Supervillain – Tetora Mini Talk: The Planning Of That Show

…Hmm. So this is the planning of that show Midori-kun announced in Comet Show the other day?
"A blockbuster that will go down in tokusatsu history"… Sounds pretty big.
I spotted some famous heroes even I know of in the list. Even heroes from overseas'll appear, huh?
Ahaha, I can't beat Morisawa-senpai when it comes to this, though.
The heroes I used to watch when I was young are appearin', too. I'm so excited! ♪
Yeah, there's a buncha heroes from all over the world in this list.
I even saw one that comes from a movie that just came out… Is that gonna be okay, copyright wise…?
I'm so excited to know what role we'll be takin'!
Since we're gonna be part of it, I gotta make sure to act as best as I can, to make it the best show it can ever be!
…Ohh, there's a whole buncha other plans too, huh?
Oh yeah, I heard Ra*bits is gonna try participating in a variety show.
I think Tomoya-kun said it was called "Bogie Time", or somethin'.
I've never even heard of it before.
Oh, it used to be broadcasted in the past, huh? Remakes are the thing lately, so maybe it'll be a hit~♪
Punishment games are a staple in variety shows, huh?
Although, I don't think there's been as many severe punishments nowadays. I think that's for the best, personally!
A variety show for us? Aight, please leave all the athletics and cooking-themed shows to me! ♪
Talk shows…? Uu~myu… Not sure 'bout that one…
Do you have a meeting after this, Anego?
…You're gonna head back to Yumenosaki? Ohh, then I'd love to join you!
Ryuseitai-N will disband soon, but I'd like to give my juniors one last practice session.
Huh, are you sure!? Aren't you busy…?
…It's a good timing, 'cuz you wanted to show Kurone-san how to do a practice session? Aight then, I'd like to take up on your kind offer! ♪
You'll join our practice session?
My juniors'll be super happy too, I'm sure! It's not every day that we get to have Anego's guidance, after all!
…I'm not kind. I'm just doin' it for my own satisfaction.
Ah, sorry, I dampered the mood there. Sadly, Ryuseitai-N's just gonna have to disband either way.