Stella Maris – birthplace of stars (Chapter 1–6)


Chapter Index

Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Translation Notes

Chapter 1

Chapter TL Note: The chapter title “birthplace of stars” is written in hiragana only, so I’ve written the title in lowercase letters, similar to how Kanata’s speech quirk (speaks in hiragana only) is written in my translations.

Next day. Okinawa main island, at the ES Okinawa branch…


I-I did hear ‘bout it, but… There seriously is an ES-lookin’ building in Okinawa, huh.

There was also one in Australia, right…1 They really build these things like convenience stores, huh?

From Tenshouin’s standpoint, I think that he wants to make idols into something as familiar as convenience stores are to the public.

The more familiar and convenient it is, the more people will come to accept it.

And once something is accepted and becomes the “norm”, it can’t crumble all that easily.

It’s exactly like how long ago, people had to go through the trouble of buying tickets to ride trains — but even when we hear stories about those past experiences, it’s still hard for us current generation to imagine what it was like.

That’s ‘cuz nowadays, almost everyone uses their phone, and if not that, then a Suica card instead.2

We can barely picture what life was like when there were only physical tickets. It’d be even harder to imagine the times before that, when trains and automobiles didn’t exist at all.

Yeah. The reality before us is being repainted, and the past quietly being long forgotten.

In the same fashion, the era when ES and idol culture were not the “norm” will slowly become one with the past, and vanish into thin air.

That’s likely Tenshouin’s — ES’s goal.

Slowly, but surely… ES is corroding reality, this very world.

They’re invading every part of it.

ES’s morphing into an evil organization hasn’t stopped at all, huh.

It would’ve been much simpler if ES was merely an evil organization, though. We would’ve only needed to thwart their overly-ambitious goals.

However, to us idols who profit greatly the more ES flourishes, that’s entirely unfeasible.

If we deny ES, we’d be denying the very ground we need to stand — the very atmosphere we need in order to breathe.

We’re kept alive through the company. The only thing we’re likely able to do is rectify every mistake made by our “protective guardian” known as ES.

Fortunately, we aren’t the only ones who feel this way. We were able to unite at the SS stage through it.

I’ve heard that Anzu has also partially separated herself from ES and is working independently now.

Let’s watch over these buds of hope so that they don’t get trampled, while doing what we can, one step at a time.

“The black flame is the mark of effort” isn’t only your catchphrase, Nagumo.

It was by burning our nestled spirits together that every single color — every single flame became one.

That’s who we are now — the reborn Ryuseitai.

Ossu. Even if the color of the flame looks different each time we switch commanders, it’s actually the same flame all along. I’ll burn that flame bright, and let it light up the dark world.

…Lately, Morisawa-senpai and Tetora-kun have been strangely getting along, haven’t they?

Not simply just getting along; it seems as though they’re talking on an equal footing with each other. As if they both see the same thing.

Fufu. Maybe there’s a small gap between the two of us and Tetora-kun now, don’t you think?

I don’t mind anything, as long as it means that I don’t look like I’m the only one falling behind… Shinobu-kun’s the only one who needs to stay in the same place as me forever…♪

I-I’d also like to become stronger and grow wonderfully, you know!?

okay now, your attention please~♪

i am sorry that i kept you all [waiting]. i have finally finished [preparing] everything, so let’s [depart].

Preparing? Wait, Kanata, what’s that stuffed toy…? It seems to be slightly moving about…?

this is the turtle [kamegorou]’s relative, [turtlellius iii]~♪3

Why does it sound like a Roman emperor name… —Wait, the name is the last thing I wanna ask ‘bout right now.

yes. this is actually a [mascot costume], and kona-chan is inside it.

“Kona-chan”… You mean the head of Hoshijima, Minase Konata-kun?

yes. he had [withdrawn] from society for a long time, so he is a little [afraid] of [strangers], so to speak…

it seems he does not want to be in the presence of the [public], so i am hiding him.

but. since kona-chan said that he [wants] to learn more about [idols]…

That’s why we decided to show him around ES, the headquarters of the cutting-edge idol movement, right? Seeing is believing, as they say.

yes. i thought that if he sees the [building], he will be able to understand the current way [idols] are [treated] in this age—

in other words, its [current state] would become [clear] to him.

