Stella Maris – birthplace of stars (Chapter 7–15)
Chapter Index
Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9 - Ch 10 - Ch 11 - Ch 12 - Ch 13 - Ch 14 - Ch 15 - Translation Notes
Chapter 7
Season: Spring (ES 2nd Year, May)

That night. At a beach near the ES Okinawa branch…
—Hello there, Chiaki.
Fufu. Meeting each other in secret on a beach at night makes me feel like we’re doing something naughty, don’t you agree?
Why, Shinkai-kun might get angry at you for being a cheater.

Kanata wouldn’t get angry over something like that. That aside, the ocean breeze isn’t too good for your health, is it? Let’s make this discussion brief.
Your thoughtfulness is appreciated. Sorry, I simply can’t set aside the suspicion that ES could be spying on us if we spoke through HoldHands.
So we have no choice but to talk about important matters face-to-face. Somewhere outside of ES, where there are no surveillance cameras.
Thank you; you’re always helping me out.
That feeling is mutual, “Ally of justice”-kun.
In any case, about your inquiry — Actually, our investigation has led us to find that it was a group of Hoshijima residents that interfered with the amusement park’s construction.
Ahh, so that’s where the bad prediction came true, huh…
Mm. Still, this may make things a little more complicated, but… It’s possible that there is a mastermind who incited the islanders to commit such an outrageous act.
That’s exactly why we’re letting the culprits go scot-free without arresting them. It’s to lure out the mastermind behind the incident and identify who they are.
Why are you looking at me with so much distrust? If I were the mastermind, do you really think I would so stupidly and honestly tell you that one exists?
On the contrary, it’s possible you intentionally told me the truth so that I would think that way.
It makes me sad to know even you would suspect me. I truly do mean it when I say this.
However. I don’t know if you can believe my words, but… It really has nothing to do with me this time.
I’ve left all the handling of the amusement park ATLANTIS to Tori, after all.
Even I wouldn’t behave in a way that would pointlessly distress that adorable boy.
Well, I’ll trust you on that. You’re capable of utilizing anything when it comes to attaining your goals, no matter who’s involved—
But objectively speaking, there’s no point in interfering with the park’s construction and the island’s restoration. You gain nothing out of it.
That’s why you aren’t the culprit. You aren’t the mastermind pulling the strings from behind.
Thank you. If only everyone would consider everything logically like you do. People believe far too much in tales of the occult, like intuition, sixth sense, or even spirits, don’t you think?
It’s truly laughable how many people fall for religions like that.
In any case — Ah, that was the second time now. I should refrain from saying that. Recently, Yuzuru started to meaninglessly count each time I say “in any case”, so I can’t help but pay mind to that.1
Everyone has their favorite phrase to say, don’t they? Those who ridicule that are the ones who are vulgar.
Mm. Right, as for the other inquiry—
You asked me why Hoshijima was a confined land, yes?
Yeah. We’re going to intervene in the inner workings of the island, and bring about change from within. For that reason, it’s essential that we know what sort of history Hoshijima has first.
I doubt the islanders would want to have everything repainted by outsiders who barely understand anything about them.
So first, I’d like to thoroughly learn everything there is to know about Hoshijima and its islanders.
Even if I reach out my hand to try and save them — if my eyes are closed, I’d only needlessly hurt the other party.
It’s just like you to think that way, Chiaki, but I’m a bit surprised.
Personally, I thought you were going to ask me who Minase Konata, Hoshijima’s leader, was, and what relationship he has with Shinkai-kun.
It’s probably a complicated familial situation.
I’m not part of Kanata’s family. I have no right to delve deep into those matters.
I think Shinkai-kun would be sad if he heard that. But I digress; this doesn’t really have anything to do with the matter at hand.
To be fair, even I can barely grasp their family affairs. I wouldn’t have been able to answer that question anyway… So you’ve saved me the trouble by not asking it.
Yeah, I figured. Just to let you know, though, I’m also immensely curious about it.
But Kanata always has such a gentle look on his face when speaking to Konata-kun. Surely that means their relationship is nothing to worry about.
Which is why there’s no need for me to intrude in any way. If Kanata is happy and satisfied, then that’s enough for me.
Chapter 8
Fufu. It’s fun having a chat with you, but it’s time we carry on with the main topic.
The reason Hoshijima was a confined land is because it was where God was born and raised — his hometown.
“Godfather”’s hometown, is it?
Yes. By the way, I don’t know how much you know already, but “Godfather” had been substituted throughout his long period of activity.
In the end, in place of the God who disdained everything and went into retirement, it seems that a figure known as “Priest” took on his role.
Hoshijima is the hometown of the God that took over — The “Priest”.
“Priest”… I heard he was subdued in SS, but his name still lingers, huh…
That’s how mighty and powerful his existence was; even rotting won’t be enough to make him vanish. His last few days may have been miserable, but he was an influential figure who seized control over the entire industry.
When the Priest was still nothing but a loyal subject to God, God made his hometown prosper as a reward for his loyalty.
Due to that, and perhaps in contribution to being so near to Okinawa’s main island, as well — Hoshijima received its first and last prosperity.
Those buildings across the island that became nothing but ruins — They were built during that time.
However, the very moment he stole the position of God by substituting for him, the Priest had a complete change in demeanor.
He tried to eradicate his own footsteps as thoroughly as possible, so that nobody could ever learn of his true identity.
I see. That’s why the Priest’s birthplace, Hoshijima, was erased even from maps, and turned into a confined land that nobody was allowed to be involved with—
Leading to its existence being hidden and entirely forgotten.
And that brings us to today. Perhaps the Priest cherished his hometown, because the residents are provided the bare necessities without compensation to this day. That was also under the Priest’s suggestion, you see.
If he truly wanted to erase all traces of himself, he should’ve slaughtered all the residents and demolished the buildings until the island was reduced to an empty plot of land. That’s how he could actually erase this place from the world.
It would’ve been much simpler.
You say such terrifying things… I’m actually a little relieved to hear that. It’s almost as if even the Priest, who’s always seen as an ominous ghost, had a humane heart.
That he also had enough humanity in him to cherish his hometown.
Although, I can’t really sympathize nor show compassion to those feelings, really. It only makes me wonder why he didn’t express such kindness to his biological children.2
He wasn’t the one who went through the pains of giving birth to them, so perhaps he doesn’t think of them as part of him — and that’s why he couldn’t cherish and love them properly.
Well, either way, I’ll utilize whatever I can. By overturning the Priest’s trivial fixations, we can make the era that God constructed come to an end.
We can prove that we’re free from God now, and proclaim it to the world. This is an absolutely necessary process to welcome the new age.
Once the curtains have closed on God’s era, the era of human beings will begin.
—Our era.
Mm… You in particular seem on the verge of detaching yourself from this world like a god, and it worries me… But this is your dream, isn’t it?
In that case, I’ll support you. You’re my friend, after all.
Thank you. Then as repayment, what say I support your dream? As long as it doesn’t come in the way of my overly-ambitious dreams, of course.
You won’t have to worry about that. I have a small favor to ask you, but—
I guarantee you that “it” will definitely not get in the way of your goals.
Oh? I would’ve scoffed if anyone else said that to me, but for some strange reason, I can trust those words when it comes from you — Chiaki.
Fufu. How nostalgic. Didn’t we also huddle close and speak of our dreams like this back when we were children in the hospital?3
Time had passed since then, and our innocent selves have changed so much that we no longer have any traces of our former selves—
But just look at us now. To this very day, the stars in the sky and our dreams are shining without a single stain on them.
Chapter 9

