[ES!!] Main Story: Chapter 123–124
The ES!! Main story is fully voiced in-game.
Chapter 123: Injured
(Rinne is currently live on stage, preparing himself to diss Ryuseitai on the Idol Royale.)
(Midori and Chiaki, in another area)

…Wha? Huh? Isn’t this like, really bad…?

What’s up, Takamine! Does your stomach hurt!? Exercise is the perfect medicine for the stomach! Let’s do hindu squats together! ☆

Shut up. ……Please look at this for a moment, Morisawa-senpai.
Did you just casually tell me to shut up!? And with a low voice, too! Are you in your rebellious phase, Takamine~!? Is my love not reaching you!?
I was always acting “rebellious” towards you, though…
Never mind that — Here. Look at this please; doesn’t this look really bad?
Hm… This is—horrible. It’ll be a fatal wound on us in the worst case.
We’ll have to contact the rest of Ryuseitai and group up, then we’ll need to quickly go to the Idol Royale hall.
Huh? Uhh… But is that okay for you? You’re seeing me off for some reason, but don’t you have loads of work to do for the rest of the day?
Yeah, but I’ve built a trustworthy relationship with the people I work with, and they aren’t the type who can’t understand personal circumstances.
I could ask them a favor to keep the photoshoot for tomorrow, so let’s hurry and head to the hall straight away.
Ah, no… You really should do your job like you’re meant to. I’ll go meet up with Tetora-kun and the others, and deal with the matter.
You’re still new into your career, aren’t you? You can’t just be reckless like that.
If you do the wrong move, all that effort you put into having those trustworthy relationships may go back to square one — Don’t act rash, please.
And anyway, don’t get too ahead of yourself please; nothing’ll change whether you were there or not.
Quit poking yourself into every single thing. Please have faith in us, and let us handle it.
Yeah… You’re right. You’ve grown so splendidly, Takamine. I’m so proud of you~
Do not pat my head.
…Alright, I gotta hurry, so I’ll be leaving now. I’ll keep you updated.
Got it. Be careful, Takamine — I have a bad feeling about this.
It’s been peaceful for a while, so honestly, I let my guard down… But it seems like something as ill-intentional as the revolution from two years ago has surged… But it might be even more serious than that.
Chapter 124: Emergency
Location: Training Room

No wait— I mean Nagumo Tetora-Taichou! I, Ryusei Yellow — Sengoku Shinobu, have belatedly arrived at our lesson!
Here are some refreshments~ Please do accept them~♪
Ahaha, you don’t have to call me by “Taichou”, Shinobu-kun. It actually makes me feel more queasy — Like, I dunno, I kinda feel somethin’ weird 'bout it to this day.
‘Cuz like, Ryuseitai never had an actual inheritance event like Knights did with the Crowning Ceremony in Florence.
Uumyu~ I think we should be doing that, though.
Our seniors have been busy all over the place and can barely fit time in their schedule ever since their graduation neared, and now here we are…
Ooh, you copied my thing!
Ah— So you were saying “uumyu” on purpose, Tetora-kun?
Well, more like it became a topic among our fans, so I felt like I had to keep sayin’ it…
I get some extreme responses whenever I say “uumyu”, and that makes me happy, so…

That’s how I feel about the role of Taichou, too — I think I’ll be able to get used to being the leader once I become a great man who can match up to that title.
For now, I gotta work hard, then work harder, then even harder and harder! Ossu!
(Mm… But… I really feel like Tetora-kun has not been doing well lately. It’s like he’s trying his best to seem energetic.)
(He is the type to act like a tough guy, so he usually holds things in no matter how painful or rough it gets.)
(At the very least, Midori-kun and I need to pay close attention to that, as we are the ones closest to him.)
(Mhm, and Morisawa-dono and Shinkai-dono should have finally, at last, reached a breathing point in their lives.)
(We should plan out an event to hold a ceremony for the inheritance of Ryusei Red—as a surprise.)
(Ryuseitai does not have that sort of tradition or anything, so that might be why Morisawa-dono and the others forgot to do such a thing…)
(However, it is why there are all sorts of things said about us compared to Knights, so I think it is best that we do this for the sake of Ryuseitai’s future, too.)
(We are waiting for MDM at the moment, and it will cost a bit of our expenses, but…)
(We have decided not to participate in the so-called “Idol Royale”, so we should have enough funds for the live show.)
Hm? What’s wrong, Shinobu-kun? You’ve been in deep thought for a while now…
You’ve been having those moments a lot lately, y’know? Is somethin’ bothering you?
Hehe, I was sinking in the fact that we both became second years, and cannot continue to be children who blindly follow their seniors’ orders.
Plus, I am quite the busy person—I have joined the Student Council under Isara-dono’s invitation, and have much thinking to do about many matters.
Though frankly, I would like to also gather more new members so that I may advance the Ninja Association into a club…
Ah, then how about we do something ninja-related like Scroll of the Elements1 again?
Both me and Midori-kun’ll help out as much as we can, since we’re always in your debt — It’ll be our repayment to you~♪
Ahaha, our trail of thoughts are different, but we are still thinking about the same thing.
No matter how much our roles or members have changed, we will always be Ryuseitai.
Ossu! All for one, one for all! That’s the true image of Ryuseitai, the Super Sentai Idols of Justice!

