[ES!!] Spring Bed

Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ep - Translation Notes
Meaning Of That Flower 1
This story is translated by Peace. I am hosting the translation in their stead. For their translation terms, please read this.
Season: Spring
Location: Private Hospital Room

Spring. A while after BIGBANG was held…
Anzu! I heard you suddenly got sent into the hospital, are you okay?
Are you feeling ill? Or are you injured anywhere? You're not in critical danger, right…?
…Huh? It's just a cold? So Eichi-senpai got worried and told you to rest for a few days in your own private room?

Ahhh, that's a relief… Jeez, you really had me worried there, y'know?
Stop being so reckless, Anzu! You're not "the only Producer" like you were before, okay? If you're getting worn out, then ask someone else to help you out, got it?
We've just found a new trajectory with BIGBANG, and I know a lot of the other units are starting to get on their feet with their own things too.
Everyone who's been touched by you, Anzu, is really doing well.
You oughta be able to relax now, okay? That's why you're banned from working until you're the picture of perfect health!
…Eichi-senpai said the same thing?
Ahaha, that's 'cause you're loved, Anzu.
I ran over here the minute I heard you were hospitalized, and there were already get-well gifts here before me. What comes around, goes around, y'know?
Are these candies? Yakiniku-flavored potato chips, huh… Sounds like the kinda thing a guy'd bring. ♪ Is this can of black tea from Eichi-senpai?
Oooh, what's that? It's all glittery! ♪
Ah, so it's a kind of herbarium!1 There's flowers inside and it's super sparkly, so whoever gave you this sure has taste. ♪
Huuh, so they're nemophila flowers… Each flower's got its own meaning, so it's pretty interesting…?
And this one's "I forgive you"…?
Mm~, what's that supposed to mean…? I feel like that's really weird somehow… Hey, who'd you hear it from?
A secret? Tch, you won't even drop me a hint?
Well, that's fine. You've got your own friends too, people I don't have to know. Actually, it's not weird at all, since you've been surrounded by nothing but guys 'til now.
You're taking classes with other students in the Producer Course, right?
It covers stuff like planning projects, making clothes and music, all kinds of stuff… You're a total pro after last year, so I bet you've got a lot of advice to give.
So everything you got in the Idol Course is really being put to use now, huh? Gotcha gotcha, I'm happy that I helped out, too.
Ahaha, I bet they're relying on you a ton 'cause you're a vet in the area. Feels like it's super different than the kind of trouble you'd get up to in Idol Course~♪
What about us? It definitely feels like all the underclassmen are doing is asking us about a lot of things. Since we won the SS and all, I guess you could say they've got a deep appreciation for our experience.
But I've at least got the chance to talk to older idols at ES's agencies, so I guess you've got it harder than me.
We've been able to show off just how unpredictable we can be with BIGBANG, and there's only more to come.
…Oh, whoops! It's been a good talk, Anzu, but it's bad to interrupt your rest like this. I really, really wanna hear more about how your life's been lately, but I'll leave you alone so you can get your Zs in today.
Here's my get-well gift to you! It's a super sparkly, super shiny coin!
I was in a hurry, so I didn't get to really choose-choose something for you, so I just grabbed my favorite coin out of my collection!
I always get super pumped looking at it, so I'd be super happy for you to have it!
I'll check on you later, Anzu! Make sure you eat tons and sleep a lot during your break, okay~?
Trickstar's running right beside you in the same race, so let's take on some work together sometime! ♪
Location: Outside the Hospital

Man, I'm glad Anzu's safe and sound.
But still… "I forgive you" — what the hell’s that supposed to mean?
Meaning Of That Flower 2
(Mmm, I really can't get it out of my head.)
(Anzu seemed different than usual too, like she was lost in thought…)
(Until recently, Anzu and I'd been so close, I wouldn't hesitate a second to ask her what was up, but…)
(Ever since we got into ES's whole thing, it feels like we've gotten more shy around each other or something~?)
(Ughh, I dunno! If I start thinking about what's up with Anzu, then I'll end up overthinking it!)
(There's no point in worrying about this on my own, right? I'll just try thinking of something else.)

