[ES!] Beasts

Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Epilogue - Translation Notes
Center of the World 1
Season: Winter (Before graduation season)
Location: Studio

Ossu, hello! I’m Nagumo Tetora from Ryuseitai! I’m enterin’ the studio if you don’t mind~! ☆
Ughhh, what’s with the ruckus… Is this an ambush?
Woah—! You startled me!
I was just ‘bout to ask if anybody’s in here, but then I spotted you from underneath the kotatsu, Sakuma-senpai~♪ You still haven’t gotten rid of it?
It’s Ritsu-senpai, not Sakuma-senpai. You have to get it down right.
I still feel a little cold… Like I’ll really start feeling lonely if I put this round table away… It’ll make me realize how we’re going to say our goodbyes to each other soon enough.
Anyway, you got something to do with Knights? Sorry to say, but I’m the only one here today.
Mm~… I guess I came at the wrong time. Does Knights have the day off?
Well, everyone had their own business to tend to, soo…
We had a quick meeting, practiced a bit, and then stopped for the day.
We’re an individualistic type of unit, so we’ve got days when that’s all we end up doing. …Although, we’ve been having more days when we’re all together.
Ohhh, that’s real enlightening. We’re the complete opposite from you guys. We always try our best to group up.
We’re all ‘bout “All for one, one for all.”
“The five of us together are Ryuseitai” is how we roll, after all.
Huh. Then I guess we’re something like, “Even alone, we’re still Knights.”
…But seriously, what’re you here for? Keeping up this conversation is getting exhausting.
Oh! Sorry for takin’ up your time! Umm… Is Narukami Arashi-senpai around, or…?
Nacchan? They said they wanted to run around aimlessly to let off some stress.
So they’re probably over at their club, yeah?
Ah! Oh yeah, he was in the Track & Field Club, wasn’t he? I didn’t check the running grounds…
I came straight over here once my practice session was done.
Thanks for the hint, Saku— Ritsu-senpai. I’ll go check out his club.
Right… Ah, I could text them that you’re coming over to see them first.
Although… I guess they’re still running right about now, so they probably left their phone in their bag.
Ossu! That’d help me out, thank you!
Heheh! I thought you were the type to be blunt with things, but you’re actually really nice~♪
It all depends on the time and place… I’m feeling lonely today, that’s all.
But I’ve got a question for you, uh… Tekko-kun, was it? You good friends with Nacchan, or something?
I’m not Tekko, I’m “Tetora”!
Nah, I’m not~ I’m not so good with how he talks… I haven’t ever really talked to him outside of work-related stuff!
Ahh… Yeah, it’s typical to be confused by how they talk when you aren’t used to it…
…Oh, Nacchan immediately replied back to me after I sent them a message. Looks like they’ve taken a break just now.
Oooh, then I should be able to meet him if I just go over to where he is, right? I’ll go rushing to the running grounds straight away!
Righty then, I’ll leave you alone now! Thank you so much for all your help~!
(…And he dashed off. Youngsters sure are energetic…)
(But really, why did he want to see Nacchan… Aren’t those two complete opposites? Like, I don’t think there’s any connection between the two…)
(Ah, wait… Nacchan’s been doing something society keeps expecting from them, I think…)
(If he came over to see Nacchan ‘cause of that rumor… Then he’s probably going to set Nacchan off, huh…)
Sorry, I’m back for a second longer!
Eeek—! Sheesh, you freaked me out… Why’re you back here? Did you forget something?
Ah, no… well, I guess you could say I almost forgot to do something… I brought over a blanket for you, so please use it, Ritsu-senpai~♪
Huh? Why a blanket?
Heheh, you’ve been in that kotatsu for so long that you’ll start freezing as soon as you leave it.
So if you end up sleeping inside of it, you’ll eventually get a cold.
Which is why I got you a blanket. I use this one often durin’ Ryuseitai sleepovers.
I know I’m doing somethin’ you didn’t ask for, but I just kept getting more worried.
Mmm… I’m fine, though… I’m healthy as long as I drink blood.
You can’t let your guard down like that~ It looks like everyone’s been getting a cold lately, so I want you to take care of yourself. You need to take care of your health for work~♪
Haha, sorry for talkin’ like a wise guy… Alright, I’ll leave you alone this time~♪
Yeah, bye bye~
Mmgh… This blanket stinks like a guy…
(Mmm… I don’t get that kid at all… He looks like he’s just a bit dumb, though…)
(That’s exactly why people like me, who overthink things way too much, would prefer avoiding people like him…)
(You can’t use logic to read a beast…)1
(Although… He did get worried about me, and went all the way to bring a blanket for me, so I doubt he’s all that bad.)
