Submarine – Ruthless Battlefield, Okinawa
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9 - Ch 10 - Ch 11 - Ch 12 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
This chapter is translated by verdantgrove. Click here to read Chapter 1!
Chapter 2
This chapter is translated by verdantgrove. Click here to read Chapter 2!
Chapter 3
Location: Tropical Island Sandy Beach

Around an hour later…
That’s enough!
No wrongdoer can escape their just dues! No evil shall prosper for as long as we, Ryuseitai, exist!
The evil deed you’re all committing is violence! The desire to shed blood and hurt one another to attain something!
You can’t allow such evil to take control of you! You all need to stop fighting each other!
Why do you think we have a mouth to speak, a heart to feel, and words to express ourselves with? It’s so you can talk it out with your foe and get along with one another!

Oooh, Hasumi! I see Kiryu and Kanzaki-kun, too! All of Akatsuki are here, huh!?
Okinawa is filled with idols I’ve never interacted with before, so I’m relieved to see familiar faces~♪
You can leave that aside for a moment — I’d like to know what you’re doing here.
Why, to save you all, of course!
There’s a horrible life-or-death battle occurring in Okinawa! Actually, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that a war is breaking out!
But you guys wouldn’t have known that due to your delayed arrival, so I was worried that you fell victim to the other idols!
Hmm… So the people who attempted to assault us really were nothing but idols, huh.
It seems my assumption was correct. I suspected that they were regular people simply pretending to be a threat, raising their microphones up high as if they were weapons.
They may just be idols, but believe me when I say the Okinawa idol groups are immensely powerful! They’ll wipe you out if you aren’t careful!
And so, although we aren’t the strongest unit out there — as fellow brethren from the same company, we’ll assist y—
That won’t be necessary.
We’ve defeated all the idols that were foolish enough to challenge us.
Woah, that quickly!? Incredible! I see your procedures are as precise and swift as usual! But if possible, I would have rather you waited for the allies of justice to come to the rescue, y’know!?
We don’t need your assistance. We aren’t weaklings who’d fall prey to evil, and neither are we in a position capable of asking for help from “allies of justice”.
No, you’re mistaken! Mutual understanding is all you need for your friendship to blossom with someone, even if they’re a god! And since we’re friends, there’s no reason why I can’t save you!
Hmph, that is simply how you feel. It’s because you always take action based on your own feelings that it’s impossible for me to trust you so-called “allies of justice”.
You all judge others based on emotions alone — Who do you think you are? A god?1
Yo, chill… Drop the manga refs for a sec, we need a rundown of what’s goin’ on.
It’s frustratin’ that we’re getting caught up in this mess without even knowin’ why.
You seem to know a thing or two, Morisawa. Couldja tell us the hell’s goin’ on here?
Oooh, Kiryu! I was worried you’d be feeling unwell, but you seem to be doing alright! I’m so glad!
The boat ride must have been rough, wasn’t it? You can’t handle vehicles all too well, so I was worried that you’d feel too sick to stand!
Haha… Yeah, it’s actually takin’ all my effort to keep myself from droppin’ dead.
But considerin’ we accepted their challenge and all, I’m basically onstage right now as an idol.
I can’t be lookin’ all pathetic in front of all these other people, so I’m pushin’ myself through this as much as I can.

Haha, Hasumi-dono and I alone were sufficient enough to rout such miniscule foes.
Yeah, we would have taken their challenge and won it just fine even if Kiryu weren’t here. Need I remind you that we’re none other than Akatsuki?
That’s pretty terrifying… I thought you guys were more obedient lately, but you really are a combative group…
W-Well, either way! You need to know what’s going on, right? You’re probably tired from your long trip, so let’s head over to the ryokan ES booked—
Hmm… Does this perchance mean that you have come to collect us? I understand well now — I could not deduce the purpose behind your actions at first, due to your verbose manner of speaking.
I suppose we’re the last people who should be saying that, though.
Actually, Morisawa, are there any tasty restaurants nearby?
Not only did I empty my stomach from all the nausea, but needin’ to perform without any breaks in between really took me out… I’m seriously all outta gas.
Yeah, you look really pale, Kiryu… I’m worried.
Alright then. We aren’t situated at a tourist hotspot, and I’m not from here either, so I don’t have any restaurants in mind, but—
I’ll try searching for something on my phone. Nagumo has been itching to see you for a while, so I’ll call over my comrades, as well.
Haha… I don’t really want Tetsu seein’ me like this.
(Hm… Though I am not quite clear on what is happening, it appears that we have solved this matter without any problems.)
(However… Who were those idols that tried to assault us? Their bloodthirsty presence reminded me of that “evil,” but—)
(Surely, that must not be the case…?)
