[ES!!] Sports Survivors

Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Translation Notes
Happy☆Cycle 1
Season: Summer
Location: Connecting Corridor

That was a big yawn~♪ Did you stay up late last night?
No, I’m sleeping properly.
Summer holidays just ended, so I might’ve relaxed my mind a little too much. I’ve gotta get a hold of myself.
Fufu. Isn’t it fine to stay relaxed for the time being?
You’re a hard worker, Tomoya-kun, and you’re always giving your best efforts. You should let yourself rest whenever you can, okay?
It’s alright, I really am resting properly.
Plus, I can’t push myself so hard that I potentially lose all strength at a crucial moment.
But resting and relaxing your mind are two different things, yeah? So I’ll try my best to improve my focus.
Focus… Oh, I know.
We still have time before afternoon classes begin, so would you like to go to the Garden Terrace?
There should be some herb tea stocked up in the Tea Club, and it helps improve focus. Let’s drink it together~♪
You sure? Alright, I’ll gladly take that offe— Huh?
What’s wrong, Tomoya-kun?
Look over there… It’s Mitsuru. What’s he doing, crouched down near the hedges?
Is he looking for something…? Let’s go and ask him.
Hello, Mitsuru-kun. What are you doing here?
Me? I’m looking for litter!
Litter? I could understand if this was last year, but you doing a school part-time job nowadays is kinda unusual, isn’t it?1
Nah, this isn’t for a part-time job. I’m doing it ‘cuz I wanna!
I felt super energetic after eating lunch, so I went dashing around… But then I stepped on litter and almost tripped on myself.
So I’m picking up the litter to make sure that nobody trips on themselves when dashing!
I think you’re the only one who’d run around during breaktime, though…
But it’s pretty admirable of you to pick up litter all on your own, Mitsuru~♪
Really? Ehehe, it’s not every day I get praised by Tomo-chan! ♪
But I’m just picking ‘em up ‘cuz I wanna, y’know? Is it really something to be praised for?
Of course. Picking up litter is a good deed, after all.
They say that “To pick up litter is to pick up fortune.” I’m sure something good will happen to you.
Picking up fortune? What’s that mean?
It comes from the concept, “Those who throw litter are throwing away their own fortune and integrity as well.” So by picking up other people’s litter, your own fortune increases.
It’s got that sorta effect!? Picking up litter is amazing!
It’s just superstition, so don’t expect too much, okay~?
But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a good thing to do, so maybe I should pick up some litter too.
No, no can do! I’m gonna pick up all the litter around here, so you can’t snatch any of ‘em!
The litter here is all mine~!
Whaat… Alright, alright. Just make sure to sort them in the right bin when you put them in the trash, ‘kay?
See ya then, Mitsuru.
Good luck with picking up all the litter.
Mhm! Byebye, Hajime-chan, Tomo-chan~! ☆
“To pick up litter is to pick up fortune,” huh~… First time I’ve heard of it.
My fortune will increase if I pick up litter… Which means this button and this candy wrapping paper are also scraps of fortune!
So maybe something good will happen if I collect some more? Aaalright, let’s do this!
Location: Garden Terrace

Same day, after classes are over…
I think I picked up all the litter in the connecting corridor, so I came to the Garden Terrace!
There’s fallen leaves and fruits all over, so I can pick up as much as I want here!
But those kinds of things weren’t dropped by someone…? Does that mean my fortune won’t increase, then?
Well, don’t gotta worry about the details! It’ll feel good to make the place clean, so I’mma pick ‘em all up!
♪~♪~♪ (Humming)
—There you are. I’ve been looking for you, Tenma.
Ah, Stuco Prez Nii~chan! Didja need me for something?
I heard what you’ve been doing~ You picked up the litter in the connecting corridor all on your own, right?
It was bugging me how much was littered around, so I was thinking of cleaning it up after classes today… But you saved me a bunch by doing it instead.
This is my thanks to you. You can have it.
Yaaay, stuffed bread!
But I’m surprised you’re picking up litter here, too. Is it a hobby of yours?
Nah, I’m just picking them up ‘cuz I wanna!
“To pick up litter is to pick up fortune” — Doing good things will increase my fortune! Ehen~♪
Oh? Maybe I should learn from you and pick up the habit~♪
—Ah, it’s already this hour, huh. I should get back to the Student Council office.
Right, see ya then, Tenma.
Bye-bye! Thanks for the bread!
Ehehe. I got stuffed bread~!
…Ah! So this is what “your fortune increases” means? If I pick up litter, will something good happen again?
Alright! I’ll keep picking up more and more and increase my fortune by a whole ton~!
Happy☆Cycle 2
Location: Seisoukan Dorm Courtyard