(But depending on the situation — a good kid, a reasonable argument, or even a white lie can sometimes hurt someone’s feelings.)
(It feels like something bad’s gonna happen… I’m seriously starting to get worried.)
Center of the World 2
Location: Running Grounds

Heeeeey, Arashi-saaaaaan! I see you showed up for the club todaaay! It’s Mamaaaaaaa! ☆
…There’s really no need to yell. I can tell it’s you from a hundred kilometers away, Mama. You do realize you’re incredibly huge, right?

Hahaha! You’re unusually in a bad mood, huuuh?
Mm~… If you of all people noticed with one glance, even when you’re so thick headed… then this is a much more serious case of depression than I thought.
Gosh, I’d really rather not be seen in an awful mood…
But the thing is… Graduation season and Repayment Festival is in just a few weeks, right?
So I suppose even I’ve been feeling gloomy about everything?
That isn’t the only reason, is it?
I heard about that job you took… Buuut everyone loved it, so what about it upsets you?
Well, I guess it’d be a little too dense of me if I seriously asked you that…
I know I’m waaay too late in saying this, buuut I don’t think you should’ve taken that job in the first place, y’know?
It was a photo album that emphasizes your cool, manly side, right?
The sales were off the charts with all sooorts of good reviews, weren’t they? Even my shut-in2 little sister knew about it.
Hm? You have a sister, Mama?
My incompetent sister… She’s the complete opposite of me, and I don’t really understand her. Plus, she’s mentally fragile and never leaves her room.
Ahaha, that really is the complete opposite of you, who’s always traveling all over the world~
Yeaaah, we’re complete strangers to each other’s worlds… But aaanyway, enough about my life; we’re talking about you right now, Arashi-san.
A job that emphasizes your manliness… Isn’t that the sorta thing you’d haaate to do?
Mm… I mean, I should be super happy, since my beauty was appreciated by everyone…
And the positive reviews are bound to be a blessing, especially if I plan to continue working as part of Knights…
Even Izumi-chan praised me for it. For once, he genuinely told me I did a good job.
I shouldn’t be upset at all. I should be twirling around in excitement. That’s how I roll… That’s how Narukami Arashi would react.
At this point, I wouldn’t feel hurt at all by people’s words, whether it’s telling me I’m manly or cool… Or hurtful things, like “disgusting” or “shitty okama”3…
No matter what anyone says, I love myself most.
That’s how it should be, but… I can’t help but feel so discontent.
Mmm~ Yeah, this really is a serious case, huuuh…
There’s only one thing I can say here: If you need my help, I’ll do whatever it takes for you.
If you wanna continue pursuing manliness and get more praise, theeen I can help you out.
I myself tend to get good reviews for that sorta thing, sooo I could share my advice with you on how to expand your horizons.
But if you can’t stand to be in a position where all people want from you is manliness, then I’ll destroy anything and everything that forces you to do that.
You’ve got two options! I’m terrible at taking precautions, sooo it’s gonna be all or nothing from me! Alrighty then, what’s it gonna be!?
When you get involved, everything is taken care of in a flash without me even getting involved, and I don’t like that…
So as always, I choose neither.
I’ll find a middle ground for myself. …Besides, Mama, aren’t you busy now that we’re reaching graduation? Do you even have the time to take care of others right now?
Hahaha! I’m in a solo unit, so I’ve got nooothing to do with all those generation change problems. I’m taking it pretty easy lately~♪
Huh… I suppose you have countless options to choose from for your future career, too. …Hm?
Heyaa~! Nice to meet you, Narukami-senpai! I’m Nagumo Tetora from Ryuseitai! ☆
Mhm. Ritsu-chan sent me a message, so I knew you’d be coming. …But why did you want to see me?
Ossu! The truth is, I wanna learn the secrets to manliness from you, Narukami-senpai!
…I thought so. It’s basically a catchphrase at this point for you to mention how your dream is to be a “man among men”, isn’t it?
Huh…? Erm, how come you know so much about me?
Ufufu, I love hard-working boys, after all.
And you’re the epitome of one… So I’ve had my eyes on you, Tetora-chan. ♪
I-I’m not a fan of being called by “-chan”, to be honest…
Oh my, how rude of me. It’s not manly after all, is it? …Hmm~ What shall we do here, hm?
I don’t have any plans for today, so I could spend time with you, but…
Are you sure you want it from me? I think there are people much more suitable for this out there…?