Man, I really feel like I messed up with that gift I got her just now…
I thought it was fine when I was first rushin' over after hearin' that she was gettin' put in the hospital…
But I shoulda gotten Big Sis Anzu somethin' that fit her more, like flowers or somethin'…
Instead, ‘cause I heard about it so suddenly, I grabbed somethin' I usually eat an' called it a day… I should've gotten her somethin' girlier…
Huh, you came too, Tetora? Didja get Anzu a get-well gift?
Yeah, 'course. I was actually headin' to meet with her for some plannin' stuff when I got told she'd been hospitalized, so I rushed on over.
We were supposed to be goin' over some stuff for Ryuseitai-N, but I didn't think she'd be checked in with a fever…
Seein' the state of her, I seriously feel awful askin' for her help.
Yeah? Then the yakiniku potato chips she had were from you?
Ahaha, yeah… What a total waste of a get-well gift, huh~? I'm regrettin' it.
No way, I thought it was a stellar gift! Delicious treats like that really boost the mood~. ♪
Oh, in that case, do you happen to know who left that herbarium for her there?
The jar that's got flowers inside!
Oh, so that's what that thing's called? It was already there when I came by.
Big Sis got put in the hospital for a fever this mornin', so maybe they're from someone who heard 'bout it then an' there?
Hmmm, so she got it from someone who came before you, huh…
I'm so not followin', what's up?
I dunno really, it's just… There's something weird about it. The herbarium's full of nemophila flowers, but I'm kinda bothered by the meaning they've got.
When I looked 'em up on my phone, it said they had the meaning of stuff like "success" and "loveliness", but the meaning that Anzu gave me felt like there was a lot more goin' on with it. She said they meant "I forgive you".
And on top of that, she was way quieter than usual.
I kept wondering if maybe Anzu'd made a mistake and was bothered by it or something.
Gotcha. So you were wondering if I was the person who gave it to her, huh?
Nah, no way. I'm deffo not good enough with flowers to give her something like that~. I'm more the type to give somethin' more nourishing.
For reals~. I almost brought her some food myself!
Still, if you didn't bring her the herbarium, then who did? Did you see anyone else come by?
Sorry, but that's gonna be a no from me. I didn't pass by anyone else or anything.
Though if we're talkin' flowers, maybe it was Hajime-kun? He's always takin' care of the gardens, so he's the first person that comes to mind when thinkin' of who could've given them to her.
You an' him are pretty close, aren'tcha Akehoshi-senpai? Why don'tcha ask him if he's the one who gave them to her?
That's right! If Shinonon's the one who gave them to her, then it'll be easy askin'. ♪
Alright, let's go! I'll let Shinonon know we're headin' his way through HoldHands!
Hold on, I'm goin' too?!
I mean, if you just ask him through HoldHands, then there's no point in meeting up with him, right…?
Ooooh, so Anzu's not that important to you, huh?
You cancelled your afternoon plans with her, right? That's why you're free to come with me. ♪
W-Well, yeah, of course I wanna help her if she's in a bind, but…
Then it's settled. ♪
Whoa. It sorta feels like I've been tricked…
Well… If something's worryin' her, then that's that. I'll give it my all too.
I'm indebted to Big Sis, after all. If I ran off now, then could I really call myself a man?!
Yeah, yeah! Standin' by his friends is what a real man does!
To Shinonon we go go go! The mystery of this flower meaning thing's about to be cracked wiiide open…☆
Meaning Of That Flower 3
Location: Floating Garden