Several days later, on a day off…
Looks like nobody’s here yet. I guess I’m the first to come, then.
…Mm? I hear humming coming from the flowerbed.
~♪~♪ (Humming)
Oh, Tenma-kun. Good morning! What are you doing here?
Ah, Chia-chan-senpai! As you can see, I’m weeding!
Weeding? Did someone ask you to do that?
Nope! I’m doing it ‘cuz I wanna!
I actually wanted to pick up litter, but the courtyard is already clean, so there’s nothing on the ground.
That’s why I’m weeding insead! The flowerbed’ll be spotless if I pluck out all the weed! ☆
Devoting yourself to clean-ups is really admirable of you. I really respect that! ☆
Picking up litter is amazing. Everyone praises me, it makes the place clean, and my fortune goes up!
It’s just getting me more and more into picking up litter~☆
Oh yeah, is that so? There’s still a little time to spare before our appointed gathering for Sports Survivors, so I’ll help you out, too.
You’ll help out, Chia-chan-senpai? Mm~… M~m…
Is there a problem by some chance…?
I wanna have all the litter on the ground for myself, but I feel like I’d be too greedy to have all these weeds for myself, too…?
Okay, I’ve made up my mind! Chia-chan-senpai, let’s do weeding together!
Got it! Let’s do our best until everyone arrives!
Oh— It’s the Dash-Dash Kid and Chi~chan-senpai!2
Doing volunteer work is truly admirable.
Ehehe. I got praised again! Picking up litter is amazing~
Picking up litter…? Ah, is this to do with the rumors I’ve been hearing about?
Picking up litter?
I heard it from Shinonon. Apparently, if you pick up litter, your fortune increases.
Hm, how intriguing. I’ll try to put it into practice, as well.
Why hello there, everyone. I see you’re all here.
…Why are you weeding? Is that what we’ll be doing today?
Ah, no, we were just doing it while waiting for everyone.
Tenma-kun. Everyone’s arrived now, so let’s stop here.
Wait a sec. I’ll put all the weeds into the garbage bag… There!
I’ll go throw it at the garbage dump, so go ahead and decide what we’ll do ‘til I’m back! See ya soon!
Mhm, be careful not to trip over yourself!
Right then. Any ideas or activities you’d all like to try for today?
I certainly do. I’d like to play ‘tag and kick the can’ game with this empty can.
‘Tag and kick the can’? What’s different about it from the usual ‘kick the can’ game?
Fufu. That truly is the first thought that comes to mind, isn’t it? I believe I asked the same question to Wataru when I first heard it.
The rules are simple. First, someone kicks the can, then everyone has to hide somewhere before the person who’s “it” brings the kicked can back to its original spot.
If the person who’s “it” finds and tags all the hidden players, they win. If the empty can is kicked again while they’re searching for everyone, they lose.
It’s sort of like combining tag, hide-and-seek, and can-kicking into one game.
Hm… Setting aside the players who hide, the person who’s “it” would have their stamina put to the test. I worry about Tenshouin-senpai’s physical condition.
I appreciate your concern, but I was fine when I played it with everyone in fine, and I’d rather you don’t treat me like I’m a sick patient.
Still, all of you have far too much stamina compared to the ordinary person, and I tend to accidentally overdo it whenever I try to match up to your pace.
So I don’t want to strain myself, either. What should we do…
It just means you shouldn’t be “it”, Tenshouin. I think you’ll still be able to have fun without any problems if you only have to hide.
Mhm, mhm. And even if we take turns being “it”, that still makes it four rounds of fun. Sounds good to me!
I have no objections. We just need to hear from Tenma now—
I’m back! Heyhey, so what did you guys decide to play?
‘Tag and kick the can’ game. The winner is decided based on whether the person who’s “it” finds everyone, or if one of the people hiding kicks the empty can in time—
Empty can…
What’s wrong, Tenma-kun?
Empty cans are litter, so I’m kinda against kicking ‘em. It feels like we’re making more litter, and I don’t want that.
Hm… I’m not sure if we can assume it’s litter just yet. Even empty cans can be turned into a Sentai Robot model with enough creativity, and what’s more—
It can be used as a tool to play, like for the ‘tag and kick the can’ game. As long as we collect it afterwards, it won’t be as if we left litter around.
Ohh… I keep picking up empty cans so I just assumed they were always litter. My bad!
I’ll play the ‘tag and kick the can’ game too! Tell me more about the rules!
Several minutes later…
—Alright then, we’ll decide on who will be “it”. Rock, paper, scissors!
I win! I’ll be the first “it”!
Who will kick the can? Tenma-kun can run fast, so I think we’d have an exciting game if it’s kicked as far away as possible.
Then Occhan’s the best for this, right? He’s in the Track & Field Club, so I bet he’d be good at it! ☆
Well, I could understand if he was in the Soccer Club, but I don’t feel like that skill has much to do with Track & Field.
That’s true. However, I’m confident in my leg muscles. I’ve been training my body, after all.
I see. Then let’s see what you’ve got, hm?
I’ll place it on the ground… Right, go ahead.
Got it. Tenma, are you ready?
Mhm! Bring it on!
Then here goes—
Woah— It was sent flying out of Seisoukan Dorms like a shooting star!?
Aaalright, I’m gonna go find it and come back! Dash, dash~♪
…I didn’t think it’d be sent flying that far. You’ve got an outstanding level of leg strength, don’t you?
I’m sorry. Maybe I should’ve held back my strength…
No, this is Tenma-kun we’re talking about, so he should be back in a flash.
Now then, let’s all hide wherever we like! Commence: Sports Survivors activity time…☆
Happy☆Cycle 3
Ten minutes later…
(Mm~ Tenma-kun’s taking quite some time… Is he still looking for the empty can?)
(He could just come back if he’s genuinely struggling to find it—)
(…No, then the empty can really will become litter. He’s been so eager to pick up litter all this time, so I’m sure he’s been doing all he can to find it.)
(In that case, another reason he’s taking a while could be—)
…Morisawa-senpai, may I speak to you for a moment?
I’m worried about Tenma, since he still hasn’t returned. I’d like to go and see if everything’s alright, considering I’m the one who kicked the can.
Mm. I was just thinking about that too.
Our only clue is the direction the can flew towards. Maybe we could split up and look for him…?
It’s all because I kicked the can too hard. I’m so sorry.
Don’t worry so much about it. You put your all into it, and nobody will blame you for that.
Yes. This is fun in its own way; it’s like a game of tag where we chase after a moving target.
Right then, how shall we catch Tenma-kun? ♪
Ah, you’re all here! Are you guys thinking of looking for the Dash-Dash Kid?
I had a feeling we might, so I brought over a teammate! Well, more like team-dog? Anyway, tadaaah~☆
Ah, Daikichi?
A dog’s sense of smell is ten-something times stronger than a person’s, after all~ Daikichi should be able to find him in no time! ♪
Ah, I see. You’re so clever, Akehoshi, bringing a dog over on such short notice!
We’re counting on you, Daikichi! ☆
I heard police dogs need to rely on scent to trace criminals, but does Daikichi-kun not need a clue like that?
Ah, I almost forgot about that.
Does anyone have something that has the Dash-Dash Kid’s smell on it?
Scent… How about sniffing the place where he did the weeding?
…Mm~ It’s not clicking to him, I think. Sorry that this isn’t coming to so much use.
Akehoshi, Daikichi, don’t look so sad. It’s reassuring enough to have more allies!
Plus, even if it’ll be impossible for us, a dog should be able to catch up to Tenma’s fierce dashing! ☆
The can flew over that way. Let’s all head over to that area first.

