[ES!!] Kanata Shinkai – Idol Story 2
Season: Summer
Location: Drink Stand

(…Sigh… I’m so exhausted… Everything hurts… I shouldn’t have done this when I’m barely used to it…)
(I was worried that I’d give up a week in, but I don’t think I can even get past the first day…)
(Well, whatever… I haven’t told anyone about this, anyway. Nobody will realize that I’ve failed… I can move on with my life…)
Shinkai-senpai, since when were you here…?
hmm, i wonder…? do you know, midori~?
Um, how should I know…? That’s why I asked you… What’re you doing here?
Wait, you’re clearly here to take a break if you’re just resting… I’m sorry for asking the obvious…
i think it is a little different from [that]. i am actually waiting for miss [producer] to arrive.
i cannot puka puka here since there is not much [water], so i was drinking [juice] from the [drink stand] to avoid drying up.
i could have just chosen the [water], but i wanted to try out the other [drinks] they have while i am here.
i recommend the [orange soda]. would you like to drink one, midori?
Um, okay. I guess I’ll drink it… May I sit next to you? As long as I’m not in your way…
of course you [aren’t]~ since you and i are a close [family]. so come sit next to me~♪
Okay, then. (Sits down)
what have you been doing today, midori?
Me? Um… Crap, I wasn’t planning on mentioning it…
is it a [secret]? i am curious to hear.
…It’s nothing big, really. Today’s my day off, so… I was exercising in the training room.
ah, [work-outs], right? chiaki told me about it before. that is very admirable of you, midori. good boy, gooood boy…♪
Um, it’s nothing to pat me on the head for, though… I lost motivation almost immediately…
I thought I had enough stamina from helping out at my home’s greengrocer, but…
Since I’m an idol now, it’d be best if I try and build my body to be better at maneuvering the way I want it to, so that my movements look much smoother, right?
That’s why I decided to work out… and I was planning on doing it starting today, but…
Once I actually tried it out, it was so much harder than I expected… I don’t think I can keep it up at all… I’m thinking of just quitting altogether…
bad boy…☆
Oww!! Why’d you flick my forehead!?
midori, it is not good to [give up] so easily.
[fishies] all over the [world] have been around for four hundred million years. they did whatever they could to [evolve]—
all for the sake of surviving in their [world]. we as [humans] should learn from them.
so i would like to see you work hard for another four hundred million years, too~♪
Four hundred million…? That’s insanely long…
But… you’re right. I shouldn’t quit on the very first day… I’ll try harder for a bit longer. Thank you, Shinkai-senpai.
Ah, wait, that’s right! Um, Shinkai-senpai! ……puka! ☆ (sideways peace)1
Huh? Ah, um… You don’t know this? …You didn’t get what I was going for?
midori, do you want to puka puka, too~?
Umm, no… I mean the aquarium. The mascot character Kanatee’s catchphrase…2
ahhh, i remember now. you are right, that is its [catchphrase]. i am not used to it yet, so i did not notice~
…puka! ☆
Waaaah, I got to see “puka! ☆” from the person himself…! It’s so much better live than on video…♪
It’s been trending on social media, so I’ve been wanting to put all my attention on Kanatee and see the real thing for myself, but…
I’m insanely huge… so I’m worried I’d just get in the way of Kanatee if I went to visit it…
But I wanna see it so badly… Ugh, I’m so depressed… I wanna die…
hmm… then how about you help me with [advertising] for the aquarium?
[kanatee’s] role as a [mascot] is to promote [aoumi aquarium], so—
if you were to [advertise] with it as an [idol], you would not get in its way.
Advertising… That means I’ll get to see it all I want from up close!
I’ll do it. I’ll help you out in any way I can…♪
fufufu. thank you, midori~♪
No, thank you, Shinkai-senpai. When you didn't recognize my puka! ☆ imitation, I almost wanted to jump out the window from embarrassment, but…
In the end, you never know what’ll happen until you try, right? Ahaha…♪
By the way… does Kanatee have a signature? If it does, I’ll take with me a clear postcard for an autograph.
mm~… i never thought of a [signature] for it before. …would [fans] of kanatee enjoy something like that?
fufu, i will [practice] signing one, then.
i think we will have a lot of fun [promoting] the aquarium with you around, midori. puka! ☆ (sideways peace)
Translation Notes
- ↑ This is the pose Kanata does here.
- ↑ Kanatee (Kanata + Manatee pun) is Aoumi Aquarium’s mascot, and you can see how it looks in this CG and in Kanata's birthday cake.