Chapter 4
Location: Okinawa Restaurant

Another hour or so passes…
Taishou~!! Hasumi-senpai, Kanzaki-senpai! You must’ve had a long trip, so please rest for now! Ossu!
I’m so sorry that we couldn’t come see you! We didn’t have any time to spare ‘cuz we’ve been fighting with the local idols day in and out—
Actually, it’s the ES idols that have been the biggest pain… They keep harassing us over the simplest things…
But I doubt the Akatsuki members would do anything lame like that, so we should be able to take it easy, hopefully…
It doesn’t feel right to call it harassment, in my opinion. I feel as though it was just bad timing on both sides — like an unfortunate accident.

Your soul is so pure, Shinobu-kun… I hope you stay that way forever…
Ossu, he sure is. Shinobu-kun really holds Ryuseitai’s moral values, and he’s the hope of ES.
Heh! And I happen to be the strongest ninja in the idol industry…☆
Haha, you Ryuseitai kiddos are as energetic as ever, huh?
That’s my only strong point, after all! I got bucket loads of energy in me~!
(whispering) ……It’s only ‘cuz Morisawa-senpai returned back to being the leader again, so we’ve got a lotta time to spare now that he takes care of everythin’ for us involving the unit.
(whispering) It’s better this way, now we can relax, at least… I don’t wanna work hard…
? What are you two whispering to each other about? Let me take part, too!
Nu-uh… I refuse to let anything corrupt you… I’ll be the one to protect you, Shinobu-kun…
Why have you been acting so odd lately, Midori-kun!?
(waves) hello, everyone~! the Food is ready, so please be behave and take a Seat~
Mhm! You’re free to chat while you eat, but don’t move around too much! We can’t have any dirt falling into our food!
Why’re you seniors serving the table, even though we’re the ones who should be doing that?
Actually, why are you two the ones bringing the food in the first place, instead of the staff? Is this restaurant owned by a relative of yours?
No, not at all, I don’t even know this place! I just heard the owner is an old man with a strained back, so we figured it’s best if we carry the food over by ourselves!
yes, and since there are many People at this table, it would have been Difficult for one person to carry Everything.
Huh, aight. You’re all such good boys as always, arent’cha? I heard a lotta harsh stuff happened to you guys, so it wouldn’t have been surprisin’ if it made one of ya snap a li’l.
Ahaha, nothing’ll change by sulking, that’s all.
alright, okaaay~ time to set up the Table. temple guy, you cannot eat Meat or fish, right? this Salad is for you~♪
My family isn’t that strict, actually. But sea grapes make me feel like we’re really in Okinawa, so I’m sort of happy to have some.
Ah, Shinkai-dono… My deepest apologies, but I cannot eat fish.
Wha—!? W-Why do you look like a mother who has lost her beloved child…?
souma…? what did you just say…?
you cannot eat Fish? i don’t understand! you are not the souma i know! you must be an imposter…!
Hehe, characters switching places and hero imposters are mostly just common tropes in tokusatsu, though.
you, temple guy! you Converted our souma to your religion, didn’t you?
you gave him a taste of delicious Veggies, until his Body could no longer stand the taste of Fish…!
Don’t throw the blame on me.
Um, this has naught to do with Hasumi-dono, but rather, erm, that I—
you are not the same anymore, are you… i’m so sad…
okinawa is a place brimming with Seafood, so i was really looking forward to talking to you about all kinds of Fish…
Ahh, please do not make such a somber face! This is simply an unavoidable matter — I assure you that I have not grown to hate fish…!!
Did we come all the way here to Okinawa to watch a pseudo-lover’s quarrel happen before our very eyes?
Haha, it’s real nice seeing this energy, actually. It’s bringin’ me back to our Yumenosaki days.
Chapter 5
A few minutes later — Akatsuki and Ryuseitai are having a discussion after their meal…
Hmm, I see. I understand what’s happening in Okinawa now. Or rather, the peculiarities laid down in this prefecture.
Ossu. I’m sorry if I didn’t explain stuff very well.
I don’t mind. Morisawa has a tendency to see everything in a good light far more than necessary, so I wanted an impartial explanation from someone else.
You’re much better at explaining things than he is for this reason.
Ahaha… To be honest, I still freeze up a li’l when I’m talking to you, Hasumi-senpai. I always get reminded of the time I was rejected from Akatsuki…
But well, the only reason I’m the one explaining things right now is ‘cuz Morisawa-senpai is helping Taishou get back to the inn, since he wasn’t feeling well.
Like I said, I don’t mind that. I’m tired enough as it is, Morisawa would only tire me further.
hmph… you sure do treat chiaki Harshly, temple guy.
It’s nothing compared to you.
…Let’s get back on topic. I’d rather discuss the current situation in Okinawa than Morisawa.