Thirty minutes later — The roadside of trees near the ES building…
Hm… We reached the roadside with no sign of anything.
I just hope we didn’t pass by him on our way here…
This place has a wide clear view, and since four people with a dog are scouting the area, I would say the likelihood of that is low.
If we haven’t found him by now, then I can’t help but suspect something may have happened.
Daikichi~ You can’t tell where the Dash-Dash Kid is? …It’s impossible without his scent?
Man, if this was a TV drama, this would be the exact moment when a clue like a handkerchief or socks would be found lying around here~…
A clue…
Ah, I know; what if he tries to search by using the scent of our practice outfits?
Ohh, yeah! We’re all using the same detergent, so it might work.
C’mon, c’mon, Daikichi! Look for this scent! ☆
Oh, he’s already found a sign. Let’s follow him.
…Found him, he’s over there.
You’re right. Heeey~ Tenma-kun! ☆
Ah, you guys…
You’re picking up litter here, too? Impressive, truly admirable!
But you shouldn’t leave without telling us, y’know? You’ll have everyone worried.
Uuu, sorry. I saw some litter where I found the empty can, and couldn’t ignore it…
All the litter everywhere kept bugging me, so I got caught up in picking ‘em all up.
Is all the litter in that trash bag what you picked up, Tenma?
Mhm. I’ve been keeping garbage bags in my pocket so I can pick up litter any time.
I didn’t really think much about it but… There sure is a lot of litter around, huh.
Yeah! It makes it worthwhile to pick ‘em all up!
Here’s the empty can for the ‘tag and kick the can’ game! I wanna pick up litter, so you guys play together for today.
I mean, even if we could, that’s kiiindaaa~?
I’m not very much in the mood to play right now, it would feel as though I’m ignoring the litter everywhere. I’ll pick them up with you.
Shall I arrange for a cleaning service? That way we wouldn’t have to dirty our hands, and it would make the place spotless in a reliable fashion.
Haha, that’s just like you, Tenshouin. But that’ll be unnecessary.
I want to treasure Tenma-kun’s feelings of wanting to clean the place.
Yeah! I wanna pick ‘em up by myself!
Huh, I see. Well, cleaning up is good conduct, and it helps give a good public impression, so I have no objections to picking up litter.
However, I find it a little unfortunate that our private circle activities could become something like a job.
Uuu… I’m sorry for wasting our circle activity time on this…
It’s not your fault, Dash-Dash Kid. The ones who’re most at fault are the people who throw litter on the streets.
Yeah. Those who should be ashamed of their actions are the ones littering — Tenma’s deeds are actually wonderful.
Thanks, Suba-chan-senpai~, Ado-chan-senpai~
…Hey, Tenshouin.
If picking up litter turns into something sports-like, wouldn’t it be alright to consider it a circle activity too?
Oh? Do you have an idea by any chance?
Yep. I remembered the perfect sport for this.
Happy☆Cycle 4