Makes sense, ‘cuz in reality, society’s understanding of idols is bein’ rapidly repainted thanks to ES. The way idols were seen in the past isn’t relevant anymore.

Yeah, it’s rough just keeping up… I don’t think I’m keeping up at all, actually.

Yeah. The only thing we can do is ensure we stand our ground so that we don’t get thrown off.

In any case, we wanted to have a discussion with fine either way, as they’ve been up to something in Okinawa just like us.

At the very least, I’d like to exchange information and align our steps with them. They’re ES idols in the same agency as us — we should be able to unite forces.

That’s true… It seems that Morisawa-senpai is close with Tenshouin-senpai, Shinkai-senpai with Hibiki-senpai, and there’s Shinobu-kun who’s got ties with Himemiya-kun at the Student Council, so they’re close to some extent too.

Meanwhile, Master Artist Fushimi and I love each other under the most ideal artist-fan relationship, so surprisingly, we could get along with fine pretty well, right…

I believe there can be several theories for the last one, though.

Heheh. We were enemies with fine at first, but as times change, so do relationships, huh?

yes. i personally do not want to be on good terms with mr. [emperor] much, but—

i will put aside those [personal] feelings of mine for now.

we should not carry [personal feelings] like that in our work. isn’t that right?

Yeah. We need to focus all our energy on our task to restore Hoshijima. To be honest, I feel that this request is far too much for us to handle, but…

I assume that Tenshouin can see the “full picture”, more than any of us. So I expect that by talking to him, we’ll be able to find the clue to crack this case.

Chapter 2

Several minutes later. In the ES Okinawa branch, the reception office…

—I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see your faces even in Okinawa.

How unbearable… Could you leave at once?

W-Why, Tenshouin!? Do you hate me!?

Well, if I had the choice between “like” and “dislike”, I’d choose the latter… And as it gets hotter here, I think I’ll grow to despise you even more.

Yeah, you’re so suffocating! Get outta Okinawa right this instant, you human heater!

Now, now… Don’t get so agitated, Tori-kun. It’ll make the room feel unnecessarily hotter, and you only lose out by being so aggressive with others over everything, you know?

Mm~… Yeah, I know.

Sorry. Our project’s not really going so well, so I guess I was a little on edge.

The project isn’t going well? That can’t be true, can it? I mean, you’ve built some kind of ES branch on Okinawa’s main island—

Anyone can do this much, you know. All you have to do is buy the land and hire construction workers.

However, our final objective is to take control over Hoshijima — the land that was once confined away from the idol industry for a long time.

Hiyah!? W-What? Is it just me, or did that plushie just move?

that is just your imagination~ there is no way a [stuffed toy] can move, right?

Mm… Anyway, Eichi-sama’s kinda expressing it in poor taste as always, but basically this whole procedure has an extremely ceremonious factor to it.

Mm? Mmm…? It’s hard to understand what you’re saying when you use such complicated words…?

Ah, you see, Tori sometimes talks about difficult topics he hears from me without properly digesting it first. Although, it’s adorably charming in its own right, like a child imitating how his parent talks.

Mm… Um, so, to put it in easier terms…

I dunno if you guys from Ryuseitai know this, but — It’s said that this industry has been controlled by a super distinguished, god-like figure for the looongest time.

That person’s time was far back in the past, but his influence has stuck around all the way until recently—

Ahh, is this about that, uh, “Godfather” was it?

Yes. It probably sounds like a fairytale, but it’s an essential story to know — His influence affects us of this current era, as well.

There was once a God in this world.

However, that God died. And now, we are merely cutting up the debris of his legacy together, just barely scraping by with that food.

Or rather… Until ES was established, that was the wretched state we had been in.

But times have changed, and so has our trajectory. As time progressed and the change of generations repeated, God’s influential power began to slowly decrease in due time.

The conquest for Hoshijima is a crucial event to mark the symbol of that shift.

Hiyah!? T-The plushie moved again!

…In fact. Apparently, the very person who made Hoshijima into a confined land, and never allowed any idol culture to come in contact with it is that God in question.