We don’t know anything about what’s going on because we’ve only just arrived here.
Ossu, aight, so… Based on the official broadcasts of SS and the information circulating on HoldHands from ES—
It sounds like the atmosphere or, rather, the characteristics of the qualifying rounds are super different between regions.
Indeed, it seems so. Depending on the region, you may end up trapped in a virtual space, an amusement park, a desert, a jungle, or—2
Why are there so many variations of getting trapped inside somewhere…?
Hehe, we can’t step out of Okinawa during the qualifying rounds, so in a way, you could say that we’re confined to this area too.
Don’t explain this situation as if we’re trapped in some sealed room for no reason. That makes it sound like a random excuse a mystery writer came up with just because they couldn’t think up a clever trick.
I don’t even know what half those words mean…
Anyway, Okinawa is pretty simplistic compared to areas like the jungle or whatever—
To put it simply, it’s brutal out here.
Thank you for the clear expression. Specifically, there seems to be a lot of live battles happening around the region.
Ossu, that’s basically all you’ll ever see here.
Indeed. We arrived here much earlier than Akatsuki did, but even we were challenged to a battle the moment we exited the plane.
We managed to overcome it, but we were then challenged by all sorts of idols at every opportunity right after… I’m pretty fed up with it, to tell you the truth.
Hm, so essentially, we’ll be challenged to a match the moment we start moving. That sounds just like Pokemon.
You know about Pokemon, Hasumi-dono!?
Is that a problem…?
Ah, no… But the more I talk to you, the more I realize you’re someone I could get along with!
Haha, I would more say it is you who is affable no matter who you speak to, Sengoku.
Although, Ryuseitai is predominantly more soft-hearted compared to Akatsuki — In other words, it feels relaxing to intermingle with you. I believe that your group is remarkably unsuitable for such a ferocious atmosphere.
Mm~ Thing is, Yumenosaki was like that too, so we are familiar with it.
But Morisaw— Taichou doesn’t like seeing people crush each other, so he wants to put an end to those conflicts.
He’s the current leader of Ryuseitai, so we’ve been basically running around with him and telling everyone to stop fighting.
Hmm, that is just like Morisawa-dono. He is always working hard to fulfill his duty for the sake of maintaining peace.
He is an honorable man who loves peace and cherishes people. You have truly been blessed with a wonderful predecessor, Sengoku, Nagumo.
(That’s odd, he didn’t mention my name…)
(Well, to be fair, I’ve barely talked to Kanzaki-senpai before, so I would’ve been more confused if he did speak to me like we’re friends, but still…)
midori? is something the matter? if you are still hungry, would you like to eat the Fish that was meant for that Traitor souma, since he did not bother to finish his plate?
No, I’m good… I only get bigger with every bite I take… and I don’t really like the sight of a dead fish’s eyes…
i knew you would say that, so i have prepared sliced up Sashimi as an alternative~♪
Wait a moment, please refrain from calling me a traitor, Shinkai-dono! This is an inevitable matter — I swear to you that my heart has always been one with the Marine Life Club!
hmph, you cannot fool me with flattery…
I always think this, but Shinkai really is harsh to specifically only Kanzaki, isn’t he… Ah, wait, he’s harsh to Mikejima, too — I suppose he’s much more haughty with the people he’s close to.
Shinkai-dono is always kind to us, though…?
fufufu, that is because everyone in ryuseitai are Good kids~♪
…you are always being such Good kids, but still do not get rewarded with anything… it is such a Pity.
Ahhh! Do not let such frustration build up inside of you, Shinkai-dono! Here, eat the seafood I cannot consume!
the one who is Stressing me out the most is you, souma. you traitor… you deserve death for your treachery…
Uuu, I assure you that it is not what you think it is, Shinkai-dono! I… I simply…!?
…Quit bullying our kid so much, Shinkai.
i am not Bullying anyone~ heroes never do that.
Chapter 6
That aside, it’s crucial that we think about what to do from here on out in Okinawa, considering it seems to be an even more ruthless battlefield than rumored. I assume you guys will simply do whatever Morisawa intends, as he’s your leader.
However, the idols that have been constantly competing against each other aren’t necessarily breaking any rules, are they? Do you even have the right to stop them?
Uuu… I cannot say you’re wrong about that, but…
I suppose “allies of justice” have always been known for this kind of thing since the olden times, but to be frank, you’re nothing but a bunch of rebels sacrificing yourselves to your own feelings rather than the rules of society.
We’re nothing like you. If the situation in Okinawa is a hell swirling with war, then so be it. We will simply adapt to it, destroy the hordes of enemies, and move forward.
We’re well-acquainted with live battles, as it’s our field of expertise. The current turmoil actually works in our favor.