Hmm~mm~mm ♪
Please drink up and grow into the most beautiful blossoms, dear flowers…♪
Teehee. The weather certainly is nice today, isn't it? Mr. Sun's shining so warmly on you all, and you've got plenty of fertilizer to enjoy as well. ♪
(…Heehee. I've been able to do so many fun things ever since ES was built.)
(At first, when I heard it being called "an establishment for idols, by idols," I thought it would be the same as any other business building, cold and distant…)
(But this place really does have Eichi-onii-chan's mark all over it. It's got such a warm, natural feel to it with its lawns and tree-lined streets…)
(I've had so much fun just walking here every day!)
There you go. Ah, and the watering can's empty too; I'll fill it up, and then I'll do those flowers next–
Heeeey, Shinonon~! ♪
Hawawa– A-Akehoshi-senpai?
Your smile's as dazzling as ever ♪ But you know, you really spooked me, appearing so close all of a sudden.
Ahaha, surprise~! ☆
I haven't been able to talk to you a lot lately, Shinonon, so I haven't been able to hug you either~♪ (Huggles!!! ☆)
You two really are close, huh? You kinda remind me of Morisawa-senpai, Akehoshi-senpai.
Hey, don't slander my good name!
I'm so not like Chi~chan-senpai in any way, you know? Take it back right now!
Whoa, do you seriously hate it that much?!
Actually, seein' how Midori-kun reacts, I kinda feel like I know how Morisawa-senpai acted durin' basketball, so I get it…
Oh, hello to you too, Tetora-kun.
Ahaha, I'm sorry, Akehoshi-senpai and I were absorbed in our own world.
I heard a little bit about it from his message through HoldHands, but you two wanted to know the meaning of the flowers that Anzu-san received, right?
Yup! We don't know a single thing about 'em, so we thought we'd ask you, Shinonon~♪
Ehehe, you're welcome to ask me anything, anytime at all, Akehoshi-senpai. ♪
I've brought an illustrated guide to flowers with me, so between this and our phones, I'm sure I can answer any question you might have! Um, you said that they were nemophila flowers, right?
Yup yup, that's right! Anzu said that they meant "I forgive you", but…
I was kinda wonderin' why it didn't show up with the rest of the flower’s meanings.
I see… Well, actually, the very same meaning shows up at the bottom of this page of flower meanings here, but–
Maybe there’s a particular reason why they specifically chose that one over the rest?
Huh. If it's you sayin' so, Hajime-kun, then it probably does.
Heh, my gut's right on the mark!
So, so? Have you noticed anything yourself, Shinonon?
Um, let's see…
Now that I think about it, I saw Anzu-san by the flower beds at school recently.
The flower beds…?
Yes. Though I don't know why, since I only saw her from a distance.
But she looked like she was really fixated on them… I think your hunch is right, Akehoshi-senpai, and something might be bothering her.
Mm~mm, that's sure worryin' to hear.
So was Big Sis bein' troubled by flowers even before she got put in the hospital?
I don't know… That's my best guess, though.
Why don't you ask Anzu-san about them herself?
Well~, I did, but she said that it was a "secret".
Guess the school's our lead, huh? Let's swing by tomorrow and take a look around.
Thanks for tellin' us about all this, Shinonon.
You're welcome, Akehoshi-senpai. I just hope I was able to help a little.
…Actually, I think I might visit Anzu-san and bring her a gift as well once I'm all finished up here; I'm worried about her too, you know.
If there's something troubling her, I'd like to do anything I can to help.
Yeah. I think Anzu'd be happy to have you visit her, too. ♪
Alrighty, let's leave it there for today.
Sorry for dragging you along, Tetoran. I'll let you know what's up when I get to the bottom of this, okay?
Hey, hey, don't be like that, Akehoshi-senpai! I'm seein' this through 'til the end with you.
'Course! I wanna know what's up with Anzu-san too, y'know~?
I'd like to come too, Akehoshi-senpai.
Ra*bits is taking a little break tomorrow, so I'll certainly have the time for it. ♪
Thanks a lot, you two! Alrighty then, let's meet up in front of the fountain tomorrow after school!
Oo~ssu, roger that!
Location: Private Hospital Room

Meanwhile, in the Producer’s hospital room…
HelLO, Little Kitten. Has your health improved ANY?
HM. It would seem your fever has gone DOWN; that's GOOD.
…My, are those nemophila in that herbariUM? And just who gave you THOSE?
Fufu. There's no need to hide it from ME; I know of your circumstances alreaDY.
I happened to catch wind of it through my information netWORK, you SEE.
"I forgive you" – What that flower truly MEANS, and why you would receive IT.
Meaning Of That Flower 4
Location: In front of the Yumenosaki Academy Fountain

The following day, after school…
Oh, a message from Anzu.
Huh, so Hokke~ stopped by to give her something on his work break? Uh… "What kinda gift did he get you?"
…A king-sized konpeito?
Ahaha, she must be worried about getting so many snacks, huh? Like she's gonna gain some weight or something. ♪
"It'll be a perfect snack for when I'm on the go, since I move around so much." …Anzu sure is as hardworking as ever, huh?
Heheh. I thought I'd be bored to death after gettin' here first, but she really fixed that.
Anyway, everyone else in Trickstar sure is busy these days, huh~? We're all visitin' her at different times, giving her get well-gifts when we can.
Hokke~'s got his solo work goin' on, Sally~'s busy with the Student Council, and even Ukki~'s busy settin' up that Information Bureau thing with Barry~ over at ES and all…
I might’ve inherited the title of Top Idol from Eichi-senpai, but I don't really do anything on my days off~.
It's totally frustrating, like I'm being put on hold for sooomething or other…
Wish Tetora and Shinonon would get here already. How am I gonna kill my boredom now~?
— Oh, didja need to ask me somethin'?
Sure, I've got a li’l time. What's up?
Huh, Tetora's talkin' to someone…?
I wonder who? From the color of their tie, some first year…
— Uh huh. So you wanna know, as a member of Ryuseitai, how to become a good upperclassman like us…?
Uh, hold what you think justice is in your heart and strive to practice every day, I guess~?
Ahaha. You're not sure what “justice” is? I'm still in the middle of figurin' that out myself, but first thing's first is that you've gotta put your best foot forward.
Yeah, yeah! There's like, a huge gap between you and the upperclassmen you admire, right? That's how it was for me and Akatsuki, too.

