[ES!] Hiyori Tomoe – Selfish Noble
Story Release Date: July 11, 2017
Season: Summer
Location: Arcade

Yes, yes! This is the commoner's amusement facilities, the so-called arcade, right!
Good work on guiding me here, Jun-kun!
Your weak point is that you only do what you're told, but your strong point is that you do what you're told well!
A Plus Minus Zero☆
Keep at that, today, tomorrow, and the day after that too! As long as you keep serving me to the minimum of my expectations and not betray them! Ahahaha! ☆
Ohii-san, you're waaay too loud. Quit making a racket in a way that disturbs the social norms~ Just being with you is embarrassing.
Jun-kun, Jun-kun! I'm in a pinch! You see, I don't know a thing about this!
I’m wondering what I have to do so that I can play the games here in this arcade thing! You should teach me from top to bottom!
That's your duty, isn't it, Jun-kun!
…I always say this, but could you please listen to people when they talk?
How about at least pretending to listen to what I'm saying, hm~? Ugh, you really irritate me.
Just kidding! I hear what you’re saying, but I have no reason nor obligation to bother with listening to your requests, so I only ignore them.
Hey, Jun-kun! If you still don't get it, then let the kind me teach it to you!
I'm at the top, and you're at the bottom. Those who stand at the top have the right to choose, correct?
I'm the main show, but you're only an extra, yes?
The one who chooses where to go is me, so the ground that’s only being stepped on saying "Walk here" is simply nonsense, don’t you think?
You've got that kind of personality yet you still managed to live this long without being stabbed, amazing… In a way I'm impressed, Ohii-san.
I'm often told that! But the real world is unfair, you see? No matter how much the weeds wail in despair, the food chain will never change!
But you know, while I was chatting and pretending to make sense, I've been so graciously awaiting your answer!
So you better answer what you were asked for, Jun-kun!
Yeah, yeah… Hmm, I'll explain from the start, in a way that assumes you're an idiot who knows nothing.
An arcade is a place to play games.
Is there any game you want to play, Ohii-san? Or is it that you simply wanted to inspect the common people's playgrounds?
Yes, yes! I can't quite spread myself out there when I'm in Reimei Academy, after all.
Now that we're far away from it for the sake of Summer Live, I'm seeing this as a vacation to enjoy myself as much as I want!
And now you're talking about a completely different topic… I'm used to it though.
We've got some work to do, so don't go and relax yourself too much, alright~?
How boring of you to say that, Jun-kun! You win first prize for "Being Boring"! Congratulations! I'll smash your head open for you with this prize trophy!
Are you a demon that kills when someone answers wrong…?!
We're coming here as representatives of our school, so I'm only saying not to do something that would be embarrassing for us.
There you go again, saying something boring!
Its fine. As long as we show results, no one will complain, right? If we keep ourselves on guard all the time, our performance will only falter.
Although, I actually thought our opponent would be Eichi-kun, and had my guard up…
But after talking to the representatives, going by the name "Trickstar", I got to understand what they are.
Their extent of talent is the kind I've turned into stepping stones and devoured up to reach my current social status.
There's no need to have our guard up, because they won't possibly be able to trip me off my feet.
Honestly, what a let-down…
That’s why this time that we're outside of the academy, I want to successfully try something like "My very first time experiencing the arcade!" so that it doesn't go to waste, you know?
Also, I got jealous when I heard you played in an arcade thing by yourself!
I don't think that kind of head start is good you know, we're meant to be two souls in one!
What "two souls in one"… you're just saying whatever you like… I did the job you were asked to do by an acquaintance in your stead, remember?
Oh, that's right. I was asked to test play a new game, yes~ But it was a pain so I pushed it all on you!
I feel like my life's crammed up with all the stuff you keep pushing onto me, y'know~?
Yes, yes, that's what your life is! I want you to thank me, you are truly blessed!
Can this person just die already… I wish he'd get his divine punishment… Please do your job properly God… (mumble mumble)
But if I die, you'll only go back to a miserable life again, won't you? That's what I meant when I said we're two souls in one.
We’re united, so let’s get along to the best we can.
It's thanks to me that you were able to be out in a place full of light, and that's why you can't defy me.
You can only be a slave that is completely obedient to me.
That kind of person, the kind that can never get away from me is just what I need. So let's get along to the best we can, Jun-kun~♪
Yeah yeah… If that's what you wish, Ohii-san.
So how about we try the games you think you'll like? And treat me to this, at least every once in a while~ Ain’t you rich?
Jun-kun, Jun-kun, I want to try that! The gun shooting one! It looks absurdly fun, c'mon, hurry!
Be my meat shield guide! I’m going to go right in there through the shortest route!
Heeey, don't push aside the other people playing~… He has no manners at all… This bastard of a noble…
Honestly, I feel like a servant of a selfish princess…