It’s unclear why he had made that decision. But the daydreaming folks believe there could possibly be hidden treasure left behind in Hoshijima by that God—

And so, they keep talking about such nonsense. Fufu.

Perhaps if I obtained that hidden treasure, my idol industry would develop in abundance, don’t you think?

The idol industry isn’t your personal property, though… But, well, I understand what you’re trying to say.

I was wondering why ES would go through so much effort to put their hands on an isolated island nobody knows about, that isn’t even on a map…

But I see now. By boldly breaking a taboo set by that so-called God, they prove themselves worthy.

“We are no longer under the control of God.”

“We are free.”

These series of events have all been for the ceremony where ES can finally assert these statements.

You may look like an idiot, Chiaki, but your comprehension skills are as impressive as ever. I can see reading all those books long ago have taken you far.

Indeed, nobody is seeking practical benefits through this project. What’s important here is to tear down the regulation that God had established.

Once we’ve successfully accomplished this objective, we’ll stand proud as an independent body. We’ll be able to declare boldly:

“We’ve freed ourselves from the restraints of God. We, ES, are now the supreme ruler of this world.”

“We are now the new ruler of the idol industry.” — yes?

Chapter 3

Mm~… I feel as though you’re using far too much money for a mere ceremony… But well, if it’s you, Tenshouin, you’d probably be able to make profit from even a trivial event.

I’m not making that many assertive moves this time, actually. Those tales of God couldn’t matter any less to me.

That’s why, since this boy here also wanted it this way — I’ve entrusted everything to do with this project to Tori.

Mhm… But as I mentioned earlier, it’s not going really well so far, and it’s making me feel pathetic.

It’s normal for there to be disputes during a land’s development project. We’re trespassing onto other people’s territory, after all. It’s only natural that the “native people” would oppose it.

Is that what happened? We also came into contact with the residents after a number of events, but they were trying to open up the closed Hoshijima to the outside world…?

At the very least, they didn’t show any opposition towards us. Surely this would mean that they also want that ruins-filled island to be restored.

Are you sure that’s really true?

I don’t know who you met and what you talked about, but I don’t see how it’s possible for there to be absolutely no opposition whatsoever.

As a matter of fact, the model of the amusement park we had built at the end of last fiscal year in Hoshijima, the ATLANTIS4 — It was recently destroyed by someone.

Along with a threat to never dare touch their land again.

What…? I never knew that such an extreme incident had occurred.

Yeah… It was super peaceful… At least, where we were—

Well, it isn’t so grave that it needs to be reported. We had only temporarily built the entrance’s vicinity for ATLANTIS, and there were no actual injuries.

But still, because of that incident, the construction workers we hired got freaked out, and the ATLANTIS construction project has been put to a stop for now.

That’s exactly why I’m expecting a lot from you, Ryuseitai.

I don’t know why exactly, but the Hoshijima residents have accepted you, right? I heard something like that from Shinobu.

In that case, that means you can also talk it out with the residents. Clear the doubts in their hearts, okay? In the friendly, over-familiar way you guys are known for.

Until you hear out the locals here, understand their feelings, and acknowledge them—

I can’t afford to carry on with the ATLANTIS construction project from my side.

Because even if we bulldozed through this with the power of authority and money, it’d only increase the chances of making grudges and ruining the project down the line, right?

That stings to hear. It’s easier that way, though, so I can’t help but choose that method almost every time… It settles everything much quicker, too.

However, Tori seems to prefer not choosing such a violent method.

It’s quite a naïve, idealistic mindset, but — This project is centered around Tori, so his wishes will take precedence above all.

All that being said, I don’t want to waste time on a task as relatively trivial as that forever, so if I come to the conclusion that this is far too much for your unit and for Tori — I will intervene.

Even if it means transforming that peaceful island into hell, I will accomplish our goal.

If that sounds detestable to you, then it’s time to brace yourselves and take on this challenge with all your might.

Despite everything, I’m expecting a lot from you, Ryuseitai.

Nearly an hour later. At a restaurant near the ES Okinawa branch building…


Ah— Welcome baaack~♪

That was surprisingly fast~? What’s up? Did you forget something~?

Or are you just here to eat now that it’s lunchtime?