If you joined Ryuseitai 'cause you admired them, then your first step's to build your strength.
Face whatever wickedness head-on, and work hard without pushin' yourself too much.
Ossu, that's all! If you've got any more questions, just throw 'em my way! See ya tomorrow~♪

You've got yourself an admirer, huh?
Heheh. You look pretty cool as the leader of Ryuseitai-N, don’tcha?
Whoa, Akehoshi-senpai! Were you spyin' on me?!
I thought for sure I was the first one here, so I ended up givin' advice to one of my juniors. Sorry for making you wait on me!
Don't worry about it! Counseling your juniors is a super important job, y'know~. You don't gotta apologize to me about it. Do I really seem like the kinda guy who cares about a strict pecking order like that?
Well, your attitude towards Morisawa-senpai has always been somethin' else.
Right? Besides, I'm the one askin' you to make time in your day to meet me here, so there's nothing to apologize for~.
Ahaha, I feel a li’l better hearin' you say that. ♪
Though I'm so used to sports etiquette that it's pretty hard for me to slide into somethin' more casual.
Really~? You've got nothin' to worry about there! Even Hokke~ accidentally slips into something more casual when he's talking to others in the industry sometimes, you know?
If you gave it a shot, I bet it'd be a funny, manly man sort of vibe!
What, there's no way I could do somethin' like that! I wouldn’t dream of doin’ it!
Sorry I'm late, you two. What were you talking about?
Ah, you've got wicked timing, Hajime-kun! This guy told me to talk more casually 'cause it'd be funny…
It's true that it may make me sound more tough, but I'm way more used to talkin' the way I do now!
Teehee. I'd like to see that too though, Tetora-kun. I think you'd be pretty cool, actually. ♪
Not you too, Hajime-kun! I ain't got the heart to talk to someone above me like that!
Ahaha, I totally have the heart to do so, though. "Shining brighter than the sun, I'm Ryusei Gold!" Something like that, you know? It's got a strong feel to it. ♪
Ryusei Gold, seriously…?
Anyway, we didn't come here just to chitchat, right~? Let's check out the flower beds, since that's our only lead right now.
That's right. I couldn't bring myself to ask Anzu-san about the situation in depth when I went to visit yesterday, so they might really be our best bet to figure out what's going on.
Location: Garden Terrace

Nn~. How about you, Shinonon? Anything on your end?
No. There's only ordinary flowers where Anzu-san was sitting… I don't see anything that could relate to the nemophila flowers she received.
Huh, feels like we're just getting more questions instead of answers… Should we just wait until she's ready to tell us herself?
Like… Maybe Akehoshi-senpai's gut is off…?
Anzu's secret might not even be that big of a deal? Maybe she just felt kinda awkward about somethi—

Oh? What're you three up to~?
Shino I get, but Akehoshi and Nagumo admirin' flowers… Are we gonna get some unseasonal snow too?
What're you so surprised about? We wanna look at the flowers too sometimes, you know~.
…Oh, hey. Can I ask you how Anzu's doin' at the Producer's Association, Sagami-chan?
She got put into the hospital recently, so I'm worried she might've pushed herself too hard~. Shinonon said that she looked kinda out of it when she was looking at the flowers too.
Huh, I see. So you’re here ‘cause you’re worried over her?
Sorry, but doctor-patient confidentiality is zippin' my lips here. If Anzu doesn't wanna say, then you're better off not pryin' into it, you know?
But that doesn’t change the fact that we’re worried~! C'mon, please!
…Yeesh. Guess there's no helpin' it if you're that serious. You're just gonna keep houndin' me no matter how many times I tell ya no, so I'll just tell ya what's goin' on right now.
If I gotta say something, then I'll tell ya that since we've got the Association goin' now, we can really split the load work-wise.
So she's not in as bad of conditions as she was before, in my opinion.
Well, she's still got her hands full with work regardless, but…
Anzu's been worshipped as a Goddess up 'til now, but she ain't gotta carry the whole thing on her own anymore.
As the school doctor, I can't be more relieved. ♪
Meaning Of That Flower 5
Location: Seisoukan Dorm Courtyard