Nearly an hour later. In tonight’s lodging accommodation for Ryuseitai — the ryokan managed by the ES Okinawa branch…
(Quietly, quietly…)
(Uh-oh… I wound up talking with Tenshouin for such a long time that time passed right by before I knew it.)
(There’s something we need to do in the main island starting tomorrow, so we’re staying over in a ryokan instead of going back to Hoshijima—)
(But I accidentally almost headed to the port instead because I had forgotten about that, so I ended up returning back here much later than intended.)
(Right. I told them all to sleep before me, but is everyone really resting without staying up?)
(We’re probably going to get extremely busy starting tomorrow. They’ll have to rest well tonight, or they’ll only collapse midway.)
(Mhm. Nagumo, sound asleep~ Sengoku, sound asleep~)
zzz… zzz…♪ (Tetora snoring)
zzz… zzz…♪
(And Takamine, sound asleep~ Whew, I’m so glad they’re all sleeping nice and peacefully.)
Just die.
Mngh… (mumble, mumble)… Fools who defy yuruchara will face the death penalty~… zzz…♪
(Whew. He was just sleep talking.)

welcome back, chiaki.
ah, i am sorry. did i surprise you?
You’re still awake, Kanata? Didn’t I say you could rest before me?
if i fell asleep too, who would [open] the door for chiaki once he is back~?
we cannot keep the door [unlocked] now, can we?
even if this is a very [well-secured ryokan], there are [bad guys] everywhere.
Ahh, yeah… I could’ve taken the key with me and unlocked the door by myself, but that means you guys wouldn’t have been able to leave while I’m gone.
I also didn’t want the kids to know I’d be taking a walk outside in the middle of the night.
right~ you are always pretending to be so [well-behaved]~
yet you forbid the [children] from going out, while you [play around] and enjoy a [nightlife] of your own. how cruel.
I-I wasn’t playing around either, though?
i know that~ thank you for your [hard work] as always, hero.
yes? what is it, chiaki?
……— ……Never mind, it’s nothing.
what… now i am curious. if there is something you want to say, please say it clearly, okay?
if it is chiaki, i will not get angry no matter what you say. i will show [mercy] in a [god]-like fashion, and [chop] you down in a composed manner.
So you aren’t going to forgive me!?
fufufu~ since when did you start to [delude] yourself into thinking [god] is kind?
I’ve said this many times before, but… You aren’t a god anymore, are you?
yes. you were the one who made me [human], chiaki.4
when i first [met] you—
there was nothing inside me. not a single thing except my [god] self.
at one point, there was a kind person, mikejima, who provided me with many things.
[tattered] and injured everywhere, he would carry those things all the way to me.
but. i had [forgotten] all of that at some point.
i forcibly [sealed] away all those warm [memories]—
and turned into a [dummy] who did not know nor understand anything.
but i had to. if i did not do so, mikejima would die.
he broke the [rules] for my sake over and over again. he repeatedly committed many [sins] by breaking the [taboo].
all for me, for someone like me.
to be specific, they were deeds that were considered to be [sins] within my [religion]… to the ordinary person, those acts would not matter, but…
a [sin] is a [sin].
mikejima was threatened to pay for [them] with his [life]. and he may have been [strong], but he was not [invincible].
that is why i [feigned] ignorance and [pretended] not to know him.
i did anything i could to keep him away from me. even the reason he was driven to a [far away country] was because i wanted it.
i claimed that i [loathed] him—
that i did not want to see his face anymore—
that i wanted him to stay far away from me—
i [insisted] on it over and over again, until i even made myself [believe] that it is true.
Chapter 10
and then—
there was not a single thing that surrounded the empty, hollow me anymore.
it was during that state that i [met] you, chiaki.
and then, it was you who provided that empty me—
with everything.
you were probably [unaware] of it… but you [reenacted] what were my [happiest memories] when i was a child—
with those [ceremonies], you recovered my [heart].
you brought back everything that i definitely had inside of me a long time ago.
things that were meant to be precious to me.

after that, my [precious things] rapidly increased in number. a hundred, thousand times more than the amount i had when i was young.
honestly, i cannot even hold them all anymore at this point, chiaki.
thank you.
There’s no need to thank me.
