Supervillain – Tetora Mini Talk: Unaligned Feelings

(……I wonder if Morisawa-senpai is still at the doctor's office…)
(In the end, we called it a day before we even got the chance to talk properly, but… I have the right to check up on how he's doing, at least.)
Ossu! Nagumo Tetora at the door! I'm entering!
Huh? It's only you here, Anego…?
…You're taking after the place while Sagami-sensei is gone? Ahh, so that's what it is…
Woah, Anzu-Anego!? What're you doing here? Did you also get hurt…?
…You were asked to take care of the place while Sagami-sensei is gone? Whew, I'm glad it isn't anythin' serious, then!
Huh? Is Sagami-sensei not around? I didn't hurt myself or anything, though…
Morisawa-senpai got injured during practice, so I wanted to check up on him. But I guess I just missed him…
Oh, I see. As soon as you came here, Morisawa-senpai was on his way out.
……He looked to be doin' okay? I'm so glad to hear that.
Oh yeah, what did you have to do here, anyway?
Ohh, a fan-letter for Rain-bows? Sagami-sensei's still got a buncha fans, huh?
I watched a recording of the performance, and it really surprised me to see Morisawa-senpai look so different from the usual. I didn't know he could make those expressions!1
Sagami-sensei wanted to rest a bit, so he asked you to take care of the office…?
Anego… You should've said no! In fact, I'll go and tell him to get his act straight, myself! He's slacking off on his job!
Ahh, Sagami-sensei's got the qualification of a sports physician, right?
So you're learnin' how to do first aid? That's so cool! That'll come in real handy, won't it?
Anyway, sorry for stayin' around for so long.
I've got circle activities coming up, and I promised Hiiro-kun I'd meet up with him early to clean the dojo.
Take care while watching over the place. Aight then, I'll see you—
Are these wet sheet packs? I'm not injured anywhere, though…
…You're giving 'em to me in case I ever end up getting hurt, 'cuz it'll help heal the wound faster? That's true. I'll take 'em, then. Thanks a bunch!
Ossu! …Well, it's only Hiiro-kun and I that'll show up for circle activities today.
Our seniors didn't have the time in their schedule, sadly. Can't do much though, we're all busy with our work.
Huh? If I have any worries, I can always come to you 'bout it?
Ahaha… I'd like to sort through my feelings first before askin' someone. Once I'm ready to talk, please do lend me an ear.