(…Mmm. In the end, the truth is still shrouded in darkness.)
(Sagami-chan wouldn't give us more than what he already gave us about it either…)
(I sorta hate that we've got new things like the Producer's Association and the Producer Course now, 'cause…)
(It feels like… Maybe the miracles that happened last year were the only thing that brought me and Anzu together.)
…But it's pointless to think about it, I guess. A lot really has changed since last year… For the both of us.
Welp, no point in dilly-dallyin' here! I'm gonna take Daikichi on a walk.
He's rounder than a rolly-polly these days~. Maybe I'm not exercising him enough?
Fufu. How surprising to see you of all people suffering from a bout of enNUI.
Were you spying on me? You creep~.
You needn't call me something so MEAN. I only happened to pass BY, you SEE.
More importantLY, Baru-kun — I hear you've been sniffing around the Little Kitten as of LATE.
I mean, I guess so… What's it to you?
OH, no reaSON. I was simply surPRISED.
Consumed by worry by the fragmented conversations you HAVE, thinking only of the one you cannot SEE–
You must be in LOVE.
Oh, nah, it's nothing like that. I'm just worried about her~.
Heheh. Worried, are YOU…? It is true that in your case, Baru-kun, that rather than you being in LOVE, it would be better said it's justLOVE.
And you’re so infatuated by that love, that you cannot help yourself from being curious about the meaning of the nemophila flowers the Little Kitten was giVEN… Isn’t that RIGHT?
Yeah. I dunno how you know about all this, but…
Last year, me and Anzu were tighter than two peas in a pod. Of course I’m gonna get worried if we get distant all of a sudden.
I SEE. So you were able to figure out that the nemophila flower is behind her melancholy.
HoweVER, it would be quite rude of me to speak of her true feelings on her behalf, considering the two of you are ever-so-close to each OTHER.
Hold up, you know why she got 'em?
Why wouldn't I?
I'm certain you remember that I have my fingers in many PIES, Baru-kun.
I happened to learn the reasons why she would receive them while spreading the gospel of how the Five Eccentrics raised Yumenosaki to greater HEIGHTS, you SEE.
Due to that, I was able to have the Little Kitten confess what shadowed her heart so as WELL.
Confessed, huh… Did she do something unforgivable?
What is and is not forgivable is a matter of subjectiviTY. I haven't the right to judge THAT.
Ugh, you're getting all cagey again.
If you made a point in coming over to talk to me, then you've got something you wanna say, don't you?
Not realLY. I was only passing by, after ALL.
…Well, I suppose it's FINE. You don't seem as if you'll be able to solve this on your OWN, so I shall give you a HINT.
The Little Kitten is the victim in this CASE, so when considering the meaning of the flowER, think of it in reVERSE.
That would be what the “I forgive you” in nemophila means in the language of flowers.
What's that supposed to mean…?
How unfortunate for YOU. If I give you any more than THAT, then I would be giving it all aWAY. You are the one so worried for the Little Kitten, Baru-kun. It would be quite rude of me to interVENE…♪
Whaaaat? C'mon, Natsume, don't be so stingy and tell me already! This is super important to me, you know?
There's no need to paNIC. You intended to solve this mystery with your fellow detecTIVES, did you NOT?
If I were to suddenly appear out of the blue and begin to blabber on about what was going ON, would you not be completely turned OFF?
I wanna know the truth! Forget if I'd be turned off or not!
MY, there's no need to get so fired UP, Baru-kun.
Perhaps if you were able to assist me by getting Sally-kun to agree to spread the name of the Five Eccentrics, things would be differENT, but as it STANDS, there is no benefit to me simply giving you the anSWER. ♪
Man~. You've always been one to make your own way in the world, though~. Besides, you're a fortune teller, so it sure would be nice if you could just tell me the truth.
UnfortunateLY, divination is not as omnipotent as you asSUME; "Being right and being wrong are both aspects of fortune telling"–
Also, I have a soft spot for the Little Kitten. If she wants to keep such things a seCRET, then I won't be going out of my way to displease HER.
Even I am not so heartless that I would hold something over her head for my own GAIN. That is a mark of how much I owe to HER.
And that is WHY, Baru-kun… I'm SORRY, but there is nothing else I can do for YOU.
Perhaps if I were yourmagiCIAN, then I would be able to grant your WISH. HoweVER, Sally-kun holds that position, doesn't HE?
Tch~, you know the answer, but you're not gonna tell me 'cause you're stingy, huh?
Well, whatever. I wouldn’t want to spill her secrets either, so if Anzu asked you not to say anything then I won't either.
I guess I've been going kinda off the rails anyway, trying to pry like that.
Can't you at least be a pal and wish me luck?
I suppose I could do THAT. We have known one another a WHILE, after ALL, haven't WE?
Your future is most likely BRIGHT. Good LUCK, Baru-kun.
Also, this isn’t a divination or anyTHING, but simply me passing on informaTION… You see, she wasn't sure if she should tell you what had happenED.
YES. Just as you think of her as special to YOU, she too thinks of you in the same way as "the very first person she met" in the Idol COURSE.
That too is FATE. Though, it’s quite an envious fate to beHOLD— Isn’t IT?
Meaning Of That Flower 6
Location: Seisoukan Dorm Common Area

