Ninja Clan – Midori Mini Talk: Relaxing Gameplay

Um… Let's get close slowly, and fling my net on the bug at the right moment… slooowly…
Crap, it ran away… I think I did it a bit too early…
Ah, good afternoon. I have my meeting with you today, right?
Ah, yeah, I was. You get to decorate an island and craft stuff in this game. It's pretty fun.
Me and Harukawa-kun were gonna play together today, so I brought my console to school.
Hmm, have you…? Ermm, let's see, we have our meeting at the half hour mark, which is ten minutes from now.
Morisawa-senpai always says stuff like, "It's only natural to be ten minutes early to a job as a working adult!", so I think you're right on time.
Oh, that's already a lifesaver. I'm not gonna have enough time for another meeting 'cause of my solo work, so…
Um, so I have another gravure photoshoot to do, huh? I feel like I've been getting those often lately…1
How about you also try playing this game, Anzu-san? There are other students playing it, too.
You can take your time progressing in the game, and you get to fish or dig around for stuff, and even make your own designs for stuff.
And what's more, all the characters are soft-looking and soothing to the eyes.
Yeah, or well, they're called villagers in the game.
I get to have a nickname from them whenever I become good friends with one of them, which is kinda nice.
Um, you can also grow your own flowers, or travel to other places.
You can even buy souvenirs on your travels, so I feel like I get to enjoy life itself through the game…♪
It is, right? I tend to lose track of time whenever I fish.
Sigh… I just remembered the big catch I failed to get yesterday… Man, I could've caught me a good one…
Oh yeah, there was a game Tetora-kun recommended me to play with him…
Um, I think it's this one? Lemme download it…
Eep—! What's with this giant on the screen…? There's a few characters carrying a weapon in their hands, too… T-This is terrifying!
Hm? Do you play this game, Anzu-san?
Huh, if you recommend playing it too, then I guess I'll give it a shot…
I'm sorry for surprising you… I'm alright now.
Um, I think the tutorial started or something? I guess I'll just get through this first…
Oh yeah, you reminded me that my stylist mentioned playing this game…
They said their favorite character is the one who takes photos, but I dunno which character that is.
Translation Notes
- ↑ Obligatory note, since googling “gravure” often results in risque modeling—The type of gravure modeling this refers to is more akin to the fanservice of looking cool or suave in photoshoots to appeal to the viewers.