[ES!!] Midori Takamine – Idol Story 3
Season: Summer
Location: Staff Cafeteria

I’m hungry… It’s a little too early for lunch, but I’ll have something to eat anyway.
(Hmm… It’s pretty empty around this hour, I didn’t know that. I can’t really calm down in a crowded place, since it’s always so noisy… I’m glad I found out about this.)
(Usually most meals are sold out if you’re a second too late, but it seems like I can choose any of them right now.)
(So there’s two types of prepared meals today, huh… There’s A for a steak dish and B for cutlet curry rice. You can have a refill of cabbages for A, and rice for B…)
(Hmm, which to choose…)
Takamine-kun, hello~♪
Ah… Shino-kun, are you here for lunch, too?
I am. I finished work early today, so I tried coming here early, too.
Waah, we can choose whatever we like~
I always freeze up when this place is crowded because it’s hard to order anything, and then the meals sell out before I get my chance to speak. I feel like I’m at an advantage this time~♪
Hehe, you’re reacting the same way I did…
Really? That’s kinda embarrassing, ehehe… But I’m happy to know we have something in common.
The value meals must be the prepared meals, right? They’re cheap and come with a dessert, so…
Steak or cutlet curry rice… Which to choose, hmm…
(He’s stuck on the same choices as me. Yeah, I get you, it’s hard to let go of either…)
(Maybe I should just go ahead and order both…?)
(Both… Ah, I know.)
Um, Shino-kun…
Yes, what is it?
Erm… You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but… I’m also stuck on which to choose, and, well… I was wondering if you’re okay with splitting the meals between us?
Waaah, is that really fine with you!? I would love to~♪
Ehehe. I split meals with Tomoya-kun sometimes, so I’m really happy to know I can do the same with you, too~♪
Ahaha, I didn’t expect you to get so happy about it. I’m so glad I asked…♪
Okay then… I’ll buy the steak dish, and you can buy the cutlet curry rice… Is that okay with you?
Yes, let’s do it~♪
Time to eat…
Yes, let’s dig in…♪
(munch, munch)… Mm… The steak’s thick and juicy, and tastes even better with rice. I can eat this for years…♪
The cutlet curry is delicious too thanks to the tasty sauce~
Here, Takamine-kun. Say “ahh~” ♪
Huh… Huh!?
We promised to split the meals, right? C’mon, “ahh~”…♪
Mm… (munch, munch)
Does it taste good?
I-It’s tasty, but… I’m kinda confused why I just got fed with an “ahh”…
Ah—I’m sorry! I have a habit of doing this at home, because I always do it to my siblings…
I see… Um, you’ll be eating the steak, too, right?
I cut it in half, so… Here you go, I’ll put it on your plate like this…
Thank you~♪ (munch, munch)… This is delicious too~
Ehehe, it was a good idea to split our meals.
Takamine-kun, thank you for eating lunch with me.
This cafeteria is quite fancy, so I feel awkward eating in it alone… I’m so glad you were here~♪
(He’s thanking me for something so simple… He really is such a good, proper kid…)
I’m glad I got to see you too, it was just perfect timing… If I were on my own, I wouldn’t have been able to choose, and would’ve just bought both…
Both!? You can eat that much!?
I did a lot of work this morning that used up most of my energy, so I was really hungry… I think I would’ve been able to eat both if I tried.
I-I see. I’m sure it would have been impossible for me… But I suppose I should also try harder to eat more, so I can grow big…
You don’t need to push yourself, y’know? Everyone has a certain amount of food their stomach can handle…
Grow big though, huh… I wonder how you’d look if you were bigger…? Maybe you’d go from being a cute idol to a cool idol.
Hmmm, I can’t imagine it…
Hehe, it sounds fun to be a cool idol. And in your case, if you were as small as me—
You would’ve been an adorable idol~♪
Mmm, I wonder… If I was small, I might’ve not been able to continue being an idol, let alone be one in Ryuseitai.
I feel like, heroes look a lot cooler when they’re tall, and, well—
If I don’t at least have some masculinity like Tetora-kun, then I could never manage to compensate for the lack of it with good reflexes, like Shinobu-kun does.
So, I think my current size is just fine…♪