I only did what is natural to do as a hero— No, as a human being.
It’s me who should say that to you, Kanata. Thank you for making me into the hero of my dreams.
yes. we are both grateful to each other, isn’t that right?
ahaha. it is so [late] to [discuss] all of this, huh~
You felt like talking about it now, didn’t you? And that’s fine by me, I’ll tag along.
You’ve been flowing along with whatever I wanted to do for so long, after all. It’s now my turn to do the same.
this is what i want to do as well, chiaki.
but i feel [anxious].
all my [life], i never did what i wanted to do. i beared with it, feigned ignorance, and kept everything at a distance—
that i no longer even know what i [love].
that is why. when i became the [commander] and was told to do what i like, i was [not really sure] what to do, to be honest.
but you know, while i was [fooling about] with everyone in the same way we always do, i came to understand it.
you see, chiaki, i want to become a hero.5
when i was young, the hero to me was mikejima.
then, as if by [fate], we encountered one another, and my hero became you.
but. you wanted me to become a hero too, didn’t you? i still remember. i have not forgotten.
i will never forget ever again.
we were a hero sentai of only two.
now we have more [members] in our squad, but… you had wanted that from me since that time, yes?
i know i am late to do this, but i will fulfill that desire of yours.
not because i am a [god], but because i am a [human being]. my [human] self wants to do this.
first, i will save kona-chan, who looks exactly like my young self. i will become that child’s hero.
with mikejima and chiaki as my [role models]—
i will make sure to save him, as much as i have been saved, at least.
i am not doing this because he is my [little brother]. it is because he is seeking [help] the [same] way my young self had.
so i, as a hero, will save that child.
that is what i want to do.
Um, I’m not sure if this is alright to ask, but about that boy — Is Konata-kun really your younger brother, Kanata?
to tell you the truth, i am not sure at all~… there was news of my [mother] being in [okinawa], specifically in [hoshijima]—
which i had only vaguely [overheard] during the [ss qualifying round].
but i assume that since my [mother] had [nowhere] to go, not only was the [okinawan] group that [branched off] from the main house a good [hiding spot] for her—
but [hoshijima] itself as well, since it was a [confined land].
so, once various things had [settled], i had a lot of things to [think over] recently—
and so, i tried to go and meet my [mother].
i had considered that [she] likely wanted to just be left alone, and did not even want to [see] me of all people—
even so, i wanted to have a [glance] at her while she is still alive.
but… mother’s [mental state] had become so [ambiguous], that [she] could not even tell i was her [child]—
and that was when i saw him — kona-chan, next to [mother].
a mysterious [child] who looked exactly like my younger self.
i do not truly know what he is.
for a moment, i thought of something [silly], as if mother brought him to life with her [god] powers.
that perhaps she also missed her [child] so much that she brought about a [miracle].
but of course, thinking about it with more sense — the fact that he has the [exact same] face as me means it is likely that my mother birthed a new [child] here.
but i do not know the [real truth]. the people of that [island] are from the same [religion] as me, so their [roots] are the same—
it is also possible that through very faint [blood] relations, we just so happened to have resembling [faces].
i will not know the [truth] until my [mother] comes back to her [senses].
but you know, i do not really care either way. i do not even mind if we are [complete strangers].
that child is asking for [help].
and so, i will do [whatever i can] to save him.
in the far future, maybe that child will then [save] someone else… that is how a person’s [kindness] is bound to be inherited from one to another.
that is the [beauty] of being a human being.
you were the one who taught me that, chiaki. no, in fact, in order to [prove] that—
and in order to [flaunt] all the things i have [obtained] despite having once been an empty person, to show how amazing they are—
i will [transform] from here onwards.
please do watch over me as my hero [senpai], chiaki. and if i manage to do it properly, then please praise me.
pat my head and say i did great, like you always would. ♪
Chapter 11

