Supervillain – Kanata Mini Talk: sea crook

puka, puka…♪ rawr~☆
what do you think? i was scary, wasn't i~?
i tried to [imitate] a sea [crook]~♪
yes, i also think [crooks] are [cute]~♪
…oh? wait, that's strange… i wanted to scare you, though…
yes. though there are many kinds of sea [crooks] out there~♪
[orcas], [moray eels], [sharks], [pacific needlefish]… which one came to your mind first?
fufu, i am glad to hear that~♪ but the truth is, sea [crooks] are scared of you too, anzu-san.
for example, [moray eels] and [bering wolffish] are actually very [timid] fishies~♪
am i practicing a [villain role]…?
ah, you heard from chiaki, yes?
it is a little difficult for me, i think. how can i look [scary]?
oh? is my normal self [scary]?
…i seem like a [last boss]? maybe i can just stay as i am, then~
oh yes, that is something [baddies] often do~♪ hmm, then i will give it a try.
fu-fu-fu…♪ what do you think? did i perfect the [baddie] role?
i see~ maybe i should bestow a [divine message] like a [god] would, then?
fufu, i am just [joking]~♪ but this style is the one that [came] to me best~♪
you're wondering if everyone in ryuseitai is okay…?
hmm… i wonder. i have not been able to [see] tetora and midori lately.
i am not particularly [worried] about us being separated, but it is lonely not [seeing] them~
yes. so please do [watch over] us, anzu-san.
no matter the [predicament], the heroes will come together and [show themselves] in the end~♪
if we ended up making you feel [lonely], anzu-san, then we will need to [reflect] on ourselves a little…
after all, we are heroes. we must not make the people watching us feel [sad].
i would be glad if you could watch over us. to watch our very moment when we, the heroes, arrive to the scene with [smiles] on our faces.
i am sure that is what would give everyone in ryuseitai [strength]~♪