[ES!!] Midori Takamine – Idol Story 2
Season: Summer
Location: Garden

Here we go, heave-ho… Haah, I think that’s enough fertilizer? Just preparing the tools has drained me, I wanna go home…
This may be part of my club activities, but it’s all optional, so it wouldn’t make anyone angry if I just went home…
But tiding everything when I just took the effort to set things up would be pointless… I’ll try to work hard for a little, maybe…?
Maybe I could cheer myself with a “hip-hip, hurray! ♪”……
(Nope, that was emptier than I thought… Seriously, what am I doing talking to myself… We’re just gardening here, y’know…)
(No one saw me, right? If someone did I’d die from embarrassment… Gotta be quiet—just do everything quietly…)
(I guess I’ll start with getting rid of weeds… Hmm, the roots seem pretty deep down… I don’t think I can pull them out that easily…)
(I always pull them by hand, but maybe I should try out the weed puller for the first time…?)
(I know how to use it… I should, at least. I’ve seen other people use it…)
(But what if I accidentally break it…? No, I just need to pull the root up, so… Yeah, it’ll be okay…)
(Wow, this is so much fun…♪ I can pull them out without even trying.)
(Wait, how can it be this easy? Why have I been pulling them with just my hands this whole time… I’m so depressed…)
(W-Well, anyway, getting back on track… Let’s get rid of the rest.)
(Grab the root, and pull…)
(Ahh, feels so good. I didn’t expect this to be so soothing…♪)
… Ahaha, I’m having so much fun that I’ve started humming. Being able to do work at my own pace is so nice… Ahh, this is the very essence of peace…
Oh-oh! Is that you, Midori-kun!?
Wha—!? Shinobu-kun?
Wait, don’t tell me you heard me humming… So depressing…
Why are you holding your head, Midori-kun?
No, never mind that!
I beg you! Please hide me somewhere!
Hide…? Did you do something…? Did you hit Kunugi-sensei’s glasses with a shuriken or…?
That would take some high level skill to properly perform. I hope to be able to throw a shuriken that accurately someday…♪
No, wait—This isn’t the time! Is there any place I can hide!? Ahh, I must hide now, or the pursuer will…!!
Um. I dunno what’s going on, but you wanna hide somewhere, right? How about I try hiding you with this blue tarp…
Could you sit in front of this planter?
Got it~
Now I’ll put this tarp on you, and…
Midori-kun, Midori-kun! Am I concealed?
U-Uh-huh… Nobody will noti—
(Nope, he’ll be spotted instantly. The shape looks so weird, it’s clearly suspicious…)
—! I hear footsteps. It sounds like they’re coming closer…
Uwawa—It’s definitely the pursuer!
(W-What do I do… At this point, I’ve just gotta be a wall to hide the tarp from sight…!)
(Please, don’t notice anything…!)
Hmmm… Is there anyone here?
(That voice… It sounds like either Yuuta-kun or Hinata-kun… I can’t move right now, so I can’t check which twin it is…)
This really felt like a good place for one of them to hide in, though… Oh well, I’ll look somewhere else.
(… Whew, seems like he gave up.)
… Shinobu-kun, I think it’s okay to come out now.
Whew—I’m so glad! I escaped a fatal crisis…♪
You kept saying “pursuer”, so I thought it was way more serious, y’know…?
You see, the Asobi Club is currently playing tag within the whole ES building.
We have only one rule: Play tag in a gentlemanly way, without bothering anyone…☆
Mmm… I don’t think gentlemen play tag, though…?
Urm, your retort was right on the dot… I apologize for disturbing you while you were working.
Well, I was only working in silence anyway, so… Don’t worry about it.
I realized this once you put the tarp over me, but were you tending the plants?
Yuuta-kun is “it” right now, but I don’t think he will be back for a while, so I shall help you out.
Pretending to be a gardener to conceal myself feels spy-like~♪
I’m only doing it for myself, so you don’t have to… But sure, why not… Okay, then how about you get rid of the weeds from that planter…?
Understood! I shall pour my heart into extracting them~♪
It’s only weeds, so I don’t think you’ll need to do that…
Asobi club… If I remember correctly, you guys literally just play around together?
It has all kinds of people from different units in it… It does sound sorta fun…
Wooah~! Are you perhaps secretly interested in joining us, Midori-kun!?
Harukawa-kun, Yuuta-kun, and Sazanami-dono are all in it—It’s quite fun~♪
Ah, sorry, but no thanks… I do think it sounds fun, but I doubt I could keep up with any of you…
Gardening fits me way better, I think…
Oh, alright. That’s a bit of a shame~
If you ever felt like joining, please do inform me. The club will always be happy to welcome you~♪