One week later. On the stage Kanata planned for the sake of solving the situation — Right before the Stella Maris performance…
In the coastline of Hoshijima, inside the mysterious “building” that has been embellished ever-so curiously…
okay, has everyone completed their [transformation]? are you [fully] prepared~?
then we will start [right away], okay~? it is time for [fish ryuseitai]’s fun [stage] — [stella maris]…☆


oh? i do not see any real [response]… are you alright~? do you [understand] what we will be [doing] from here on out?
Ossu, we’re good there. It’s just that Shinkai-senpai is unusually over-excited, so we were kinda surprised in a way.
Right…? We’ve got enough of that from Morisawa-senpai, y’know… I’d prefer it if Shinkai-senpai always stays as the healing presence, being floaty and taking it easy…
I thought it was absolutely wonderful, Kanata! You’re the commander this time, after all! You should have the vigor to lead everyone without hesitation!
I completely agree~! Today, Shinkai-dono— No, Shinkai Taichou-dono is as reliable as Morisawa-dono during our Yumenosaki days, or perhaps even more than that…☆
Well, looks like it made a great impression on the positive team, but what do you think, Tetora-kun?
Huh!? You’re assignin’ me into the negative team!?
At times like this, you always join me in throwing complaints, don’t you…
That’s only before the actual performance. The moment we’re up on stage, I intend to take things seriously and do my ultimate best. But ‘course, the same goes for Midori-kun, right~♪
Yeah… I can’t really run away anywhere once I’m on stage, after all… I’ve got no choice but to buckle down and do my best…
Plus, well, I do wanna be of use to Shinkai-senpai for this job, and it’s not like I have no desire to work hard, either…
good boy~♪ we will do our best [together]~!
let’s [say] it together now~ puka, puka…♪ (sways left and right)
Ahaha. For better or worse, Shinkai Taichou-dono’s Ryuseitai is rather peculiar.
I know, right~… That’s the one thing that never changed until the very end…
Ossu, yeah. It really is for better or worse.
oh~? do you have any [complaints] about that~?
No… When I was made to take the commander role, everyone also gave their absolute best from start to end.
It’s now my turn to do the same, right? Mhm, probably…
However, while I’d rather not say something so negative and pessimistic right before our stage… will this really be alright as is?
Will the people of Hoshijima really agree to our side of the story? Mm, before that, will they even lend us their ears…?
that will simply [depend] on us, yes?
we will [perform] as best as we can, and grab everyone’s [attention] with our song and dance. that is our [field of expertise], yes?
if we make them watch us while thinking “eh, what’s going on?” by causing a ruckus and doing whatever ridiculous thing we have in mind, we will have [succeeded greatly].
no, in fact… we will not get [anywhere] with them unless we gather their [attention] in that way.
before we can convince them to [agree] to our [side], we must first have them hear what we have to [say].
Ossu. We’ve worked so hard together for a whole week for that purpose. We followed Shinkai-senpai’s bizarre guidance, all for the sake of creating the ideal stage of his dreams.
No more fish… No more fish…
Ah— Midori-kun is reliving his trauma again!?
Are you alright, Takamine!? Look, here are some vegetables! Fresh, spring vegetables…!
Uu, uu— Vegetables? Not fish…?
Ahaha, I don’t blame him for feelin’ traumatized. I mean, we got thrown in a water tank full’a fish so that “we learn how it feels to be a fish”.
It was real rough on me, too. Fish’s eyes are so devoid of life and terrifying, aren’t they…
Personally, the absolute roughest part was once again not knowing why on earth we were being made to do all this.
Yeah, that’s because while I could see some slight improvement in Kanata’s leadership, his explanations remained as lacking as ever.
gosh, everyone just keeps having [complaints]~?
the reason is obviously for the sake of our [performance]. i thought it would be unnecessary to [explain] something as obvious as this, but—
every single thing we did was for the sake of our typical, usual fun [stage].
let’s [solve] everything with “that”, the same way we always do.
that is our very own [finishing move]~♪
Chapter 12
—right then.
it is [fun] to have a chat, but we cannot keep having [fun] by ourselves forever.
we are [idols], after all.
and kona-chan, with such pure [feelings], said that [idols] are [interesting] people, didn’t he?
we [cannot] save the [world] and [mankind] like the heroes in [tokusatsu shows].
[human beings] are probably incapable of doing something a [god] could do.
but. we are capable of making this [world] we [exist] within into a more [glittering place], even if only a liiittle bit.
we can surely turn it into an amusing, happy, sparkling [world].
let’s become [stars] that light up the [world] just like that.
Ossu. I always feel like Shinkai-Taichou’s words are floaty and demand comprehension skills, but…
This time ‘round, it was super easy to understand what you said.
That’s the ideal vision of Ryuseitai that you’re aiming for, right, Shinkai-Taichou?
yes. that is what [fish ryuseitai], the unit that i [lead], is all about!
Just to be clear, it’s officially written as “Ryuseitai-C” in the documents.
chiaki is so [particular] sometimes.
Mm? Why was it “C” again…? Wouldn’t it be “B” for “Blue”…?
Yeah, but Shinkai-Taichou said it’d be the exact same as Ryuseitai Black’s “Ryuseitai-B”, the unit that I lead. So he let me have the name when it was my turn as the commander.
He said it’d be confusing if we had the same acronyms, so he’s fine with being “C” for “Cobalt Blue” — and that he’s actually happy with that name, ‘cuz it’s way closer to the color of the ocean.
Thinkin’ about it, Shinkai-Taichou has always handed over a lotta different things to us juniors in particular, huh?
Like, he’d always prioritize what we wanna do over what he wants to do—
fufufu. you make it sound like i am a [saint], but i simply just did not have any particular [desires] of my own, you know?