I assume you saw my photo album, but… This is how I usually am, you know? I’m not quite sure if I can teach you the secrets to manliness.
Ossu! I totally saw your photo album. You looked super duper awesome!
I admire the way you were like, oozing manliness…!
That’s the sorta manly guy I wanna be! So please, teach me your ways!
……Alright, fine. If you really want it that badly, I’ll teach you. I always make sure to pamper any junior that comes my way.
Let’s see now… Okay then, let’s start with step one, Tetora-chan.
“In order to grasp manliness, one must learn the ways of a woman”…♪
Center of the World 3
Location: Fancy Shop

Come in, Tetora-chan. Welcome to a whole new world~♪
Um, like I said before, I’d really like it if you didn’t call me by “-chan”.
I know I’m being picky, but it makes me feel like you’re treating me like a li'l kid, so I don’t really like it.
Ah, so that’s what you don’t like about it.
My bad… But to me, all the first years in school are still adooorable little children.
Don’t worry about it too much. Kids are called cute no matter their gender.
See, I’ve been modeling since I was young, and was pushed around by the harshness of society, so I had no choice but to grow up and be more like an adult…
But looking back, it makes me wish I enjoyed my youth just a little bit more…
Huh, so that’s how it is… Personally, I’m envious of how mature my seniors are.
I wonder what sets us apart from each other… We’re not even that far apart in age.
Hm… Isn’t it because we’ve got the “senior” label on us?
Being an adult has nothing to do with age, Tetora-cha— Tetora-kun~♪
People change to suit their current situation, so labels make it easier for them to become that very thing.
How about you try labeling yourself as “man among men”? It may feel a little awkward at first, but you’ll become one before you know it.
A label, huh…
Maybe I could earn that title if I win in the Dragon King Competition? It’s the manliest DreamFes in school.
Oh no, no. It’s much easier than that.
Just ask Anzu-chan or someone like her to do it for you. The next time you get featured in a magazine, make them mention that you’re a “man among men.”
Uu~myu… But that just feels like I’m cheating…
Like, I’d be tricking everyone into thinking I’m a man among men… I’m sure Taishou would only say that I’m letting the label define me.
Ufufu, it’s fine if it’s like that at the start. You’ll slowly fit the label perfectly in time.
Ooh… I’m learnin’ a lot.
You said you’ve been modeling since you were young, right? I feel like that’s what makes you seem so experienced, Narukami-senpai.
Fufu, it’s nothing to be proud of in front of a crowd… I don’t have any wise things to say, since I’ve still got a lot to learn by myself.
But you’ve asked me to teach you the secrets to being manly, so I’m going to do it. I always do my job properly.
Not that I’m really interested in this, honestly… I mean, wouldn’t you get your answer faster if you asked your Mr. “Taishou,” or your seniors from Ryuseitai about this?
Mmm… We’re reaching graduation soon, so I don’t really wanna bother my third-year seniors.
Ah! That doesn’t mean I thought it’s okay to bother you instead, though!
Ahaha, nobody said that, you know~? You’re pretty cautious with these things, despite how you seem.
Mmm… I’m more girly and delicate4 than I seem, y’see…
That’s okay, being aware of it means you can work on it.
And so, just go with the flow and follow my word. ♪
First things first: Make yourself look as pretty and adorable as possible with anything in this shop.
I’ll give you some pointers, but you should mainly choose with your own taste.
Huh…? Uhh… I’m sorry, but I don’t really get it! How’s this gonna help me…? I’m tryna be more manly…
I won’t get anything from being cute… I’m aiming for the opposite direction, y’know?
Now, now! Don’t think, just act! That’s much more manly~♪
Uu~… Alright, I’ll put my trust in you and do as you say.
Mhm, good luck~ You’ve got thirty minutes, okay? I’ll be buying stuff in the meantime~♪
Oh my! They’re already having a spring sale! Kyaa~! I hope I have the money!
(…Mmm~ I feel like I’m on a date with an older lady… It’s makin’ me a little restless.)
(Oh, right. I only have thirty minutes, so I’d better get moving fast.)
(But… I don’t really know what I’m supposed to look for to be cute…?)
(I guess makeup…? Since I doubt the clothes here fit my size…)
(Ah! Maybe if I wear these animal ears…?)
(Uu~myu, I look stupid! It just looks like I’m tryna do some kinda act!)
(Gahh! I didn’t expect things to go like this at all…!! I really dunno what to do!!)
(I mean… when he said that I gotta “learn the ways of a woman,” my heart started racing with all kinds’a images…)
(So this was completely unexpected… But I’m glad it wasn’t like that.)
