[ES!!] me, the sea, and everyone with me
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Kaoru finds seashells and sequins on the floor, and follows its trail to see where it leads him…
This story is connected to the card [Intertwined Sea] Kanata Shinkai.
Story Release Date: November 10, 2021
Chapter 1
Season: Autumn
Location: ES Lobby

(Hm? I saw something glittering from the corner of my eye…?)
(…What’s this? A sequin…?)
(There’s more dropped on the floor up ahead, but I see a seashell at the end, too. Did someone place it down here, rather than accidentally drop it…?)
(I’m kinda curious to see how far this goes, so I guess I’ll follow the trail.)
…I feel like I’m walking straight into a trap, but maybe it’s just someone trying to lead me somewhere…?
Location: Staircase
…There’s more around here, too? Must’ve been rough work for the person behind this.
Oh, it’s going past the door now. How many floors have I gone up by now…?
Location: Resting Room

…I don’t see any more stuff on the floor. Does this mean I reached the finish line?
Oh? My, my… so the final person was Kaoru-kun?
We were waiting for your arrival, Hakaze…☆
Rei-kun and Moricchi? What do you mean by “final person”? What’re we gathered here for?
Unfortunately, we don’t know why, Either. But I assume we’ll be guided somewhere now that all of us are Here.
—By the Kitten~♪
Sakasaki-kun… and Anzu-chan’s here too!? Okay, seriously, what’s going on here?
Mhm, you came here because you followed the trail of items on the floor, right?
We all experienced the same thing and ended up in this room, which means we’ve been led to gather here.
I thought there’d only be sequins and seashells at First, but I came across some fish scales, Too.
As have I. Fish scales can only mean one thing—I have an inkling of who is behind these acts.
The person in question is waiting for us with preparations at hand? …Hmm, I see. You’ve been asked to be our guide by Kanata, right?
She tried to keep it vague by saying “person,” but Moricchi blurted out the name anyway…
I’m quite interested to see what Shinkai-kun is preparing, and to hear the reason why we’ve been gathered here. Let’s go meet him right away~♪
Rei-niisan isn’t trying to hide it, Either…
Well, to get back on Track… We’re counting on you to lead the way to “that person,” Kitten.
Location: Floating Garden

Hellooo? Shinkai-kun~?
everyone~ i am over here~♪
Hm? Is that an inflatable pool you’re sitting In?
K-Kanataaaa!! What’re you doing bathing in water during the cold season!? You’ll get sick at this rate—