Nemophila… La… Lavatera.
Uhh, what would the next word focus on? The "ra" part or just the longer "ah" sound?
Wouldn’t it be "raah"?
No way! It can't be that! I can't think of a flower that starts with "raah", I don't even know that much about plants in the first place!
'Kay then, you got anything for the "ah" part then?
Ah… Ah… Anemone!
Hold up, we're goin' back to "ne"?!
Ugh, that sucks. I give up!
Whoo! Then these snacks are ours for the takin', Hajime-kun!
Heehee. Thank you very much…♪
But why did you start up a word game with plants out of the blue like that, Akehoshi-senpai?
I've just been overthinkin' a lot of things lately and gettin' kinda bogged down by them… so I guess I thought this might be a good starting point in figuring things out.
Well, thinking about one thing over and over again can be tiring.
But with such a lack of leads, I'm at my wits' end too.
I even tried asking about it around school, but I didn't get anything.
Yeah. I tried askin' someone at the hospital about what was goin' on, but they're so tight-lipped about stuff like that I pretty much got turned away at the door…
If only we had some kind of breakthrough…
Hey, Shinonon? Do you know what the opposite of the meaning of nemophilas is?
The… opposite?
Yeah. I bumped into Natsume a little bit ago, and he said that they had the opposite meaning.
It seems like he's got some idea of what's goin' on, but he wouldn't tell me anything specific. So it's been putting my head in a spin since then.
"I forgive you"… Even if it's supposed to be the opposite like he said, I still don't get it.
Well, the opposite of "I forgive you" would be "I won't forgive you", right?
That sounds like somethin' an evil organization might do… Goin' out of their way to visit her, just to say "I'll never forgive you for this"…! That's some pretty scary stuff.
You mean they might've given her the nemophila flower as a dig at her?
I mean, that's super dark. But I guess that'd explain why Anzu couldn't tell us the truth.
That does make sense, doesn't it? Anzu-san happened to incur someone's wrath somehow, and it was ultimately settled by Sagami-sensei once he found out…
But if that was the case, why would she keep such a terrible gift on display?
Huh… Then Natsume's words about the "opposite" might mean something else?
Then the opposite of "I forgive you" could be something like… "Forgive me"!
But that's something they could just say themselves, right? There'd be no need to give her a flower asking for it instead.
In that case… What other kinds of "opposite meanings" are there?
I dunno either. Opposite, opposite…
Ah. I think I've got it.
For reals?!
Yes. Just as Sakasaki-senpai said, it's the opposite meaning.
In other words, this "I forgive you" doesn't mean that what happened was something bad that couldn't be forgiven– no, how do I put it…
It's based in jealousy and hate. They want to move forward positively by making peace with their negative feelings.
I think that, by "forgiving her", they're owning up to their regret and wish to make amends – to be friends with her.2
Huh… It's a little complicated, but I get what you're saying.
The person who came by to check on her's real prickly, huh?
Yes, probably…♪
But how'd you come up with that train of thought? It ain't somethin' you'd usually think of.
Ahaha, about that — it's something easy to miss.
Easy to miss…?
While you two were talking, I did a little digging on my phone. Would you please turn your attention to this site?
The title itself only says that it's about the language of flowers, but if you read further in, you can see that the meaning itself is a good one.
So rather than mean it in a bad way… they meant it in a good way?
That's right. From the start, we were too caught on what profound meaning "I forgive you" might be.
Heehee. Now that I know it's got such a warm meaning, I'm pretty relieved. ♪
For sure. It says here that it's a sort of clumsy, but nice way of askin' to be friends from here on out.
Then we were really just stickin' our noses where they didn't belong, huh. Man, I've really done Anzu wrong…
Ah, I don't think you've done anything wrong, Akehoshi-senpai.
I do think there was someone who might've hated Anzu-san, even if it was just for a time.
But if the message meant for her got out, it might have spoiled their intentions behind it. Is it any wonder that Anzu-san wanted to keep it a secret?
I'm sure the reason you noticed something, Akehoshi-senpai, is because you're always watching her.
Thanks. I'll go and visit Anzu tomorrow.
To apologize to her, and… to talk to her, too.
Meaning Of That Flower 7
Location: Private Hospital Room

