, when the most frustration I ever felt was towards my elders and seniors…

I never wanted to get involved with actual criminals…


Anyway, moving on… Because they were such a dangerous group, Crimson Production had gone down the drain once before, thanks to the self-cleansing efforts of the Okinawan locals.

Apparently, there was a huge dispute with a local vigilante-like group called “Oni” or something like that, which led the enterprise to their defeat and dissolution.

ah— i have heard of [oni]-san. apparently, they had an association with the [okinawan] people who still [worship] me.

but now, because their [boss] is no longer around, they appear to have [disbanded].

Yeah. It seems that the vigilante group was disbanded after overthrowing Crimson Production, who were their biggest enemy.

But evil in this world doesn’t perish for good… ​​After absorbing all the dissatisfaction with ES that’s festered since the events of SS, Crimson Production made its revival.

ES exploits the profits of its dominion, and many locals don’t like that. After all, the more that the idol industry becomes favored over other businesses, the more the owners of vested interests suffer damages.

And those who had a foothold on those interests would naturally start having complaints…

Yeah, and after gaining power by uniting with those sorts of people, Crimson Production began to go down the path of evil once more.

While ES is an evil that deserves to be criticized for its aggressive invasion-like behavior…

Crimson Production is also an evil that doesn’t hesitate to commit heinous crimes.

The events happening in Okinawa right now aren’t some exciting fictional tales, of an ally of justice defeating evil.

It’s a real battle between evil and evil, doing all they can to devour and crush each other.

Chapter 6

Later that night. In the film studio within Crimson Production…

I’m sorry to say this but, I can’t allow any of you to go home safe and sound.


All of you are trespassers. In other words, criminals.

Tomorrow morning, we hand you over to official authorities, the police — or, you become our own little obedient servants, lackeys, or something else similar to that.

By the way, “Sengoku-kun” chose the latter — to become one of us in Crimson Production.

And if he becomes a member — in other words, an accomplice — he won’t be able to betray us.

He-he… He flew from ES’s arms into ours in a bat of an eye. I guess a ninja’s loyalty isn’t that big of a deal in the end, huh?

(whispering) Meanie~… Tetora-kun is the one who told me to do so.

You said that, since people from Crimson Production are lurking among the local cops, it would be the end for me if I were handed over to the police.

I could even get a criminal record, depending on the charges… If that happens, it will hinder my idol activities in the future.

Oh, just to clarify, if I talk from this position and at this volume, no sound will be picked up.

However, the surveillance cameras will have a clear sight on us, so if a lip-reader were here, they would know what we’re talking about. Thus, let us keep the talking to a minimum either way.

This is all a big pain somehow, so I’m just gonna stay quiet throughout the whole thing.

There is some stuff I personally wanna say to Tetora-kun, though.

Oh? Well, I’ll hear you out later, then.

There are a couple of things I’d like to talk to you all about, as well.

(waves) Hey, guys! I’ve prepared everything for us to sleep! Thankfully, Nagumo brought us food and sleeping bags, so we should be able to spend the night fairly comfortably!

this is so much fun, it is like having a [camp]~♪

Yeah! And look, look! I think we’re in a studio for a local tokusatsu show! Their diorama is surprisingly excellently crafted!

I’ve always dreamed of sleeping in a place like this! I feel like a giant kaijuu! I’m so happy!

fufufu~ there was a [movie] like that, right? the one where mr. [kaijuu] sleeps in the middle of the [street].4

Our two seniors aren’t even trying to sound panicked… We just said not to talk so loudly.

Mhm, sorry about that. But I feel so relieved, like a weight’s fallen off my back.

I doubt I could act terrified of being trapped in an evil organization right now, even if I tried.

Well, that’s okay then, as long as you take caution. Earlier today, you reminded me once again that you’re surprisingly really good at acting, anyway.

Using yourself as bait to draw us away from the building, so that the other two can break in—

The plan failed in the end, but it did make me break out in a cold sweat for a moment.

To be honest, I underestimated you seniors a little too much. Your base stats are surprisingly high.

Yep, everything went just as planned! Mission complete~♪

…? Didn’t our plan fail…?