Then I’ll cook you the best meal yet~. Truth be told, I’m usually working here as a chef—

Ahh, we would love that. We need to first nourish ourselves and get our blood pumping in our heads.

fufu. we had to listen to a [good-for-nothing] talk, so we decided to first [organize] our thoughts.

Yeah… After that conversation, it wasn’t really the right mood to show Konata-kun the cutting-edge of idol culture anymore…

Hmm~. That’s too bad~? Wasn’t Konata-sama really looking forward to that~?

Please don’t pat my head. When you do it, I get terrified by the thought of being flattened.

Oh~? Konata-sama is so tiny and cute, though~? I could gobble you up in one bite~♪


please do not frighten my [little brother] so much, mizusaba-san.

I didn’t mean to do that at all, though~. Sorry, okay? It’s just a joke, really~?

No, I’m aware you mean no harm. As someone from the main island, you have no obligation to be concerned with our affairs…

Yet here you are, involving yourself— No, cooperating with us. It’s unthinkable that I’d ever see that as a burden, when I ought to be showing you gratitude.

No need to be so reserved~ Aren’t we neighbors? We should help each other out when we’re in trouble~♪

Chapter 4

erm… i wanted to ask, mizusaba-san. what sort of [relationship] do you have with my [little brother]? you seem to be on [close terms]…?

Mm? Mm~, friends, I guess?

Ever since my grampa strained his back, I’ve taken on the job of transporting supplies to Hoshijima~.

That’s part of why I’m the one taking care of you folks, because I’m kinda the one responsible for Hoshijima nowadays~.

So every time I’d ship supplies to the island, Konata-sama would ask me about the outside world, and I’d tell him all about it~.

He’d listen with so much interest~, so that might’ve made him get attached to me? But that’s okay with me; it doesn’t feel so bad to be liked by such an adorable being~♪

hm, hm. so, similar to what [mikejima] was to me in the past? it is hard not to really [like] someone like that, yes?5

but, if that is the case… then please make sure to take [responsibility] — do not abandon kona-chan until the [very end], okay?

please make sure to get along with kona-chan forever.

Mhm? Mhm… Well, I already intend to do that~?

Please don’t spout unnecessary things to Mizusaba-san, Kanata-sama.

There is no need to pay any attention to what this person is saying, okay, Mizusaba-san?

Mm~. But It sounded like he was serious, so I’ll also take it seriously, yeah~?

We don’t know what’ll happen in the future, but… I really hope we can get along forever~. Not just Konata-sama and I, but everyone in the world, too.

…Woops! Almost left the pot cooking on its own~. Can’t have a fire happening here.

ah— i am so sorry, i got too deep into our conversation.

No worries at all~.6 Stuff like this gets harder to say if you lose your chance to say it.

It’s best to talk about important matters as soon as possible, rather than later~… No matter what.


Kanata. You can’t keep carrying Konata-kun in your arms, could you let him sit on a seat?

I know Okinawans aren’t bothered by trivial things, but it’s still garnering attention on us.

ahh, kona-chan is wearing these [clothes], after all~ he will naturally stand out.

…Is my attire strange? Now that you mention it, my attire isn’t different from Mizusaba-san alone — It’s quite different from people outside the island in general, isn’t it?

yes. fufu, onii-chan will buy you the [latest fashion] once it is time to go home. i will make you even cuter~♪

I am fine with not being cute, so I do not need it.

More importantly, what are your thoughts on what was discussed earlier, everyone?

Hm… Thanks to Tenshouin and Himemiya, I’ve gotten a better grasp of the whole picture, but there are a couple of things I don’t understand.

First — who was the person that interfered with the construction of the amusement park ATLANTIS, and caused it to come to a halt?

I don’t want to treat them as the culprits… However, that island is closed off, and it’s hard for ordinary people to enter it. We can assume that a resident who is against the construction might have been the one who had caused harm—


Yeah, it’s hard to think up other possible suspects, after all. There would’ve been construction workers at the time of the incident, but I don’t see why they’d ruin their own hard work.

No, I’m suspicious of that line of thought, as well.

This case can be assumed to be an outrageous act that overturns previous conventions.

For example, there’s also the possibility that a devotee of that so-called God sabotaged their work out of anger, thinking “how dare you all defy God’s wishes!”