Indeed. After all, Hasumi-dono along with the previous Student Council were the ones who created the live battle — the DreamFes system.
It is a weapon we are quite familiar with utilizing.
As proof of this, we effortlessly won the battle we were provoked into earlier. My wording may be a bit rude, but our opponents were so miniscule that I was rather worried for their safety.
That’s basically what you can expect from the local idols here, to be honest…
It’s why you’ll only ever hear stories about ES idols kicking the crap out of them…
Oh, that is a bit of a surprise. We do not have any ties to the local area, and neither are we well-known here—
Thus, I had thought that we would be at a disadvantage compared to the local idols that have acquired their own fanbase in this region.
After all, I assume the majority of the audience that come to watch the performances would be local ones.
That doesn’t seem to be the case here, actually. Okinawa has always had a smaller population of local people compared to other prefectures.
So you will notice that there are far more tourists who’ve crowded around places uninvited purely to watch SS — an amount large enough to stand out in the crowd.
I believe the majority of the audience for the SS qualifying rounds are from outside the prefecture.
Yeah… From what I’ve noticed from the few times we were on stage, there aren’t many local idol fans in the audience…
It’s mostly just tourists and not much of anyone else…
It’s like, they’re here to cheer for the qualifying rounds, but also go sightseeing while they’re at it. I guess the locals wouldn’t say no to more tourists in the area, but, man…
Being surrounded in every corner and having my pictures taken by ‘em makes me feel like I’m some kinda exotic Okinawan animal.
fufufu~, i am pretty Used to that feeling, though~
You do manage an aquarium, after all.
…However, there is something I am not fully comprehending.
According to the information we’ve received, Okinawa is a ruthless battlefield filled with many local powerhouses, and yet, the only conspicuous groups are ones originating from outside the prefecture.
I’m not sure how credible that information is, though. It’s merely information we received beforehand from ES through HoldHands.
We won’t know how true that really is until we properly confirm it with our own two eyes.
For now, it appears to me that ES is trying to manipulate us by deliberately twisting the information they provide us.
Huh, I suppose I should have expected as much insight from Nito’s assistant. So you know a thing or two on how to utilize information?
Oh no, no! My skills are nothing compared to Nito-dono and Yuuki-dono—
I’ve been wondering this for a long while now, but is the Broadcasting Committee a spy organization or something…?
Anyway, what we’re tryna say is that we don’t wanna participate in fighting and crushing each other.
Okinawa is completely at war. We wanna put an end to it as soon as possible so that we can do our idol activities properly.
…I’m aware we prolly don’t have the power to stop the fighting, but still—
It would honestly be impossible. You wouldn’t even make a ripple if you threw a pebble into the torrent. Though, I suppose it could be possible if Shinkai were to perform a miracle like a God—
Hm? What was that about Shinkai-dono?
Ah, you guys don’t know? It was from before your time. That all being said, the scale of the battle, the people involved, and everything else — it’s all different from the Battle versus the Sea God3, and I doubt another miracle could come about like it did then.
And we aren’t so wishy-washy as to wait idly, hoping for a miracle to happen. We’re going to intervene in the war circulating in this region, and win every battle until we come out victorious in the qualifying rounds.
well, that is what you would expect from akatsuki, i suppose.
No, this is simply my personal opinion. Kanzaki will be the one to decide what we do.
Um, as I have inquired before, why do you continually redirect the decision-making onto me? I personally would prefer to follow your wishes…
Could this mean that Hasumi-dono really has been told to abide by some sort of inauspicious order…?
Chapter 7
Hmm, indeed, the orders… Troublesome doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel about them.
Oh, yeah, that’s why you haven’t been saying any ninja terms, or uh, slang? during performances… Though I kinda like hearing you talk normally… It feels refreshing…
Yeah, it’s surprisingly cool to hear you talk that way.
While I’m happy to hear that, my identity as a ninja is at stake here~!
My fans seem to be concerned for me, too — they don’t quite understand what has happened to me all of a sudden, fearing that I’ve abandoned being the “ninja guy”!
They would simply assume that your unusual actions are the result of your order, would they not?
It appears to be a common understanding that the majority of idols’ strange behavior during the qualifying rounds is due to their order.
Yeah, but it’s hard to tell what someone’s order is if they’re already the type to act weird…
Like, for example, Morisawa-senpai’s been acting suspiciously ever since we arrived in Okinawa—
But I can’t tell if it’s because of his order, or if he’s just being his usual self.
Hmm, is he acting in an unsettling manner by any chance…? Morisawa left to help Kiryu get settled in the ryokan, since he looked to be in a serious state of health—
But if he’s attempting to do something terrible in accordance with his order, it might have been a mistake to entrust Kiryu to him.