Bad news! We’ve got an emergency, everyone!
Eep!? W-W-What is happening, Midori-kun!? What’s made you rush in here like we’re in a historical drama…!?
Huh? Midori-kun, didn’t you have some fancy commercial shooting to do at the TV station?
You were happy about possibly meeting Morisawa-senpai, since he’s doin’ a drama shoot in the same place, weren’t you?
I was not!
We were just talking on HoldHands and that idiot was all giddy like, “then I’ll come see you, Takamine! ☆”, and then had to go and find a way to come over and greet me!
Ahh, so you did get to see him. Good, good, was he doing well?
Ahaha. Rather, I could never imagine him not doing well.
Yeah, yeah, he was! I wasn’t worried about that, really, there’s more pressing matters right now…!
Alright, alright, calm down. You’re always so low in energy, so this isn’t like you — What happened? Did something bad happen during your shooting?
No, it’s not that… Ahh, jeez! Just look at this video!
Crazy:B’s starting to say some crazy stuff on that Idol Royale thing!
Idol Royale… If I remember correctly, Morisawa-dono was asked to have Ryuseitai appear on that stage.
However, as always, Morisawa-dono and Shinkai-dono are far too busy to have their schedules match up, and you also had your commercial shooting to do today…
I also personally had Student Council duties to deal with first.
Not to mention, as students, we have not yet been able to do proper unit activities within Ryuseitai-N, as most of our members are newcomers… So we chose to decline the offer, did we not?
Ossu, we did. Crazy:B’s got a lotta bad rumors going 'round, after all.
Morisawa-senpai also mentioned that it felt awkward to decline, since we were personally requested to appear on stage, but that it felt wiser to refuse the offer.
Mhm. The current Ryuseitai leader is Tetora-kun, so Morisawa-dono felt like it was wrong to decline it on his own and contacted you about the matter.
Morisawa-dono was only the middleman, but he still went ahead and properly explained why we chose to decline the offer to the client.
So, yes, Ryuseitai no longer has any relation with the Idol Royale—
Yeah… That was how it was meant to be. See, I was kinda curious about Crazy:B, ‘cause Akehoshi-senpai would sometimes mention them during club activities in school.
‘Cause like, he’d always look upset talking about them, which is unusual for him… So I thought hey, if he hates it, then maybe I’ll like it—
Ahaha, he’s a grand idol who won the SS, you know? You should make sure to get along with him, Midori-kun.
You will be able to gain quite a lot from doing so; you should learn from Isara-dono and I, as I have pledged a vow to be a servant to my lord~♪
No way… I can’t physically deal with that guy… Trickstar must be having a lot of free time lately or something, because he keeps pestering me…
Just when I thought I’d have a peaceful time at school now that Morisawa-senpai’s graduated…
No, wait— Forget about Akehoshi-senpai, we need to talk about Crazy:B—
Right now, at the Idol Royale… They’re literally bashing Ryuseitai, calling us frauds and hypocrites.
Chapter end. Next chapter, Rinne starts bashing on Ryuseitai, and fabricating screenshots of things they’ve “said”. The summary of it is to make Ryuseitai sound like fake heroes who only do things for profit.
Translation Notes
- ↑ Scroll of the Elements is an Akatsuki and Ryuseitai story.