The perfect sport?
Yeah. It’s called “litter-picking sport”!
I participated in a variety program the other day, and I learned about it there. It was part of the program as a new-generation sport, and—
There’s a movement to promote making a habit out of a healthy lifestyle and recycling by looking at litter cleanup as a form of sports.
Not only do you get to move your body, but you also keep the neighborhood clean. The perfect two birds with one stone…☆
Ohh. Because of all the bending down, picking up litter would also act as a stretching exercise, so it would be good for the body.
I’m intrigued. Could you explain the rules?
It seems the points are determined pretty specifically, based on the weight and type of litter you pick up, but…
Let’s split into two teams for today, and make it a match to see who can collect the most litter by the evening. That’s more simple and clear! ☆
Mhm, mhm! I prefer something easy to understand!
Ah, but splitting into two teams with five people is tricky. One team will be bigger.
Then, then! Let’s make Dakichi a temporary Sports Survivors member!
How about Daikichi joins the same team I do? It’ll be a group of three that way! ☆
That’s fine by me. Including a dog in the headcount sounds like a fun idea.
Since Subaru-kun and Daikichi-kun will be on the same team, that means one more person has to join.
In which case, let’s decide through rock-paper-scissors who that will be.
Let’s go~! Rock, paper, scissors! ☆
Looks like it’s going to be me with Akehoshi. Let’s do our best, you two!
Mhm! Let’s do this, Chi~chan-senpai!
Ado-chan-senpai, Ei-chan-senpai, let’s do our best!
Yeah. It calms my heart to see public spaces clean.
Since we’re competing, we can’t avoid having a winner by the end, but still — I’d like to put my efforts into making the area beautiful without fixating too much on winning.
True. If we simply wanted to win, we could pick up only the large pieces of litter, but that would be trivializing our true task of cleaning up the neighborhood.
As Otogari-kun says, let’s focus on making the place beautiful.
Mhm, mhm! It’s the tiny litter that nobody pays attention to that should be picked up most! Let’s gather lots of ‘em and get our fortune up~!
We’ll meet back at the Seisoukan Dorm’s courtyard. Right, time to split up…☆
Aaalright, Akehoshi, Daikichi! It’s time to pick up litter!
Looks like the Dash-Dash Kid picked up all the litter here. There’s not even a scrap of paper around.
Sounds like we need to go someplace else. How about the shopping district?3
Eh~? I feel like the store clerks there would be the type to clean that place up diligently, though…?
Hey, hey, what about the park? It’s pretty spacious there, and Daikichi will get to do his thing as much as he likes! ☆
Yeah! Let’s run over to the park then!
Chi~chan-senpai, Daikichi! Let’s have a race to the park~! Woosh~☆
Suba-chan-senpai and Chia-chan-senpai look like they’re having so much fun! I’m gonna run with them too!
…Woah!? Mm, Ado-chan-senpai lifted me up like a mikoshi…?4
You can’t go after them. You’re in our team, aren’t you, Tenma?
Ahaha, woops! ♪
Alrighty! Suba-chan-senpai said this already, but I already picked up the litter here, so let’s go someplace else.
Right. While we head somewhere else, let’s pick up the litter the other team failed to notice by running off.
Location: Park (Turf Area)