Still, I always felt so grateful for it.
That’s why this time ‘round, I wanna support what you wanna do as the leader, Shinkai-Taichou! No, not just that — I wanna reach that goal together!6
Yeah, with full force! Our feelings are one, Kanata!
yes. that is the one thing i will always, aaalways believe in.
Sound of footsteps
Shinkai-dono~! I believe the preparations for that “performance” are ready! (waves)
yes, thank you for the [report]. our [ninja] is outstanding, isn’t he~? good boy, good boy~♪
fufu. if everything is [ready], then it is time to begin, in a relaxing, carefree way.
let’s all do it together now — those interesting things.
“—everyone from [hoshijima]~! ♪” (waves)
“hello there! this is [god] speaking~☆”

At the same time. In the ES Okinawa branch, while watching the mysterious Stella Maris performance…
……Pfft. ♪
I-I didn’t once expect to hear him say that, and out of nowhere at that. This is exactly why Ryuseitai’s performances are so interesting, but watching them is quite bad for the heart, isn’t it?
I heard that there are a lot of elderly people with weak hearts in Hoshijima, so perhaps it would be safer to avoid shocking turns of events, no?
Honestly, I’m also just confused like, “Huh, why’s he saying that all of a sudden?”
But the Hoshijima residents are basically worshippers of some religion, right?
So I guess he thought it’d be most effective to call himself “god” so that it reaches their hearts…?
My, and he seemed so fed up with the god occupation, too. Does this mean you can act this role as well if necessary, Shinkai-kun?
During the subjugation of the Five Eccentrics in Yumenosaki Academy, the person who took care of the showdown against Shinkai-kun was also someone closely tied to religion — Keito, the son of a temple.7
So, as someone who didn’t fight him directly, I haven’t truly experienced just how ghastly and intimidating Shinkai-kun can be.
That being said, I do remember quite well the eerie atmosphere that surrounded the events related to the Yaobikuni during the War Days.
It was beyond human comprehension, and I can’t properly explain what it was like.
I also never saw the incident itself. However, I remember well the astonished look on Keito’s face after he had clashed with Shinkai-kun — As if he had witnessed something “completely out of this world”.
In order to stir a change in Hoshijima, where time has stopped for eons, perhaps what is necessary here isn’t a realistic power like money or authority… But a paranormal, mystical power similarly to that event.8
Right then. Now, is it truly possible for a conceptual being such as a non-existant god to respond to realistic issues that affect the daily lives of many human beings?
It’s time for the “living god” to show us what he’s capable of. Ahh, how thrilling.
Uh, I feel super nervous from worry, though…
Are we sure it’s going to go okay? Restoring a ruined island is a pretty serious topic; can that airheaded unit Ryuseitai really make this work?
Who knows? Fufu, in fact, this is the perfect moment to say “Only God knows”. ♪
They aren’t fictional heroes who can always overcome any huge predicament without exception, and so they can’t avoid worrying those watching over them…
But for some strange reason, I hold an illogical conviction that, as long as it’s them, they’ll be able to solve any problem that comes their way.
I’m envious of you, Chiaki. You must’ve felt a similar kind of deep emotion whenever you’d watch your heroes in action on the television, ever since your early days of childhood.
The same can be said about the people of Hoshijima, but… The lives of people with something they can believe in no matter what must be so warm and relieving, beyond my very imagination.
I mean this without any sarcasm whatsoever, but — I truly feel just a tiny bit envious of that.
…I also have that, y’know. Something I can believe in no matter what.
Oh? I had no idea you were a religious person.
If you’re playing dumb, then you’re just being mean, Eichi-sama…
But, well, it’s not just me. I think everyone lives their lives believing in something.
Be it a hero, a god… or maybe even an idol that represents your ideal self—
I’m sure the lives of people who’ve found that sparkling something are filled with happiness, aren’t they?
And I bet those Ryuseitai guys are trying to become “exactly that”, yeah? Well, not that I’d know what a bunch of idiots are up to~
Chapter 13