(E-Everything’ll go okay, right…? I’m trusting you, Narukami-senpai! I want you to make me into a man among men!)
(Ahaha, he’s really struggling~)
(You’re so earnest, Tetora-kun… It’s suuuper cute~♪)
(But now I feel bad… It feels like I’m tricking a pure, innocent boy.)
(His words actually really set me off earlier, so I just said whatever on the spot.)
(I thought maybe I could make him carry my shopping bags for me…)
(But he’s much more serious about this than I thought. I can tell just by looking at his expression… Just why is he working so hard for this?)
(Is there even a need for manliness in this current age…?)
Center of the World 4
(Humming) Hmhmhm~…♪
…Mm? My my, who’s the naughty kid poking my shoulder~?
Ah, it really was you! Hi~ Anzu-chan! As always, you’re much quicker to move than talk, aren’t you? You shouldn’t make physical contact with me, okay?
But I’ll let it slide, since it’s you… Ufufu, we come across each other in this shop often, don’t we?
We’re both regulars here, aren’t we~? It’s got the best items in the neighborhood, after all. ♪
Are you here to shop, too? Of course you are, since you’re such a cute girl!
Let’s look at the spring selection together, shall we? I wonder what’s trending this year…?
Look, don’t you think this would suit you? Or maybe it’s too childish…?
Gosh, there I go again… I can’t help but see you as my little sister, even though we’re the same age!
Fufu, you’re going to be the only senior in the producer course in the next term, so~
Maybe it’s best that you go for a more mature look, so that they don’t underestimate you?
How about wearing stylish glasses? It’ll make you look super mature. ♪
There’s been a lot of cute glasses lately~ My vision has always been perfect, so I never noticed the selection.
Mhm, I have 20/20 vision. Adonis-chan even told me that having such great eyesight and being a fast runner would make me an excellent hunter.
…Was that him complimenting me…? Then again, he’s never the type to say anything rude.
Mm? Gosh, Anzu-chan… don’t tug on me, okay?
What’s wrong, is there something you’d like to tell me?
…Ahh! I completely forgot about Tetora-kun! I got so caught up in browsing the shop…!
How terrible of me… Hasn’t an hour passed by now?
Hm, hm… He was worried about me?
You so happened to spot him, and after you heard him out, you went looking for me in the store…?
I’m so sorry! I got really into the conversations I had with the manager…
She even showed me the storage room full of all the new upcoming stuff!
Do you know where Tetora-kun is right now? Eh? In the dressing room?
Did he get too embarrassed to go out wearing a cute outfit?
(Oh my gosh, he seriously did what I told him to do…?)
(I thought he was just going through some random teenage dilemma…)
(Unlike me, who’s mentally and emotionally suffering from gender-related problems—)
(I thought he was just babbling about becoming manly for some silly, childish reason.)
(And if I told him whatever random thing that came to mind, he’d feel ridiculed and stomp back home in frustration… since I figured his worry is nothing serious.)
(After all, our worries are fundamentally different in every way… Yet he still went ahead and hit a sensitive nerve.)
(That’s why I got upset, and did something cruel to him in retaliation.)
(But you’re telling me he actually believed in me through and through…?)
(…Ugh! Just who is the childish one here, huh!? I’m such an idiot!)
Oh gosh, I’m so sorry, Anzu-chan…… Could you show me where Tetora-kun is?
Ah, that dressing room over there?
Tetora-kuuun! I’m so sorry for forgetting all about you and leaving you on your own! I want to make it up to you! If you forgive me, I’ll guide you much more seriously this time, so—
Ah! Narukami-senpai…?
Yes, it’s me. Umm, I can’t see you, but… How’s it going? May I open the curtains?
O-Ossu! ‘S all good! C’mon in!
Y-You sound a bit overwhelmed…? Umm, then I’m going to check, okay…?

Ossu! This is the absolute best I could do, Narukami-senpai!
I-I didn’t pass, did I?
I couldn’t figure out the best choice by myself, so when I spotted Anzu-Anego by chance, I asked for her advice!
…Is that true, Anzu-chan?
Ossu! She got really into it midway and turned me into her dress-up doll!
This can be said about fans too, but… Girls can be a li'l scary sometimes!
Ahaha, in the world of beasts and insects, the female is more likely to be the cruel predator… Maybe human beings are the same, too?
Anyway, mhm… You look a lot better than I thought you would.
You passed just fine. Even if Anzu-chan helped you, cross-dressing guys don’t always look so put-together.
