Ninja Clan – Epilogue
Mentions of stalking.
Location: Empty Classroom

A week later…
……Nobody is showing up.
(It’s been a week since the performance, which means today is the deadline that Isara-dono gave me.)
(If I don’t manage to secure at least one new member by today, the Ninja Association will be disbanded forever.)
…Mm. Not much I can do anymore… Saddening as it is.
(But I’ve done everything I could—I had everyone’s help in bringing out the best of the best from me.)
(It is truly a shame that it still brought no success, but… I can proudly say that I tried as hard as I could.)
Sigh… I’ll no longer be able to call this empty classroom my hangout, huh…
Ahaha, the marks on this part of the wall take me back~ Those are from the time I accidentally slipped during a backflip and scratched it.
One of the teachers scolded me for that when they found out… It was really terrifying~
…and I won’t even be able to have memories like that anymore…
I’m satisfied knowing I did as much as I could, but… It’s still rather depressing…
…Getting lost in my thoughts won’t do me any good, however.
Mmm. Alright, it’s about time I report to Isara-dono.
—? Umm? Did I hear a knock on the door just now…? Did Isara-dono grow tired of waiting for me and came over instead?
Yes, who is it~? Is it you, Isara-dono?

(…? Um…? Who is this person? Based on his necktie, he must be an upperclassman, but I don’t recognize him…)
(—Hm? I could’ve sworn I’ve seen him somewhere, though… Very recently, even…)
Ah! Now I remember! You’re from ALKALOID!
Y-Y-Yes! M-my d-deepest apologies. Yes… I’m Ayase Mayoi from ALKALOID…
Ahaha, I couldn’t recognize you at all in your student uniform. I apologize for not immediately recalling who you were!
Huh!? No, nonono! It’s all my fault for being barely noticeableeeee…!!
I’ll be sure to make my presence clearer by constantly making noise!
Ah, erm… That would simply cause trouble to others, so I think it’s best to avoid doing that…
That said, why are you here, Ayase-dono?
This may be an empty classroom, but it’s currently being used by the Ninja Association.
Y-Yes! T-That is why I’m here…
Umm… H-Here, p-please take this…
Hm? This says… “Club entry form”…?
Ahh, you’d like to be enlisted? And here I thought I was being evicted from this room in order to disba—
Wait, what!? Y-Y-Y-Y-You’d like to be enlisted!?
Does that mean you’ll join me!? In the Ninja Association!?
I’ve been enthralled by you ever since I saw you at the MDM1, Shinobu-kyu—I mean, Shinobu-san. Since then, I’ve had my eyes on you twenty-four-seven!
…? Had your eyes on me…?
I-I-I-I’m s-s-s-so sorryyyyyy!! I-I misspoke!! I swear to you I wasn’t tailing after you to eavesdrop or peep at what you’re doing, reallyyyyy!!
D-Don’t worry! I wasn’t thinking anything like that.
Umm… Oh, yes, I know—You see, I was following your activities, Shinobu-san.
I eventually discovered that you were going to perform a live show, so I went to watch it.
Huh!? You even watched our performance!?
Yes, of course I would! I gazed at every single movement you performed until it was burned straight into my very eyes!
You were watching with that much enthusiasm!?
Yes! With as much passion you could possibly imagine! How you look while singing and dancing with all your might is so out of this world and adora—
No, no, what I mean is… I was moved—Yes, that’s the word. My jaw simply dropped upon seeing your performance, Shinobu-san.
Your never-ending love for ninjas even instilled a deep interest in them within me.
That is why I gathered up my courage and came here in hopes of joining the Ninja Association…
Eeep…!! I-I was a bother all along, wasn’t I…!? I-I-I’m so sorryyyyy!! I’m so sorry someone as lowly as me wishes to join your cluuuubbb!!
No, not at all~! I’m so happy… I’m super duper happy!
Let’s talk all about ninjas together from here on out!
Yes! If possible, I’d love to talk about you with ninjas!
Hm? What was that about me?
Ahh, no, it’s nothing. It was simply a slip of the tongue… Please don’t mind me.
Um… Does this mean that you accept me as a club member…?
Of course! It’s very nice to meet you, Ayase-dono! I hope we can get along!
I welcome you to the Ninja Association!
Translation Notes
- ↑ MDM happens at the end of August and is shown in the first main story of ES!! era. During Ryuseitai's performance, there was a scene of Mayoi spotting Shinobu performing. You'll find it in part 5, chapter name Hostage.