I was naïve to think that Morisawa would never do anything malicious…
Nah, I don’t think he’d do anything bad. Even if he’s been told to do so by his order, he’d ignore it and do the right thing instead. At least, I assume he would… I dunno.
That said, Morisawa-senpai has been doing stuff on his own from time to time ever since we arrived in Okinawa.
He keeps regularly getting up at one point to say, “I’m sorry, but I’ll be going away for a while. Nagumo will take care of things while I’m gone.”
I’ve got no clue where and what he goes off to do, though.
Oh? That does sound suspicious indeed. So that’s why Morisawa was the only one who showed up when we first arrived.
Ossu. He only does it at very specific intervals, though, so it’s not like it’s interfering with Ryuseitai’s schedule or anything.
Indeed, though it doesn’t change the fact that it raises suspicion. We can’t really ask him why he’s been doing this, though. He always looks so apologetic about it, like he’s making things awkward.
Regardless, we’re forbidden from speaking about the contents of our orders, so it’s pointless to try and force him to talk, anyway.
Hmm, that’s another nuisance about these orders. As an outsider, it’s impossible to judge whether someone’s actions are because of their order or not.
In this case, we can more or less agree that Morisawa is likely acting this way because of his order, since this isn’t how he usually acts. There’s also no way he’s trying to imitate Mikejima, who always chooses to act alone.
That guy gets lonely easily, after all… He’d much rather spend time being close with everyone as much as he can, so if he’s been working on his own, then, yeah… I guess that really is his order.
…Anyway, the point is, Taichou keeps periodically leaving now and then, so I’m sort of acting as the leader during those times.
I find that pretty cruel to do to me, though…
Well, I understand you’re in a complicated position… but Kanzaki is also acting as the leader of Akatsuki for now, and will be the one to decide on what Akatsuki should do during the qualifying rounds.
If you don’t mind, I’d like you to give him some advice as someone with experience, Nagumo.
Huh? Kanzaki-senpai’s taking over as the leader of Akatsuki now? How’d that happen…?
I can’t say. Figure it out on your own.
Hmm… I wonder if it’s related to Hasumi-dono’s order.
Order this, order that… I’m getting so sick of it. We sound like slaves or robots, or something…
Truthfully, I don’t actually dislike it that much. I feel like a ninja, whose destiny is to live by a code. It’s like a game with its own set of rules.
It is a lifestyle that I am quite familiar with, as well. It reminds me of the time I was strictly disciplined at home, and would receive instructions that nearly seemed unreasonable.
The way I held my chopsticks, where I placed my zabuton… There were strict rules for everything.
I could not live my life unless I followed those rules.
fufu, Human beings always have such a hard time because of all their Obligations.
What is the matter, Shinkai-dono?
i sense a strange Presence somewhere—
Huh? Huh…!? Please don’t say something so anxiety-inducing out of nowhere, Shinkai-senpai…!
—Stand back, gentlemen.
I apologize for not noticing this much sooner, but… I am afraid to say that this restaurant has been surrounded.
Surrounded? What do you mean, Kanzaki?
Haha, I suppose this is Heaven’s way of telling me to exercise after having my fill of Okinawan cuisine!
Okinawa seems to be a much more ruthless battlefield than I had anticipated. However, for that reason, I do not think I will be bored in the slightest.
Chapter 8

At around the same time, at the ryokan for ES idols…
Achoo! Aah-choo…!
Woah woah, you alright there, Morisawa? What’s with you sneezin’ all cutely? You sound like you’re the one who needs nursin’ right now.
Ugh… Sorry, I can’t help it when the weather changes… How pathetic is it to get sick during such a crucial idol event like SS…
Is that a dig at me for being too weak to even sit up?
Oh, no no, I didn’t mean it that way at all…!
I’ve heard before that you can’t handle vehicles, but it really was no joke, was it? I’m honestly a little shaken — I’ve never seen you looking this weak before.
To me, you’ve always been such a reliable and strong guy.
Haha, didja forget The War days when I would always get beaten up to a pulp? What kinda rose-colored glasses were you wearin’?
You, Hasumi, Kanzaki, Tetsu… You guys’re all always saying that about me — Calling me strong over just about anythin’.
That’s because you really are strong. Even during the days of The War, you always stood tall and proud, no matter what.
That’s you, man. You never once showed weakness to others back then. Actually, you’re still like that even now, ain’tcha?
I get how Itsuki feels nowadays. Showing weakness gives people the chance to take the advantage over you to crush you… Just the thought of that scares us, so we choose to put up a strong front and stand our ground.
But if I’m bein’ real with ya… It’s tough having to lie even to your own buddies, don’tcha think?
Woops, sorry for whinin’ outta nowhere. It’s hard to stop your mind from wandering when you’re not feelin’ well.
