[ES!] Study Heroes
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Chiaki decides to hold a study session with Ryuseitai to improve the first years’ grades…
This story is connected to the card [Study Session] Chiaki Morisawa.
Story Release Date: October 11, 2019
Season: Autumn
Location: AV Room

Alright then! It’s time to work hard and practice a lot today, as well! ☆
…Well, that’s what I wanted to say, but — Unfortunately, we’ll have to cancel today’s practice!
Oh, I can just go home then, right…? ♪
Hold it right there! I never once said that we’re calling it a day, Takamine!
you see~ we [heard] something painful to the [ears].
Painful to the ears…?
Yeah, while Kanata and I were walking together, we bumped into Kunugi-sensei.
He told me that none of you three have good grades in class.
You guys devoted yourself so much to Ryuseitai’s activities that you began to neglect your studies, is that right?
Especially you, Nagumo! I heard that you have a red mark1 on almost all of your tests! It’s fine to aspire to be Red, but you can’t have that color on your grades, too!
Making others worry will only affect a hero’s reputation! So we’re canceling today’s practice and holding a study session together instead!
Whaa!? I’ve always been crap at studying, and my grades won’t change whether I study or not! I’m headin’ home if we’re not practicing!
tetora, i understand your [point], but it is not [manly] to run from your [weaknesses].
how about you [study] with [me] instead…♪
Uu, I’m weak to being told that sorta stuff…
Aight, I got it. The man known as Nagumo Tetora will do his absolute best!
That’s the spirit, Nagumo!
But I don’t feel like we’d get anything out of studying with Morisawa-senpai…? Like, can he even stay quiet while studying…?
chiaki may not seem like it, but he is actually an [honor student]~♪
In fact, before we became five members in Ryuseitai, all I ever really did was study and practice, y’know?
That’s how I got so good at studying! Fuhahahaha! ☆
Ehhh…? I’m shocked to hear that a blockhead like him can actually study well…
Fuhaha! If it frustrates you that much, then just work harder on your own studies, Takamine!
No, I’m not frustrated or anything… Sigh… Fine, I just gotta do it, right…
Yep! I admire your earnest spirit, Takamine!
Right then, I’d like each of you to open the textbook of your weakest subject!
What’s wrong, Sengoku? You’re looking away from the textbook…?
Uuu… The very sight of it is terrifying… I am allergic to foreign languages!
Allergic to foreign languages…?
Uu, I am a ninja, after all… I cannot handle such high-level English…
oh yes, that is something a [ninja] would be [weak] at, yes~?
Worry not, Sengoku! English is just one subject out of many! It’s nothing to be afraid of!
If I remember correctly, you’re good at Japanese history, right?
I-I indeed do have confidence in Japanese history…!
Then you should know all about how Japan has built up its strength through foreign trade since the olden days.
So if you were to neglect your foreign studies, you may not be able to get back on track with your studies.
Plus, if you learn it properly, making ninjas popular across the whole globe won’t be a far-fetched dream anymore!
T-That… makes sense…
You’re indeed right, Taichou-dono! I shall show no fear towards English…!
chiaki is [good] at [accommodating] others, isn’t he~?
If only he could do that a little more with me, too… Not everyone can handle suffocating people…
by the way, what [subject] are you [good] at, midori?
Me? Umm, I guess math…
I come from a greengrocer family, so I always have to calculate stuff, even if I don’t want to…
Man, even my best subject has to do with the greengrocer shop… Do I even have an identity of my own…? Sigh, I’m so depressed…
there is no need to worry, midori. i also did not know anything outside of my own [household].
it is only after chiaki taught me that i was able to learn so much about the [world]~♪
Honestly, I’m jealous enough that you even have a good subject, Midori-kun!
I’m awful when it comes to theory stuff… I’m confident in practical subjects like P.E. and home economics, though…
Uuu~! I wish I could memorize all the test answers like the Copying Toast…!2
What’s wrong, Nagumo? You stopped moving your hand!
If you’re struggling on something, I’ll teach you one-to-one!
Whoa—! Don’t get near me outta nowhere! The room feels so hot now!
Fuhahahaha! If you can’t stand the heat, then study properly! That’s how you can avoid the shame of getting failing grades!
Plus, isn’t it so much manlier to face obstacles fair and square?
Guuh~! Aight then! A man’s always got to have guts!
One hour later…
Alright then, this is our last review. Do you think you can solve question five?
Uu~myu… I think it’s three?
Correct! Mhm, mhm! You’re starting to get it, aren’t you?
Ossu! It’s not perfect or anythin’, but I feel like I can get through math now!
Heh, I may be able to redeem myself on the next English test thanks to Taichou-dono!
I hate to admit it, but Morisawa-senpai’s insanely good at teaching…
fufu, ever since he taught me [school subjects], he became [proficient] at [tutoring]…♪
Ohhh, so that’s why he seems so used to it. I mean, it must be super difficult to teach Shinkai-senpai.
Oww!? W-Why’d you do that, Shinkai-senpai!?
that is [rude] to say, tetora~ i have a [pride] of my own, too.
I’m sorry for sayin’ that. I always speak without a second thought, and say the wrong thing…
i forgive you. your [straightforward] nature is a [good part] of you~♪
Hahaha! You guys have really outdone yourself! You’re all shining so bright!
I just thought of something, but… How about we have more study sessions from here on out?
Let’s go through more workbooks together, until all of your grades improve! We’ll be able to conquer your weak subjects and deepen our bonds among one another. Don’t you think it’s the perfect two-in-one plan…? ☆
Are you being serious, Taichou-dono…?
Studying every day…? What about practice?
Practice is also important, of course! But so is our duty as students! How about we work hard on our studies first!? That way, we won’t have to worry about any failing grades while performing our idol activities!
Nope, not happening! I’m so done with any sorta suffocating tutoring!
I can just ask my friends in class to help me study, so please spare me!
We can’t? We really can’t!?
Yeah, no, I don’t wanna study with Morisawa-senpai every day, either…
I’d rather study at home if we are at risk of missing out on practice~
chiaki… it is good to be [enthusiastic] about [studying], but a [hero] and an [enthusiastic teacher] are two different types of [people], aren’t they…?
well, i do [understand] wanting them to [study] a bit more, though…
Translation Notes
- ↑ In Japan, a failing/F grade is akaten (red mark).
- ↑ A reference to Doraemon, Copying Toast.