Ah, well— Ohh, I get it now, this really was a success — just as he planned. Morisawa-Taichou’s goal was likely to attract the fighters in charge of security over to his side.

And that’s exactly what happened — practically all of our combatants fell for the bait and charged over to him.

On the other hand, that meant that the strength of the forces within the building was greatly reduced. So the two breaking in were seized by ordinary employees who weren’t suited for combat.

Which effectively avoided any violent measures that could’ve been used on both of them.

yes~ he told us to do as they [say] if we get [caught].

that was also to [prevent] any unnecessary [violent acts] to befall us, yes?

Hmph… So all along, the plan was to get caught, so we could make contact with Tetora-kun?

If that’s the case, why didn’t you just say so from the very beginning?

All that time while we were breaking into the building, I was just terrified of the thought of getting killed if I slipped up for even a moment.

fufu, thanks to midori’s [realistic] response, we did not raise suspicions among the [staff members].

Well, that’s just an afterthought. To be honest, I didn’t think Takamine would participate in this mission at all.

I thought he’d be too terrified to do so, and would ask to stay back at a hotel.

Were that the case, I was planning to have him return to ES alone and be a messenger to report various matters to Tenshouin and other staff members.

Why would you think that? I couldn’t care less about Tetora-kun, but since Shinobu-kun of all people got captured, even I’d wanna go and save him…

That’s why I sucked it up and did my absolute best, even though I was literally scared out of my wits.

Heheh, the one with the biggest potential in Ryuseitai is and always has been “Takamine-kun,” huh?

That’s ‘cause I started from rock bottom! Hmph!

Haha, he’s sulking~ But honestly, I’m surprised. Morisawa-Taichou was much more thorough in his preparations than I expected, and it really helped me out.

He seemed to have noticed my message, too.

Chapter 7

…a message?

Yep. Among the many things I changed about myself, one of them is the way I speak — yet I kept calling Morisawa-Taichou by the title “Taichou”.5

If I really did hate ES enough to defect and become the leader of the “RB” group, then there’d be no reason for me to still call him by that title.

I didn’t get the sense that you were being sarcastic, either. Your tone indicated respect.

On top of that, I barely felt any chest pain when you punched me. It was like a fight scene from a tokusatsu — just a punch that looks like it hit, but doesn’t actually have any force to it.

That’s karate’s sundome for ya, ossu!6 Jokes aside, you also helped make it look real by putting on a convincing act that it hurt, Taichou.

Yeah, although we were enemies on the surface for that moment, we were secretly communicating with each other. We were able to figure out each other’s intentions and make the right moves.

The moment I touched your hand, I knew for sure that you didn’t betray us — that you didn’t become tainted with evil.

I was certain that you were still one of us.

That’s just plain incredible… I genuinely thought Tetora-kun did a complete 180…

Well, they do say that to fool the enemy, you have to first fool your allies.

If I don’t act convincingly enough to fool even people who know me well like Takamine-kun, I’d never be fit for undercover work.

But… even I think I sound a little odd when I’m acting like a bad guy, so it’s no surprise that people who know me can tell right away that it’s an act…

I wasn’t even sure if I could fool Sengoku-kun at first when I captured him, and then before I knew it, he caught on pretty quickly.

Ahaha… To be fair, my friend Yuuta-kun also suddenly changed his character the other day, so I was a little perplexed at first, like, “Is this a trend lately or something?”7

Still, as soon as Sengoku-kun got over the shock, he started asking me, “Why are you acting like that? I would like to know what’s going on!”

He even whispered to me, “I may be able to assist you depending on what it is,” and that’s when I knew there’s no way I could fool him.

But honestly, there’s just no way I could put on an act convincing enough to deceive my own friends like Morisawa-Taichou can.

Fuhaha! Experience, it’s all experience! Do you even know how many years I’ve spent imitating heroes for fun?

He’s too good at it in fact, that not even society realizes Morisawa-senpai’s just an imposter acting as a hero.

So they misunderstand and unreasonably raise the bar for him — and when he shows his true self, they accuse him of being a liar and a fraud… It’s pretty sad.