I’m sure I’ll get better after a good night’s sleep, so you don’t have to stay and take care of me. You should go back to your pals.
I heard a bit while we got here, but isn’t the situation in Okinawa lookin’ pretty serious?
You’re gonna regret it for the rest of your life if someone you care about gets hurt while you’re separated from ‘em.
Take it from me, dude… I still feel an ache inside me whenever I watch TV shows that talk about moms. That’s why I get so angry whenever I see Mikejima, honestly.
He always makes me think, “Quit dancin’ on people’s trauma with that damn smile on your face!”
I wonder why Mikejima-san is so obsessed with the concept of being a “mama”… Does he love his mother a lot…?
Who knows… He could also hate his mom so much that he chose to chase after an ideal version of one.
Ideals are called ideals ‘cause they’re outta our reach, and he’s walking on the path of hell by tryin’ so hard to get close. I could say the same thing about you, too.
“The allies of justice”, was it? Honestly, I don’t really like ‘em much, ‘cause delinquents like me are usually the ones who get blasted off in tokusatsu shows.
They beat us down, deny us, and force us to reflect and reform. It’s pretty shitty of ‘em to do.
Heheh… You tend to complain when you’re feeling weak, huh?
Only ‘cause it’s you, I’d never let folks like Hasumi or Tetsu see me like this. I showed you an ugly side of me during The War, after all.
Actually, that was the start of our relationship, wasn’t it— “Megane-kun”.3
I know I already apologized a buncha times, but I gotta say it again — I’m sorry about what I did back then. My dumbass self got mad at you ‘cause of blind-sighted suspicion, and I said a lotta terrible things to you…
I’ve also said this many times, but you don’t have to apologize. I was only dreaming at the time, and you gave me a good shaking and dragged me back down to reality.
Thank you, “Kiryu-kun”.
Quit it, man. I’m already feeling so weak right now, you’re just gonna make me cry.
Is something the matter?
Ah, I felt my phone vibratin’ — I think it’s a message from Hasumi. Is he double checking if we managed to reach the ryokan, or somethin’?
Huh, but I messaged Hasumi myself as soon as we arrived here…
Oh, now I got a message from Nagumo.
Hmm…? He says, “Yo, we’ve got an emergency, Taichou!”
Oh yeah, Tetsu talks like that even on HoldHands, huh?
On the other hand, you’ve got Kanzaki who’s so polite and respectful with all his pretty words, you’d think he’s the daughter of a wealthy family, or somethin’.
Yeah, all of our kids value their individuality. That’s the kind of unit that we are.
But to get back on topic — It sounds like we’ve got a real crisis on our hands, Kiryu.
It seems that our unit members were asked by the local Okinawan idols to come to the rescue. They’re asking us to protect them from the ES idols’ tyranny.
Hah? The hell’s goin’ on…?
Chapter 9

That evening, in Ryuseitai’s room inside the ryokan exclusively for ES idols…
Right, I’d like to go over everything again and discuss, as a team, our course of action from here on.
Is that really necessary?
Hmph… We don’t have a say in anything, and you won’t listen to us even if we did… You may as well just do it the way you like…
Yeah, we’ll do as told, so you can order us around.
We won’t complain no matter what you throw at us. That’s prolly the best way to go ‘bout it, anyway.
Yeah, yeah… That’s how it always ends up for us, so you don’t have to pretend to be a kind senior who actually takes his juniors’ opinions into account…
I-I don’t approve of that attitude you two are taking! You cold-hearted modern kids! Let’s be cooperative! Cooperation is important!
then how about we have a Pillow fight to improve our Cooperation skills~♪
Woohoo! That’s a must-do on a trip!
Though we always have one every time we work overnight for a job, I’ve lost on each occasion, so I have been brushing up my skills for this day!
fufufu, you are such a Hard worker, shinobu~♪
Hard work may be Tetora-kun’s thing, but nobody ever said I can’t do the same! Heh~♪
How odd… Were we always this disconnected from each other…? Who made Ryuseitai like this…?
It hasn’t been that long since our Comet Show performance, so I understand that it’s difficult to switch gears right away—
And while I understand this is all the result of my decision, based on what the world desired and what the agency ordered of us — I also do know we can’t go back to the bright and joyful days of our past anytime soon.
But… All our other paths have been destroyed, and we now have no choice but to aim for the ideal image that everyone wants and desires.
I know you may have your own opinions, but I hope you will accept this fact: Ryuseitai has been reborn as a five-member group with me at the center, as Red.
It’s more like we’ve gone back to the start… or maybe even regressed…
Mm~… I don’t wanna be like this every time we see each other, so I’ll just swallow my bitter feelings and accept the situation as it is for now.