Fufu, I was going to make you wear an embarrassing outfit, and have you carry my shopping bags around the street…
I wanted to hurt you, you know? Because I felt hurt by your words.
But an eye for an eye just isn’t beautiful at all… I was such an idiot — There’s no hope for me if I turn ugly on the inside.
I take it all back. I’m so sorry, Tetora-kun, you can change back into your clothes, okay?
O-Ossu! Next is walkin’ around the street in these clothes, right!?
Gotcha! Nagumo Tetora’s gonna do his absolute best! I’ll put every effort into it! The black flame is the mark of effort…!
Huh? Huh…!?
I’m off! Sorry, but I’ll have to give you my wallet, so please pay for me!
Oooohh~! I only mess up when I overthink stuff, so the best thing to do here is to charge through without a second thought~!
Go for it, me! Become a man among men…!
Wh— Hold on, Tetora-kun! Listen to what I have to say first…!
Center of the World 5
Location: Shopping Center

Huff, huff… Tetora-kuuun!! Where did you go!?
(…Shoot! I completely lost sight of him!)
(How’d he outrun me — I’m from the Track & Field Club! I only took a few minutes at the cashier!)
(Ahh, why did this have to happen…?)
(He relied on me… He believed in me, and politely asked for my help…)
(But all I did was lash out at him for asking me how to be “manly”.)
(He didn't even do anything wrong… He was just trying to get closer to his ideal image…)
(…Now I'm just acting like an evil queen from some fairy tale…)
(I’m exactly like everyone who’s hurt me. All I was doing was turning him into a toy for laughs, making fun of him, then leaving him to rot, just like them—)
Heeey!! Arashi-saaaaaan!!
…!? Mama!
Yep, that's meee! And your friend's here, too! ♪
Yo, Nacchaaan~…♪
Ritsu-chan! My, were you two close? I never thought I'd see you two together.
Not really, but Mikejimaman is my brother’s successor, or something… He's like his pupil, so sometimes he comes over to our turf at home.
We kinda know each other through that, and I talk to him if I ever see him. I went to check up on you ‘cause I got worried, and found Mikejimaman doing the same.
So we decided to check if you’re doing okay together… Except it's super tiring to walk, so I made him carry me.
We got here real quick, and it was a steady ride on top of him. You deserve some praise for being such an excellent horse~♪
Hahaha, this is just light work! O Knight, I’m so honored by your praise!
…Although, the “man” in “Mikejimaman” makes me sound waaay too much like a hero…
Ermm… Well, see, a lot’s happened, and now I don't know where Tetora-kun's gone.
If it's alright with you two, could you help me find him?
He was really embarrassed in the dressing room, that he couldn’t get himself to leave… But then he misunderstood something I said to him, so now he’s running around town.
He’s going to get even more embarrassed once he snaps out of it — or worse, it'll traumatize him… He may severely get hurt from this, even though he's such an honest, good kid.
Mm… It'll be okay, just take a deep breath. This isn't like you, y’know?
Yeah, I know it’s tough to do this, but you have to calm down first. Making a hasty decision could result in an even greater disaster.
Mhm. Calm yourself down, analyze the situation, and deal with it accordingly.
First, that Nagumo kid should have a phone, right? Did you try calling him?
I mean, he's not an animal. It's not like you have to try and chase after him.
Ah… Yes, I did think of doing that at first, but—
His phone was in the wallet he gave me to pay for his clothes…
Why would you put a phone in a wallet…
He seems like the careless type, so he must prefer to put everything important in one place… I bet if he didn't, he’d probably lose one of them whenever he’s outside.
Hm, so he's not carrying a phone right now.
This makes finding him a biiit harder… Doesn't mean there isn't a way around this, though.
Let's split up and look for him in the area.
I'll go through each place he could've gone to, and send you any info I get from people who've seen him.
Mikejimaman, can't you get a police dog on the job? We'd find him easily through scent… I mean, he smells a pretty specific way, doesn't he?
Hm… I don’t really like to rely on my dad, but I’ll ask him to bring one over.
Um, don't make a fuss over this, okay…?
It's not like an actual crime happened… If we make a big deal out of this, he might feel even more ashamed of himself.
Yeah, I’m aware. We’re doing this to keep ourselves at ease — It’s not something for the police to deal with.
Still… This is a reaaally serious problem. We can’t just leave it alone.
We'll solve this ASAP, together! With rapid speed!
