Ninja Clan – Demonstrating the Elements
Chapter 1
Location: Garden Terrace

Next day…
Aight, show us the outfits you’ve designed, Shinobu-kun!
What style did you go with…?
Uuu… I need to show it now…?
I rarely ever design outfits, so it’s a little embarrassing…
There’s nothing to be ashamed of! C’mon, it’s better to make use of your time and show us now instead of being embarrassed!
V-Very well, then… Here goes nothing! Tadah~! This is what I came up with~☆
Ohhh~! This is pretty neat, actually! I can easily tell what the concept is based on.
Mhm, it looks good. It’s so cute…
Huh? Cute?
Ah—! You’re talking 'bout the frog doodle next to the outfit, arentcha?
Mhm, it’s so cute. Shinobu-kun, can I tear that part out and have it for myself…?
Oh! You like my partners Momocchi and Thunder? Then allow me to draw you something more refined instead of this simple sketch later!
Huh!? You sure!? Yaaay~♪ Promise me, okay?
Heeey! We’re already getting off-topic! We need to finalize the modern ninja outfit by today, okay?
Ah, you’re right. Sorry. I lost track ‘cause of the cute frog…
Umm… I think this design looks pretty good, but maybe it still has the classic ninja style…?
Hmm… Good point. How ‘bout you make the main part of the outfit more like a sporty ninja attire? It could be a jacket or somethin’ instead.
—!! That’s a great idea! It’d look so stylish!
Ehhh…? Where the heck did that advice come from…?
I thought you had no interest in fashion like me…
Nah, I really don’t have any interest in it either, but my roommate Narukami-senpai is pretty fashionable, so she gives me advice 'bout a lotta things. That’s why I know a bit 'bout this stuff.
Whaa…? Don’t just leave me all on my own…
Tetora-kun, Midori-kun, I tried changing the design based on that idea; what do you think?
Ah, it looks good. It really feels more modern now.
Hmm… But now that I’ve adjusted the clothes, the shoes and such need to match with it, too… Like… this… Maybe?
Looks awesome! Let’s fix up the decorations on the outfit itself, too!
Time passes…
—Whew! This should do it.
Hm…? I feel like someone greeted me just now…?
Ahh, Anzu Anego! Wassup~!
Good afternoon. Ahh, you’re asking if this is an outfit design? Yeah, it is.
Huh? Um, the reason we’re working on it is ‘cause—
Time passes…
—and so, I’d like to combine ninjas with the current age, in order to promote the Ninja Association.
That’s why we were thinking up a modern ninja outfit together.
Huh? It sounds interesting?
Ehehe~ I have more confidence in the idea now that I heard that from you, since you’re a wonderful ES producer! ♪
What will we do with this outfit? Hmm… I haven’t decided what to do yet, actually.
Yeah, hmm… This doesn’t have anything to do with on-campus jobs, since it’s club-related… and we can’t ask our agency if there’s a job we can do for school club activities…
There’s not much we can do, so we’re stuck in a rut.
Huh? You may have a good idea for combining ninjas with the modern era…? Really!?
What would that be…?
Hm, hm… Ermm, so there’s a trial session booked for a live show that utilizes AR over at ES?
And you’d like us to do this project with it?
Oh hey, that’s pretty cool. Isn’t AR like, a super awesome thing?
T-This is the best thing I could ever ask for…! Are you sure you’re alright with our project being used for it!?
Then let’s make this project even better now while taking that into account!
Huh? You’ll help us sort this all out later?
Ooh, isn’t that nice, Shinobu-kun? We should be able to do way more if Anzu-san helps us out.
Really~!? I’ll think up lots and lots of ideas, then~!
Chapter 2
Brief mentions of stalking.
Location: Historical Village