I feel like I’m starting over from the bottom, but that’s how it always is for me, anyway.
I’m gonna work hard from the ground up again and become a big man that everyone in the world and the agency’ll recognize. Ossu.
You’ve already grown to be such a wonderfully big man, Nagumo. The same goes to Sengoku and Takamine, too.
Are you talking about my appearance…? You know I hate it when my height is mentioned, right…?
Why do you snap at everything I say to you, Takamine…?
Shinkai-dono, Shinkai-dono! Did you hear that!? I grew bigger~♪
yes! you have been Growing slowly, but surely~♪
You two are having such a peaceful time… Must be nice…
fufu, on the other hand, it feels lonely being kept out of the Loop. if we are going through hard times, i would rather we do it together.
we are heroes, too, but it feels like we are always being protected by you—
well, we will leave it at that. let’s instead focus on what we need to talk about before chiaki Disappears again.
I really wish you would stop disappearing on a regular basis; it’s causing us trouble and making us worried. But I’m guessing it’s your order, right?
Something like, “You are not allowed to be with the members of Ryuseitai for more than a certain amount of time.”
Even if that’s the order, I can’t confirm it. We’re forbidden to, after all.
Ossu, that’s true. And I guess I can’t go around bending and breaking rules like Crazy:B, since I’m an ally of justice and all.
Then again, I never get rewarded for being a good kid anyway, so I don’t really see the point…
(Ahh… Tetora-kun’s been getting gloomier and gloomer ever since Comet Show ended…)
(It hurts to see, but the way we are right now is partly ‘cause I wanted it to happen and pushed for it—)
(I can’t act like we’re buddies who know how each other feels after all that…)
…i am going to turn on the Heater for a while. okinawa is usually warm, but it still gets chilly in the Evening.
That would be nice, thank you. You’ve become very considerate, Kanata.
that is because someone else here is being pretty Thick-headed.
but. it feels Wrong to criticize only chiaki. it was just a matter of bad timing… i am sure everything was.
C-Counting the bad things one by one will only make you feel worse. When you’re feeling down, you should look for the good!
That’s what I always do!
You really are the opposite of me, Shinobu-kun… I feel like it comes as a surprise that you’re so positive…
Yeah, he may even be the biggest optimist out of the five of us.
Actually, I believe people have recently been using “extrovert” and “introvert” as labels instead of “optimist” and “pessimist”.
Is it really only recently…? And it doesn’t feel like anything’s even changed, anyway. It still sounds like they’re poking fun at the gloomier one…
Like, quit labeling me as something and acting like you know me…
The word choice may have changed, but the usual prejudice and discrimination is still there…
Now, now! We don’t want another venting session!
Heheh, but to be fair, the current situation feels like it’s been giving us a handful of headaches.
I only got the report after the fact, so I don’t know what sort of conversation actually took place, but…
As I understand it, the Okinawan idols asked for our help, right?
Ossu, exactly. They asked us ‘cuz they noticed that unlike the other ES idols, we’re the only ones who’re trying to stop the war enveloping Okinawa, as if we’re oblivious to the situation—
And we’ve been going around telling everyone to stop fighting and get along with each other.
Yeah… The local idols have been picking fights with us, but we haven’t done more than defend ourselves…
We avoid hitting them back excessively, and call it off by showing our respect to them…
But thanks to that, we’re barely making a dime in SSL$ compared to the other ES idols, who’ve been preying on every local idol they find…
Chapter 10
Well, either way, it seems that the local idols have a good impression of Ryuseitai due to our pacifist stance, though you could argue what we actually have is a “soft” attitude.
Since we keep refusing to fight, we’ve given them the impression that they could talk it out with at least us, if not anyone else.
Ossu, exactly. So they approached us while we were chatting in the restaurant, to ask us for a favor.
They practically begged us to ask the other ES idols to not destroy Okinawa any further.
Indeed, they’re hoping we could act as peace ambassadors of some sort.
The local idols have no contact with ES, so they tried to negotiate through us, since we’re less intimidating to talk to.
It’s more like a plea than a negotiation. They were clinging to us in tears, begging us not to cause any more harm to them. Though honestly, there isn’t really any point in asking us that…
Yeah… I mean, running around yelling at everyone to stop fighting didn’t change anything about the situation…
I don’t think that’s entirely true. Thanks to our efforts, we’ve been able to get in touch with some of the local idols.
What we should now discuss is how to make the most of that development.
Personally, I would like to stand by the local idols. If we ignore those who came to us for help, we’ll cease to be heroes.
That may be how you feel… but…
But realistically, that’d be a bad idea. If we start working to protect the local idols, we’ll become literal “airheads” through and through.
Well, it depends on how much you believe in their side of the story.
