[ES!!] Making Our Words Even
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Yuuta wants a compliment from Midori about his hair.
This story is connected to the card [Desperately Trying To Compliment] Midori Takamine.
Story Release Date: April 10, 2023
Season: Winter
Location: Corridor

Oh, so that’s who’s been walking with his head down — Hey, Midori-kun! Are you heading home now?
What’s with that response? Was it that surprising that I greeted you?
Well, we aren’t on such close terms to talk to each other, so, yeah… Also, usually the one who talks to me is your older brother…
Wow, you didn’t hesitate to answer that way, huh. Even after all the strawberry picking we did together…
Also, I feel like it’s kind of nonsensical to refer to us as “older brother” and “younger brother” at this point, y’know~
Strawberry picking, huh… That feels like so long ago now… I wonder if I’ll have to help out again this year…
He completely ignored the other half of what I said…
Please let my spring holidays go okay… Please don’t make me help out with anything…
(—That being said, this feels weird. Maybe it’s ‘cause Yuuta-kun grew out his hair…)
(I’ve only ever seen him with the same hairstyle as Hinata-kun, so…)
Why’re you staring at my head? Did my hairstyle pique your interest?
Not really. It’s a pain, and I’m barely interested…
A-A pain…!?

Yeah, like, I don't really wanna know why you grew out your ha—Woah!?
Do you even know how it feels to be told you’re a “pain” by someone as pretty as you!?
I don’t… but please don’t tug at my arm out of nowhere…
I can’t believe you’d reply to someone asking how their new hairdo looks with “a pain”… You’d be beaten to the floor if it weren’t for your pretty face, m’kay?
You didn’t ask me that way, and I don’t approve of violence, okay…
(But I can tell this whole situation’s turned into an actual pain… Why’s he so insistent to talk to me…?)
Alright, you leave me no choice! Midori-kun, come with me!
Location: Empty Classroom

Alright, sit on the teacher’s podium.
(I just wanna head home… But he dragged me here by force, so maybe I’ll get to leave if I just listen to what he has to say for now…)
I have a genuine question but, did you have something to talk to me about…?
I didn’t, until just a second ago. I mean, think about it—
I grew out my hair because I wanted you to look at me, and was so nervous to find out what you’d say—
Erm, you didn’t grow it out for me, though, right?
Only for you to tell me it’s a pain! That you’re barely interested! Of all things, a “pain”!?
Umm, well, that’s ‘cause—
Even if you did tell me why, I don’t really care either way… I think we’re all free to do whatever we like to our hair… It’s not really something I particularly care about, so…
Erm, you didn’t get into this much detail earlier, y’know…? Also, I see you now added “don’t really care” on top of everything, huh…
Well, I suppose when it comes to the two of us — our faces are the same even if we do change our hairdos.
…Well, yeah, ‘cause you’re twins.
Mmm~ What a clear-cut response.
Anyway, I know it’s a bit odd for me to ask directly, but don’t you have an actual compliment you could give me?
I mean, I changed how I look and everything. I’d love a compliment or two.
(I don’t really know what I could say… Actually, Yuuta-kun’s reeeally pushy today, huh…)
(He may not let me off until I give him one…)
Ahaha, first you’re staring at me, now you’re looking away in deep thought… This is fun to watch~♪
So? Could you come up with a nice compliment?
No… I’m not really good at complimenting people in the first place…
Whenever I do compliment someone, their response is just something like, “wow, that’s rare”… And whenever I get complimented, I just start to overthink what they could even mean by those words…
Ahh~… Yeah, I get what you mean — I also get really exaggerated responses sometimes when I give honest compliments.
But that’s exactly why I’d love to get a compliment from you, Midori-kun! C’mon, you’ve got this!
Erm, there’s nothing to get here, though…?
(Since his hair’s long, it must be more work to wash and dry it… And tying it up every day must add more to the workload.)
(But maybe it’s easier having it tied up…? Ah, speaking of which—)
It’s gotten easier to distinguish you from Hinata-kun, which is nice.
Was that not good enough?
More like, was that even a compliment? I can’t even tell if that was a positive comment or not!
Oh… I thought that, since it’s no longer possible to mix you two up, I wouldn’t end up making you feel uncomfortable…
Oh, I see. Well, I guess that’s your way of being kind, yeah…
…Anyway, sorry, but — I have to help out at my family's greengrocer store, so could I go now?
Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. Sorry for keeping you here, I had no idea.
Alright then, we’ll keep the compliment for when we see each other tomorrow! See you later, Midori-kun~♪
Ehhh— You’re gonna keep at it…?
Location: Shoe Locker

Next day…
Ah, Midori-kun! Good morning~
(Uu, I don’t have to turn around to know who it is… The first person I meet in the morning has gotta be—)
Good morning, Yuuta-kun…
Ahaha. Is it that awkward to see me after what happened yesterday?
No, it’s more like—…
(I felt so restless and nervous after he told me to give him a compliment the next day…)
(But it’s best to give him one now, right? I just need to make sure it isn’t offensive, and something positive…)
That hairstyle really suits the current you. It’s pretty nice, isn’t it…?
…Ah—Huh? Um, did you just compliment my hair…?
You told me to yesterday…
Ahaha, oh yeah, I did, huh? Wow, I didn’t expect you to actually compliment me…♪
…Why’re you laughing?
Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to get back at you for saying it’s a pain that I was talking to you, so I teased you a little.
…? Wait, so you were just messing with me?
Sigh… I’m so depressed… I thought about it for so long, too…
I’m sorry, really. Thanks for giving it a deep thought. I’m really happy to get a compliment about who I am right now! ♪
If I ever try changing up my hairstyle, will you share your thoughts with me again?
Um, no… That um, really does sound like a pain…