[ES!!] Chiaki Morisawa – Idol Story 1
This story is fully voiced in-game.
Season: Spring
Location: Doctor's Office

Producer! Wake up, Producer!
…Mmm~? She isn’t budging one bit. That’s just too strange! I’m so loud, I was able to have greetings commercialized as a voiced alarm clock!
No, don’t give up yet, me! We just have to keep trying until it works! We’ll be the winners as long as we win by the end—all’s well that ends well!
Okay, I got it! I’ll just have to give you a taste of my voiced alarm clock greetings, as a special treat!
The red flame is the mark of justice! The sun of life, burning bright red!
Ryusei Red! Morisawa Chiaki!
A new day has come! Come on now, let’s get up and run towards the morning sun!
Wake up, our sixth Ryuseitai warrior, Ryusei Pink…☆
…Huh? “Don’t make me part of Ryuseitai as you please”?
Ahh, y’know, it’s just that I heard the Ryuseitai within the academy, known as “Ryuseitai-N”1, has gotten a lot of new members recently.
I thought I could get even more people to join us, so that I’d be one step closer to making the whole world into heroes!
If everyone could be reborn as warriors of love who seek peace and hope, then the world would be alright at last! Fuhahaha!! ☆
Don’t worry though, that was obviously all just a joke!
The concept of peace and hope change according to each generation, after all! If everyone thought the exact same way, then it would be over for all of us!
Diversity! Diversity is super important! Do you understand, Producer!?
Fuhaha! Right, right, now that I’ve forced you awake with random and silly nonsense… I have something I’d like to speak to you about!
Mhm, mhm, I’m glad to know you’re fully awake now~♪
Look over here! While the two of us were leisurely sleeping in the doctor’s office, the door was locked shut!
Look, look! It doesn’t open no matter how many times I push or pull!
That’s right! We two alone have been locked shut within this office!
This calls for an emergency, right? I know you’re still only half-awake, but I’d like it if we could think up a plan to break through this situation together!
Also, at first I did think this could be unnecessary of me to do, but… It’s almost midnight. You need to pack up yourself and go home now, before the last train leaves!
I live in the nearby dormitory, so in the worst case scenario, I’d just have to walk back to my dorm. But you’re still commuting from home, right?
Won’t your parents be worried about you if you’re still outside this late?
However, fear not! I could never let a woman walk on her own at night.
As the ally of justice who represents ES, I shall take you back home!
Huh!? Why are you refusing!? That only makes me sad! I don’t plan to do anything suspicious to you, I can promise you that! Please trust me!
Now then, get all your belongings, Producer! And then, let’s take the time to figure out a way to open this locked door together!
…Hm? The office’s door opens with a card, so I wouldn’t be able to open it if I do it the normal way?
Oh, so that’s what it was! Fuhaha, I must still be half-asleep—I completely forgot about that!
Ohh, would you look at that! It opened immediately with the key card! Thank you, you really saved me there!
Though the ally of justice shouldn’t be the one getting saved here, fuhahaha!!
Huh? “Are you really okay”? Why are you worried about me? I mean, I do think I’ve been having a lot of these slip ups lately, probably due to being so busy…
And that’s also led me to tripping on things, bumping into things… I keep getting more and more bruises. Even though I’ve already been laid off from doing any more stunt work, due to how dangerous it is…
Their reasoning being that “you, Morisawa Chiaki, are an idol, and also a super popular star now”…
But I didn't get this far through hard work just so I could be protected from harm like this.
No one’s letting me do heroic work as much lately, so most of my jobs are just me smiling and babbling on about interesting things that harms nobody…
Well, that’s enjoyable in its own way, but…
Sometimes, I'm just at a loss… I keep wondering, is being nothing more than a pretty flower decor really what I'd been aiming for as my own ideal…?
…Oh! I’m sorry! I accidentally spilled a little too much about my worries!
Don’t worry, I don’t have any complaints nor dissatisfaction towards the jobs that ES gives me, nor even with the current state of my career!
Hehe, for some reason, I can’t help but tell you everything… Nevertheless, if you’re ready to go, then let’s drop this conversation and head home!
And then once you’re at home, take a bath, brush your teeth, prepare yourself for tomorrow’s plans, and go straight to bed! Promise me you will!
Now then, let’s head off, Producer! Here we goooo!2
Urgh, I hit my nose! Does this door automatically lock itself if you don’t open it after a while? I’m still not used to these new surroundings, am I…?
Hehe, you’re the same? Yeah, I’m sure you are. I think you were taking a rest in here just like I was…
Just don’t overdo it, okay? Though I’m not one to talk…
But I’ll be fine, I’m used to hardships! If you’re ever in trouble, just call for me! The ally of justice shall come running for you! Fuhahaha!! ☆
Translation Notes
- ↑ N stands for Nagumo.
- ↑ Chiaki says “Here we go” in English, written in katakana. He does this in Orihime and Hikoboshi, too.