Nyahaha~ You look like you’re having fun too, Konata-sama~?
Yes, I am. Ever since I encountered everyone from Ryuseitai, all I’ve been experiencing are enjoyable things.
Mhm, mhm. I thought it was a one-time joke, but they’re really doing those fish-like movements even on stage~. It’s such a delight to see~♪
Indeed. It sort of makes you want to copy their movements, doesn’t it? All wiggly and wobbly~…♪
Cuuute~♪ How about you copy after Kanata-sama and become an idol too, Konata-sama~? I’m sure you’d get raving reviews for being so adorable~?
I do somewhat admire what they do as well, but… I have a duty to lead all the people of Hoshijima.
That’s not a responsibility to throw on a kid, though~? My grampa likes to lead people, so why not leave that job to elders with free time like him~?
Plus, in reality, Konata-sama is just a symbol of the island; the actual management is done by the adults, right?
Yes. That is why even if I proclaim myself as a higher-up of the island and act important, the fact of the matter is that I have no authority whatsoever.
Of course, everyone respects me. However, for any major decisions that could change the state of the island, it is necessary to obtain approval from the adults, not me.
Even if I were accepting of change, that would simply just be my own personal feelings on the matter when it all comes down to it.
Having gatherings to play childish games will not be enough to alter the entire island.9
I am a child, so such games can still fool me — but the same can’t be said for adults, correct?
I wonder~? The people acting like grown-ups, including me — We’re all just kids assuming the role of an adult~?
So I bet adults would genuinely be amazed if they witnessed something awesome, just like kids~.
They’ll be so surprised and moved, that it’ll make them smile~♪
Really, it’s just that adults have lived for a long time and have seen a lot of amazing things countless times, so their senses just grew numb over time, yeah~?
Indeed, Mizusaba-san gives the impression of someone who would remain composed no matter the situation, unlike me.
Oh~? Why does it feel like you’re casually treating me like an old and slow person whose senses have completely died~? Despite how I seem, I’m actually underage, y’know~?
Ah, really? You seem so mature, perhaps because of your huge size. You’re so young, yet you’re working already — That’s admirable!
You could say the same about Ryuseitai~. Well, following up what you said with that makes it sound like I’m indirectly complimenting myself…
But still, it’s admirable that they feel the urge to do something for someone else’s sake despite their young age~♪
They’re incredible people to respect~♪
Yes. I would like to become like that, as well.
A respectable human being, just like them.
The screen shakes
…W-Woah? The area shook slightly just now, didn’t it? This means that Ryuseitai’s stage has truly begun at last, right?
Be careful not to trip on yourself, okay~. I’ll lift you up~, Konata-sama.
Mmrph… I cannot stand how I can only ever be protected. I want to become an adult already.
No need to be in a rush~, we have to take it nice and slow… Okay~? ♪ Doesn’t matter if it’s human or fish, any living being has to go through that, y’know~?
Even the whale shark “Mizusaba” wasn’t huge from the start~. When I was younger, I’d always rely on Grampa and Nii-nii~.
Mm… The way you and I look right now is surely the same relationship that Hoshijima and the Okinawa main island have.
Being spoiled and pampered while carried by a large being—
However, we will change. It might be hard to do so immediately… But still, that is why you don’t need to carry me like this.
Mizusaba-san is huge, so I cannot see in front of me when you carry me.
But you see, I would like to witness it all.
The scenery of Hoshijima as it changes—
The very way that the world we live in changes form entirely.
Chapter 14

T-This is an even more peculiar atmosphere than I had imagined.
Yeah… Though, I think as part of Shinkai-senpai’s plan, he asked Konata-kun to help him call over all the people across the island to join this “stage” as guests.
Mm. It seems that as per our plan, they’ve gathered to the stage in curiosity, wondering what’s going on, but—
Such a large number of people have gathered here, yet I hear none of the cheers from earlier… What on earth is with this awfully somber atmosphere?
Yeah, right…? It’s completely different from our usual audience… But I guess with commanders changing every time, so would the unit’s direction, and that means the type of audience, too…
The atmosphere becoming this bizarrely supernatural is unheard-of for our stages, isn’t it?
Yeah. Although, Kanata deliberately prepared a bright song and performance, as he predicted it’d be a problem if the atmosphere becomes too grim.
On the other hand, the air of our performance and the supernatural atmosphere are a bad combination — it’s created a bizarre ambience here.
It’s reaching a point where it feels too unbearable to be onstage, though…?
hey~! [focus], please! i do understand how you all feel, okay~?
i also did not [expect] it to get this [solemn]. maybe i should not have introduced myself as [god] after all~?
i did mention before that the people of [hoshijima] are much more [devoted] to the religion than the people of my [area] are, after all.
so since this is “god’s stage”, they are watching us extremely [seriously].
Well, despite how it may feel, I do understand that it was necessary for Shinkai-dono to refer to himself as “god” in order to have the islanders earnestly hear us out.
But it seriously feels like we’re in some kinda religious ritual, y’know…? We’re just casually singing ‘bout fishes onstage, so the contrast is crazy!
This island did have zero connections to idol culture for a very long time, so I don’t even think the islanders themselves know how they’re supposed to behave here.
I don’t believe that they are put off by our stage or think it’s boring or anything. Mm, hopefully.
True, looking at their expressions, they seem to be enjoying themselves.
Mhm. It’s simply that the way they’re reacting is weak. Otherwise, they seem to be responding with a fair amount of joy in their own way.
Fufu. Now that I think about it, it’s rare for us to perform in front of an audience like this.
Typically, our main audience are kiddos who love heroes, particularly back during our Yumenosaki days.
To those kids, tokusatsu shows are something that naturally exists. They would know the gist of it even if we didn’t explain it to them.
However, idols and heroes are something completely unknown to the people of this island, right?
Human beings have always feared the dark since ancient times. The unknown is terrifying.
Just as we feel reluctant towards a religion we don’t know well—
The people of Hoshijima see what is common sense to us as the terrifying unknown.
yes. that is also likely why they [opposed] the [restoration] of [hoshijima], even though it [benefits] them, too.
Yeah, they were against the construction of an amusement park in Hoshijima, and hindered its progress, right?
yes. while of course, it is a [wrongful deed] where they had gone a little [too far], and should be tried under [law]…
There’s marginal space to take the circumstances into account. Having the urge to get rid of terrifying things from your sight is a natural instinct found not only in mankind, but among living things as a whole.
No… It’s a natural instinct to try and remove any foreign material that could destroy this peaceful world.