So there is even the possibility that a saboteur…? of some sort? blended in with the group of workers. I see…

fine are the ones responsible for the construction work, so they’re surely looking into that possibility already. It’s a matter of grave concern, so I’ll ask Tenshouin about it again later.

I can’t help but feel like there’s something suspicious about this from an overall perspective, but that still doesn’t mean we should suspect the island’s residents at random.

Though you’ll typically find a scene where the locals vehemently protest against the development of a land in movies…

We can’t allow that sort of expectation and general opinion to cloud our judgement.

Mm… It really is as Morisawa-dono says.

M-Morisawa-senpai looks oddly reliable… Even though he’s just Morisawa-senpai…

I’m a guy you can always rely on! But of course, this job is focused around Kanata, our commander — so I’m trying not to meddle too much!

no, no. you are just the [right person] for the [job]. we can achieve so much by covering for each other’s [shortcomings], yes?

as long as we do that, we will never lose to anyone.

the same goes for [this case]… we will [solve] it spectacularly — i am absolutely certain of it.

Chapter 5

Several minutes later…

Even fishies are alive~♪

In the water’s where we thrive~♪

But we’re delicious!

Eat us~♪ Eat us~♪

we want you~ to~ eat~ us~…♪


…I see. This is what you call…… idols.

……♪ (making an extremely smug expression)

(whispering) Hey, can I ask…? How did we get ourselves into this ridiculously goofy situation…?

(whispering) Since we’re still digestin’ our meals, we figured we’d show Konata-kun an idol performance while we can.

(whispering) Yeah. All he’s been doing is listening to complicated discussions; we hadn’t been able to show Konata-kun what he actually wanted to see.

(whispering) But are we sure that this is what we should show Konata-dono? Will it be alright…? Surely he’ll be dumbfounded—


It’s amazing. How interesting. I was quite moved.

Idols… refer to amusing and interesting people, is that right?


Yes, but also no!? Just to make this clear, idols are a different type of occupation from comedians!

Ahaha, there are some cases when idols behave that way, though~♪

I see. Um, perhaps my understanding is lacking, but…

In short, are idols a job where you entertain others?

Nyahaha! Nyahahaha! ☆ That was awesome~! The way you wiggled your hips really looked like a fish!

…And perhaps they’re people who can make others smile and laugh, just like this?

If that is the case, then I, at the very least, would like to accept that.

On our island, Hoshijima… Time has stopped. Long long ago, it had been cursed by a preposterous figure that you referred to as God—

And eventually froze until it was unable to move any longer. Now, it’s a land akin to a corpse.

If you can revive it — If you can make it shine the same way that you are shining right now… Then it can’t be wrong to choose to do so.

It must surely be the right thing to do. Correct?


that is [absolutely] a form of [justice].

Is that so… Then I — We will do everything in our power to actualize a bright future.

No, in fact, it’s for that reason that I relied on this faint line of fate, and sought for all of your help.

i would love to help you, of course… but we will not be able to do anything if we do not [know] the full story, so could you please [explain] a little bit more to us?

Yes, of course. But where should I start…

My hometown, Hoshijima—

It can be said that it was an island true to its name, star island — A land where meteorites had often rained down since ancient times.

It is also said that the very structure of the island had been formed by meteorites constantly falling onto the seabed until a part of it was uplifted to the surface.

Thus known as “Hoshijima”, the island where stars fall.

It’s because it has such an intricate history that the worshippers from Kanata-sama’s religion — who fled to faraway lands — saw this island as a place to call home… as his religion also has deep connections to meteorites.

And so, it seems that they chose this place to settle in.

The religion from Shinkai-dono’s household has to do with meteorites?

yes~ we [purify] the [evil things] that were assumed to have spilled out from the [meteorite], and heal those who become [ill] from it.

we were [used] for those acts, and so eventually became worshipped as [gods] for it. that was how it all [began].7

there are several [theories] to it, though~ it is a [pretty old] story, and it has not been [recorded] in any actual [texts].

it is also because i do not [remember] things all that well, but… even if it was [recorded] somewhere, i was not in a position where i could [examine] such texts.