You understand me far too well, Takamine. It just goes to show how much you love me.

Just die.

Fufu, well, as long as you are obedient, they will not get violent with you, so you will not have to worry about that.

You should maintain composure, while still staying cautious. You will end up getting tired if you are tense all the time, after all.

Look, I am proof of that! It is mainly thanks to Tetora-kun being in charge of the interrogation, but you can see that I am still in perfect physical condition. They will not treat us extremely roughly, despite how things seem around here.

Yeah, I’m really just glad that you remained unharmed all along, Sengoku. That goes for Nagumo, too, of course — but it was extremely concerning when I suddenly lost contact with you back then.

I deeply apologize for that!

However, as you may have noticed, I’m afraid that this building and its surroundings have all signals blocked.

Yeah, they are. We have no contact with the outside world.

I’ve been promoted to the top branch of Crimson Production, so I can walk around some of the areas with a little reception — even the downtown area that’s a little further away.

But in those cases, I’ll be monitored. So I’m always thoroughly inspected to make sure I’m not doing anything suspicious.

You can see how that led me to have no opportunity to get in contact with any of you.

Apparently, it’s because the current head of Crimson Production is extremely paranoid.

I guess he’s just being cautious after having been thoroughly beaten by the people from Oni once before, though.

Oni, huh… Can’t we rely on people from the vigilante group? They’re in opposition to Crimson Production, right?

Yeah. They’re a local vigilante group, but since the boss has moved to the US, they’ve now weakened in power.

They have no chance of opposing Crimson Production with the way they are right now.

But it’s not even that anymore. Right now, Crimson Production is swelling with power by winning over everyone, including the locals who hate ES, and conspiring with them.

At this point, many of the former vigilantes from Oni have also joined them.

In other words… Crimson Production, once hated and defeated as an evil force in Okinawa, is now seen as justice within the region.

We’d need way more than a half-hearted effort to tear down its stronghold.

Chapter 8

Content Warning

The following chapter contains mentions of murder.

Wait, “tear down its stronghold”…? Don’t tell me you plan to fight… You, against the entirety of Crimson Production?

Why? Let’s just leave this all behind. Nothing good will come out of getting involved with something so dangerous, y’know…?

Yeah, but I’m an employee of Crimson Production now. I’m already heavily involved.

Besides, Crimson Production is an undeniable evil that doesn’t hesitate to commit crimes.

I can’t just go back to a safe and peaceful life and leave my former teammates, the Anti-Stars, to die after getting absorbed into this mess.

I’ll defeat Crimson Production — the evil that pretends to be on the side of justice.

That being said, this is just how I feel. I don’t think you guys need to force yourselves to get involved.

Tomorrow, I’ll turn a blind eye for a moment to let you guys escape. I want you to get some rest today in preparation for that.

Now you’re also being distant… You’ve really inherited all the wrong things…

if we escape, won’t they suspect you, tetora?

There’s nothing I can do to stop that. I don’t have any good excuse for letting you guys go, except to say that I was so careless that you got away.

If that makes me a suspect, well, then I’ll just have to live with the consequences, won’t I?

Fortunately, I got the chance to inform all of you about what’s going on in Okinawa.

The only thing left to do now is for you all to take that information back home with you, so that the outside world, like ES, can take the best course of action.

I’ll also hand over all evidence of wrongdoing at Crimson Production that I’ve gathered throughout my investigation. I’d like you to deliver it to ES.

If all goes well, Crimson Production will be destroyed.

The evil will perish, and justice will prevail.

Haha… It’s such a plain and boring solution, unlike defeating evil monsters with cannons and giant robots and stuff.

No, no… Don’t stay here, Tetora-kun, you should run away with us tomorrow.

If you stick around, and they end up suspecting you as the one who let us go, won’t they do horrible things to you…?

I can’t do that. I refuse to leave the Anti-Stars kids all on their own here.

T-Then let’s run away with them, too—

That won’t be possible. They absolutely loathe ES, and I’d only enrage them if I suggest that they ask ES for help.

Some of them might even tattle on us and go to the upper management of Crimson Production.