Yes! Thank you, it sure is wonderful to have reliable seniors and friends. ♪
Ahaha, no need for thanks. This is me repaying you for always taking care of me. You shouldn't have any reservations around a vampire anyway. We aren't good with running water5…
Yep! Also, it's Mama's duty to help his adooorable daughter…☆
Ahaha… Wow, you're so reliable, I could almost cry…♪
Center of the World 6
So, did Tetora-kun come back?
I had you wait at the store in case he gets embarrassed and rushes back…
…I see, so he hasn’t. He seems the type to charge through without ever looking back whenever he starts to overthink things.
That’s a wonderful trait to have, but it’s just a burden on us right now.
I can’t figure out his next move… I doubt he’s even acting on logic. He’s like an animal, just as his name states.6
…Mhm, you stay here and act as a communication point for everyone looking for him.
You take the lead and tell us what’s best to do here, like our control tower.
After all, you’ve proven to be proficient at that role for a long time now… “Producer”-chan. And we won’t be as efficient if we work without proper coordination.
I’ll keep looking around the place. I already checked the main street, so another area he could be in is… the alleyway, maybe?
Usually, I’d never get near these places because they’re so dirty, damp, and moldy… but I have to make sacrifices here.
I’ll just quickly take a look around those areas.
Hm? “Be careful, Onee-chan”?
Good point. It’s pretty safe around here, but alleyways are a different story… there might be some delinquents.
But don’t you worry! I can protect myself just fine. I’m my very own biggest treasure, I would do anything to protect my life.
Don’t worry about me, okay? Just message me if Tetora-kun comes back, or if the others have more information on the situation.
Okay, I’ll see you soon, Anzu-chan. I know you were just enjoying your time shopping around, so I’m really sorry to have involved you in this mess.
(Right then… I tried to sound composed when talking to Anzu-chan, but alleyways really are scary…)
(Maybe I should bring Mama along instead of going in alone, since he’s a strong fighter.)
(……Hm? H-Huh? I think there’s some people arguing in the alleyway…?)
(Gosh, I can’t see a thing in this dark place!)
(…Wha!? Are those awful-looking guys crowding around a girl…!? Oh no—!)
(Wait, is that… Tetora-kun?)
(Yeah, actually, I recognize that outfit! Those are the new clothes from that shop!)
(Did they corner him because they got grossed out by a guy wearing a dress…?)
(Are they making fun of him? Bullying him and pushing him around…?)
(…! No, I can’t let that happen! Tetora-kun doesn’t deserve to be picked on!)
(Because all of this is my fault…!)
(I’m the one who tried to turn him into a toy just to relieve my stress! I’m the one who stepped on his pure-hearted feelings!)

Hey, you…!!
Get away from that girl right this instant! Don’t you dare touch her with your filthy hands!
(…Alright! I scared them away.)
(I’m so glad my breathing exercises came in handy! Anyone would flinch if they heard a shout that ear-piercingly loud!)
(I’m relieved that I didn’t need to get into a fistfight with them, too… I wouldn’t have been able to, anyway — committing violence is a fatal blow to an idol’s career.)
(I’d much rather settle things through vicious threats. That’s why animals usually growl at each other, after all.)
(But still, I should learn to do better… Shouting is just another form of violence, so I fail as an idol either way. Gosh, I still have so much to learn, don’t I?)
(You’d think I’d be more experienced by now if I felt comfortable enough to act like a grown-up — like a distinguished senior should be…)
(…Oh! Never mind me, I need to check on Tetora-kun—)
Tetora-kun! Are you alright? They didn’t hurt you, did they?
(Wait, huh? Now that those delinquents are gone, I can see better, but… This isn’t Tetora-kun, is it?)
(It was genuinely a girl all along… Huh…? So it was all a coincidence that she was wearing the same trendy clothes as him?)
Woah! Don’t cling to me…
You must’ve been so scared… There, there. ♪
Don’t worry, you’re safe. The scary people are gone now.
My acquaintance knows someone from the police department, so we’ll have his help in keeping you safe.
Don’t cry… Everything’s all okay now, I promise. There’s no need to worry. ♪
Eeek!? Huh? Tetora-kun!?
Ossu! Are you alright, Narukami-senpai!? I’m here to help!
Anzu-Anego told me that you were arguing with some delinquents in an alleyway…!
U-Umm, yes… But everything’s okay. I drove them all away, as you can see. I rescued the girl they were picking on, too. ♪
Ah, I’m so glad to hear that! A lady shouldn’t be doing something so dangerous, okay?
Huh? Erm, but she ended up getting surrounded by them… They’re the ones at fault, you know?
Anyway, where did you head off to, Tetora-kun? I was so worried about you!
Ossu, I’m so sorry… I just ran all over the place like crazy.
