Stella Maris – Epilogue
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Story Highlights - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Season: Spring (ES 2nd Year, May)

That night. After Stella Maris ended, they returned back to their lodging accommodation in Hoshijima…
whew… that was pretty exhausting, as one would expect.
everyone, thank you very much for your hard work~♪
You, too, Kanata. We sang and danced the whole time while we were going to the main island and then back to Hoshijima, after all.
Setting aside Nagumo and I, who train on a regular basis, it isn’t surprising if it was rough on everyone else.
C-Come on now, that is making light of us a little too much!
While it is true that I just can’t seem to build stamina, I can assure you that with how much experience we’ve gained by now, this is noth—
zzz… zzz…♪
waah, what an adorable sleeping face~♪
…Well, to be fair, we were much more exhausted in general, so it was rougher than our usual performances.
Ossu. I think that’s the problem we’re facing in our current state. Our approaches change each commander, so it takes time for us to adapt, leading to us feelin’ way more exhausted than usual.
but on the other hand, isn’t it exciting that we get to do so many [new] things?
that is what we [asserted] to the people of [hoshijima] during our stage.
that it is worth trying to experience new things.
so if we were to be [against] new things, wouldn’t that [contradict] what we are advocating for?
No one’s saying they’re against it, though~?
Ossu. Yeah, it’s tiring, but it’s the kind of satisfying exhaustion I feel after doin’ karate training for a long time.
I actually feel like I got to experience somethin’ real great~♪
Yep! All’s well that ends well! It’s Ryuseitai’s incredible victory once more~! A happy ending for all! ☆
No, no, nothing has ended yet, you know~…?
—Yes. However, I believe that it is definitely proceeding towards a good direction.
kona-chan! gosh, this is the time for children to [sleep], you know~?
Indeed. Fufu, but I just can’t get myself to sleep from excitement.
I truly had the honor of witnessing something wonderful today.
This was my second time, so it was a little less shocking than before… But I believe that for the rest of the Hoshijima residents, it was an experience that will likely remain in their memories for a long time.
We had been living in a closed, cramped environment for all our life.
Within this tiny island, we repeated the same daily habits we had in the past.
But this time around, our trajectory was altered. We became aware just how tiny the world we live in actually was.
We do not know where that realization will take us. Perhaps nothing will change in the end, and it will only feel as though they had witnessed a rare sight—
Perhaps this experience will simply end with a brief glimpse of the extraordinary.
Perhaps the majority of the people will see it as nothing but a dream — and once they’ve woken up, they’ll begin their day the same as yesterday.
However, I can say for certain that there are ripples starting to occur within our lives. Just like the meteorites that fell on this island long ago, there are waves caused by the enormous shock—
So surely, there will also be things that will come forth from that shockwave.
At the very least, I was able to see a future even more dazzling than right now… Well, perhaps there’s no credibility to me saying that, when my eyes are covered like this.
fufu. even then, you are seeing much, much more than i ever had back when i [looked] the same as you do.
also, the [goal] of our [stage], [stella maris], was not to simply [amaze] everyone.
we simply wanted them to see and understand the things that are hard to comprehend through [words].
kona-chan. since the time i was around your [age]—
many people have shown me “those sorts of things” until [now].
so i wanted to [repay] that [kindness]. no, all of that made me so happy, so excited, so [blessed]—
that is why i wanted to do the same thing for everyone.
that is all there is to it.1
Chapter 2
Well, even if we did explain just how much they’d benefit from cooperating with ES, it’d never be enough for them to truly grasp it.
The easiest way to make them understand was to have them see it with their own eyes and get a feel for it themselves.
It’s the same as how tokusatsu shows present puzzling, complicated events and difficult problems in the world to children through a simple and clear story.
That’s always how tokusatsu teaches us all the important things to know.
yes. but as i had been told several times [this time] around, it is difficult to understand when i [speak] in a [floaty], [vague] way—
so we had a [briefing] after the [stage] to explain it more [concretely].
although, we got help from people like mr. [emperor] for that part.
Yeah. The Priest that hid Hoshijima from the world and continued aiding the island is no longer here.
And it’s very likely that the financial aid for the island will come to a halt in the near future.
Times have changed, and the God that dictated the idol industry has vanished.
The intervention to redevelop Hoshijima after God had established it as a confined land represents that “big wave” of change.
Now that God’s lost his influence, the supplied aid that he appointed for Hoshijima will likely soon be discontinued as a waste of resources.
yes. but if that were to happen, the people of [hoshijima] would dry up.
they need [water] to survive. god seems to have treated them to that [free of charge], similar to [rain], but—
The governors from now on, ES, are a commercialized corporation. So they’ll need to pay the water bills properly.
To put it short… In order for the people of Hoshijima to continue receiving aid from here on out—
We’ve made a deal with them and signed a contract that they must accept the development of the island.
It seems that the majority of the residents want to maintain the status quo, so the deal also says that “it’s necessary to have compensation for ‘that’, as well”.
