[ES!!] Let's Try DIY
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Midori tries to fix one of his precious mascot goods on his own, but…
This story is connected to the card [A Challenging Step] Midori Takamine.
Story Release Date: December 10, 2023
Season: Autumn
Location: Seisoukan Dorm Courtyard

Erm, so do I just cut it off from here?
Guh— It needs a lot of force. What now…? It’s kinda scary, but I won’t be able to cut it at all unless I put my strength into it. Alright, here goes…
Push the saw down, and pull it back as hard as possible… Woah!?
Whew, I managed to cut it off… But it happened so suddenly that it surprised me.
Huh? The cut is slanted!? Sigh, this is so depressing…

What’re you doing over there, Takamine?
Uwaah!? Himemiya-kun and Master Artist Fushimi? That surprised me, I didn’t expect anyone to talk to me…
Ah, sorry. I didn’t think you’d be holding a sharp object… That was dangerous; I shouldn’t have talked to you out of nowhere.
Ahh… Don’t worry about it, it’s fine. I didn’t get injured or anything.
Thank goodness. However, I’m surprised to see you using a saw… This may be rude of me to say, but that’s quite unexpected from you.
What were you doing with it?
I was doing a bit of repairing, or more like, uh, what was it again… DIY?
DIY…? What’s that?
It means “Do It Yourself”. To put it literally, it’s to build something on your own.
It refers to repairing or building items by yourself, without the help of professionals.
Huh, I see… Why were you doing something so bothersome, Takamine?
You see, Shiratori-kun and Saegusa-senpai fixed my favorite footstool a while ago.1
It was super worn-out, yet the two of them managed to fix it back into its cute shape as an apology for breaking it.
It really inspired me, so here we are.
Ibara, doing something out of good will…? No, that’s simply impossible.
Takamine-sama, it would be best that you don’t use that footstool. We’re talking about that man; who knows what sort of trap he planted on it.
Whaa…!? Huh, but there wasn’t anything weird at all on the footstool…?
Yeah, Yuzuru. Takamine said that Shiratori repaired it with Saegusa-senpai, so don’t you think you’re overthinking it?
Besides, what would Saegusa-senpai gain out of doing that to Takamine? You’re way too cautious!
Rather, I personally believe there is no harm in being over-cautious with his actions, but…
No, if that is what Young Master says, then I will consider it as me simply overthinking it.
However, Takamine-sama — I suggest that you check if there are any listening bugs installed on the footstool, just in case.
Uh, okay… I don’t think I’ve got anything of value to offer for him to do that, though.
This conversation’s gone into such a weird direction ‘cause of Yuzuru…
Anyway, so Takamine — You got inspired by how well the two repaired it, and it made you wanna try it too?
Yeah, basically. I have other goods that are close to breaking, so I thought to try and fix them myself…
And that’s why you look like you’re about to die, ‘cause you weren’t able to do it properly, huh.
Saegusa-senpai and Shiratori-kun fixed it so cleanly, so I thought I could do it too… But I was seriously stupid to think that.
I’m nothing but a useless huge body that can’t even properly cut wood…
Hold on, that’s not what I said! No need to take offense like that…
Yeah… Sorry.
Hm… Takamine-sama, what is this small piece of furniture you’re trying to repair?
It’s a small desk made for toddlers. The mascot character design on the tabletop is the most adorable thing ever~♪
Mascot…? Um, where’s its face!?
The coating peeled off… I’m also shocked that I can’t see its cute face anymore…
The desk’s legs are falling apart too, so it can barely stand properly… I kept going back and forth about whether I should throw it away or not…
But I’m pretty attached to it, so I couldn’t get myself to let go of it… That’s why I wanted to try fixing it, but life’s not that easy, huh…
Huh, but I could’ve sworn I heard that you were pretty dexterous with your hands… I guess handicraft isn’t your specialty?
No way, I’m not dexterous at all… I just like doing little chores and stuff.
I’d be glad to sand the wood, but using my strength to cut with a saw is kinda scary…
I see. You made an error with how much strength to put in, and couldn’t slice the wood cleanly?
In that case, allow me to cut the wood in your place, Takamine-sama.
Huh!? Are you sure!?
A little wood-cutting wouldn’t take much of my time. If it’s causing you trouble, I could help with repairing the furniture, as well.
Thank you! That’s a huge lifesaver!
Since you’re gonna help with repairing it, how about you also re-draw the mascot’s face on the tabletop for him, Yuzuru?
It’s kinda bothering me how it’s faceless.
Oh, no. I believe that is far too heavy of a burden on me…
…Ahh, right. You aren’t really all that good at drawing, right? To like, an unbelievable level.
Master Artist Fushimi not being good at drawing? No, no, what’re you even saying, Himemiya-kun!? There’s nobody more talented than Master Artist in this entire world, y’know!?
I’m fine with him drawing however much he likes, as long as it means I get to see new art from the Master Artist! I’m even willing to build a whole new item for that!
Woah, you’re scaring me…! Don’t approach me with such a loud voice, it’s intimidating!
But Takamine-sama, is that really alright…? Was this not one of your favorite mascot characters?
I would feel bad to paint over its face with my art…
Ahh, no. I was imagining it as you filling the blank space around the mascot character with your art, Master Artist.
Hmm? Then you’re just leaving the mascot in the middle faceless?
Nah, I’ll at least try fixing that by myself.
I’m the one who wanted to fix this, so I shouldn’t leave it all to Master Artist Fushimi.
I see, that’s what you meant. If that’s the case, I won’t need to hold back.
Right then, let’s start repairing, shall we? I’ll start by fixing the desk’s legs.
Then I’ll stay close and cheer for you guys. I’m kinda interested to see how the final product will turn out~♪
Thank you, you two. I’m also gonna work hard to bring back this mascot’s adorable face…♪
Midori Feature Scout Stories
Translation Notes
- ↑ Referring to Private Room. You can see the mentioned footstool in Ibara's CG. Please check this masterlist for a translation.