Then before I knew it, I ended up somewhere I didn’t even know, without a clue on how to get back.
That’s when Mikejima-senpai showed up with a dog and picked me up.
He brought me back to the shop Anzu-Anego was waitin’ at.
Mikejima-senpai’s awesome! He had the dog sit on his lap and made me cling to his back, and then rode us back here on his motorbike in a split second!
Um, that sounds like a whole bunch of law violations, but…
Mama’s as quick as ever. He really is the perfect person for emergencies — He managed to find you in a blink of an eye.
Yup… He came to my rescue in such a heroic fashion.
I expect nothing less from the person Taichou respects~ I’m still nowhere near my seniors’ level.
Center of the World 7
Um, so where’s Mama right now? He could do something really bad if we don’t keep an eye on him… Just the thought of it scares me.
(Hmm… But it’s him we’re talking about, so he’s probably dealing with the delinquents that ran off…)
(He might be warning them to keep quiet about this…)
(I mean, it’s a good precaution, but… It feels wrong, like we’re trying to cover up a scandal or something… Gosh, nothing good comes from violence.)
Um, Narukami-senpai… Mikejima-senpai told me ‘bout you while we were getting here…
I’m so sorry! I’m such an idiot…! I was so selfish! I never once considered your feelings!
Huh? Um… But I’m the one who’s supposed to say sorry…?
No! Please let me apologize for everything! Please forgive me!
Wh— Don’t kneel on the ground in this dirty alleyway! You’ll get your clothes dirty!
I can just wash them later! But hurting someone emotionally could ruin their whole life…!
I’m so, so sorry! Narukami-senpai, you hated how I called you “manly,” didn’t you…?
Of course you would’ve… You talk like a lady, after all…
Not just that… I may not completely get it, but you’re a woman inside, right…?
So it must’ve been painful for you to know everyone wants to see you be “manly,” right…?
And then I come in and start praising you for being “manly” like an idiot, and asking you shamelessly to teach me how to be one…
I’m so sorry… Please forgive me, Narukami-senpai.
Lift your head up, Tetora-kun.
It’s fine, I forgive you. I was awful to you too, so let’s call it even between us.
If both of us have forgiven each other after enough apologies…
Only then will I teach you the secrets to manliness again.
Step two: Forget all those things the world keeps saying about men, like “A man shouldn’t bow his head down to just anyone, should never show his tears”…
Who cares? That sort of thing is complete crap, even if some wise know-it-all wrote a book about it.
Haha, I just talked really indecently…
The point is, you apologized to me properly, without a care for your clothes… That’s what makes you look incredibly manly and amazing right now.
So Tetora-kun… Lift your head up. It’s true that I was a little hurt, but I’m alright now.
Oh my, you’re crying really hard. Stay still; I’ll wipe your tears off with a handkerchief.
Uuu, sniff… I’m sorry! But I really just don’t like being treated like a kid!
Ugh, I shouldn’t be talking after everything I’ve done to you…!
Mhm, you’re still just a kid… still just a boy. But that’s why you’ll eventually become a man if you keep working hard and growing.
I’m honestly envious… No matter how much I want it, and no matter how hard I try… I could never become the beautiful woman I dream to be.
But even if that’s true… I won’t let it depress me. I won’t whine about it anymore. I love myself most, no matter who I am.
Anyone who can love themselves like that is charming, no matter their gender… Don’t you think so?
…Yeah. I think so too. I wanna be like you, Narukami-senpai.
I was so impatient… Soon enough, Taishou and Taichou… All our seniors are gonna graduate.
I wanted to become a great man before then… so that they could leave without any worries. But I’m just not gettin’ there. I’m still nowhere near that ideal… Still just stuck running in circles.
I’m so pathetic.
(Ahh… Right, we’re reaching that time of the year…)
(Gosh… I’m seriously such an idiot. He really is just an earnest kid.)
(He never, ever meant to make fun of me.)
(He was just restless, and it made him shortsighted… He just didn’t pay attention to what’s going on, that’s all.)
(Just like how I was, when I thought that girl was him…)
(Tetora-kun… We’ve still got a long way to go, haven’t we?)
(Our seniors are still so worried about us, that they can’t get themselves to leave just yet.)
(That’s why… We should grow up. We don’t have much time, but…)
(Let’s work hard to the very end — until we’re much, much closer to our ideal selves.)
(Let’s stand tall, and see our seniors off with pride.)
(We’ll see them off… as they leave the world for children, and completely become adults.)
Location: Classroom 1-A

A few days later…
You’re in a good mood, huh, Tetora-kun…?