Huh? But Shinkai-senpai was the highest big-shot in the religion — or well, the god of worship, right?

yes. i was a [god], not a [human].

there is a large, [definitive gap] between those two existences.

Hm… I see how the worshippers of the tentatively named Kanata Religion migrated to the island. I believe they sensed a similar scent in Hoshijima to their hometown.

But why did they even run away to Okinawa in the first place?

that, i do not know~ that is also a story from [long past]. but rather than ran away, it seems like they had a [dispute] and [broke off].

it seems that, the people who [migrated] to [okinawa] were much more [devoted] to the [religion] than the people of my [area].

in fact, compared to the people of my [area], whose [faith] slowly faded as [history] went on—

you could say that the [okinawan] people were the ones who stayed [devoted] as [pure], genuine [worshippers].

of course, there are much more [people] in the [main house], and they had [thrived] just fine, but…

i do not know who was in the [right] as [worshippers] — the ones who left, or the ones who stayed.

in my [area], they [look down] on those people for their [heresy], but…

who could really say which are the [true worshippers] between the two?

I don’t really know much about religion, but… From Konata-kun’s standpoint, I’m guessing he’d wanna stop living a lifestyle so heavily absorbed by religion?

Eh— E-Erm… Why would you think that? Midori-sama?

Don’t call me by “-sama”… Master Artist calls me by that too, but I’m nobody all that important…

However, I must show respect to my elders.

How admirable! Takamine, you should learn from him! I want you to show me more respect!

When have you ever done something respectable, huh?

…Anyway, um, I don’t really understand complicated topics, but…

I was just thinking that if I were in Konata-kun’s shoes, I feel like I’d hate that sorta lifestyle…

Even though we’re still lacking in practice, you were super happy just from listening to our song…

But the thing is, there’s a lot of stuff way more interesting than that in this world… Yet you reacted to our song like it was the first time you’d experienced something like this.

Doesn’t that mean there isn’t a single bit of entertainment like that on that island?

I’d hate that… No entertainment, no convenience stores… Konata-kun’s still so small, yet you even have to talk like an adult…

If I had to live in an environment like that, I already know I wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Just imagining it makes me depressed…

Chapter 6

Fufu. Midori-sama is extremely perceptive, isn’t he?

How incredible… You truly understand how I feel.

Of course he would! Takamine is incredible! He’s a perceptive boy who can sense and understand all the subtleties within someone’s delicate heart!

I have to thank you! For appreciating Takamine’s wonderful trait…!

Why are you so proud of that.

I raised Takamine!

Fufu. Okay, if you enjoyed that, then I’ll gladly compliment some more.

Thank you very much. Because of Midori-sama, it became easier for me to bring up the actual topic at hand.

I had been too embarrassed to say anything up until now, and thus feigned disinterest… But the truth is, after hearing so many tales of the outside from Mizusaba-san, I became extremely captivated by it.

I would daydream of how wonderful and dazzling the world must surely be outside of the island.

There’s really not that many great things lying around outside the island, though.

Hey now! Don’t interrupt the conversation with unpleasant comments! Now you’re showing your bad trait, Takamine!

Hmph, so sorry for being negative…

Fufu. But of course, I’m not a child anymore. I’m ten years old by now, so I haven’t been thinking of childish things such as expecting a paradise to exist outside the island.

A ten year old is still a kid, y’know…

Right… I was still a dumb child at that age, just playing pretend as a ninja.

That side of Shinobu-kun hasn’t changed at all since then, in a good way, huh?

Wait, no— Right now I don’t pretend to be one; I do it as a job!

Yes. From my perspective, the things that appear to be like fun playtimes—

Those things that seem to be extremely interesting and amusing… Everyone does it as a job, correct? Thus, you earn money, and secure yourself nourishment for your everyday life.

I am very envious of that.

I would like to live similarly to all of you, as well. I don’t want to simply survive, but to also spend my days enjoying myself.

Is it wrong to wish for something like that?

no, not one bit.

your [dream] should never be [invalidated].

It’s as Kanata says. You aren’t in the wrong at all, Konata-kun.

Ossu. We’re shooting stars.8 It’s our duty to make dreams come true.

That dream of yours deserves to be acknowledged. And we’d like you to let us help make that dream into a reality, Konata-kun.