A while later…
We’re here~! Righty, let’s pick up loads of litter~☆
Straws, paper cups, and this here’s a paper bag…
It’s likely because this spot is used a lot for resting, but there’s a lot of fast food litter around, huh.
Yeah, there’s a lot of families on days off especially.
There’s a garbage bin here, and I’ve seen it piled up to the brim before.
…Oh, Daikichi? What’s up?
You picked up a plastic bottle? Great job~! Pat, pat, pat~♪
I sometimes notice it when I take Daikichi on a walk, but now that I’m paying attention to it, I realize just how much you can find~
But I feel kinda conflicted somehow… Y’know, being happy about finding so much litter.
I mean, wouldn’t it be better if I didn’t find any at all?
True, an area with no signs of litter would be the ideal. But the reality is that there’s plenty all over.
That’s exactly why we’ll pick up all the litter and make the park clean. We’ll make it so that it’s an ‘area with no signs of litter’ with our own two hands.
Huh. So I guess it’s fine to be happy about finding litter, yeah?
Yeah. It’s really so admirable of you to notice every single piece of litter here~
Jeez~ Don’t hug me outta nowhere! So suffocating…
I picked up all the litter on the grass area. Let’s try going to the woods now.
Could we go to the convenience store before that? I think we’re about to run out of the garbage bags we just bought, so I’d like to stock up on more.
Yupyup, sure~
Happy☆Cycle 5
Location: Wooded Area in the Park