Hm? You think so~? Well, I did have a wonderful encounter the other day~♪
Huh? Did you get a girlfriend or something…?
Oh, no, no! That’s far outta my league… But well, I did get to know a really charming lady!
Whoa, I was only joking… A-Are you for real…? Wow, so you’re actually in love, Tetora-kun…
Nah, it’s not like that! Besides, wouldn’t you be the one with all sortsa romantic stories?
You’re such a popular guy, too~ Didn’t you get the most chocolates out of all of us in Ryuseitai on Valentine’s Day?
Uu~… I don’t really have any interest in that right now… Romance is such a pain…
Ohh, you talk like you’re experienced!
I’m not, though… There’s just no time for love affairs right now… Not when it’s graduation season, the most depressing time of all…
I just wanna skip past this point already…
I wanna time travel to the future when I’ve gotten through all the goodbyes and sorted my feelings out… Everything sucks right now… I wanna die…
Ahaha, you’ll never sort through your feelings at that rate, Midori-kun.
You shouldn’t look away — You gotta face this stuff head on.
There’s no use complaining ‘bout it. Right now, we should let our seniors know how we feel while they’re still around.
Even if it’s hard to do it right, I wanna make sure I convey my feelings.
You’re so brave, Tetora-kun… I can’t even stand the thought of it…
Jeez, Midori-kun! You’re not gonna get anywhere if you keep running away!
Maybe that’s how you can avoid pain, and maybe that’s easier for you in the end, but personally, I just feel like that method’s empty and lonely.
Tetora-kuuun~ Are you ready?
Ah, yes! I’m coming, Narukami-senpai~♪
Huh…? Isn’t that person from Knights…? Were you on good terms with them, Tetora-kun?
Ahh, yeah, just recently! She’s teaching me the secrets to manliness~ I’m gonna do some training for that today, too!
Ehehe, Narukami-senpai’s been helping me so much…
We may even end up in a magazine together! She’ll try and recommend me as the next manly candidate!
Wha—? They’re teaching you about manliness?
A-Are they okay with that…? Don’t they, like, um… dislike that kinda stuff…?
Yeah, I didn’t understand that at first and ended up hurting her… But I’ve learned my lesson, and I don’t intend on ever doing it again.
The first step to becoming manly is to learn all about women, after all.
I’ll never be able to reach the right answer by researching one side of the coin.
It’s ‘cuz we have darkness that light stands out, so it’s ‘cuz women exist that I’ll be able to grasp what it means to be a man.
…Well, I say all’a that, but even I don’t fully understand it right now.
But I felt somethin’ light up in me. I know for sure I can become a man among men if I keep at it!
One day, I’ll even become a man who can proudly stand in front of Taishou and Taichou — to everyone, even the Sun itself!
Huh… I don’t fully get it, but you do seem a little different lately…
Our classmates have been saying the same, too…
That you look much more mature…
Huh? Really?
I’ve started to use cute accessories from fancy shops on a daily basis, so if anything, I feel like I’ve been lookin’ much more childish lately…?
Ahh, yeah, you’ve been using a lot of cute stuff lately, haven’t you…
I was in over my head to think it was ‘cause of me and my love for mascots, huh…? It was actually ‘cause of them…
It’s ‘cuz of you, too, Midori-kun~ I didn’t like that sorta stuff in the past much, though, ‘cuz I thought it looked kinda wimpy.
But… Being good at violence, or having lots of muscles isn’t the only way to prove your strength, right?
Being kind enough to laugh off and forgive your junior for making a dumb mistake is also a sign of strength.
I wanna be strong like that, too.
Instead of forcibly scrapin’ off my effeminate parts, I wanna turn it into a strength like kindness — And then I’ll wrap myself in it, and grow into a great man.
Just like her. First things first: I gotta start learning to love that side of myself~♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ Originally, Ritsu says “You won’t get anywhere playing Shogi with an animal.”
- ↑ Originally, Madara refers to his sister as a Hikikomori, which is a term to refer to people who are withdrawn from society, especially in public.
- ↑ Okama is a Japanese derogatory term used towards effeminate men.
- ↑ Usually I translate 女々しい memeshii as sensitive/soft, but considering this story is related to gender, I decided it’d be best to keep it literal (the literal meaning is effeminate/like a girl).
- ↑ “Reserved” in Japanese is lit. “watery,” hence why Ritsu mentions that vampires aren't good with running water.
- ↑ Tetora's name lit. means "Iron Tiger". (It's also in his solo song title, IRON HEART TIGER).