gosh, chiaki, you do not need to panic so much. please look closely — notice how there is no [water] in the [pool]?
besides, i do not need to fill a [pool] with [water] to bathe. there is already a [pond] here.
i could always go inside the [pond] if i ever wanted to [soak] in [water]…♪
You’d freeze yourself either way, silly! Keep that for when the weather is warm again, okay? Promise me that…☆
That’s good to know, but does that mean that the thing you were preparing was this pool?
Though, I can see balls and plushies and other stuff inside…
well… i will explain that soon enough. ahem, first off…
thank you for gathering here, everyone.
it took a lot of time and effort to prepare all those [sequins], [seashells], and [fish scales] on the floor, you know~ i had to go all over the [place].
and i had to do it for [four people], too. it was a [toughie].
…How did you get away with that with all the security guards Around?
anzu-san did a lot of work [behind] the scenes for me~♪
It was surprising to see you use sequins. Was that the Little Lady’s idea, perhaps?
fufu, bingo~ anzu-san and i were preparing a looot of stuff so that we could all do a [certain thing] together~
Certain thing…?
surprise! i am [gifting] you all a [ticket] to participate in the [fishing tournament]!
now then, everyone, let’s [fish] together…♪
hmph, what is with that [look] on your faces! you get to [fish], you know? it is lots of fun!
can’t you see that [kanatee] wants to see all of you excited to play? its [round] eyes are sparkling with anticipation!
i have even prepared a [prize] for the [winner]. please [play] in the tournament with all your heart…♪
I don’t really get what’s going on, but for the fishing tournament… Are we gonna use the pool for it?
exactly~ anzu-san and i made a lot of [fishies]; you can see them in the [pool], right?
here we go… (gets up from the pool)
anzu-san, could you pass everyone their [fishing rod]?
Woah! Since when was she holding those fishing Rods? They look Handmade…
please use these [fishing rods] to catch the [fishies]~♪
bring the [fishies] you catch to me. you get more [points] depending on the fish caught.
Yeah, I don’t get what’s going on here, but… The two of them seem eager to see this happen, so let’s get started!
Hmm… What on earth is he planning…?
ufufu, do you all have your [fishing rods]? then let the tournament begin…♪
Chapter 2
Ohhh, I get it now! There’s a magnet attached to the end of the fishing rod, and also to the fish they made! So we just need to pick them up using the magnet, right?
We’re out in the open air, so the string keeps shaking from the wind… And the magnet’s small, so this might actually be harder than it looks.
Won’t the magnet lose grip depending on how large the catch is…?
There appears to be a large plush toy in the pool, but I doubt we could catch it with this rod. Hm, I wonder which fish to catch for myself…
Fufu, it looks like I’m the first one to catch Something.
Here you go, Kanata-niisan. I caught a Clownfish.
great job, nacchan~ you get [tickets] to [aoumi aquarium] for catching a clownfish.
A pair of Tickets? I’ll go there with Sora sometime, Then. Thank you~♪
Alright! I got something. I caught a starfish and coral at the same time! Isn’t that amazing?
great job to you too, kaoru~♪ i will gift you fresh [sashimi] for tonight.
Sashimi for me? Guess I’m gonna get to have a fancy dinner tonight~♪
come on, chiaki and rei, you can do it too!
While I wish I could, the ball is obstructing my fishing~… Little Lady, could you move the ball to the side so that I can fish more easily?
Oh, you too?
I wanted to catch the turtle, but it ended up concealing itself under the ball somehow… I won’t be able to catch it at this rate.
oh jeez, i guess i have no choice~ i will adjust its [placement], so please give it another go.
Heh. Since the two of them are taking a While, maybe I should try catching another One.
Yeah, I wanna catch a fish this time. I’ll try going for a big catch if possible, while I still can~
anzu-san, what’s wrong?
i look like i am in a [good mood]? you are right~ i am so glad that everyone is having fun with what i have prepared for them.
thank you very much for [helping] me out with this.
it was a lot of fun [drawing] so many [marine animals] and making those [fishing rods]…♪
so as [repayment], i would like to give you this [fishing rod].
…you do not [recall] making this one? of course not, i am the one who made [it], after all~♪
Hm? That looks a lot fancier than the ones we have.
The magnet’s bigger, too…? You could catch anything with that.
You could even catch Kanatee, don’t you Think? Try aiming for the magnet on its Back.
…Shinkai-kun, you wanted her to catch the large one from the very start, didn’t you?
fufufu~? look, rei. she is so good at [fishing]…♪
—congratulations, anzu-san. your [prize] for wonderfully catching [kanatee] is…
the [right] to think up a design for my [personalized outfit]~♪
Personalized outfit?
What do you mean by “right”? Anzu is usually the one to make them in the first place, isn’t she?
Hm, if he went through all the effort to have her catch a huge one just to gift her the Right…
That would mean Kanata-niisan wants his personalized outfit to be Made?
i was [waiting] to see when it would be my turn even before we started [preparing] for the [fishing tournament]—
and at one point, i [heard] that she was going to have time in her [schedule] for my outfit, so i knew i had to take the chance to [plead] for it before then.
after all, the rest of ryuseitai received their [personalized outfits]~♪
I did not see this coming at all, but I’m glad for you, Shinkai-kun. Little Lady is nodding with a smile on her face.
yes~ i am so happy to get the [okay] from you…♪
…i could have just [asked] you normally?
mmm… i did not want you to just hear my [request]. i wanted to make the whole process fun before you started on [it].
i got to see everyone [smiling], and, while i felt a bit nervous, i even got to [ask you] to design it in a fun way.
it ended up being a good time for everyone, even more than i expected. and you were even [smiling] all the way… i am so glad~♪
next time, if i could also have wataru, shu, and the children come over and play with a much bigger [pool]… i think that will turn out to be even more fun…♪
Wouldn’t that take a lot of effort to prepare for? I don’t believe the Kitten will be enough for That, so let me help you out next Time.
Mhm, I’d love to help you two out, as well!
…Hm? It seems like she already has something she needs our help in.
You wanna know what image we have of Kanata-kun to incorporate it into the design? Hmm, let’s see… He’s definitely got the feeling of the ocean and water and stuff.
As for me, I’d say “Blue” from his Ryuseitai position… as in, the color blue. Oh, but he gives off a strong impression of the ocean too, of course.
Hmmm… I can think of many Things, but overall I’d say the waterside comes to Mind. It feels like he’s someone who connects to the sea Itself.
then… how about we go to the beach?
the ocean is where [things] came to life, so surely ideas for my [personalized outfit] could come to life too if we went there.
come on, everyone. even anzu-san is saying that the sea is very important as part of my personal [outfit]~
…I feel as though you're mostly pleading for us to join you, but I don’t mind doing so if it’ll help Anzu with the design process…☆
fufufu~♪ then let’s [tidy up] and get going.
let’s go search for the perfect [ocean] for me—