They’d rather die than butter up ES to ask for their help.

It’ll be over for all of us if that happens. We won’t be able to get away. They’ll capture every one of us and dispose of us.

I’ve said it several times by now, but I mean it when I say that Crimson Production is an extremely dangerous group of criminals. They don’t hesitate to commit crimes.

They annihilate human beings like it’s nothing — As in murder.

I’ve seen it happen a few times while I’ve worked here.


That’s why, the best solution we’ve got is to have everyone in Ryuseitai except me run away and tell ES everything as fast as possible.

I’ll stay here and stall for time until everyone else has escaped and has done the calculations necessary to defeat Crimson Production.

If I escape with you guys, it’ll be completely obvious that I was a traitorous spy. And if that happens, there’s a high chance they’ll destroy any evidence of wrongdoing.

Right now they aren’t on their guard, so there should be a slight weak spot in their defenses, but… If they completely go on the defensive or run away, I doubt we’d be able to round them all up.

If we fail to fully defeat Crimson Production, they might come back someday and conduct their evil deeds again.

In order to prevent such a horrible part of history from repeating itself, we have to defeat them from top to bottom, right here, right now.

—That’s my form of justice.

You think that I’ll be impressed and agree with you if you put it that way, don’t you?

And the matter of fact is, yes — I really am impressed. Mhm, you’ve grown up so much, Nagumo. You’re a worthy ally of justice of your own.

—But unfortunately, there are four other heroes here besides you.

What do you mean…?

It’s the same concept as ‘Supervillains’. Although, saying that wouldn’t make enough sense to you, since you’ve had signals cut off for so long, and have been completely isolated from the rest of the world in terms of information.

To put short, in a blockbuster or a crossover with multiple heroes, it’s necessary to unite the justice of all the heroes who appear in the story.

You need to match everyone’s reason and purpose for action, like “to defeat a common enemy,” or “to avenge a mutual friend”.

Well, yeah, that’s how it is. That’s why it’s so difficult to make those sorts of crossovers.

Haha… Indeed, thanks to that, even the blockbuster ‘Supervillains’ has reached a deadlock.

Oh, I didn’t know… I’ve been so busy with my own work that I haven’t had the chance to catch up on everything.

Is everything going to be okay? ‘Supervillains’ is referring to the blockbuster that we’re going to be a part of, right?

I saw in the newspaper that they finally announced the title, but…?

Does that mean it isn’t going so well after all?

Yeah, but I’m sure it’ll be alright.

No one is creating this show with the intention of making it boring or to produce a failure.

Everyone involved is working hard to deliver something as good as possible to the audience.

Right now, everyone’s opinions aren’t aligned, so things aren’t going well, but…

Once the direction is set in place, I’m sure things will turn out well. Everyone will do their best in their respective roles, and will definitely be able to produce a wonderful piece of art.

What are you even on about? You suddenly become so enthusiastic whenever it’s about tokusatsu…

No, I’m talking about real life.

I say this to each and every one of you: I know that all this time, I’ve only been dragging you along with talks about my dreams… But from now on, let’s have a proper discussion about reality, too.

Let’s also assemble a happy ending for our reality — an ending that everyone wants to see.

Translation Notes

  1. Combatants refer to the troopers of an antagonist group in a tokusatsu show, and are typically low-level. An example would be the Shocker Combatmen from Kamen Rider.
  2. The following scene refers back to Meteor Impact.
  3. In Japanese, the word he says is hangure, which are groups in Japan that commit crimes, but are not affiliated with any crime syndicates (yakuza, for example).
  4. This is likely a reference to the Godzilla movie in 2014, where Godzilla sleeps in the middle of the city. Thank you to xvxaerial for their tokusatsu reference document!
  5. As mentioned earlier, taichou refers to leader (sometimes translated as Captain). It literally means “Commander”. It’s also the title Tetora would call Chiaki by a year ago, when Chiaki was still in high school.
  6. Tetora temporarily switches to his typical speech quirk here as part of the light joke. Also, sundome is a type of karate where you have to stop before you hit the target.
  7. Referring to the story MIRAGE. Please check this masterlist for a translation.