It’s inevitable that the landscape of the island will change through the amusement park’s construction, but as long as the residents accept that, they’ll be able to survive without working, as per usual.
We also got ES to swear a firm promise by passing on the contract to Tenshouin, who was strangely in a good mood.
Of course, if they ever do want to work, then they can stray from the status quo and work at, for example, the amusement park’s construction site. That way, they could earn even more money.
We’ve thoroughly made arrangements and set up procedures with both ES and the islanders for that.
The only request we can’t have is “I don’t want anyone changing the landscape, but I’d still like money without working.”
That’s unfortunately an impossible condition to fulfill in our reality.
We don’t have extraordinary superpowers. So we can only fulfill people’s hopes and dreams within a realistic scope.
Ossu. It would’ve been nice if we could’ve gotten everyone to show patience and compromise step by step, and to make up for it, we decrease the tears and increase the smiles—
And just like fictional heroes, if only we could’ve made everyone happy just by destroying the evil with a finishing move…
But the only thing we can actually do in reality is make plain and boring, mud-stained adjustments.
Yeah. We even went all the way to the main island, where an ES branch was established, and then made sure to have a proper, realistic talk about finances.
Those sorts of discussions are best done directly, after all.
Yeah, like, we wouldn’t even get anywhere unless we did it that way. ‘Cuz we even hadta get ‘em to stamp all the documents and stuff.
Heheh, I think Nagumo has the same opinion here, but — I have to admit that this is quite a plain and boring, unheroic way to do things… I’m not proud of taking on such an underhanded method.
After all, we took everyone outside of Hoshijima in the form of a surprise attack—
fufu. [what] are you saying, when you are the same person who would always [force] midori outside?
we [had] to do it this way. no, actually… i am always so [floaty] and hopeless when it comes to those [realistic] things—
so chiaki and tetora— everyone truly saved me by making up for my [shortcomings].
Taichou… Ossu, it’s really rewardin’ to hear that.
yes. all for one, and one for all — isn’t that what ryuseitai is all about?
by combining our [strengths] to fire off our [finishing move], we eliminated an enormous [hardship].
please be proud of yourselves. there is no need to make a gloomy face, so please show your smile. we accomplished something worthy of praise.
that is what everyone told me, you know?
well, it is true that it was [forceful], though… but we had to do it this way; the people of [hoshijima] would have been too stubborn to leave the [island] otherwise.
Yeah. It seems that way, because the Hoshijima residents kept ignoring any contact from ES no matter how many times they tried to speak with them — sort of similar to how a closed-off group would act.
To be fair, I assume the people of the island felt that ES was like an invader that came from outer space.
but, through this [journey], i imagine they have [come] to [understand] the true reality.
that “those things” are not [aliens], not [ghosts]… they are simply [human beings] who live in the same [world] as them.
and since they are [humans] as well, then it is possible to understand each other by talking it out. even if they do not come to an agreement, they will at least stop trying to remove those things by going on the [offense].
after all, they are all mature [adults].
Indeed. Of course, it’s impossible for everyone to change immediately, but… Slowly but surely, we will be able to deepen our understanding of the world.
I hope that, as we grow to learn about the world bit by bit, and change in accordance to that—
We, too, will become capable of adapting to this world.
It is only once we take those steps and progress forward, that our island will recover its glory from the past.
I believe there exists a restoration— No, an expansion even further than that within our future.
yes. even this [island], that had [meteorites] fall down on its surface many times over, was able to [prosper] gloriously at one point.
as long as the people desire it, they can [restore] their island as many times as they like.
that is the sort of [power] that [human beings] hold.
Chapter 3
or, well… maybe that was a little too haughty of me to say. fufu, even though i stopped behaving like a [god].
I keep saying this, but I think that was unavoidable — necessary, even. In fact, we wouldn’t have been able to accomplish this mission if Kanata wasn’t our commander.
You were incredible, Kanata.
thank you, chiaki.
fufu. although, the truth is, we did not settle on any [reward] for this. so despite the [labors] we went through, we were actually working [without pay]~♪
Wait, I just realized we never had that discussion, did we!?
Ehh!? Does that mean this wasn’t a job, but volunteer work!?
Tell me you’re joking—! No, I mean, I know a hero never asks for repayment, but…!?
Fufu. No no, of course we’ll pay you for everything. We may have lived through aid only, but we do have quite a bit saved up.
And from henceforth, our earnings will only increase the more the island develops. I know this means our repayment will come only after we succeed, but that is when we will build up the funds to recompense you.
Also, the people who hindered the construction work said that they’d like to work as atonement for their deeds.
According to them, while at first they tried to keep the construction away out of fear, coming into contact with the world made them realize that it isn’t as scary as they first thought.
So, all of us on this island would like to express our gratitude and apologize to everyone.
Ahaha… Well, I think it would’ve been strange if they still felt terrified after watching our cheerful performance.
Ossu. Which means it was even worth it to play the role of clowns. Well, it was basically the usual thing for us rather than “play”, though.