Day of the performance…
Heeey, Anzu!
we are over here~
…? what’s wrong? you [seem] surprised.
yes, exactly~ i was able to [come] on time without any [detours]~♪ is it really that [unexpected]?
Hold on, Kanata. That’s only because I happened to stop you in time before you dipped in the pond, and brought you over here.
You would’ve definitely taken that detour had I not found you.
hmph! you are so [boring], chiaki. anzu-san is praising me for being early for once; can’t you let me have this [moment]?
I don’t think there’s any merit from being complimented for this, though… Plus, you shouldn’t soak in water in a public place. You’ll startle the customers.
Oh, speaking of—Thank you so much for helping out Sengoku, Anzu!
I never expected that we’d get another chance to perform here!1 And it’s even an official job from ES!
Mhm, I’ve heard that this is to experiment with AR live shows. I’m super excited to see what it’ll look like! ☆
if we [succeed] with this experiment, we will be able to perform so many other [things]~ i would love to have a [live show] within the [ocean]. puka, puka~♪
That sounds interesting! Plus, we’re a flashy action unit, so we should be compatible with this trial.
hm? ahh, you are right, anzu-san~ the three of them are late, aren’t they?
Hmm… Takamine’s likely rooted in front of the souvenir shop in the village.
Remember when we struggled to get him out of there after we were done with Scroll of the Elements?
oh, i remember~ there are so many of midori’s [beloved mascots] in there, after all.
Screen fades to another place in the area…
Yaaay! ♪ This village really is so much fun to be in~!
I arrived here much earlier than the appointed time, so I went around the place to check things out—
And I just couldn’t hold back my excitement from being here! It’s like I went back in time to my favorite era!
Mhm, it feels like my wings are being spread for the first time in a while~♪
(We had recently been practicing for both the MDM2 and the Ninja Clan live show…)
(And now we’ve finally gotten through MDM, which was a very important event… so perhaps it’s also because I’ve loosened up a little?)
(—Ah! I shouldn’t relax too much. We’ll have our live show soon. I’ll leave that for after the performance is over!)
Alright then! I’m going to do my absolute best to make people recognize the charm of ninjas today~! Hip hip hurray~! ☆
—Hm? The two people standing in front of that store are… Midori-kun and Tetora-kun?
Midori-kun, it’s ‘bout time we go meet the others, y’know! We gotta get going fast!
…Shh. Be quiet, Tetora-kun. I’m trying to decide between which Hanzou-mon3 plushie I should buy.
Decide between them…? Aren’t they the same?
No, they’re not! Look at them more closely! This one is kinda baby-faced, and this one is smaller and round, right? They’re so cute!
…Erm, they look the same to me…?
Tetora-kun, Midori-kun, you were both here already?
Ah, Shinobu-kun! Wassup~!
Were you ‘bout to head to the meeting spot, too?
I met Midori-kun at the entrance, so we were gonna head over together… But then he stopped in his tracks at this souvenir shop.
Ermm… Which one should I go with…? I can’t decide…
How ‘bout you decide on one after we finish with our live show? You’re just gonna keep on going at this rate.
Yeah, I guess I’ll do that… I’ll keep thinking about which to take home with me.
I agree with Tetora-kun! If you’re still indecisive, you could go with the one that truly feels right f—Hm?
What’s up, Shinobu-kun?
Hmm, I felt a gaze on me again…
Again? You’ve been saying that a lot these past few days.
Indeed. But there’s nobody around, so it must truly just be my imagination. I’m sure I’ve gotten a bit more sensitive to my surroundings, that’s all.
I can understand feeling that way once or twice, but you’ve felt this way a bunch of times by now… You sure it isn’t somethin’ serious? Like a stalker or somethin’…
Ahahaha, no way! Nobody would get anything out of trailing after me!
Huuhh…? I don’t think that’s the problem here…
I’ll be alright! That aside, we should hurry over to the appointed meeting place~ We can’t keep our seniors waiting!
Chapter 3
Location: Ninja Clan Stage

