[ES!] Ryuseitai Album Commentary

- Unlimited Passion
- Warm Gratitude

- Unlimited Power
- Straight-forward Gratitude

- Unlimited Potential
- Dazzling Gratitude

- Unlimited Hope
- Pure Gratitude

- unlimited love
- kind gratitude
Album Countdown
Ryuseitai’s comments during the Ryuseitai Album countdown.
Day 1

Ossu! I’m Ryuseitai’s Ryusei Black, Nagumo Tetora!
Our album’s finally gonna be on sale!
It has all our unit songs in it, including our solo songs.
I feel a li'l tingly about my solo, personally… It’s my first time makin' one, so…
But having my own song feels real special. It gives me strength!
We sung every song with all our feelings, so please listen to them!
Also, starting today, each Ryuseitai member'll have somethin' to say.
Please look forward to seeing whose comment is next!
Day 2

I’m Ryuseitai’s Ryusei Green, Takamine Midori…
Umm, we’re going to release an album, so… It’d make me happy if you could give it a listen…
I didn’t really notice it until now, but we really have sung a lot of songs, huh…
And this time around, I got to sing a solo for the first time… I hope there’s something in it you could relate to…
There’s also a new unit song in the album, so please look forward to listening to it.
This was Takamine Midori speaking. Please look forward to seeing who’s next…
Day 3

This is Ryuseitai’s Ryusei Yellow, Sengoku Shinobu!
The long-awaited album for Ryuseitai will be on sale in two days~♪
The album contains my own solo!
It's a song filled with everything related to ninjas, so I would be very happy to know if I was able to convey the beauty of ninjas to you!
Also, each of our solos are unique in their own way.
The album has all our songs up until now, as well as a new unit song, so I do hope you find a song you love!
This has been Sengoku Shinobu! Do look forward to tomorrow~☆
Day 4

fufufu, i am ryuseitai’s [ryusei blue], shinkai kanata…♪
there is only [one day] left until our [album] is released, yes…? ♪
i really cannot wait any longer, either. i may not be able to [sleep] tonight.
the [album] has all the [songs] we have sung together.
and i also got to sing about my [love] for the [ocean] in my [solo]~…♪
if you were to listen to this [song] while gazing at the ocean… then you too will be able to [feel] the same thing as me…♪
it is a [song] that can [relax] you a whooole lot, so please do listen to it, okay…? ♪
this was shinkai kanata speaking…♪
tomorrow is the [last] day. have you already figured out who it will be~? ufufu, please look forward to it~♪
Day 5

Ossu! I’m Ryuseitai’s Ryusei Red, Morisawa Chiaki!
It’s finally the long-awaited album release day!
I’ve also been waiting forever for it to be released!
Have you checked when the store opens? And you’ve got your wallet with you too, right?
Then let’s go to the CD store together right away!1 ☆
Oh, wait! I have to talk about my thoughts on the album first!
This album is a compilation of all our songs. I’d love it if you could take your time to listen to each song one by one!
When we listened to it again, we talked all about how it reminded us of all kinds of things.
Of how we spent our days performing live shows, seeing so many people smile, and gaining energy from their smiles.
You give us so much energy just by cheering for us — Nothing could make us happier than that!
It’s the very moment that makes us feel extremely glad to be idols! Thank you!
So we wanted to try and show our feelings of gratitude somehow, and—
Hold it right there! Stop!! Taichou, wait a sec!!
You don’t plan on saying everything all by yourself, right!?
Ooh, Black! I know you all have something you wanted to say too, but I got a bit ahead of myself…!
I get how you feel, but we won’t have anything to say at this point…
Well, I wouldn’t have to talk then, so that’d be a lifesaver…
This is the last day, you know? That is why we planned to surprise the fans with each of us saying something.
But in the end, it just ended up as it always does… It is never the way we first thought it through.
now, now. we do not need to be formal about this, anyway. it is much more like us to simply do it the usual way…♪
now then, chiaki. please continue what you were saying, as our [taichou].
Yep! Thanks, Kanata.
Anyway! We were thinking of how we should show our feelings of gratitude to you, and decided to show it by contributing to the final design of the album.
It should be very clear what we did to it, so please do get the real thing and find out what it is…☆
As for us, we’ll continue holding more and more live shows that’ll cheer you right up!
I hope our voices reach you! And if they do, then please cheer for us as loud as you can! It’ll make us happy!
That’s all from us! These were our thoughts on the album’s release day!
Please keep supporting Ryuseitai~! ☆
CD Comments

It's packed with passionate songs! ☆
thank you for all the support~♪
I’m so glad we got to make 'em all into an album!
Maybe you'll find a song you like…?
Please listen to it on repeat! ☆ (shuriken)
Translation Notes
- ↑ Chiaki says “let's go” in English, written in katakana.