Because if we assume that everything they say is true, that would mean that the situation in Okinawa is more unsettling than we thought.
But according to the notice from ES, the local idols in Okinawa are all extremely strong.
Thus, ES had sent some of the most distinguished power idols in order to compete with them.
That’s true. We don’t know any of them except for Akatsuki, but—
The top picks from the renowned CosPro, and the veterans from RythLink, were sent over to this area.
Ah, yeah, I dunno that much about idols, but even I recognized some of their names.
Actually, how come you still don’t know much about idols, Midori-kun?
‘Cause I don’t have any interest in them… We’re not competing on how many idols we know, are we?
Sure, but we often meet other idols on the job site, so there’s no harm in knowing more ‘bout ‘em.
Indeed. Also, I think that people will have a good impression of someone who knows them and shows interest in learning about them.
That’s a lie… It freaks me out when strangers know stuff about me…
It’s so stressful to be approached by strangers whenever you’re shopping in town, and then forced to give them fanservice…
It’s tough to be expected to act like an idol twenty-four-seven, for the rest of your existence…
While l do understand how you feel, that is a tricky mindset to have as an idol.
Yeah, but I’m doing my best… ‘Cause if I’m even a little curt with my fans, they’ll write stuff on the internet like, “Takamine acted shitty to me.”
There’s no need to look up that sort of thing on the internet…
Yeah, we’ve got HoldHands as our ES-only social media, so we can avoid reading all those mixed outside opinions.
You’ll be able to do your work just fine if you only scroll through that.
But I’m too curious not to… Especially since Ryuseitai has been in a bad shape since the summer…
I can’t say a word unless I know how it’ll be received by the public…
hmm, this is a very interesting Topic, but let us return back to the main topic.
as part of our duty in ryuseitai, and as heroes, we would like to help the local idols.
but if we do that, people will think of us as Airheads who cannot read the situation.
Yeah, that’s where we’re at right now. It seems that ES wants to conquer Okinawa with the powerful idols that they’ve sent, but…
If we’re to believe what the local idols say, then contrary to what ES has informed us, idol culture isn’t actually that developed in Okinawa.
Nevertheless, a small number of local idols have been doing their very best to continue their activities here.
Only for the ES idols to charge into the area under the pretext of the SS, and overrun everything…
—Is what the local idols tearfully told us.
They expressed that they’re frustrated that the environment they had established, the fans they had built up, and everything else has been destroyed or taken away from them by the ES idols.
And in order to relieve their frustration and anger, they even tried to pick a fight with us, as we looked relatively weak among the ES idols stationed in Okinawa.
Yeah… I think we’re in a decent place in StarPro, but I guess we look like a weak unit compared to the well-known veterans and stuff…
To be honest, we have not made any remarkable achievements since ES was established. Akatsuki is in the same position as us, too.
Compared to other shining idols, we’re hidden in the background. It isn’t a surprise that our name has barely reached the farther prefectures in our country, like here.
Yeah, well, we’re usually underestimated ‘cause we look like a bunch of colorful funnymen in the first place…
We’re almost like some sort of comedy band, after all.
To be fair, that also works out for us. There aren’t any other idols that look like heroes, so we’re easy to remember.
Only “true idols” were successful enough to make their names known through orthodox means alone, and there’s only a handful of those out there.
Those “true idols” are the ones invading and preying on Okinawa. I don’t know what ES hopes to achieve with this plan, but…
What should we, the “colorful comedy band”, do in such a situation?
Was it nothing but talk when we said we want to become heroes, and in the end, we only follow the wishes of the higher-ups?
Do we not help the weak? Do we only pander to the strong and gleefully trample on those who seek our help?
All the while making excuses that there’s nothing we can do about it?
I honestly refuse to do that.
That may be how you feel… but…
yes. that is always how chiaki Feels about things.
I’m aware that there isn’t any point fantasizing about dreams all the time, and I know I should be making realistic decisions as a member of society.
But there have been far too many times, even during the performance in Comet Show, that I bent what I shouldn’t have while making excuses like that.
If I repeat that mistake one more time, I may never be myself ever again.
That sort of wishy-washy stance is not the hero I’ve aspired to be since I was young.
Chapter 11
This chapter is translated by verdantgrove. Click here to read Chapter 11!
Chapter 12
This chapter is translated by verdantgrove. Click here to read Chapter 12!
Translation Notes
- ↑ This is a reference to a scene in Bleach. You will find it in Volume 34, Chapter 302.
- ↑ The following areas refer to specific SS stories: Virtual Space → SHINSEKAI, Amusement park → Sanctuary, Desert → Sandstorm, Jungle → Satellite.
- ↑ Referring to Meteor Impact. In general, this story heavily relates to Meteor Impact.