It’s not as bad as the turf area, but there’s litter here too, huh…
Yeah, I guess no one really cleans up around here? I can see pretty old litter around.
Look, look! There’s a Potenap bag here! The herb flavor!
Herb flavor?
You don’t know it, Chi~chan-senpai? Potenap was a popular snack when I was in grade school, and it had a bunch of different flavors.5
And the herb flavor ended its sales immediately~
Oh? I know about Potenap, but I didn’t know an herb flavor existed.
I would’ve loved to try it.
I think it’s a good thing you didn’t, actually…? The smell was way too strong, and it had a unique taste to it.
It may have been cheap, but to a grade schooler, just buying one snack was a huge expense, so~
It’s because it wasn’t enjoyed by anyone that makes me wish I could’ve tried it. The people behind the snack released it in hopes of making a profit, right?
Everyone has their own tastes in snacks. It’s possible that the flavor someone doesn’t like would be one that I would…☆
Huh, I see. You’re a pretty strange one after all, Chi~chan-senpai.
Fuhaha! I’m happy for the compliment!
Is that really a compliment…? Well, anyway. It brought back memories, but it’s time I pick up the Potenap bag—
Daikichi, why’re you tugging on my pants? Did you find something?
Seems he wants us to follow him. Let’s go, Chi~chan-senpai!
A few minutes later…
…Hm. Seems the roots of this tree caught his nose?
Daikichi’s whining to dig here… Maybe something’s buried under there?
This reminds me of Hanasaka Jiisan.6 Maybe there’s buried treasure.
Treasure? Daikichi’s a sucker for sparkly things, so maybe we’ve struck gold! ☆
Alright, I’ll do the digging!

I’ll just tweak the plastic bottle we picked up and… Now we’ve got ourselves a scoop.
I hope we find something in here~ Dig, dig~♪
Ooh, amazing, amazing! Dig it up, Chi~chan-senpai! ☆
…Mm? The scoop hit something.
I think it’s best I gently dig the rest out with my hands. I have to be careful not to injure myself—
Ehh, it’s just a rusted tin can~
This sucks, you went through all the effort to dig it out, and it just ended up being litter! ‘Kay, here’s the garbage bag.
…No. I’ll bury it back in.
Mm, why?
It’s hard to tell, but… Look, you see a date with next year written at the bottom of the can, right?
This must be a time capsule someone buried. We can’t just throw it away under the assumption it’s litter.
Mm~ But what if it isn’t a time capsule, and it really is just some random litter?
Then I’ll be sure to collect it. I don’t have an idea in mind how best to approach that, but…
For now, I’ll note down the date on my phone. I’ll check over it again next year.
…You really do always look out for others, Chi~chan-senpai.
Mm, did you just say something?
Nope! C’mon, c’mon! Let’s head on to the next piece of litter to pick up…☆

Meanwhile, in Season Avenue…
Yaaay, Ei-chan-senpai’s prediction was super duper right on the mark!
The downtown area has loads of litter! It’s like a mountain of treasure in my eyes~!
I was worried there’d be a crowd of uproar to seeing idols picking up litter, but—
It seems that worry was unnecessary. Everyone is watching us with consideration.
Even better, some people are helping us pick up the litter! I’m super duper thankful beyond words~!
When I learned that “to pick up litter is to pick up fortune”, I wanted to keep it all to myself at first…
But picking up litter with everyone is so much fun! It feels so good to see the town become sparkly clean!
Mhm. We can accomplish so much more if we work together with a great number of people, and a clean town means a place that anyone can feel happy in.
This sense of accomplishment is possibly something that wouldn’t be attainable all on your own.
Oh? I see something…
A news camera…? Is someone reporting right now?
It must be a street interview. I see them a lot around this time of day.
…It seems that they’d like to interview us about why we’re picking up litter. What should we do?
Mm~… Considering my position, I’d rather refrain from making a comment on camera…
Is it possible I leave this to you, Tenma-kun? You’re the one who’s most enthusiastic about picking up litter, after all.
Got it! Then I’ll talk on behalf of all of us!
(If I mention who I am and the unit I’m part of, it might be seen as promotion…? So I should just do it normally, like—)
Hello! This is just a personal thing, so it’s nothing special to introduce myself for! ☆
Yep yep, this isn’t for a TV program, we’re just picking up litter ‘cuz we wanna!
…”How admirable of you”? Ehehe, thank you!
The reason the town becomes clean is ‘cuz people we don’t even know the names of pick up the litter for us.
That’s why I’d be so happy if everyone else picks up any litter they find. Even if each of us picks up just one piece of litter, the town will eventually turn sparkly clean, and it’ll feel so good!
Everyone will be smiling by the end! That’d be the best “fortune pick up” ever! ☆
Happy☆Cycle 6
Location: Seisoukan Dorms Courtyard