Hello THERE, Little Kitten. How are you feeLING?
I SEE. So you're well enough to be released tomorROW. Do you feel well-resTED?
That's good THEN. Without you aROUND, it has been difficult to get more challenging plans put into PLAY, so I'm truly looking forward to your reTURN.
ALSO… There are others than mySELF, and the other idols that you KNOW, who are worried about YOU. The girl who gave you the herbariUM, for examPLE.
"I forgive you" — It's so very like YOU, Little Kitten, to sincerely accept a flower filled with previous hostiliTY.
That is why you were at the flower BEDS, isn't IT? You sought to figure out how best to befriend her in your own WAY.
HowEVER, I believe you've been rather careless as WELL.
You were the sole Producer who had ever been part of the Idol Course as part of a trial RUN…
Having gone through such special circumstanCES, you were the object of envy for those who had just entered the newly appointed Production COURSE.
You might have been saved if you HAD, in this situaTION, a name that was reverED, such as the Five Eccentrics. But you did NOT.
You are like any other nameless ProduCER, and it is due to the pride you have in yourself that gave those around you the wrong IDEA.
You are LUCKY, Little Kitten, that that girl changed her ways once you became hospitaLIZED… but if things continued to worSEN, the teachers may have had to interVENE, you KNOW?
《Please, treasure yourself more.》
…I'm sorRY. I didn't meant to criticize you SO.
HowEVER, seeing your self-sacrifice reminded me of something long AGO.
As you KNOW, I am working to have the Five Eccentrics remembered eternally in YumenosaKI.
I spoke to you about this previousLY, but I believe that after THIS, we must push it harder than EVER.
If the merits of the past are left unspoKEN, they will be forgotTEN.
That goes for your own influential efforts TOO. While older students in the Idol Course know them WELL, newer stuDENTS, as well those who come in through the Production COURSE, haven't the faintest IDEA.
You were given special treatment by being allowed into the course a year ahead of everyone ELSE — or so it has been SAID, what was once a simple myth turned into vulGAR, common GOSSIP.
There's little meaning in them trying to assess the values of the past with their current understanding of THINGS.
Due to their great POWER, a hero who achieves a revolution is feared to be the next Big Bad to be defeaTED.
Baru-kun was worried about you as WELL, you KNOW, after seeing your dispirited FACE.
He seemed utterly distresSED, but while I gave him a little nudge in regards to the flower's meanING… I do wonder if he ever managed to figure out the TRUTH?
HM? You don't want me helping as I PLEASE?
You were hesitating on whether or not you should tell Baru-kun the truth yourSELF, were you NOT? I only meddled a little BIT.
"If you give me a splendid answer worthy of IT, I shall tell you the TRUTH" — that isn't such a bad THING, now is IT?
Hey, are you there, Anzu~?
MY, MY. It would seem the star of the show has arriVED, just as we were speaking of HIM.
Well THEN, I'll leave you to IT. Being that it is Baru-kun, I'm certain he has solved the mystery of the nemophila flower’s meanING.
Get well SOON, Little Kitten.
…You may come IN, Baru-kun.
Oh, you're here too, Natsume?
YES. HowEVER, I was just taking my LEAVE.
And once you two are ALONE, you should talk about what needs to be talked ABOUT.
As well as the mystery of the nemophila flower’s meanING.
See you later, Natsume.
Alrighty then, I'm up to bat! Let's get ourselves all caught up. We haven't really been able to talk lately, huh? About what's going on with us lately, or what kinda plans we've got coming up… Any of it.
It's seriously been a helluva few months, huh~. Starting our last year of school, getting into a new agency… It's no wonder we've drifted apart a bit, huh?
…I'm kinda embarrassed to just be all like "Let's talk!" and stuff after so long though, but…
Hm? You kept meaning to talk to me too, Anzu? Good, I'm glad!
But yeah, I was looking into the nemophila flower meaning thing… More than anything else though, I wanted to know how you were doing.
Let's talk about everything, every last bit.
You don't gotta hold back anything, Anzu. That's how we are, right?
All the time we've spent together, the trust we built up 'til now — that stuff's not goin' away. All we've gotta do is dust off that ol' box of memories and we'll be right back where we left off. ♪
Location: Outside of the Hospital