Fufu. So that’s the usual for you? You are all truly such interesting people.
Thank you. …The people of this island really weren’t the stereotypical image of “closed-off villagers” after all. As long as they realize they made a mistake, they’ll reflect on it and amend their actions.
Tenshouin sounded suspicious of a mastermind pulling the strings from behind, but…
There was no particular villain here — only a darkness of intangible, mutual incomprehension between both parties, that’s all.
Yes. That darkness, too, is bound to dispel little by little, thanks to the radiance you have bestowed upon us.
I hope to learn from Kanata-sama, and repay that kindness slowly, but surely.
That is why, I don’t know if Kanata-sama would be interested in this, but… I would also like to personally repay you in some way.
does that mean you have finally decided to call me “onii-chan”!?
Mm~ I am still a little against that, or rather, embarrassed by the thought… We haven’t even known each other for a year yet; it is hard to see us as family.
However, Mother is family to Kanata-sama, right?
If you’d like, how about you meet with Mother before returning to the Japan mainland? I believe her mental state has stabilized a fair amount now, so you may be able to have a proper conversation with her.
She may tell you about who I am, or other things you’d like to know.
I don’t know if this works as repayment to Kanata-sama, but I’m sure Mother would be happy to see that her child grew up to be a wonderful person.
mm~… no, that is fine. please be the one to show her the form of a [child] who has grown up to be wonderful, kona-chan.
i already have a [family] of my own now.
i am [satisfied] with that, so i do not want anything else.
Do you bear a grudge against Mother after all? Is that why you don’t want to see her…?
well, i cannot deny that i [feel] something like that… i am a [human being] as well, after all.
i felt lonely after she left me behind, so i would like to make a few [complaints].
those [sad] events are part of what defined my [life], however, so i do not want to pretend that nothing ever happened — not even if the experience was something [sad].
but… i feel like if i met mother now, she will just apologize to me… she may say, “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry, everything is all my fault”…
“you poor thing”… even though nothing about me is pitiful at all…
…no. that is actually why i will see her after all.
it will not really act as a [reward] for me, honestly… but i would like to give her [peace] of [mind] by showing her who i am right now.
and then i will make my [complaints], but. i would like to express my own [gratitude] as well.
“—thank you, mother.”
“kanata is so glad to have been born.”
“look, kanata is happily living life with a [smile] on one’s face.” ♪
Story Highlights
Thank you for reading Ryuseitai’s Climax Event! Please scroll down or click here for the text version!
Please take a look at the song lyrics for this event too, Bokura no Stella — Our Stella.

Story Highlights Text
This event story is about Kanata becoming a hero. The story illustrates Kanata’s first job as the commander of the reborn Ryuseitai.
Under Kanata’s leadership, everyone in Ryuseitai headed over to Okinawa, not knowing anything about the details of their job aside from the fact that it involves a commercial filming. This job was actually just the groundwork to Kanata’s actual goal; the real job was to restore a decaying island known as “Hoshijima”. The sealed-off island, Hoshijima, forbade the existence of idols, and had restricted contact with the Okinawa main island. That is when the lord of the island, Minase Konata — a boy who looks exactly like Kanata did when he was young — wished for a foundation where the islanders can survive even after their financial aid came to an end. Because the island had many believers of the religion that once worshiped Kanata as a god, they expected the work to be smooth sailing. However, they then find out that there were islanders who opposed the development of the land…
This is the first time Kanata acts as the commander. Though Kanata would struggle to express what his objectives are and what he wants to do, his Ryuseitai comrades were by his side to make up for what he lacks. Each member has their own strength… Tetora, who is a hard worker with excellent negotiation skills. Midori, who senses and understands the emotions within people’s hearts. Shinobu, who collects information in advance and shares it with the rest. Chiaki, who guides all of them in unison. With everyone grown enough to nestle close and support one another, they help Kanata achieve what he wants to do.
Kanata was once an empty person after becoming a god, and Chiaki was the one who gave him everything as a human being. Everything he once had in the past, encountering the hero that saved his heart, and his comrades who enjoy the unbelievably fun, interesting world together with him. Surely, all of this is the greatest happiness Kanata could ever have. And for all the happiness he was given by everyone, Kanata wants to make others happy, as well. He wants to make them smile. He wants to repay the kindness he had received. Even if they can’t save the world like tokusatsu heroes, an idol is capable of sharing a sparkling radiance and making everyone smile within the real world. By making what he wants to do a reality for the very first time, Kanata believes they were able to answer the question of what idols truly are to the people of Hoshijima.
It may be scary to dive into an unfamiliar world. However, they will stand on the same footing as you to see your perspective, stretch out their hands, and while a little forceful, they will give you the courage to take a step forward. They will show you the radiance of many stars, and walk down the path with you. That is who Ryuseitai is right now.
It’s exactly because they’ve obtained the sparkling stars that they once wished for from the bottom of the ocean, that they will continue to bring courage and smiles to others.