Before the performance…
It’s ‘bout time for the performance. I can hear a lotta noise from the audience! Is it alright if I take a peek or two~?
Let’s see what’s goin’ on… Gotta be discreet…
—! Shinobu-kun, look over here! We’ve got a full house! And the stage looks awesome! It’s a whole other league when ES is involved with the implementation, huh~
We specifically invited students from our academy to watch this time around, so we should be able to promote ninjas to people who’d be interested in joining the Ninja Associati—
Huh? You were so energetic just a sec ago, what happened? You don’t look so good.
Umm, Shinobu-kun? Are you okay…?
Ahh, I think he got nervous when he realized this stage will make it or break it for the Ninja Association.
Well, I almost wanna say there’s no point in being nervous, but is he going to be okay…? We’re gonna be performing real soon.
I don’t think we’ll make it through if he doesn’t loosen up anytime soon…
Hm? You’re actually doing pretty okay, huh, Midori-kun? You’re usually the one who’s super nervous before a live show.
Oh, yeah, it’s ‘cause everyone’s gonna be wearing goggles for the AR live show.
I usually get nervous feeling everyone’s eyes on me, but knowing everyone has goggles on helps reduce the anxiety.
Alright, it’s about time we head out! Are you all ready!?
Urmm… Are you going to be alright, Sengoku?
You’re the center of this performance, and we’ll be performing a lot of action moves—
So I’m not sure if we’ll be able to support you properly if you freeze in place midway…
I-I-I-I’ll b-b-be okay…! I’ll make sure to exhibit my prowess in this live show…! In this very live show~!
U-Uh-huh. Are you sure you’re okay? You’re shaking…
shinobu, [peace]~☆ come on, do it with me, [peace]~☆
…? L-Like this? Peace…
yes, now bring your hand down here… okay everyone, do a [peace] sign with me, and then connect your [hands] together like this.
Alright, then… Like this?
Uhh? This good?
Umm… do you mean like this? —Hm? Is this… a star shape?
exactly. fufufu~ it is like a [starfish], isn’t it cute?
shinobu, this is [ryuseitai]~ every corner of this [star] represents one of our [comrades].
so take a deep breath and [relax], [relaaax]~♪ remember, you will not be standing on [stage] all on your own, okay?
I’m not alone——…
Mhm! I’m alright now!
I’ll absolutely make sure to demonstrate my prowess in this live show!
yes, that’s the [spirit]~♪
Aaalrighty then! It’s time to commence our “Ninja Association Promotion” mission! Let’s go!
Scene change to the front stage…
(Ohh~! He’s like an entirely different person now! He’s super light on his feet!)
(Shinobu-kun’s action moves really are the coolest out of everyone!)
(whispering) Shinobu-kun looks more relaxed now. He’s doing an even better job than he did during practice.
(whispering) The crowd is loving it.
(whispering) They really are! He should definitely be able to get people interested in the club—There’s no way they wouldn’t be inspired by him!
(whispering) But I feel like the better his performance, the more likely my sloppiness will stand out… which kinda scares me.

(whispering) What’re you talking about! Instead of making yourself look bad, just match your pace to the performance itself!
(whispering) C’mon now, let’s get this place hyped up, too!
(Ah—he’s gone. Gosh, I wouldn’t be struggling here if that was easy to do, y’know…)

(But I know Shinobu-kun loves ninjas the same way I love mascots, and that’s what made him work so hard all this time…)
(So I guess I’ll do what I can to help him out…♪)
“Shuriken throw, woosh woosh! ☆”
(Nishihi~♪ They’re all surprised by the optical illusion of shurikens flying at them.)
(What do you think? What do you all think about my beloved ninjas!? Aren’t they so cool!?)
(Ninjas are those who devote themselves to their lord, and conceal themselves within the shadows of history!)
(It’s impossible not to love such awesome figures!)
(Courage is necessary to be able to tell others about your own interests, for it’s sad to be rejected or have nobody find interest in it.)
(But my love for them only grows stronger each passing day, so I won’t stop expressing how I feel about them!)

“I am Ryusei Yellow, Sengoku Shinobu! I adore ninjas, and act as the inheritor of the ninja spirit!”
“Do any of you wish to join me in being a ninja~!? Please come on over to the Ninja Association at Yumenosaki Academy for more information!”
Translation Notes
- ↑ They're in the same area that appeared in Scroll of the Elements.
- ↑ MDM happens at the end of August. It's shown in the first main story of ES!! era.
- ↑ This plushie appears in Midori's Scroll of the Elements card.