Evening time…
It’s time to announce the results! The winner of the first round of the ‘Litter-picking sport’ is—
The Tenma, Otogari, and Tenshouin team! Congrats!
Yaaay, we did it!
Dash-Dash Kid, Occhan, Eichi-senpai! Congrats, congrats, congrats…!! ☆
…Is it really alright for us to be seen as the winners?
Unlike the two of you who worked hard with a dog in your team, we had the help of the pedestrians in town. Wouldn’t that be unfair?
Don’t sweat the details! In the end, we managed to pick up this much litter.
While victory and defeat were decided here, in reality, everyone won the championship…☆
Mhm, mhm! Everyone worked hard, so everyone is so admirable!
…Ei-chan-senpai, was today fun?
I’m worried we pushed you to do something you didn’t wanna do~
Not to worry. I had plenty of fun, as well.
I was able to approach it at my own pace, and it is a pretty nice sport in my opinion.
It’s time for dinner, and there’s been growling of stomachs for a while now. As for Daikichi-kun, I’ll give him delicious hotdogs as a present at a later date—
So how about we all change into our casual wear and go have a meal? ♪
Location: Restaurant

One hour later…
Keep in mind we can always order more if it isn’t enough, so for now, make whatever order you like.
…Tenshouin, are you sure about treating me to something, too?
I’m also an adult here. I can pay for myself, y’know?
Fufu. It’s repayment for letting me experience something wonderful. I’d love you to be frank and accept the offer.
Take him up on his offer, Chi~chan-senpai. Eichi-senpai is super rich, so he wouldn’t feel a thing from this!
Let’s have fun getting ourselves a treat~♪
Hm… I suppose that’s true.
Then I’ll accept your offer without hesitation! ☆
They brought over our food. Everything looks so tasty.
I see that Tenma’s having the same hamburger steak meal as me. Meat is superb. Eat lots and grow strong.
Mhm! I’ll grow big just like Ado-chan-senpai!
Mm? They brought over juice, but I didn’t order that…?
Excuse me~! I think there’s been a mistake in the order!
…The juice is on the house? You knew about us picking up litter from the evening news?

…“Thank you for making the town clean”? Ehehe, you’re welcome!
Yaaay, I got treated to juice! That “to pick up litter is to pick up fortune” phrase really is true after all! ☆
There’s also that, but — In this case, isn’t it virtue being rewarded highly?
What’s virtual being rewarded highness…?7
Highness… Wasn’t someone called that?
You’re thinking of Ohi~san! Barry~ calls Ohi~san “your Highness”.8
So you mean virtual beings rewarded Ohi~san? It’s so cryptic in suuuch a funny way…☆
Virtue being rewarded highly. It means that good actions will always bring forth good outcomes.
Ohh~ It’s amazing that the things I did can bring back such big loads of happiness!
Aaalright, I’ll keep doing more of that virtual being rewarded highness from here on out, too…! ☆
Translation Notes
- ↑ In their first year of school, Ra*bits would often take up part-time school jobs.
- ↑ Subaru calls Mitsuru daze-daze-kko (Daze-daze Kid), based on Mitsuru’s speech quirk to typically end sentences with -daze. I changed it to “Dash-Dash” as an English equivalent, since it’s also a unique trait of Mitsuru.
- ↑ The shopping district is a strip of shops near Yumenosaki Academy, and it's where Takamine Greengrocer is located.
- ↑ Mikoshi, also known as a portable shrine, is typically carried by the shoulder. See here for images.
- ↑ Potenap was first mentioned in Little Kings, including more context about the several flavors.
- ↑ Hanasaka Jiisan is a Japanese folktale, where a couple's dog digs up in the garden and finds a box of gold coins. The folktale is summarized on the wiki page, and fits the theme of this story!
- ↑ Chiaki says zenin-zenka (善因善果), an idiom that lit. means “good deeds, good results”, but Mitsuru mishears it as zenin-denka (全員殿下), lit. “everyone highness”. I tried to translate it with an English equivalent of the same misunderstanding!
- ↑ This is referring to how Ibara calls Hiyori.