Stella Maris – Shinobu Mini Talk: An Energizing Time

Anzu-dono, here you go. It's cold tea~♪
There is no need to thank me. The tea itself is my repayment to you.
Since you accepted my invitation to have a chat, it's only natural I would do this much for you~♪
Fufu, I bought some for myself too, so don't worry~♪
I bought a small one, so it's in my pocket right now.
Ah, I suppose it is true that I have also been hard at work with classes and the Student Council at school…
I guess you could say that, yes. The two of us are busy, but we can relax and talk to each other right now.
No, no. I've been busy lately, so I simply wanted to take it easy and talk to someone.
It's no serious matter, so you can rest at ease.

The flowers in the school's flowerbed bloomed beautifully just like these flowers here.
The other day, Shino-dono was watering the plants by himself here, so I helped him out.
He taught me so many different flower names…♪
If I recall correctly, the first one he told me about was snapdragons.
The flower looks like a goldfish's mouth, and even the way it swims, so that is how it got its name.1
Heh, I now not only know more about the names of flowers, but their meanings, too!
I'd love to send a mature gift to someone one day… One that involves picking out flowers by their meaning.
Your wish is my command! ♪ They were very pretty, so I took a few photos.
Here it is! If it's alright, I could send them to you in HoldHands; how about it?

I was a little tired, but after talking to you, I feel much more energized!
It really is important to have leisure time like this.
Anzu-dono, if you ever feel tired too, or if you'd like to talk to someone, please feel free to call for me anytime.
Heheh. I'm so happy to know you'll rely on me, Anzu-dono~♪
I'll be sure to show up at your doorstep in a flash!
Yaay! ♪ You're someone I'm indebted to, and I always want to make people like that be in a great mood!
The fact that I was able to help energize you makes me super happy…♪
Of course not! If you were to personally call for me, I would be able to come rushing to your aid immediately!
…Ehehe. Perhaps I shouldn't mention this myself, but what I just said sounds a little like Morisawa-dono.
Translation Notes
- ↑ In Japanese, snapdragons are kingyosou, as in goldfish plant.