Thank you very much. That makes me ever so happy.

However, there lies many problems in reality.

Chiaki-sama advocated for us, but — It’s likely that the ones who interfered with the amusement park’s construction are some of us islanders.

We are no monolith by any means.

Generally, the only ones who truly want to open the island to the outside world is “Mother” and I—

is mother doing well?

Eh? Yes, as you know, after living under such harsh conditions for half her life, she’s been in an awfully unstable, ambiguous mental state… Well, she’s been like that for a long time.

Her physical health is perfectly fine, however. She always treats me so kindly.

is that so… then i am glad to hear that.

i was [worried] for you at first, you know. kona-chan [dresses] exactly how i used to in the past—

so i was worried that you were being treated as a [god].

Ah, no, I wear this because I want to. When I’m in this attire, everyone around me treats me kindly, perhaps out of memory of their god… They give me snacks, as well. D-Does it look strange?

no, no. if you are wearing it because you want to, then it means it is quite [stylish] on you~♪

Hah… Erm, anyway. As for the other residents of the island — We have been depopulating, and most of the people living here are elderly at this point, but — They wish to maintain the status quo.

They’d like to remain in their current lifestyle of living blissfully without doing anything, and blessed with money from a contract of the past.

If I just heard about that part, I think I’d also agree that it sucks to suddenly be told to work after living without needing to for a long time… If I could, I’d also wanna live my life doing whatever without moving a muscle…

Yes. I understand how you feel, as well.

However… The distinguished-looking person said this earlier as well, but — Times have changed.

Distinguished-looking person…♪

Eh— Um, I do not know his name, so…

Yeah, of course. We should’ve introduced him to you properly. We’re well-acquainted with him, so we neglected to do so, but — His group will likely continue to be involved in this case…

Or rather, they’re also in a position to control the fate of the island, so.

Yes. They mentioned this as well, but… Times have changed, and so the curse — the mystical barrier placed on the island has started to crumble.

The influence of that figure who protected the island and hid it from the world is slowly dwindling…

And eventually, the tradition of ceaselessly distributing supplies will come to a stop, as well.

That future will inevitably appear before us. In fact, it could happen this very second.

Mm. Unfortunately, that’s what is called the “big wave” of history.

However. Once that happens, we will inevitably dry up, as we don’t know how to provide for ourselves. If a caretaker stopped providing food for his livestock, they would simply starve to death.

I would like to change our situation before that happens.

We need to arrange a foundation where we can support ourselves from hereon.

Nothing will come out of hindering the amusement park’s construction. It will barely even buy us time.

We must learn how to prepare ourselves for the inevitable future, and learn to survive.

Am I wrong in any way?

not at all.

you were raised to be such a splendid, [good boy], kona-chan.

it makes me happy. it feels like [proof] that mother raised you with so much [love] in her heart.

although, it could also be because the worshippers obeyed mother’s [wishes], as she was once a [god] before—

and [raised] you as [best] as they could.

Yes. While they and I may not share the same opinion in this matter, the worshippers — the islanders are all kind to me on a general basis.

That is exactly why I want to avoid the impending fate of doom for the islanders.

For that purpose, please lend me your strength and wisdom, Ryuseitai.

If there is anything that I can do, I will gladly do so.

So please, I beg you — Please save us.

Translation Notes

  1. Referring to High and Low, that was set in Australia. Please check this masterlist for a translation.
  2. Suica card is Japan’s smart card, used as a fare card for trains. See more here.
  3. Kamegorou is this pond turtle, raised in the Marine Life Club.
  4. The time-point Eichi is referring to is March, as that’s the last month of the fiscal year (The fiscal year refreshes in April). ATLANTIS is referring to the amusement park from fine’s Climax event. Please check this masterlist for a translation.
  5. Referring to ABYSS, the story about Kanata’s childhood.
  6. Mizusaba says nankurunai sa, which is an Okinawan saying that means “as long as you do the right thing, things will work out somehow”.
  7. The story Meteor Impact also talks about the tale, starting from the second half, Chapter 21.
  8. The ryusei in Ryuseitai lit. means shooting star/meteor. The unit name means “shooting star/meteor squad”.