To the people of Hoshijima, we— ES itself was the evil organization, the monster villain, the kaijuu.
I doubt that the radical people of Hoshijima wanted to cause actual harm.
On the contrary, they were trying to stand strong and fight against that kaijuu, all for the sake of protecting their beloved world.
That’s exactly why — If they were to learn that the kaijuu has a heart of its own, that it’s possible to get along if they were to talk it out… They would surely stop their attacks.
Even tokusatsu heroes don’t ever one-sidedly eradicate evil without question.
It’s overbearing how Senpai compares everything to tokusatsu… But, well, I get what you’re trying to say.
Ossu. We also wanted to get along as much as possible. We wanted to come to understand the situation and accept the changes.
Rather than forcing change on us by getting invaded and trampled on, we wanted to walk down the path side-by-side together.
Not just that… We wanted to build a happy future together.
All the things ES didn’t do for us, we’d like to do ‘em for the people of Hoshijima. Abused kids don’t always turn into abusive parents themselves.
In fact… If we become respectable parents without ever warping or corrupting despite everythin’ — only then would it truly be our victory.
I don’t think life is all about wins and losses, but I somehow get what Tetora-kun’s saying, too… Yeah, it’s not like I wanna become a bitter person, either…
If I can live my life straightforwardly, then that’s always gonna be the better option, right?
Mhm! Let’s live our lives with pride, now and forever!
fufufu~ you have all grown up to be so [splendid], haven’t you?
doesn’t it make you feel proud as well, chiaki~♪
Sorry, can I cry a bit?10
no, you cannot~ we should keep [smiling] until our performance ends, right?
that is what ryuseitai is all about.
“—hello, everyone.”
“people of [hoshijima], please look around you.”
“we are grateful that you have all given your [attention] to our [stage], but it seems, as well, that there is something you all have not noticed yet—”
“this is no longer the [hoshijima] that you all know.”
“the [building] we have asked you to gather in is not actually a [building]; it was a [ship] all along!”
Chapter 15