The next day, when Anzu gets discharged from the hospital…
Man, what's takin' her so long? I wanna celebrate Anzu's release from the hospital already~!
You sure are in a good mood, Akehoshi-senpai.
So why'd Big Sis get those nemophila flowers anyway? It'd be awesome if it's like we thought an' it was 'cause someone wanted to make friends with her an' all.
Ah, I wanted to ask about that as well. She’s not sad or anything, is she?
Nope, she's all good in that area!
Actually, we didn't even really end up talking about the nemophila flower at all, huh~? They weren't really important in the long run anyway.
Wait, for real?! What d'you mean by that?!
You spent all this time caught on what it could mean, an' you didn't even end up talkin' about it?!
Heh heh heh. It's me and Anzu's secret. ♪
Th-That's no fair! We helped too, so we oughta know somethin' about it!
That's right~. I’m curious to know too.
Ahaha, you can get the full story later. ♪ I'm not like, trying to hide it from you guys or anything like that, but I'd rather Anzu tell you about it so there's no misunderstandin'!
She didn't wanna worry any of us, see. That's why it felt like there was a serious mystery going on!
Huh, 'kay… Then what did you guys talk about? Like, it wasn't small talk stuff about how the weather was farin' and all, right?
Well~, actually, I kinda think that sorta chit chat was exactly what we needed?
The nemophila flower language thing's just what got me moving. 'Cause of them, I noticed something was up with Anzu, and I actually got to talk to her for the first time since the new year started.
We're both in new positions, so we ended up kinda holding back from each other.
But thanks to the mystery of flower meanings, I feel like me and Anzu talked, like really talked, for the first time in a long time.
Ahaha. So me an' Hajime-kun's efforts weren't goin' to waste, huh?
That's right. By putting our heads together, the three of us solved the riddle. ♪
Bingo! Seriously, thanks a lot for helping me out, even if I just kinda dragged you guys along.
Oh, right! Thanks a bunch for those potato chips you brought Anzu before, Tetora!
They were so good, once I popped I just couldn't stop! ♪
Wait, are you for real?! Those were for Big Sis, y'know?! Don't eat other people's gifts just 'cause you can!
I'm sorry, okay~? You can give her another one to celebrate her getting out of the hospital, so lemme have this!
You can’t just let yourself off like that! Even if you apologize now, that doesn't change the fact you took the gift I got her!
…Ah– how long've you been watchin' us, Big Sis Anzu?!
Heehee. Congratulations on your release, Anzu-san. We came to meet you.
We wanted to celebrate it, and also apologize for prying into your private life — would you like to join us for lunch?
That's right, the first thing you oughta do is get your energy back with a good meal!
It probably ain’t the best idea to get some yakiniku for lunch, huh? But If you're lookin' to bust your belt, I've got a couple of other places I can rec ya! ♪
So, where do you wanna get some grub, Big Sis?
…? What're you starin' so hard at your phone for? Are you lookin' to see what you'd like?
After talking to Akehoshi-senpai yesterday, you realized something you wanted to show us…?
Really? What is it? …"Introducing: The Nemophila Flower"?
This is the site I was looking at before, too. Uh, you want me to take another look at the flower meanings?
It means "success", "endearing", and "I forgive you"…
The girl who gave her those flowers said they meant the last one, but maybe she also meant the others too…?
Oh, now that you mention it, I see what you mean. Looking at all of them like this, I really feel as if each one represents you, Anzu-san.
Success, huh… If it's Big Sis handlin' things, then there's no way it's gonna flop!
And on top of that, perhaps that girl also saw Anzu-san as someone you'd call endearing.
Yeah, but… maybe that's why that girl couldn't forgive her.
It's like Anzu's got everything she doesn't, so she's jealous–
Ahaha, she really is a contrarian! That girl sure used a roundabout gift to tell Anzu her true feelings.
…Well, guess I'm the same way. It's pretty hard to speak from the heart, you know?
I've been told that I'm a blunt kinda guy, but when I'm around Anzu, I get weirdly conscious of what I'm saying.
Maybe I'm like, more concerned about how Anzu and I's positions have changed than I thought I was.
Yeah, I get what you mean exactly!
Ever since I started gettin' juniors of my own, I've been havin' a tough time figurin' out what's real an' what's a face I'm putting out there.
From bein' someone who looked up to others to bein' the one looked up to… I’ve still got a lot to learn.
Me too. I feel like things've changed ever since Nii~chan graduated.
He used to do everything for us, and now, we're the ones who're doing everything for ourselves.
Accepting change, but still not forgetting what you hold dear — even if you understand that logically, it's difficult, isn't it?
Yeah, it is. It's like… Even if a new season brings new flowers that bloom, the feeling of seeing beautiful flowers never fades. ♪
Hey, Anzu. Even if our positions might be different now, our bond won't ever change, you know?
That's why we could face each other this time, too.
…Heheh. Alrighty, let's get to celebrating!
When idols like us and producers like you team up, any time's a good time! ♪
From here on out, let's keep doing fun things together! Whether it's work-related, just stuff at school, or any other fun events that come our way!
Without hesitation, with everything we've got — that's how we are, so let's keep our friendship burning strong!
Sound good to you, Anzu? ♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ They're adorable little bottles popular in Japan. More info here.
- ↑ This is a reference to Buddhist forgiveness, which in essence boils down to one forgiving another so that they may move on from their current situation; the student in question doesn't want to be trapped by her feelings of jealousy and anger anymore, and therefore forgives Anzu for making her feel that way. It's not a method those in the western world are familiar with, which is why it might come off oddly for Anzu to accept the girl's forgiveness in lieu of an actual apology for what happened, but this is in accordance with what cultures that practice Buddhism are familiar with. More information on forgiveness in Buddhism can be found here.