Rainbow – Chiaki Produce Course: Snoring

Ooh, Transfer student! What's up, what's wrong? Do you have business with Sagami-sensei?
He just left his seat to go buy some alcohol.
Personally, I'd rather he doesn't drink so much… But he told me it's to relieve stress…
Why, by watching tokusatsu shows, of course…!
Huh? But I watch that even if I'm not feeling stressed…?
Yep! That's why stress doesn't affect me! Fuhahahaha…! ☆
Mhm, mhm! You think so too, right!?
Honestly, I feel like it isn't a good idea to drink this early in the day in the first place.
…Mhm! I'm going to stop him after all! I'm leaving the infirmary in your care, Transfer student!

Transfer student? We're coming across each other a lot in the infirmary lately.
Did you injury yourself in some predicament? If so, just call for me as loud as you can!
Just shout "Please save me, Hero!", and I'll come rushing for you no matter where you are!
Hm, so Kunugi-sensei asked you to do this? I can't be the one to take these, so I'll call over Sagami-sensei.
Ahh, he told me to watch over the place while he goes to the nearby convenience store.
I'll be back soon enough, so I'll leave the place to you for now, Transfer student!
Ah, no, I'd still rush to your need if you shouted, "save me, Morisawa-senpai!"
But "hero" is just so much cooler, and it makes me happy to be called that!
You can call me "hero" anytime you like~♪

Mm? Why is the transfer student in my home…?
Huh!? Wait, this isn't my home, it's the infirmary!? Sorry, I think I was still half-asleep!
Mm~… I had a little fever, so I took cold medicine.
As you know, medicine is extremely effective on me.
I simply felt sleepy as a side-effect, that's all! You don't need to worry about me!
Oh, really? So my snoring is like Sagami-sensei's…♪
—Wait! You've heard him snore before?
Guhh, I've never heard it before, though…! That's a little frustrating!