Fufu. “Stella Maris”, was it? It’s a perfectly fitting name here.
It’s the given name of Saint Mary, the goddess who protects people on voyage — the star that guides those navigating in pitch darkness with uncertainty.11
Guided by that star, the people of Hoshijima found their way to an unknown world.
Since they had been confined to their land for such a long time, it must feel like they time traveled to the future, doesn’t it? My, I truly cannot help but worry for the elderly’s faint hearts. ♪
But why did Ryuseitai do that? Why’d they transport everyone to Okinawa’s main island on a ship…?
We told them that we’ll help them out however we can, so we requested an influential person to get them a ship for this stage…
But it’s a little too large-scaled for a simple performance, isn’t it?
Investment-wise, it’s pretty cheap in the long run, no? If all goes according to plan, and the people of Hoshijima become enthusiastic for the restoration of the island—
Then there’ll still be a huge surplus in their budget, especially compared to having the construction work be put on pause due to continuous interference. It’s necessary expenses, essentially.
But of course, in the case that the residents don’t change their mind, then it means they threw all their money down the drain for a foolish plan.
Now then. He’s just performed a phenomenal miracle — In a god-like fashion, he’s taking the people on a journey across time and space…
But what was the true significance to that act in the end? I’ve already figured it out, but can you tell, Tori? ♪
Well, I can totally tell that you’re acting super excited like a little kid, Eichi-sama. You surprisingly like flashy stuff, after all~ You must feel so envious of Ryuseitai right now, right? ♪
Meanwhile, at the Stella Maris stage…
(Mhm, mhm. Looks like everything’s going well so far~. Everyone in Ryuseitai is sparkling just like the stars you see above the ocean in the night~♪)
(Nyahaha. This gigantic ship my grampa took out from his warehouse — The “Mizusaba”, from his pirate days… I’m so glad to see that it’s moving just fine~.)12
(The “Mizusaba” is a ship that was modified to store whatever loot a pirate got his hands on — So it’s got a massive amount of space, unlike most typical ships.)
(It was originally used for wrongdoings, but now, it’s being used in the name of justice. It makes me so emotional somehow~♪)
(Nyahaha. In the end, I couldn’t do anything but prepare them meals, but seeing the ship with the same name as me playing such an active part… I just feel so, sooo glad.)
(I’m a dunce who’s got nothing but a massive body, and I couldn’t do anything right when I was young… But right now, I feel like I’m also being of use to everyone. Thank you, “Mizusaba”.)
(Thank you to all of you too, Ryuseitai. Because of you, me, Konata-sama… Each and every one of us is having such a wonderful time here~.)
(We’re so blessed to have met everyone, aren’t we~? ♪)
“fufufu, surpriiise~♪”
“you are all coming to the [okinawa’s main island] with us.”
“i am sure this is a [world] none of you know, as you had been in [hoshijima] for a long, long time.”
“please look [out] the [window]. there are many things that you do not know scattered about, yes?”
“things you do not know must be scary, correct?”
“but you see, it is not scary at all. over here, there are a lot of [convenient] things, and [interesting] things too.”
“there must be people among you that do not want those things — who feel plenty [satisfied] with how it is right now, right?”
“we will not [force] those people in any way.”
“but… if you show even a little bit of [curiosity], then please try to pick something of interest and get a feel of it.”
“or at the very least, please do not get in the [way] of the people who are interested in experiencing it.”
“kona-chan — my adorable [little brother] has been trying to experience ‘those things’ with [sparkles] in his eyes.”

“please, at the very least, let those people enjoy themselves without [denying] them. i do understand that you may feel worried or anxious, though, of course.”
“but in this world, there is not only one ‘correct way’ to do things.”
“in our [religion], [god] was the one who decided what is the ‘correct’ thing to do.”
“what is ‘right’, what is ‘wrong’ — [god] decided those things time and time again.”
“it is us gods who decided it all.”
“that is why i will take it upon me to [declare] this to all of you. in this world, there are as many ‘correct ways’ to do something as the stars in the sky—”
“and within those many different ways, you are free to choose what you [believe] is ‘correct’.”
“no one will [forbid] any of it. no one will [command] you to do anything.”
“i would like all of you to think about it, and then to freely choose whatever you like. what you think is correct — what you believe is your [form] of [justice].”
“of course, even if you are interested in choosing something, it is [difficult] to know what is what. that is why we will [introduce] you to each of them, one by one.”
“first, we would like you to learn about us — about [idols].”
“so please watch us, and learn who we are.”

“come on now~♪ it is not dangerous~, it is not scary~ it will be alright~ no matter what happens, we will protect you, okay?”
“so please be at [ease] and simply enjoy yourselves~”
“no… let’s all live our lives together in an amusing way.”
“within this interesting [world] full of things to love…♪”
Translation Notes
- ↑ Referring to what happened in fine’s Climax event, Atlantis. This phrase can also be translated as “anyway”, “anyhow”, “at any rate”. Please check this masterlist for a translation.
- ↑ Referring to Hitsugi Kurone and NEGI.
- ↑ Eichi and Chiaki were revealed to have met in a hospital when they were young in Saga. Wiki Link.
- ↑ The following two chapters refer back to events from Meteor Impact, the first time Kanata and Chiaki met, as well as ABYSS, the story about Kanata’s childhood.
- ↑ Something to mention about Kanata and the word “hero”: Kanata always talks in full hiragana (he turns katakana words to deformed hiragana spelling). The only word he always says in the correct way it’s spelt is “hero” (ヒーロー, in katakana).
- ↑ The word Tetora uses for “leader” is hatagashira (旗頭), which is also a word related to an Okinawan festive event.
- ↑ These lines of dialogue are referring to the events that happened in Meteor Impact, the story that shows how Kanata was subjugated as an Eccentric.
- ↑ The word Eichi uses for “mystical” is shinpi-teki, which is the same word used in Ryusei Blue’s catchphrase, “mark of mystery” shinpi.
- ↑ The word used here for “childish” is kodomo-damashi, lit. things that can only deceive children. It’s a word sometimes used in Enstars stories in reference to tokusatsu shows (typically translated to “kiddie stuff” or something similar).
- ↑ Chiaki says gomen here, a more polite/softer way to say "sorry" compared to suman (the usual way Chiaki apologizes). Chiaki tends to do this more often when he’s more weak-hearted, such as in Sweet Halloween.
- ↑ In Japanese, the Virgin Mary is called seibo(-sama), lit. “holy mother”. Stella Maris, on the other hand, means “star of the sea”. It’s also another name for the star Polaris, a guiding star. Read more: Star of the Sea — Polaris.
- ↑ In Japanese, the ship is called Mizusaba-gou. The gou is a suffix attached to ship names.